372 research outputs found

    Math Is Really Great

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efek ekstrak daun bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides) terhadap bobot badan ayam broiler dan konsumsi pakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Teaching Farm dan Laboratorium Kesmavet Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, pada bulan April-Mei 2014. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 kelompok perlakuan dengan 15 ekor ayam. Ayam broiler yang digunakan berumur 25 hari. P0 sebagai kontrol, tanpa pemberian ekstrak daun bandotan, perlakuan 1 (P1) diberikan ekstrak daun bandotan sebanyak 3 ml, sedangkan perlakuan 2 (P2) diberikan ekstrak daun bandotan sebanyak 5 ml. Perlakuan ini diberikan pada umur ayam 25-30 hari yaitu 1 kali sehari selama 5 hari berturut-turut. Penimbangan bobot badan dilakukan pada hari ke 32. Data bobot badan dianalisis menggunakan analisis varian (ANAVA) dan konsumsi pakan dihitung dengan perhitungan Feed Converse Rasio (FCR). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak daun bandotan berpengaruh nyata (

    Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals using low pressure reverse osmosis membrane

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    Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are one of the major focuses of contaminants in current environmental issues, as they can cause adverse health effects on animals and human, particularly to endocrine function. The objective of this study was to remove a specific group of EDCs (i.e molecular weight range 228 to 288 g/mol) using low pressure reverse osmosis membrane (LPROM). A multi-layer thin-film composite of aromatic polyamide (ES20) membrane and a C10-T cross flow module of LPROM manufactured by Nitto Denko Company was used in this study. The effects of operating parameters, i.e. pH, operating pressure, concentration and temperature were observed using a design of experiment based on MINITABTM software. The analysis of results was conducted by factorial analysis (FA) and response surface analysis (RSA). It was found that LPROM has been effectively applied to remove pentachlorophenol (PCP) (more than 83%), 17ß-estradiol (more than 87%) and bisphenol-A (BPA) (more than 87%). For permeate flux, both PCP and 17ß-estradiol tests produce excellent flux rate; i.e. 23.8 L/m2.h and 22.9 L/m2.h, respectively. For BPA, the permeate flux produced was slightly lower (19.1 L/m2.h) due to its physical-chemical properties effect at various levels of the recovery rate. In this study, the percentage of rejection was increased with the increased of pH and concentration of compounds. The flux was observed to increase with the increase of operating pressure. This study also investigated the interaction effects between operating parameters involved. In addition, statistical models were developed to represent the performance of LPROM under two response parameters, i.e. percentage of EDCs rejection and permeate flux. Statistical models were then validated using One-Factor-At-a-Time (OFAT) design of experiments and comparisons were made to better understand the trend of EDCs rejection and permeate flux


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah didapatkan peningkatan kemampuan menalar mahasiswa dengan menggunakan model Problem Based Learning (PBL) lebih baik dari menggunakan pembelajaran langsung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi experiment dengan rancangan pretest-posttest control group design. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester I kelas A dan B Program studi Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah soal tes kemampuan menalar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Dasar-Dasar Pendidikan IPA. Hasil penelitian terlihat hasil bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan menalar mahasiswa dengan pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney didapatkan  nilai Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05  maka rata-rata kemampuan menalar mahasiswa dengan menggunakan model PBL lebih besar dari pada nilai rata-rata kemampuan menalar mahasiswa dengan menggunakan pembelajaran langsung. Dari hasil penelitian yang didapat dapat disimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa yang pembelajarannya menerapkan pembelajaran dengan model PBL peningkatan kemampuan menalar mahasiswa secara signifikan lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan siswa yang diterapkan saat pembelajarannya menggunakan pembelajaran langsung

    Business Strategy Improvement for SuperApp BTN Mobile

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    The development of digital technology has entered all lines of life in society, so that the distance between regions is no longer a barrier between one region and another. This factor makes all companies try to use the internet as a penetration material for company activities in marketing their products and services. Because by using the internet companies can make marketing cost efficiencies, cost efficiencies in opening new branches, HR costs and company operational costs. The world's advancements in information and communication technology (internet) have influenced changes in lifestyle and consumer behavior, so advancements in information and communication technology-based industries have become a requirement that seems inseparable from human life. Additionally, this affects consumer expectations for the company's products and services

    Studi Tentang Penggunaan Metode Qiroati dalam Pembelajaran Membaca Al-Qur’an

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    This study aims to find out how the Qiro'ati method is applied, what factors support and hinder as well as solutions in learning to read the Qur'an at Assyfa TPA. The research used is descriptive qualitative research. The research subjects are Caregivers, Teachers, and Students. In collecting data using observation, interview, documentation and triangulation methods, using data analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The results of this study are 1. The application of the Qiro'ati method in learning to read the Qur'an at TPA Assyfa is good. 2. Supporting factors in learning are teachers who already have a syahadah or are declared graduated to teach using the Qiro'ati method. 3. The inhibiting factor in TPA Assyfa is the students who are late and do not pay attention to the material. 4. The solution to dealing with students who are late is by giving input to parents to tell their children to leave early and be escorted by motorbike, for students who do not pay attention to the material the teacher reprimands and moves their seats in front and pays special attention

    MANUSIA PERAHU: kajian historis terhadap kehidupan pengungsi vietnam di pulau galang 1979-1996

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    This research entitled "The Boat: Historical Studies about Refugee Life in Galang Island Vietnam 1979-1996". The main issues that were raised in this research is "How the Vietnamese Refugee situation in Galang Island". From the main problem is divided into three research questions: (1) What is the background of the emergence of the boat people, (2) What is the Role of UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) and Indonesia in Vietnamese Refugee Problem Solving, (3) How Life Overview Vietnamese refugees in Galang Island from 1979 to 1996. The method used to assess these problems by using the historical method, namely the collection of sources, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. To deepen the analysis, the researchers used an interdisciplinary approach through the study of sociology and political science by using concepts such as foreign policy, refugees and war as well as the use of geo-strategic and geopolitical theory Indonesia (Archipelago) and Ralf Dahrendorf conflict theory. The emergence of the boat people is inseparable from the war in Indochina region, namely the civil war between North Vietnam to South Vietnam as well as the continued invasion of Vietnam to Cambodia which causes insecurity felt by the people of Vietnam. It became a trigger displacement of communities Vietnam to some Southeast Asian countries. The emergence of refugees into the problems that must be dealt with quickly because the flow of refugees has increased, making the Southeast Asian countries overwhelmed in dealing with these problems. Here UNHCR appears to overcome these problems by working with the countries of Southeast Asia to process refugees. Indonesia as one of the countries visited by the flow of refugees to take steps to address the problem of boat people by forming P3V (Prevention and Management of Vietnamese Refugees). P3V task is to find the island to process the refugee and chosen Galang Island. Indonesia to help ease the burden of these Vietnamese boat people on humanitarian grounds as fellow countries in the ASEAN region. D Vietnamese refugee community life Galang Island is not much different to the one they live in Vietnam. When finished Galang Island in the process of development where there are facilities that can be used by refugees as a place of worship, sports, skills, education and others. During their stay in Galang Island, where they lived was the stilt houses and long. These facilities are built to support the lives of the refugees. As in the economic field, the refugees use the barter system to exchange the items either by fellow refugees or natives Galang Island. To support the economic activity, emerging initiatives of refugees to build a simple market for pocket money or spend time before they are sent to a third country


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemampuan manajerial dan motivasi kerja kepala sekolah terhadap kualitas penerapan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah kota Dumai . Manajemen berbasis sekolah (MBS) merupakan sa lah satu wujud reformasi pendidikan yang memberikan otonomi kepada sekolah untuk mengatur kehidupan sesuai dengan potensi, tuntutan dan kebutuhannya . Kualitas penerapan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah sangat ditentukan oleh kemampuan manajerial dan motivasi ker ja kepala sekolah. Populasi penelitian ini 175 Kepala Sekolah se Kota Dumai . Populasi ini diambil sebagai sampel sebanyak 35 orang secara prof or sional dan random sampling . Data diambil dengan menggunakan kuesioner yaitu variable X1 mempunyai 30 pertanyaan, variable X2 terdiri dari 16 pertanyaan dan variable Y 21 pertanyaan , dan di lengkapi dengan dokumen yang berhubungan dengan jumlah kepala sekolah, tingkat pendidikan, pangkat/golongan, jenis kelamin , dan dianalisis menggunakan regresi ganda dengan bantuan penggunaan SPSS versi 1 7 . Hasil penelitian secara stimulant atau uji F menunjukkan bahwa, kemampuan manajerial dan motivasi kerja kepala sekolah berpengaruh terhadap Kualitas Penerapan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah , ditunjukkan dari sig. = 0,00 0 < 0,0 0 5. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi kemampuan manajerial dan motivasi kerja kepala sekolah akan diikuti dengan meningkatnya kualitas penerapan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah , begitu sebaliknya. Besarnya pengaruh kemampuan manajerial dan motivasi kerja terhadap kualitas penerapan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah mencapai 44 , 9 %. Sedangkan hasil uji parsial terdapat masing - masing variabel kemampuan manajerial dan motivasi kerja kepal a sekolah signifikansinya masing - masing adalah 0,03 8 dan 0,001. Adapun signifikansi semuanya kurang dari taraf signifikansi 5% (0,05) . Hal ini mengandung arti bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan secara parsial pada variabel kemampuan manajerial kepala sekolah erhadap kualitas penerapan manajemen berbasis sekolah di kota Dumai, sedang motivasi kerja berada pada posisi tetap (konstanta). dan motivasi kerja kepala sekolah terhadap kualitas penerapan manajemen berbasis sekolah di kota Dumai, sedang kemampu an manajerial berada pada posisi tetap (konstanta). Dari Hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa, kemampuan manajerial dan motivasi kerja kepala sekolah ada pengaruh terhadap Kualitas Penerapan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah Kota Dumai. Oleh karena itu disarankan kepada kepala sekolah untuk meningkatkan kualitas kemampuan manajerial , seperti meningkatkan kemampuan berupa (1) kemampuan merencanakan (2) kemampuan mengorganisasikan (3) kemampuan dalam pelaksanaan dan (4) kemampuan mengadakan pengawasan. Dan bila mempunyai kesempatan , selalu mengikuti pelatihan atau seminar yang isinya membahas tentang manajemen pendidikan, agar kemampuan manajemen dapat selalu ditingkatkan. Motivasi kerja juga harus selalu ditingkatkan, karena bila motivasi ke rja tinggi, maka kualitas penerapan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah pun akan lebih tinggi

    Analisis Peran dan Fungsi Komite Sekolah Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan

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    In effort to improve the quality of education in community, school must be able to establish a good relationship with the surrounding community. This school (SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan) is one of the educational institutions, which does not work alone in facing a problem, but SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan inviting the School Committee as its working partner. The focus of the research is learning how the role and the function of school committee, the effectiveness of learning, school principal leadership, quality culture, the obstacles faced by school committee, and efforts to overcome the obstacles experienced by school committee of SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan in efforts to improve the quality of education. The purpose of this research is to find out the role and function of school committee, learning effectiveness, leadership of school principals, quality culture, obstacles faced by school committee, and efforts to overcome obstacles experienced by school committee of SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan in efforts to improve the quality of education. This research uses a qualitative method with the type of case study. Based on the results of research that the school committee is quite active in carrying out its role and function as a advisory agency, as a supporting agency, as a controlling agency, and as a mediator institution. The effectiveness of learning in SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan is seen in exploratorial learning. The leadership of the Principal of Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan Elementary School is good enough. The quality culture is reflected in “Kantin Sehat” and “Jum’at Bersih”. Some obstacle experienced are the member performance is not good enough, lack of training from the education office, lack of funding. Efforts in overcoming obstacles include: the establishment of POM (Paguyuban Orangtua Murid), a written proposal to the education office, and establishing a healthy canteen, a pick-up car, and membership fees