27 research outputs found

    Keskustelunanalyysin vertailevia nÀkökulmia

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    [Haakana, Markku & Laakso, Minna & Lindström, Jan (toim.): Talk in interaction. Comparative dimensions

    Affekti ja emootio vuorovaikutuksen tutkijoiden tarkastelussa

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    Arvioitu teos:Anssi PerÀkylÀ & Marja-Leena Sorjonen (toim.): Emotion in interaction. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. 320 s. ISBN 978-0-19-973073-5

    Situated accomplishment of well-being in interaction: a conversation-analytic study of instructor intervention, driver reflection and displays of (dis)comfort in voluntary post-licence training

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    Private car travel constitutes an important means of transportation for senior members of society: having access to a car is often key to gaining access to various services and activities. Among the retired population, many couples have adopted practices that promote driving performed by the husband while demoting driving performed by the wife. If the husband then ceases driving, the wife may be faced with the dilemma of having a need to drive, owning a car and holding a valid driving licence – but not having the skills and confidence to drive. Post-licence training offers a solution to such situations in providing a safe, supportive environment to practice. Nevertheless, as part of any training, drivers have to deal with various settings and situations, some of which may be emotionally intense and have adverse effects on the willingness to drive. This study takes a look at one such case, where an instructor treats a trainee driver’s conduct so problematic as to stop the dual-control car at a junction. The study examines how the participants attempt to establish, maintain and update their mutual understanding of the unfolding situation, how they produce and respond to displays of emotion, (dis)comfort in particular, and how those displays contribute to the course of the training, the ultimate goal of which is independent driving. The study thus explores how participants accomplish well-being in situ in interaction with one another. The study employs ethnomethodological conversation analysis and draws on video recordings from on-road post-licence training for older women drivers

    Experiences in Collecting 360° Video Data and Collaborating Remotely in Virtual Reality

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    This paper reports on a pilot project called Remote Research and Collaboration Using VR and 360° Video (RReCo) that was carried out in late Spring 2021 at the University of Oulu, Finland. The project explored new ways of collecting, viewing and analysing video data for the purposes of engaging in remote, collaborative research on social interaction and activity. Here we share our experiences in collecting different types of video data, especially 360°, and relate those to our user experiences in analysing the data together in virtual reality. Our remote multisite data sessions were organised using software for immersive qualitative analytics, virtual reality and live streaming. In this paper, we also reflect on the similarities and differences between our data sets, especially with view to how awareness of different technical setups may help in making informed choices, and thereby increase the reliability of research on social interaction

    SKY Journal of Linguistics

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    vol 29:201

    SKY Journal of Linguistics

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    SKY Journal of Linguistics, vol 30:201


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    Recovery through repetition:returning to prior talk and taking a stance in American-English and Finnish conversations

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    Abstract The study examines ‘recovery through repetition’, investigating how speakers repeat their own utterances in order to return to prior talk. The phenomenon comprises instances of everyday, casual conversation in which speakers indicate that their utterance was either not taken up at all or not taken up to an adequate degree. By repeating the utterance more or less word-for-word, speakers suggest to their recipients that a (different type of) response is relevant and offer the utterance for re-consideration. The data consist of American-English and Finnish conversations. The segments come from the Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English and from the Corpus of Conversational Finnish that is maintained by the Department of Finnish Language and Literature at the University of Helsinki (Keskusteluntutkimuksen arkisto). The theoretical and methodological framework of the study is based on interactional linguistics and conversation analysis. First, the study details the typical composition and position of recovery through repetition and discusses the interactional implications that the repeated utterances may have. The study focuses on the functions of recovery through repetition and their implications for stance taking. Two overall interactional environments are identified: speakers employ recovery through repetition either to seek the attention of recipients and to take a stance towards an activity in progress, or to redirect the attention of recipients and to take a stance towards a recipient response. The different functions of recovery through repetition in the two environments are further examined. Moreover, the study contrasts repetition with other means of recovery and suggests that the different means have divergent implications for stance taking. Finally, the study concludes that recovery through repetition provides speakers with a means of negotiating the input of their utterances and simultaneously taking a stance towards an aspect of the ongoing interaction.TiivistelmĂ€ Tutkimus tarkastelee toistoa elvytyskeinona keskustelussa eli sitĂ€, kuinka puhuja toistaa oman lausumansa palatakseen aiempaan puheeseen. Ilmiö muodostuu arkisista, epĂ€muodollisista keskustelutilanteista, joissa puhuja osoittaa, ettĂ€ jotakin hĂ€nen lausumaansa ei ole joko otettu lainkaan huomioon tai sitĂ€ ei ole kĂ€sitelty asianmukaisesti. Toistamalla lausuman lĂ€hes sanatarkasti puhuja ilmaisee keskustelukumppaneilleen, ettĂ€ jonkinlainen (tai mahdollisesti tietyntyyppinen) vastaanotto olisi odotuksenmukainen, ja tarjoaa lausumaansa kĂ€siteltĂ€vĂ€ksi uudelleen. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu amerikanenglannin- ja suomenkielisistĂ€ keskusteluista, jotka ovat perĂ€isin Santa Barbaran puhutun amerikanenglannin kokoelmasta (Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English) ja Helsingin yliopiston suomen kielen ja kotimaisen kirjallisuuden laitoksen Keskusteluntutkimuksen arkistosta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisen ja menetelmĂ€llisen viitekehyksen muodostavat vuorovaikutuslingvistiikka ja keskustelunanalyysi. Aluksi tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan yksityiskohtaisesti elvyttĂ€vĂ€n toiston tyypillistĂ€ rakennetta ja paikkaa sekĂ€ pohditaan toistettujen lausumien mahdollisia vuorovaikutuksellisia seuraamuksia. Tutkimus keskittyy elvyttĂ€vĂ€n toiston tehtĂ€viin ja niiden merkitykseen asennoitumiselle. Tutkimuksessa tunnistetaan kaksi yleistĂ€ esiintymisympĂ€ristöÀ: puhujat kĂ€yttĂ€vĂ€t elvyttĂ€vÀÀ toistoa joko hakeakseen vastaanottajien huomiota ja ottaakseen kantaa meneillÀÀn olevaan toimintaan tai ohjatakseen vastaanottajien huomiota ja ottaakseen kantaa edeltĂ€vÀÀn vastaanottajan vuoroon. ElvyttĂ€vĂ€n toiston tehtĂ€viĂ€ nĂ€issĂ€ kahdessa ympĂ€ristössĂ€ eritellÀÀn tutkimuksessa tarkemmin. LisĂ€ksi tutkimuksessa verrataan toistoa muihin elvytyskeinoihin keskustelussa ja esitetÀÀn, ettĂ€ eri elvytyskeinoilla rakennetaan asennoitumista eri tavoin. Tutkimus osoittaa, ettĂ€ elvyttĂ€vĂ€ toisto tarjoaa keskustelijoille keinon neuvotella sanomansa merkityksestĂ€ ja samalla rakentaa asennoitumistaan meneillÀÀn olevaan vuorovaikutustilanteeseen

    ElvyttÀvÀ toisto

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