26 research outputs found

    Technology Transfer, Anthropotechnology and Sustainable Development: How Do the Themes Relate?

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    This article aims to develop a relationship between the themes technology transfer, sustainable development and anthropotechnology. For this, a systematic literature review was carried out, using the Methodi Ordinatio methodology, resulting in a portfolio of articles with scientific relevance, which was a source for data collection and analysis. As a result, it was observed that the three themes are related, generating benefits, since, based on anthropotechnology, some barriers, such as human and lack of adaptation, can be anticipated and dealt with, allowing the transfer of technology to occur effectively. In addition, anthropotechnology generates social benefits, by facilitating technological development adapted to the population receiving the technology. Technology transfer, in turn, is a means of implementing sustainable development. Thus, aligning your goals; flow and technology with sustainable objectives, will promote beneficial results not only for the economic, but also environmental and social axis

    Productive Agglomerations of Suppliers in the Automotive Industry: A Way to Maximize Competitiveness in Supply Chain Management.

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    The objective of this paper is to identify how the automotive industries maximize the competitiveness in supply chain management through the constitution of entrepreneurial productive agglomerations of suppliers. For this purpose, an applied research was carried out, and the technical procedure utilized was bibliographic review based in some researches about Brazilian industrial condominiums. Thus, through the constitution of entrepreneurial agglomerations of suppliers in automotive industry it is possible to obtain logistic advantages in the transporting, stocking and warehousing activities. Besides, it is possible to maximize the supply chain management competitiveness through the establishment of trust and lasting relationships between the components of the whole chain.El objetivo del siguiente trabajo es identificar como las industrias automotoras maximizan su competitividad en el manejo de de la cadena de proveedores a través de la constitución de aglomeración emprendedora productiva de los proveedores. Para éste propósito, se realizó una investigación aplicada, y el procedimiento técnico empleado consistió en una revisión bibliográfica de investigaciones acerca del condominio industrial Brasilero. Así, a través de la constitución de aglomeración emprendedora productiva de los proveedores es posible de obtener ventajas logísticas en las actividades de transporte y almacenamiento. Además, es posible de maximizar la competitividad de la gestión de la cadena de proveedores a través del establecimiento de relaciones de confianza entre los componentes de la cadenaThe objective of this paper is to identify how the automotive industries maximize the competitiveness in supply chain management through the constitution of entrepreneurial productive agglomerations of suppliers. For this purpose, an applied research was carried out, and the technical procedure utilized was bibliographic review based in some researches about Brazilian industrial condominiums. Thus, through the constitution of entrepreneurial agglomerations of suppliers in automotive industry it is possible to obtain logistic advantages in the transporting, stocking and warehousing activities. Besides, it is possible to maximize the supply chain management competitiveness through the establishment of trust and lasting relationships between the components of the whole chain

    Obtendo Competitividade Através da Logística Reversa: Estudo de Caso em uma Madeireira.

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    The reverse logistics make possible the return of residues to productive and/or business cycle. The present study has as objective to analyse the practices of a wood industry regarding to the residues and the ecological, lawful, and economic returns, obtained with the application of the reverse logistics concepts in the business environment. The technical procedure adopted was the case study. The data collection was made through the direct observation and interviews with the people in charge of the production and logistics sectors. The main results found were: the residues generated returns to the productive cycle obeying the environmental legislation, transforming itself in raw material again. The lawful revaluing of wood residues obtain competitiveness to company, because solve the residues destination problem providing the return for productive and business cycle, thus aggregating economic, lawful and ecological value to the wood residues.La logística reversa hace posible el retorno de residuos al ciclo productivo y al ciclo de negocios. El siguiente estudio tiene por objetivo analizar las prácticas empleadas en la industria forestal relacionada a los residuos en el marco ecológico, legal, con respecto a los retornos económicos, obteniendo con la aplicación de la logística reversa conceptos en los negocios ambientales. El procedimiento técnico adoptado en este estudio de casos fue la recolección de datos realizada a través de la observación directa y de entrevistas con personas a cargo de los sectores de producción y logística. Los principales resultados encontrados fueron: los residuos generados retornan al ciclo productivo obedeciendo la legislación ambiental, transformándolos de ésta manera en materia prima nuevamente. La validación legal de los residuos forestales brinda competitividad a la compañía, debido a que resuelve el problema de la destinación de los residuos retornándolos al ciclo productivo, agregando valor económico, legal y ecológico a dichos residuos.A logística reversa torna possível o retorno dos resíduos ao ciclo produtivo e/ou de negócios. O presente estudo teve como objetivo a análise das práticas de uma indústria madeireira com relação a seus resíduos industrias e os retornos econômicos, legais e ecológicos, obtidos com a aplicação dos conceitos de logística reversa no ambiente empresarial. O procedimento técnico adotado foi o estudo de caso, a coleta de dados foi feita através da observação direta e entrevistas com os responsáveis das áreas de produção, logística e meio ambiente. Os principais resultados encontrados foram: os resíduos gerados retornam ao ciclo produtivo obedecendo à legislação ambiental vigente, transformando-se novamente em matéria prima. A revalorização legal dos resíduos de pós-consumo é uma forma de obtenção de competitividade, pois, resolve o problema da destinação dos resíduos garantindo o seu retorno ao ciclo produtivo e de negócios agregando dessa forma, valor econômico, legal e ecológico aos mesmos


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    Currently, the irrational use of water in cities becomes one of the factors that contributes to aggravating several problems such as pollution and scarcity of these resources. The literature points out several challenges such as irresponsible consumption, lack of natural reserves and lack of adequate technology. It is important to understand these technologies and their systems in contemporary times. The article questions how the literature approaches the relationship between technology, systems, water and intelligence. The study aims to review the literature on research efforts on smart water systems. For the review, different databases were used with publications between 2020 and 2022. Of these 18 scientific articles were analyzed. It was noted the use of technologies in offering solutions to the environmental problems of water scarcity. We point out solutions that contribute to the development of the region and cities can and transform them into smarter cities.Hoy en día, el uso irracional del agua en las ciudades se convierte en uno de los factores que contribuyen a agravar diversos problemas como la contaminación y la escasez de estos recursos. La bibliografía señala varios retos, como el consumo irresponsable, la falta de reservas naturales y de tecnología adecuada. Es importante comprender estas tecnologías y sus sistemas en la época contemporánea. El artículo cuestiona la forma en que la literatura aborda las relaciones entre tecnología, sistemas, agua e inteligencia. El estudio pretende realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre los esfuerzos de investigación acerca de los sistemas de agua inteligentes. Para la revisión se utilizaron diferentes bases de datos con publicaciones entre 2020 y 2022. De ellos, se analizaron 18 artículos científicos. Se tomó nota del uso de las tecnologías para aportar soluciones a los problemas medioambientales de la escasez de agua. Señalamos soluciones que contribuyen al desarrollo de la región y las ciudades y pueden transformarlas en ciudades más inteligentes.Na atualidade, o uso irracional da água nas cidades torna-se um dos fatores que contribui para agravar várias problemáticas como a poluição e a escassez destes recursos. A literatura aponta vários desafios como o consumo irresponsável, a falta de reservas naturais e ausência de tecnologia adequada. Cabe compreender estas tecnologias e seus sistemas na contemporaneidade. O artigo questiona de que forma a literatura aborda as relações entre a tecnologia, sistemas, água e inteligência. O estudo visa realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre os esforços de pesquisas acerca dos sistemas inteligentes de água. Para a revisão utilizou-se diferentes bases de dados com publicações entre 2020 a 2022. Destes, 18 artigos científicos foram analisados. Notou-se a utilização das tecnologias na oferta de soluções para os problemas ambientais da escassez de água. Apontamos soluções que contribuem para o desenvolvimento da região e das cidades e podem transformá-las em cidades mais inteligentes

    Análise da aglomeração produtiva do setor de móveis de metal e sistemas de armazenagem e logística de Ponta Grossa - PR

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of maturity and competitiveness of the sector of Steel Furniture and Storage and Logistics Systems in Ponta Grossa, PR, pondering on the perspectives of structuring a Local Productive Arrangement (LPA), according to the concepts and definitions presented by several authors in the literature. For this matter, a detailed and exhaustive study on productive agglomerations was done; it was studied the production organization of the sector, as well as its productive capacity and estimated profit; it was proposed a model to evaluate the competitiveness of agglomeration; the profile of the partner owners was traced, as well as the type of management adopted by the companies; it was evaluated the qualification of the workforce in the agglomeration; it was verified the level of interaction presently existent among the companies of the agglomerations and among the companies and local agents and, finally, the sector was characterized according to the typology of productive agglomerations presented in the literature. An exploratory research was accomplished through a case study in the sector, and from the 17 companies in the agglomeration, 15 were researched through a quantitative approach with qualitative complementary resources. The instruments used were questionnaires and interviews with partners and / or owners of each company. From the collected data the analysis was built, based on the objectives of the study. The analysis of the data collected in the field research, and confronted with the theoretical review, shows that the studied sector is an agglomeration of companies in its embrionary stage concerning the interaction among the companies, with great potential to become an LPA. The arguing for such statement is supported by the theories presented in this study.Esse estudo objetivou analisar o grau de maturidade e competitividade do aglomerado do setor de Móveis de Metal e Sistemas de Armazenagem e Logística de Ponta Grossa, ponderando sobre as perspectivas para a estruturação de um Arranjo Produtivo Local (APL), segundo os conceitos e definições apresentados pelos diversos autores no referencial teórico. Para tanto, foi feito um estudo detalhado e aprofundado sobre aglomerações produtivas; verificou-se a organização da produção do setor, bem como sua capacidade produtiva e faturamento estimado; propôs-se um modelo para a avaliação de competitividade da aglomeração; traçou-se o perfil dos sócios-proprietários, assim como o tipo de gestão adotado pelas empresas; avaliou-se a qualificação de mão-de-obra da aglomeração; avaliou-se o nível de interação atualmente existente entre as empresas e entre as empresas e os agentes locais e, por fim, buscou-se caracterizar o setor segundo as tipologias apresentadas na literatura. Foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória através de um estudo de caso no setor. Das 17 empresas existentes, 15 foram contatadas, sendo a pesquisa realizada através de abordagem quantitativa com recursos qualitativos complementares, através de formulários e entrevistas com cada um dos sócios e/ou proprietários das empresas. A partir dos dados coletados, construiu-se a análise, baseada nos objetivos pretendidos. A análise dos dados coletados na pesquisa de campo, e confrontados com o referencial teórico, aponta que o referido setor se trata de aglomeração de empresas em seu estágio embrionário de interação com grande potencial de tornar-se um APL. Os argumentos para tal afirmação têm suporte nas teorias apresentadas no estudo

    Knowledge and technology transfer model for partner universities in international academic mobility

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    The KTT process is in one of the main ways to keep up to date with the technological development. With the purpose of seeking scientific and technological development, in 2011 the Brazilian government created the international academic mobility program Science without Borders (CsF), which aims to promote the training of Brazilian students and faculty through new educational and professional experiences focused on quality, entrepreneurship, competitiveness and innovation towards priority and strategic areas for Brazil. However, there is not a model to manage the scientific and technological knowledge absorbed by the students. The systematic literature review also revealed the absence of a knowledge and technology transfer model whose transferor and transferee are two universities simultaneously. So, the objective of this work is to propose a KTT model between partner universities in the international academic mobility. To achieve this goal, a field research in Brazil and France was done. In Brazil the research included ten universities that sent a greater number of students to CsF in engineering and technological areas; students from a technological university returned from CsF; non-structured participant observation in the inter-institutional relations department, and; documentary research on the CsF website. In France the research included the students returned from an international academic mobility program, and; non-structured participant observation in the international relations department and in academic activities. The results of the field survey confirm the results of the literature review, which is the absence of a KTT model whose transferor and transferee are two partner universities in the international academic mobility. At the end of the work is the KTTMUU model is proposed, which includes actions prior to the students’ departure, actions to be taken during the program, actions to obtain the feedback from students, and indicators to measure the results achieved with the TCT.A TCT constitui-se em uma das principais formas de uma organização ou país manter-se atualizado frente ao avanço tecnológico. Com o objetivo de buscar desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico, foi criado no Brasil em 2011 o Ciência sem Fronteiras (CsF), um programa de mobilidade acadêmica internacional cujo objetivo é promover a formação docente e discente por meio de novas experiências educacionais e profissionais voltadas para a qualidade, o empreendedorismo, a competitividade e a inovação em áreas prioritárias e estratégicas para o Brasil. Todavia, não existe um modelo de TCT para a gestão do conhecimento científico e tecnológico absorvido pelos estudantes durante a mobilidade no exterior. A revisão sistemática de literatura constatou igualmente a não existência de um modelo de transferência de conhecimento e tecnologia que tenha como cedente e cessionária duas universidades simultaneamente. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo de TCT entre universidades parceiras na mobilidade acadêmica internacional. Para alcançar este objetivo, foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo no Brasil e na França. No Brasil foram selecionadas as dez universidades que mais enviaram estudantes para o CsF nas engenharias e área tecnológicas; os estudantes de uma universidade tecnológica regressados do CsF; observação assistemática participante no departamento de relações interinstitucionais dessa universidade, e; uma pesquisa documental no site do CsF. Na França foram pesquisados os estudantes regressados da mobilidade acadêmica internacional, e; realização de observação assistemática no departamento de relações internacionais e em atividades acadêmicas. Os resultados da pesquisa de campo confirmam os resultados da revisão sistemática de literatura, que é a não existência de um modelo de TCT cujo cedente e cessionário sejam duas universidades simultaneamente. Ao final do trabalho propõe-se o modelo MTCTUU, que engloba ações prévias à partida dos intercambistas, ações durante o programa, ações no retorno dos estudantes, e indicadores para verificação dos resultados alcançados com a TCT


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    Technology Transfer and Human Capital in the Industrial 4.0 Scenario: A Theoretical Study

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    In face of the technological changes derived from Industry 4.0, an initial, gradual and complex process of Technology Transfer (TT) is taking place that strongly relies on the integration between university, industry, and government. In this context, in order to make the Industry 4.0 approach a reality, several requirements need to be met. One of them is the need to qualify people to work in industries. This study aimed to explore the possible changes and perspectives of human work in Industry 4.0. A systematic literature review was carried out following a structured script. 50 were chosen for content analysis, following criteria for qualification and selection of studies. As a result, a number of changes in human skills and tasks, as well as job prospects, were found, standing out the greater flexibility of people, ability for decision-making, among others

    Productive agglomerations of suppliers in the automotive industry: A way to maximize competitiveness in supply chain management

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    The objective of this paper is to identify how the automotive industries maximize the competitiveness in supply chain management through the constitution of entrepreneurial productive agglomerations of suppliers. For this purpose, an applied research was carried out, and the technical procedure utilized was bibliographic review based in some researches about Brazilian industrial condominiums. Thus, through the constitution of entrepreneurial agglomerations of suppliers in automotive industry it is possible to obtain logistic advantages in the transporting, stocking and warehousing activities. Besides, it is possible to maximize the supply chain management competitiveness through the establishment of trust and lasting relationships between the components of the whole chain