76 research outputs found

    Close, bright, and boxy: the superluminous SN 2018hti

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    SN 2018hti was a very nearby (z = 0.0614) superluminous supernova with an exceedingly bright absolute magnitude of -21.7 mag in r band at maximum. The densely sampled pre-maximum light curves of SN 2018hti show a slow luminosity evolution and constrain the rise time to similar to 50 rest-frame d. We fitted synthetic light curves to the photometry to infer the physical parameters of the explosion of SN 2018hti for both the magnetar and the CSM-interaction scenarios. We conclude that one of two mechanisms could be powering the luminosity of SN 2018hti; interaction with similar to 10 M-circle dot of circumstellar material or a magnetar with a magnetic field of Bp similar to 1.3 x 10(13) G, and initial period of P-spin similar to 1.8 ms. From the nebular spectrum modelling we infer that SN 2018hti likely results from the explosion of a similar to 40 M-circle dot progenitor star

    Hidden shock powering the peak of SN 2020faa

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    The link between the fate of the most massive stars and the resulting supernova (SN) explosion is still a matter of debate, in major part because of the ambiguity among light-curve powering mechanisms. When stars explode as SNe, the light-curve luminosity is typically sustained by a central engine (radioactive decay, magnetar spin-down, or fallback accretion). However, since massive stars eject considerable amounts of material during their evolution, there may be a significant contribution coming from interactions with the previously ejected circumstellar medium (CSM). Reconstructing the progenitor configuration at the time of explosion requires a detailed analysis of the long-term photometric and spectroscopic evolution of the related transient. In this paper, we present the results of our follow-up campaign of SN 2020faa. Given the high luminosity and peculiar slow light curve, it is purported to have a massive progenitor. We present the spectro-photometric dataset and investigate different options to explain the unusual observed properties that support this assumption. We computed the bolometric luminosity of the supernova and the evolution of its temperature, radius, and expansion velocity. We also fit the observed light curve with a multi-component model to infer information on the progenitor and the explosion mechanism. Reasonable parameters are inferred for SN 2020faa with a magnetar of energy Ep=1.5(+0.5,-0.2)x10^50 erg and spin-down time t(spin)=15+/-1 d, a shell mass M(shell)=2.4(+0.5,-0.4) Msun and kinetic energy Ekin(shell)=0.9(+0.5,-0.3)x 10^51 erg, and a core with M(core)=21.5(+1.4,-0.7) Msun and Ekin(core)=3.9(+0.1,-0.4)x10^51 erg. In addition, we need an extra source to power the luminosity of the second peak. We find that hidden interaction with either a CSM disc or delayed, choked jets is a viable mechanism for supplying the required energy to achieve this effect.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures. Accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The transitional gap transient AT 2018hso: new insights into the luminous red nova phenomenon

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    Context. The absolute magnitudes of luminous red novae (LRNe) are intermediate between those of novae and supernovae (SNe), and show a relatively homogeneous spectro-photometric evolution. Although they were thought to derive from core instabilities in single stars, there is growing support for the idea that they are triggered by binary interaction that possibly ends with the merging of the two stars. Aims. AT 2018hso is a new transient showing transitional properties between those of LRNe and the class of intermediate-luminosity red transients (ILRTs) similar to SN 2008S. Through the detailed analysis of the observed parameters, our study supports that it actually belongs to the LRN class and was likely produced by the coalescence of two massive stars. Methods. We obtained ten months of optical and near-infrared photometric monitoring, and 11 epochs of low-resolution optical spectroscopy of AT 2018hso. We compared its observed properties with those of other ILRTs and LRNe. We also inspected the archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images obtained about 15 years ago to constrain the progenitor properties. Results. The light curves of AT 2018hso show a first sharp peak (reddening-corrected M-r = -13.93 mag), followed by a broader and shallower second peak that resembles a plateau in the optical bands. The spectra dramatically change with time. Early-time spectra show prominent Balmer emission lines and a weak [Ca II] doublet, which is usually observed in ILRTs. However, the strong decrease in the continuum temperature, the appearance of narrow metal absorption lines, the great change in the H alpha strength and profile, and the emergence of molecular bands support an LRN classification. The possible detection of a M-I similar to -8 mag source at the position of AT 2018hso in HST archive images is consistent with expectations for a pre-merger massive binary, similar to the precursor of the 2015 LRN in M101. Conclusions. We provide reasonable arguments to support an LRN classification for AT 2018hso. This study reveals growing heterogeneity in the observables of LRNe than has been thought previously, which is a challenge for distinguishing between LRNe and ILRTs. This suggests that the entire evolution of gap transients needs to be monitored to avoid misclassifications

    Observations of type Ia supernova SN 2020nlb up to 600 days after explosion, and the distance to M85

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    The type Ia supernova (SN Ia) SN 2020nlb was discovered in the Virgo Cluster galaxy M85 shortly after explosion. Here we present observations that include one of the earliest high-quality spectra and some of the earliest multi-colour photometry of a SN Ia to date. We calculated that SN 2020nlb faded 1.28+/-0.02 mag in the B band in the first 15d after maximum brightness. We independently fitted a power-law rise to the early flux in each filter, and found that the optical filters all give a consistent first light date estimate. In contrast to the earliest spectra of SN 2011fe, those of SN 2020nlb show strong absorption features from singly ionised metals, including Fe II and Ti II, indicating lower-excitation ejecta at the earliest times. The spectra of SN 2020nlb then evolve to become hotter and more similar to SN 2011fe as it brightens towards peak. We also obtained a sequence of nebular spectra that extend up to 594 days after maximum light, a phase out to which SNe Ia are rarely followed. The [Fe III]/[Fe II] flux ratio (as measured from emission lines in the optical spectra) begins to fall around 300 days after peak; by the +594d spectrum, the ionisation balance of the emitting region of the ejecta has shifted dramatically, with [Fe III] by then being completely absent. The final spectrum is almost identical to SN 2011fe at a similar epoch, and in sharp contrast to a late nebular spectrum of SN 1994D, which still displayed strong [Fe III] emission at these late times. Comparing our data to other SN Ia nebular spectra, there is a possible trend where SNe that were more luminous at peak tend to have a higher [Fe III]/[Fe II] flux ratio in the nebular phase, but there are also notable outliers. Finally, using light-curve fitting on our data, we estimate the distance modulus for M85 to be 30.99+/-0.19 mag, corresponding to a distance of 15.8^{+1.4}_{-1.3} Mpc

    Low-luminosity Type II supernovae - III. SN 2018hwm, a faint event with an unusually long plateau

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    In this work, we present photometric and spectroscopic data of the low-luminosity (LL) Type IIP supernova (SN) 2018hwm. The object shows a faint (Mr = -15 mag) and very long (~ 130 d) plateau, followed by a 2.7 mag drop in the r band to the radioactive tail. The first spectrum shows a blue continuum with narrow Balmer lines, while during the plateau the spectra show numerous metal lines, all with strong and narrow P-Cygni profiles. The expansion velocities are low, in the 1000-1400 km s-1 range. The nebular spectrum, dominated by H α in emission, reveals weak emission from [O I] and [Ca II] doublets. The absolute light curve and spectra at different phases are similar to those of LL SNe IIP. We estimate that 0.002 M⊙ of 56Ni mass were ejected, through hydrodynamical simulations. The best fit of the model to the observed data is found for an extremely low explosion energy of 0.055 foe, a progenitor radius of 215 R⊙, and a final progenitor mass of 9-10 M⊙. Finally, we performed a modelling of the nebular spectrum, to establish the amount of oxygen and calcium ejected. We found a low M(16O)≈ 0.02M⊙, but a high M(40Ca) of 0.3 M⊙. The inferred low explosion energy, the low ejected 56Ni mass, and the progenitor parameters, along with peculiar features observed in the nebular spectrum, are consistent with both an electron-capture SN explosion of a superasymptotic giant branch star and with a low-energy, Ni-poor iron core-collapse SN from a 10-12 M⊙ red supergiant.</p

    Photometry and spectroscopy of the Type Icn supernova 2021ckj: The diverse properties of the ejecta and circumstellar matter of Type Icn SNe

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    We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of the Type Icn supernova (SN) 2021ckj. Spectral modeling of SN 2021ckj reveals that its composition is dominated by oxygen, carbon and iron group elements, and the photospheric velocity at peak is ~10000 km/s. From the light curve (LC) modeling applied to SNe 2021ckj, 2019hgp, and 2021csp, we find that the ejecta and CSM properties of Type Icn SNe are diverse. SNe 2021ckj and 2021csp likely have two ejecta components (an aspherical high-energy component and a spherical standard-energy component) with a roughly spherical CSM, while SN 2019hgp can be explained by a spherical ejecta-CSM interaction alone. The ejecta of SNe 2021ckj and 2021csp have larger energy per ejecta mass than the ejecta of SN 2019hgp. The density distribution of the CSM is similar in these three SNe, and is comparable to those of Type Ibn SNe. This may imply that the mass-loss mechanism is common between Type Icn (and also Type Ibn) SNe. The CSM masses of SN 2021ckj and SN 2021csp are higher than that of SN 2019hgp, although all these values are within the diversity seen in Type Ibn SNe. The early spectrum of SN 2021ckj shows narrow emission lines from C II and C III, without a clear absorption component, in contrast with that observed in SN 2021csp. The similarity of the emission components of these lines implies that the emitting regions of SNe 2021ckj and 2021csp have similar ionization states, and thus suggests that they have similar properties of the ejecta and CSM, which is inferred also from the LC modeling. Taking into account the difference in the strength of the absorption features, this heterogeneity may be attributed to viewing angle effects in otherwise common aspherical ejecta.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Low luminosity Type II supernovae - IV. SN 2020cxd and SN 2021aai, at the edges of the sub-luminous supernovae class

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    Photometric and spectroscopic data for two Low Luminosity Type IIP Supernovae (LL SNe IIP) 2020cxd and 2021aai are presented. SN 2020cxd was discovered 2 d after explosion at an absolute magnitude of Mr = -14.02 ± 0.21 mag, subsequently settling on a plateau which lasts for ∼120 d. Through the luminosity of the late light curve tail, we infer a synthesized 56Ni mass of (1.8 ± 0.5) × 10-3 M⊙. During the early evolutionary phases, optical spectra show a blue continuum (T>T\, \gt 8000 K) with broad Balmer lines displaying a P Cygni profile, while at later phases, Ca ii, Fe ii, Sc ii, and Ba ii lines dominate the spectra. Hydrodynamical modelling of the observables yields RR\, \simeq 575 R⊙ for the progenitor star, with Mej = 7.5 M⊙ and EE\, \simeq 0.097 foe emitted during the explosion. This low-energy event originating from a low-mass progenitor star is compatible with both the explosion of a red supergiant (RSG) star and with an Electron Capture Supernova arising from a super asymptotic giant branch star. SN 2021aai reaches a maximum luminosity of Mr = -16.57 ± 0.23 mag (correcting for AV = 1.92 mag), at the end of its remarkably long plateau (∼140 d). The estimated 56Ni mass is (1.4 ± 0.5) × 10-2 M⊙. The expansion velocities are compatible with those of other LL SNe IIP (few 103 km s-1). The physical parameters obtained through hydrodynamical modelling are RR\, \simeq 575 R⊙, Mej = 15.5 M⊙, and E = 0.4 foe. SN 2021aai is therefore interpreted as the explosion of an RSG, with properties that bridge the class of LL SNe IIP with standard SN IIP events.GV acknowledges INAF for funding his PhD fellowship within the PhD School in Astronomy at the University of Padova. MLP acknowledges support from the plan ‘programma ricerca di ateneo UNICT 2020-22 linea 2” of the University of Catania. AR acknowledges support from ANID BECAS/DOCTORADO NACIONAL 21202412. NER acknowledges partial support from MIUR, PRIN 2017 (grant 20179ZF5KS), from the Spanish MICINN grant PID2019-108709GB-I00 and FEDER funds, and from the programme Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2020-001058-M. LG acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) 10.13039/501100011033, and the European Social Fund (ESF) ‘Investing in your future’ under the 2019 Ramón y Cajal programme RYC2019-027683-I and the PID2020-115253GA-I00 HOSTFLOWS project, from Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) under the PIE project 20215AT016, and the programme Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2020-001058-M. TMB acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) 10.13039/501100011033 under the PID2020-115253GA-I00 HOSTFLOWS project, and from Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) under the PIE project 20215AT016, and the programme Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2020-001058-M. Y-ZC is funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (grant no. 2021M691821

    SN 2022vqz: A Peculiar SN 2002es-like Type Ia Supernova with Prominent Early Excess Emission

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    We present extensive photometric and spectroscopic observations of a peculiar type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2022vqz. It shares many similarities with the SN 2002es-like SNe Ia, such as low luminosity (i.e., MB,max=18.11±0.16M_{B,\rm max}=-18.11\pm0.16 mag) and moderate post-peak decline rate (i.e., Δm15,B=1.33±0.11\Delta m_{15,B}=1.33\pm0.11 mag). The nickel mass synthesized in the explosion is estimated as 0.20±0.04 M0.20\pm0.04~{\rm M}_\odot from the bolometric light curve, which is obviously lower than normal SNe Ia. SN 2022vqz is also characterized by a slow expanding ejecta, with Si II velocities persisting around 7000 km s1^{-1} since 16 days before the peak, which is unique among all known SNe Ia. While all these properties imply a less energetic thermonuclear explosion that should leave considerable amount of unburnt materials, however, absent signature of unburnt carbon in the spectra of SN 2022vqz is puzzling. A prominent early peak is clearly detected in the cc- and oo-band light curves of ATLAS and in the grgr-band data of ZTF within days after the explosion. Possible mechanisms for the early peak are discussed, including sub-Chandrasekhar mass double detonation model and interaction of SN ejecta with circumstellar material (CSM). We found both models face some difficulties in replicating all aspects of the observed data. As an alternative, we propose a hybrid CONe white dwarf as progenitor of SN 2022vqz which can simultaneously reconcile the tension between low ejecta velocity and absence of carbon. We further discuss the diversity of 02es-like objects and possible origins of different scenarios.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, submitted to MNRA

    SN 2021fxy: Mid-Ultraviolet Flux Suppression is a Common Feature of Type Ia Supernovae

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    We present ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared (NIR) observations and analysis of the nearby Type Ia supernova SN 2021fxy. Our observations include UV photometry from Swift/UVOT, UV spectroscopy from HST/STIS, and high-cadence optical photometry with the Swope 1-m telescope capturing intra-night rises during the early light curve. Early BVB-V colours show SN 2021fxy is the first "shallow-silicon" (SS) SN Ia to follow a red-to-blue evolution, compared to other SS objects which show blue colours from the earliest observations. Comparisons to other spectroscopically normal SNe Ia with HST UV spectra reveal SN 2021fxy is one of several SNe Ia with flux suppression in the mid-UV. These SNe also show blue-shifted mid-UV spectral features and strong high-velocity Ca II features. One possible origin of this mid-UV suppression is the increased effective opacity in the UV due to increased line blanketing from high velocity material, but differences in the explosion mechanism cannot be ruled out. Among SNe Ia with mid-UV suppression, SNe 2021fxy and 2017erp show substantial similarities in their optical properties despite belonging to different Branch subgroups, and UV flux differences of the same order as those found between SNe 2011fe and 2011by. Differential comparisons to multiple sets of synthetic SN Ia UV spectra reveal this UV flux difference likely originates from a luminosity difference between SNe 2021fxy and 2017erp, and not differing progenitor metallicities as suggested for SNe 2011by and 2011fe. These comparisons illustrate the complicated nature of UV spectral formation, and the need for more UV spectra to determine the physical source of SNe Ia UV diversity.Comment: 26 pages, 19 figures, 9 tables; submitted to MNRAS, posted after receiving referee comment

    Low-luminosity Type II supernovae - III. SN 2018hwm, a faint event with an unusually long plateau

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    In this work, we present photometric and spectroscopic data of the low-luminosity (LL) Type IIP supernova (SN) 2018hwm. The object shows a faint (Mr = -15 mag) and very long (∼130 d) plateau, followed by a 2.7 mag drop in the r band to the radioactive tail. The first spectrum shows a blue continuum with narrow Balmer lines, while during the plateau the spectra show numerous metal lines, all with strong and narrow P-Cygni profiles. The expansion velocities are low, in the 1000-1400 km s-1 range. The nebular spectrum, dominated by H α in emission, reveals weak emission from [O i] and [Ca ii] doublets. The absolute light curve and spectra at different phases are similar to those of LL SNe IIP. We estimate that 0.002 M of 56Ni mass were ejected, through hydrodynamical simulations. The best fit of the model to the observed data is found for an extremely low explosion energy of 0.055 foe, a progenitor radius of 215 R, and a final progenitor mass of 9-10 M. Finally, we performed a modelling of the nebular spectrum, to establish the amount of oxygen and calcium ejected. We found a low M(16O)0.02M\approx 0.02\, \mathrm{ M}_{\odot }, but a high M(40Ca) of 0.3 M. The inferred low explosion energy, the low ejected 56Ni mass, and the progenitor parameters, along with peculiar features observed in the nebular spectrum, are consistent with both an electron-capture SN explosion of a superasymptotic giant branch star and with a low-energy, Ni-poor iron core-collapse SN from a 10-12 M red supergiant