133 research outputs found

    Contourites and associated sediments controlled by deep-water circulation processes:State-of-the-art and future considerations

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    The contourite paradigm was conceived a few decades ago, yet there remains a need to establish a sound connection between contourite deposits, basin evolution and oceanographic processes. Significant recent advances have been enabled by various factors, including the establishment of two IGCP projects and the realisation of several IODP expeditions. Contourites were first described in the Northern and Southern Atlantic Ocean, and since then, have been discovered in every major ocean basin and even in lakes. The 120 major contourite areas presently known are associated to myriad oceanographic processes in surface, intermediate and deep-water masses. The increasing recognition of these deposits is influencing palaeoclimatology & palaeoceanography, slope-stability/geological hazard assessment, and hydrocarbon exploration. Nevertheless, there is a pressing need for a better understanding of the sedimentological and oceanographic processes governing contourites, which involve dense bottom currents, tides, eddies, deep-sea storms, internal waves and tsunamis. Furthermore, in light of the latest knowledge on oceanographic processes and other governing factors (e.g. sediment supply and sea-level), existing facies models must now be revised. Persistent oceanographic processes significantly affect the seafloor, resulting in large-scale depositional and erosional features. Various classifications have been proposed to subdivide a continuous spectrum of partly overlapping features. Although much progress has been made in the large-scale, geophysically based recognition of these deposits, there remains a lack of unambiguous and commonly accepted diagnostic criteria for deciphering the small-scaled contourite facies and for distinguishing them from turbidite ones. Similarly, the study of sandy deposits generated or affected by bottom currents, which is still in its infancy, offers great research potential: these deposits might prove invaluable as future reservoir targets. Expectations for the forthcoming analysis of data from the IODP Expedition 339 are high, as this work promises to tackle much of the aforementioned lack of knowledge. In the near future, geologists, oceanographers and benthic biologists will have to work in concert to achieve synergy in contourite research to demonstrate the importance of bottom currents in continental margin sedimentation and evolution.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)

    Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea)

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    Rebesco, Michele ... et al.-- Special Issue: PAST Gateways (Palaeo-Arctic Spatial and Temporal Gateways).-- 16 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, supplementary data http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.02.007Kveithola is a glacially-carved, E-W trending trough located in the NW Barents Sea, an epicontinental shelf sea of the Arctic Ocean located off northern Norway and Russia. A set of confined sediment drifts (the “Kveithola Drift”) is located in the inner part of the trough. In general, drift deposits are commonly characterized by high lateral continuity, restricted occurrence of hiatuses and relatively high accumulation rates, and thus represent excellent repositories of paleo-environmental information. We provide for the first time a detailed morphological and seismostratigraphic insight into this sediment drift, which is further supported by some preliminary lithological and sedimentological analyses. The complex morphology of the drift, imaged by combining all available multibeam data, includes a main and a minor drift body, two drift lenses in the outer part of the trough, more or less connected drift patches in the innermost part and small perched sediment patches in a structurally-controlled channel to the north. The seismic (PARASOUND) data show that the main and minor drift bodies are mainly well-stratified, characterized by sub-parallel reflections of moderate to high amplitude and good lateral continuity. The reflectors show an abrupt pinch-out on the northern edge where a distinct moat is present, and a gradual tapering to the south. Internally we identify the base of the drift and four internal horizons, which we correlate throughout the drift. Two units display high amplitude reflectors, marked lensoidal character and restricted lateral extent, suggesting the occurrence of more energetic sedimentary conditions. Facies typical for contourite deposition are found in the sediment cores, with strongly bioturbated sediments and abundant silty/sandy mottles that contain shell fragments. These characteristics, along with the morphological and seismic information, suggest a strong control by a bottom current flowing along the moat on the northern edge of the drift. Though both Atlantic and Arctic waters are known to enter the trough, from the west and the north respectively, brine-enriched shelf water (BSW) produced during winter and flowing westward in the moat, is suggested to be responsible for the genesis of the Kveithola Drift. The formation of BSW is inferred to have started around 13 cal ka BP, the onset of drift deposition, suggesting that conditions leading to atmospheric cooling of the surface waters and/or the presence of coastal polynyas and wind or floating ice shelves have persisted on the western Barents Shelf since that time. The units inferred to have been deposited under more energetic sedimentary conditions (tentatively dated to the Younger Dryas and to 8.9–8.2 cal ka BP) are suggestive of stronger BSW formation. In general, we infer that variations in the bottom current regime were mainly related to BSW formation due to atmospheric changes. They could also have been a response to successive episodes of grounded and sea ice retreat that allowed for a first limited, later open shelf current, which progressively established on the western Barents Sea shelfThe research cruise MSM30 CORIBAR and this study were partly funded through the MARUM DFG-Research Center/Cluster of Excellence “The Ocean in the Earth System” as part of MARUM project SD-2. This study contributes to the IPY initiative 367 NICESTREAM (Neogene Ice Streams and Sedimentary Processes on High- Latitude Continental Margins). The work was funded by the Italian projects OGS-EGLACOM, PNRA-CORIBAR-IT (PdR 2013/C2.01), ARCA (grant n. 25_11_2013_973) and PNRA-VALFLU, by the Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence funding scheme (project number 223259), by the Spanish projects DEGLABAR (CTM2010-17386) and CORIBAR-ES (CTM2011-14807-E) funded by the “Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad”. The “Generalitat de Catalunya” is acknowledged for support through an excellence research group grant (2014SGR940). J.L. was funded by an FPI grant BES-2011-043614Peer Reviewe

    Simulated last deglaciation of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet primarily driven by oceanic conditions

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    The Barents Sea Ice Sheet was part of an interconnected complex of ice sheets, collectively referred to as the Eurasian Ice Sheet, which covered north-westernmost Europe, Russia and the Barents Sea during the Last Glacial Maximum (around 21 ky BP). Due to common geological features, the Barents Sea component of this ice complex is seen as a paleo-analogue for the present-day West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Investigating key processes driving the last deglaciation of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet represents an important tool to interpret recent observations in Antarctica over the multi-millennial temporal scale of glaciological changes. We present results from a perturbed physics ensemble of ice sheet model simulations of the last deglaciation of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet, forced with transient atmospheric and oceanic conditions derived from AOGCM simulations. The ensemble of transient simulations is evaluated against the data-based DATED-1 reconstruction to construct minimum, maximum and average deglaciation scenarios. Despite a large model/data mismatch at the western and eastern ice sheet margins, the simulated and DATED-1 deglaciation scenarios agree well on the timing of the deglaciation of the central and northern Barents Sea. We find that the simulated deglaciation of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet is primarily driven by the oceanic forcing, with prescribed eustatic sea level rise amplifying the ice sheet sensitivity to sub-shelf melting over relatively short intervals. Our results highlight that the sub-shelf melting has a very strong control on the simulated grounding-line flux, showing that a slow, gradual ocean warming trend is capable of triggering sustained grounded ice discharge over multi-millennial timescales, even without taking into account marine ice sheet or ice cliff instability

    Bottom current-controlled quaternary sedimentation at the foot of the Malta Escarpment (Ionian Basin, Mediterranean)

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    A better understanding of the evolution of bottom current circulation and associated deposits is significant for many applications including paleoclimatology and geological hazard. Besides the large contourite drifts, bottom currents may generate fields of large sediment waves that, depending on their height and velocity of migration, may pose severe risk for infrastructures. Conversely, the time span of their paleoceanographic record is generally relatively short. We use bathymetry data, sub-bottom and seismic reflection profiles and legacy oceanographic data to analyze the sediment waves occurring in a deep environment (from 2400 to 3800 m water depth at the foot of the Malta Escarpment in the Mediterranean Sea) to understand their evolution in time, their significance for paleoceanography, and their relation to present day hydrographic conditions. In the absence of direct stratigraphic information, we use the information from nearby studies and from ODP Site 964 and DSDP Site 374 to constrain the age of the sedimentary successions. We discover that these waves (about 2.5 km in wavelength, 50 m in height, with crest sub-perpendicular to the continental slope trend) have been steadily growing and migrating northward since about 500 ka, although an irregular growth and unsteady migration is distinguishable since about 1800 ka. The waves are generated by predominantly alongslope southward flowing bottom currents compatible with modern hydraulic conditions (mean flow speed of ~5 cm s−1, peaks of 15 cm s−1). The rate of crest migration (~ 2.0–3.2 mm a−1) and the average sedimentation rate (0.64–0.69 mm a−1) are unusually high for deep sea environments away from turbidity currents paths. We infer that the steady development of sediment waves is produced by a drastic increase in sediment input to the Ionian Basin resulting from the tectonic uplift in NE Sicily and Calabria and the onset of a relatively steady, low energy bottom current regime following the Mid-Pleistocene Transition. We attempt to extract information on orbital cyclicity preserved in the seismic record from the power spectra of virtual seismic traces from the well preserved succession of 5 visually discernible, regularly spaced sub-units consisting of alternation of high-amplitude and low-reflectivity packages within the last 500 ka. Peaks in the power spectra can be identified around orbital obliquity and precession periodicities, while eccentricity appears not to be recorded. We discuss the results of seismic cyclicity analysis relative to uncertainties of stratigraphic and petrophysical constraints. The sediment waves along the foot of the Malta escarpment are an excellent candidate for the extraction of a long, continuous and high resolution sedimentary record of the paleo circulation changes and climate cycles in the Mediterranean Sea since about 500 ka.peer-reviewe

    Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea)

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    Published version, source at http://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.02.007. License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.Kveithola is a glacially-carved, E-W trending trough located in the NW Barents Sea, an epicontinental shelf sea of the Arctic Ocean located off northern Norway and Russia. A set of confined sediment drifts (the “Kveithola Drift”) is located in the inner part of the trough. In general, drift deposits are commonly characterized by high lateral continuity, restricted occurrence of hiatuses and relatively high accumulation rates, and thus represent excellent repositories of paleo-environmental information. We provide for the first time a detailed morphological and seismostratigraphic insight into this sediment drift, which is further supported by some preliminary lithological and sedimentological analyses. The complex morphology of the drift, imaged by combining all available multibeam data, includes a main and a minor drift body, two drift lenses in the outer part of the trough, more or less connected drift patches in the innermost part and small perched sediment patches in a structurally-controlled channel to the north. The seismic (PARASOUND) data show that the main and minor drift bodies are mainly well-stratified, characterized by sub-parallel reflections of moderate to high amplitude and good lateral continuity. The reflectors show an abrupt pinch-out on the northern edge where a distinct moat is present, and a gradual tapering to the south. Internally we identify the base of the drift and four internal horizons, which we correlate throughout the drift. Two units display high amplitude reflectors, marked lensoidal character and restricted lateral extent, suggesting the occurrence of more energetic sedimentary conditions. Facies typical for contourite deposition are found in the sediment cores, with strongly bioturbated sediments and abundant silty/sandy mottles that contain shell fragments. These characteristics, along with the morphological and seismic information, suggest a strong control by a bottom current flowing along the moat on the northern edge of the drift. Though both Atlantic and Arctic waters are known to enter the trough, from the west and the north respectively, brine-enriched shelf water (BSW) produced during winter and flowing westward in the moat, is suggested to be responsible for the genesis of the Kveithola Drift. The formation of BSW is inferred to have started around 13 cal ka BP, the onset of drift deposition, suggesting that conditions leading to atmospheric cooling of the surface waters and/or the presence of coastal polynyas and wind or floating ice shelves have persisted on the western Barents Shelf since that time. The units inferred to have been deposited under more energetic sedimentary conditions (tentatively dated to the Younger Dryas and to 8.9–8.2 cal ka BP) are suggestive of stronger BSW formation. In general, we infer that variations in the bottom current regime were mainly related to BSW formation due to atmospheric changes. They could also have been a response to successive episodes of grounded and sea ice retreat that allowed for a first limited, later open shelf current, which progressively established on the western Barents Sea shelf

    The Baiyun Slide Complex, South China Sea: a modern example of slope instability controlling submarine-channel incision on continental slopes

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    The Baiyun Slide Complex is one of the largest submarine landslides on the northern margin of the South China Sea. Newly acquired high-resolution bathymetric data, 2D and 3D seismic data permitted the systematic investigation of the Baiyun Slide Complex in terms of its seafloor morphology and associated sedimentary processes. The headwall region of the Baiyun Slide Complex, located at a water depth between 1000 m and 1700 m, is U-shaped and opens towards the east. It was efficiently and almost completely evacuated, generating pronounced headwall and sidewall scarps. Submarine channels, sediment waves, migrating channels, sediment drifts and moats are observed within and around the headwall region, illustrating the effects of both downslope and along-slope sedimentary processes. Submarine channels are 16–37 km-long 800-1500 m-wide, and 20 to 50 m-deep. As a modern example of the interplay between slope instability and subsequent incision, submarine channels were generated after the formation of the Baiyun Slide scar to suggest intensified downslope sedimentary processes after the slope collapsed. The initiation and formation of these submarine channels result from the evacuation of the Baiyun Slide scar, which provided the necessary space of the continental slope to accommodate subsequent turbidity and mass wasting flows. Our results are an important example of how submarine landslides can influence erosional and depositional processes on continental margins

    Morphology and evolution of submarine canyons on the northwest South China Sea margin

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    Submarine canyons are observed along both passive and active continental margins, but the factors controlling their complex morphology are still poorly understood. Here, we use high-resolution multibeam bathymetric and 2D seismic data to investigate an area of the northwest South China Sea in which 48 submarine canyons are identified. These previously unstudied submarine canyons incise the continental shelf, being located at a water depth between 200 m and 2200 m. Canyon morphology varies from southwest to northeast, namely in what their length and incision depth are concerned. We therefore divide these canyons into four main types: a) Types A, B and C showing a predominant NW-SE direction, and b) Type D canyons striking to the north. By analysing their internal architectures, we propose that submarine canyons along the northwest South China Sea margin were initiated in the Late Miocene by retrogressive slope failure in response to the gradual build-up of sediment on the continental slope. Differences in sediment supply and fault activity are recognised here as the main factors controlling the morphology of the investigated submarine canyons. In addition, recurrent mass-transport deposits (MTDs) fed sediment from the northwest South China Sea margin into the study area, accelerating the filling of the Central Canyon system, a giant submarine canyon located to the south of the investigated continental slope. The discovery of gas fields (LS22–1, LS17–2) and a gas hydrate drilling zone (GMGS5) in the Central Canyon system proves that MTDs comprise good reservoir intervals. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the origin and development of submarine canyons and highlight the role of sediment supply and tectonic events in controlling canyon morphology

    Contourites along the Iberian continental margins:conceptual and economic implications

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    34 pages, 14 figures, 3 tablesThis work uses seismic records to document and classify contourite features around the Iberian continental margin to determine their implications for depositional systems and petroleum exploration. Contourites include depositional features (separated, sheeted, plastered and confined drifts), erosional features (abraded surfaces, channels, furrows and moats) and mixed features (contourite terraces). Drifts generally show high- to moderate-amplitude reflectors, which are cyclically intercalated with transparent layers. Transparent layers may represent finer-grained deposits, which can serve as seal rocks. High-amplitude reflectors (HARs) are likely to represent sandier layers, which could form hydrocarbon reservoirs. HARs occur on erosive features (moats and channels), and are clearly developed on contourite terraces and overflow features. Most of the contourite features described here are influenced by Mediterranean water masses throughout their Pliocene and Quaternary history. They specifically record Mediterranean Outflow Water, following its exit through the Gibraltar Strait. This work gives a detailed report on the variation of modern contourite deposits, which can help inform ancient contourite reservoir interpretation. Further research correlating 2D and 3D seismic anomalies with core and well-logging data is needed to develop better diagnostic criteria for contourites. This can help to clarify the role of contourites in petroleum systemsThis contribution is a product of the IGCP-619 and INQUA-1204 projects, and is partially supported through the CTM 2008-06399-C04/MAR (CONTOURIBER), CGL2011-16057-E (MOW), CTM 2012-39599-C03 (MOWER), CGL2016-80445-R (SCORE), FCT-PTDC/GEO-GEO/4430/2012 (CONDRIBER), CTM2016-75129-C3-1-R and CGL2015-74216-JIN projectsPeer Reviewe