794 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of Gun Violence in Pennsylvania

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    Raynard Washington, PhD, MPH, is the Chief Epidemiologist at the Philadelphia Department of Public Health. In this role, Dr. Washington is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data that provides actionable information on the health status of Philadelphia residents. Dr. Washington coordinates and provides guidance to epidemiologic activities across department divisions and works internally and externally to enhance existing and establish new health surveillance systems He also leads the Community Health Assessment and other strategic initiatives. Dr. Washington earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees at the University of Pittsburgh

    Advanced electric propulsion system concept for electric vehicles. Addendum 1: Voltage considerations

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    The two electric vehicle propulsion systems that best met cost and performance goals were examined to assess the effect of battery pack voltage on system performance and cost. A voltage range of 54 to 540 V was considered for a typical battery pack capacity of 24 k W-hr. The highest battery specific energy (W-hr/kg) and the lowest cost (/kWhr)wereobtainedattheminimumvoltagelevel.Theflywheelsystemtractionmotorisadc,mechanicallycommutatedwithshuntfieldcontrol,andduetotheflywheelthetractionmotorandthebatteryarenotsubjecttoextremepeaksofpowerdemand.Thebasicsystemusesapermanentmagnetmotorwithelectroniccommutationsuppliedbyanacpowercontrolunit.Inbothsystemsbatterycostwerethemajorfactorinsystemvoltageselection,andabatterypackwiththeminimumvoltageof54Vproducedthelowestlifecyclecost.Theminimumlifecyclecostforthebasicsystemwithleadacidbatterieswas/kW-hr) were obtained at the minimum voltage level. The flywheel system traction motor is a dc, mechanically commutated with shunt field control, and due to the flywheel the traction motor and the battery are not subject to extreme peaks of power demand. The basic system uses a permanent-magnet motor with electronic commutation supplied by an ac power control unit. In both systems battery cost were the major factor in system voltage selection, and a battery pack with the minimum voltage of 54 V produced the lowest life-cycle cost. The minimum life-cycle cost for the basic system with lead-acid batteries was 0.057/km and for the flywheel system was $0.037/km

    Motel stories

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    Epidemiology of Type 1 Diabetes Complications in African-Americans

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    Unlike type 2 diabetes, where prevention is possible, type 1 diabetes is a lifelong incurable metabolic disorder. The annual incidence of type 1 diabetes continues to rise annually. Despite increased access to treatment and improved disease management, type 1 diabetes is associated with excess morbidity and early mortality. African-Americans with type 1 diabetes are at increased risk of premature mortality compared to Caucasians. This disparity is likely fueled by differences in the prevalence of complications; however, there is limited information available on the racial differences in type 1 diabetes complications in individuals of African descent (i.e. African-American, Afro-Caribbean). Using the data from the U.S. Virgin Islands Childhood Diabetes Registry, this dissertation provides contemporary insights on the incidence of childhood diabetes in African-American youth and for the first time evaluates type 1 diabetes mortality in African-Americans, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. In addition, this dissertation assesses racial differences in the prevalence of type 1 diabetes complications and risk factors using a national sample from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The incidence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in youth in the U.S. Virgin Islands is rapidly increasing. The well-established pubertal increase in type 1 diabetes incidence appears to be missing in African-American boys. Individuals diagnosed at later ages (>14), have significantly higher risk of mortality compared to those diagnosed at earlier ages. Despite advances in diabetes care, there were no temporal improvements observed in mortality in the U.S. Virgin Islands. African-Americans in the U.S. Virgin Islands had a similar type 1 diabetes mortality experience as African-Americans in Allegheny County, PA. African-Americans in the national sample had significantly higher rates of nephropathy and retinopathy. Race was associated with both complications, even after adjusting for clinical and demographic factors. The public health implications of this dissertation are considerable, as it provides insight on the burden of type 1 diabetes in the U.S. Virgin Islands and African-Americans in the U.S. These findings provide evidence to support additional services and potentially intensive diabetes management strategies for African-Americans with type 1 diabetes

    Bowl Of Pansies

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    The New Orleans Reformed Public School System: National Model?

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    The author describes what happened to the New Orleans Public Schools after Hurricane Katrina

    Record of Animals Association with Xanthostemon novoguineensis (Valeton)

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    Xanthostemon novoguineenis (vernacular name: Sowang), an endemic plant in Papua from Myrtaceae family, is found widely near the buffer zone area and Mt. Cyclops Nature Reserve (MCNR) area. This research aimed to record the association of animals towards X. novoguineensis on its natural habitat. The survey was conducted in Cyclops buffer zone near Sentani City, Papua Province, Indonesia. The result showed that an interaction of animals directly to X. novoguineensis was documented and identified. Some insects species have an association with X. novoguineensis, namely black wasp (Isodontia sp 1), black-orange wasp (Isodontia sp 2), red weaver ant (Oecophylla sp 1) and black weaver ant (Oecophylla sp 2) have an association directly to flowers of X. novoguineensis. Furthermore, stick insect (Scepthrophasma sp) and spider (possibly from Araneae family) have an association with the leaves and trunks of this plant. Based on the finding, some leaves of these plant are fed by insects. It is indicated by a pattern of insect bites on the leaves.  Key words: buffer zone area,  cyclops, insect, sowang, Papu

    Strategies to Retain Revenue Management Analysts in the U.S. Airline Industry

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    The voluntary turnover of revenue management analysts in the U.S. airline industry is an issue, compelling revenue management leaders to implement retention strategies that successfully reduce employee turnover. The purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore strategies revenue management leaders used within the last 15 years to retain revenue management analysts. The conceptual framework that grounded this study was Maertz\u27s 8 motivational forces of job attachment and voluntary turnover. The targeted population was comprised of revenue management leaders at an airline in Dallas, Texas who had demonstrated successful strategies to reduce employee turnover. Using criterion-based sampling, 4 revenue management leaders were selected for study participation. Data were collected through face-to-face semistructured interviews and company documents, then analyzed via Yin\u27s 5-step process of compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding. Interpretations were then subjected to member checking and methodological triangulation to strengthen the trustworthiness of findings. Two main themes emerged: leadership influence and analyst career environment. The findings provide a better understanding of revenue management analyst retention and increase knowledge of factors that influenced turnover in the U.S. airline industry. With this knowledge, revenue management leaders can implement retention strategies that have successfully reduced employee turnover. The implications for positive social change include the potential to overcome emotional discomforts about work or psychological obligations to leave, which can encourage job satisfaction and improve employee retention

    Information Technology Risk Management Analysis on Money Transfer Services in Post Offices Using Framework Standardization ISO 22301

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    State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) have realized the importance of information technology, one of which is PT. POS (PERSERO) Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to analyze the management of Information Technology that is currently running at PT. POS (Persero) Indonesia lhokseumawe branch, to find out the Capability Level. The Post Office is an organization engaged in the delivery of goods. The organization has used information technology to support business activities. Money transfer is an application that is used to record every shipment of goods made by consumers starting from the data of the sender of the goods, the data of the goods, and the data of the recipient of the goods. However, it is undeniable that every risk that occurs can interfere with the performance of the money transfer application. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the risk of the information technology used. In this study, researchers tried to implement the ISO 22301 risk management framework to see every possible risk contained in the money transfer application. The final result of this research is expected to help organizations in seeing and knowing what actions must be taken against any possible risks or threats that occur around the money transfer application based on the level of ris