376 research outputs found

    Regional Medical Library-Sponsored e-Science Activities: A Qualitative Survey and Lessons Learned

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    OBJECTIVE To determine, by National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) region, the extent of participation in Regional Medical Library (RML)-sponsored activities addressing e-science, the structure of these activities, and the effect, if any, they have had within their region. The project was limited to activities occurring during the current 2011-2016 NN/LM contract period. METHODS The Associate Director (AD) of each RML received, via email, the same letter and qualitative survey. After receiving all surveys, follow-up conversations were held with five of the ADs (63%) as they included contextual information critical to understanding their survey responses and regional activity. RESULTS All regions (100%) indicated e-science outreach activity, the form of which greatly varied. While many regions (6) participated in hosting and/or sponsoring educational events, others supported e-science in a plethora of other ways. Moreover, a different survey question highlighted that each region is planning to sponsor future e-science related activities; again, the form of these greatly varied among regions. Valuable lessons regarding the research process and pertaining to the RMLs were learned throughout the course of this project. These lessons will be detailed in the poster. CONCLUSIONS The author concludes that, in spite of the project objectives, the more interesting question is, “what form are the RML e-science outreach activities taking?” Every RML is participating in e-science support activities, however the form and structure of these activities varies greatly. The author has learned that the RMLs are not strictly top-down organizations, and therefore, their activities will strongly reflect the interests of their regional membership, i.e. what kind of activity best serves the region and its network members

    Using Scalp Electrical Biosignals to Control an Object by Concentration and Relaxation Tasks: Design and Evaluation

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    In this paper we explore the use of electrical biosignals measured on scalp and corresponding to mental relaxation and concentration tasks in order to control an object in a video game. To evaluate the requirements of such a system in terms of sensors and signal processing we compare two designs. The first one uses only one scalp electroencephalographic (EEG) electrode and the power in the alpha frequency band. The second one uses sixteen scalp EEG electrodes and machine learning methods. The role of muscular activity is also evaluated using five electrodes positioned on the face and the neck. Results show that the first design enabled 70% of the participants to successfully control the game, whereas 100% of the participants managed to do it with the second design based on machine learning. Subjective questionnaires confirm these results: users globally felt to have control in both designs, with an increased feeling of control in the second one. Offline analysis of face and neck muscle activity shows that this activity could also be used to distinguish between relaxation and concentration tasks. Results suggest that the combination of muscular and brain activity could improve performance of this kind of system. They also suggest that muscular activity has probably been recorded by EEG electrodes.Comment: International Conference of the IEEE EMBS (2011

    La transexualidad y la campaña del autobús de HazteOir: comparativa del tratamiento informativo de abc.es y eldiario.es

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    La presente investigación tiene como objeto analizar y comparar el tratamiento informativo que los diarios abc.es y eldiario.es han realizado sobre la campaña del autobús de HazteOir para determinar si las redacciones de los nuevos medios digitales siguen las recomendaciones de las asociaciones de personas transexuales al informar sobre este colectivo o acerca de actos de transfobia. El apartado teórico de este estudio pretende aportar un contexto sobre la situación de las personas transexuales en España, las diferentes teorías y líneas de discurso y contradiscurso que se han seguido en los últimos años y su repercusión legal, política, médica y social. En el capítulo empírico, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de contenido por medio de una plantilla de codificación que ha permitido determinar el número de recomendaciones que cada uno de los diarios ha cumplido, además de analizar la frecuencia de las menciones al colectivo de personas transexuales o a HazteOir. Los resultados y conclusiones han posibilitado constatar que las informaciones en las que se ven involucradas personas transexuales aún presentan carencias de gramática y redacción.The present research aims at analyzing and comparing the informative treatment that the newspapers abc.es and eldiario.es have done on the bus campaign of HazteOir in order to determine if the digital media newsrooms follow the recommendations of the of transsexual people associations when reporting on them or about acts of transphobia. The theoretical section of this study aims to provide a context on the situation of transsexual people in Spain, the different theories and lines of discourse and counter - discourse that have been followed in recent years and its legal, political, medical and social consequences. The empirical chapter offers a content analysis which has been carried out by means of a coding template that has allowed to determine the number of recommendations that each one of the newspapers has fulfilled, besides analyzing the frequency of the mentions whether to transsexual people or HazteOir. The results and conclusions have made it possible to verify that the news in which transsexual people are involved still come through with grammar and writing deficiencies.Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y PublicidadGrado en Periodism

    Proyecto bilingüe para el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional en Educación Infantil

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado propone un proyecto anual bilingüe sobre inteligencia emocional para Educación infantil, donde se utiliza como recurso base el cuento. Esta propuesta profundiza en la teoría de la inteligencia emocional de Goleman, así como en la inteligencia interpersonal e intrapersonal de Gardner o la educación emocional. En cuanto al idioma se centra en las hipótesis de Krashen y en el uso del movimiento para facilitar la inmersión en la segunda lengua. Se realiza una intervención en un aula real con parte del proyecto para comprobar su eficacia, corregir errores, observar qué aporta en el desarrollo emocional, personal y social de los alumnos y evaluar resultados del mimo.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Desplegament d'eina d'orquestració i d'automatització per la gestió de xarxes

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    Configuration and deployment of AWX in Kubernetes. AWX is a web application that provides a user interface, REST API, and task engine for Ansible. AWX allows you to manage Ansible playbooks, inventories, and schedule jobs to run through the web interface. The objective of this project is the deployment of the application in Kubernetes and the creation of playbooks for the configuration and automation of network management procedures.Configuración y despliegue de AWX en Kubernetes. AWX es una aplicación web que proporciona una interfaz de usuario, una API REST y un motor de tareas para Ansible. AWX permite gestionar los playbooks de Ansible, los inventarios y programar trabajos para que se ejecuten mediante la interfaz web. El objetivo de este proyecto es el despliegue de la aplicación en Kubernetes y la creación de playbooks para la configuración y automatización de procedimientos en la gestión de redes.Configuració i desplegament d'AWX a Kubernetes. AWX és una aplicació web que proporciona una interfície d'usuari, una API REST i un motor de tasques per a Ansible. AWX permet gestionar els playbooks d'Ansible, els inventaris i programar treballs perquè s'executin mitjançant la interfície web. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és el desplegament de l'aplicació a Kubernetes i la creació de playbooks per la configuració i l'automatització de procediments en la gestió de xarxes

    Social networks of sport and their potential in smart urban planning processes

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    Information and data have become a new working tool for many disciplines including urbanism. Its incorporation into the field of urban planning is currently a process with great development potential. within this context, citizens are one of the most important sources of data, providing relevant information for better smart city planning, adapted to their preferences and needs. In this sense, social networks are very powerful tools that city planners have to know directly from users the use they make of public space. It is clear that this information cannot be left out of the process of smart planning and design of today’s cities. Specifically, this work focuses on the study of sport social networks and aims to determine which sport social networks offer the greatest potential for improving urban planning processes. To this end, the main existing social networks in this field are studied and, as a conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages that make these sports networks an opportunity to move towards smarter, more participatory and inclusive urban planning are discussed.This work has been funded by the Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte, of the Community of Valencia, Spain, within the program of support for research under project AICO/2017/134

    32-week premature rupture of membranes caused by oropharyngeal microbiota

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    Introduction. Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) usually has a multifactorial etiology that is often unknown, although the most frequently reported cause is infection by group B Streptococcus. Therefore, the etiology of PPROM, although probably infectious, remains unknown in most cases. This case describes a PPROM caused by infection from oropharyngeal microbiota. Case presentation. We report the case of a 26-yr-old pregnant woman. The gestational age was 32 weeks+5 days. Examinations in the emergency department revealed the release of clear amniotic fluid and a closed multiparous cervix with a length of 22 mm. Endocervical culture evidenced the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, serogroup B Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae. Conclusion. Preventive antibiotic therapy should consider: opportunistic infections by normal genital microbiota, infections due to sexual activity, opportunist microorganisms derived from oral sex, and the hematogenous spread of oral bacteria.S

    English Is It! (ELT Training Series). Vol. 6

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    English Is It! (ELT Training Series) was created with a view to providing opportunities which can make up, somehow, for this gap. The aforementioned members are the permanent teaching staff in the group, they investigate their different areas of expertise in their classes, expose them to the group and make proposals, which are later turned into articles