130 research outputs found

    An epitomize of Upmana Parmana In Ayurveda

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    Darshana (the Great Indian Philosophy) has an immense influence on Ayurveda, the Indian Science of Medicine. The primary aim of all Darshana’s is to attain Moksha. Nyaya Darshana aims to get Moksha by knowing a particular substratum by different parameters. For this purpose they introduced a subject called as ‘Pramana’. Pramana is the one which helps in attaining true knowledge of a substratum. Nyaya Darshana has accepted four Pramana’s analogous to Sushruta Samhita, they are Pratyaksha Pramana, Anumana Pramana, Aaptopdesha Pramana and Upamana Pramana. Out of these first three are mentioned elaborately in all most all Samhita’s with their definition, application etc. But Upamana Pramana though accepted by Acharya Charaka, Sushruta, Gautama etc. has been meagerly defined in classics. Ayurveda, the diagnosis and treatment of a disease is based on Nidana Panchaka, Aatur Pariksha and these intern depend upon Pramana’s, as other Pramana’s like Pratyaksha, Anumana, Aaptopdesha Pramana are already elaborately mentioned, so this study has been planned to understand concept of Upamana Pramana


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    ABSTRACTObjective: Epilepsy is the second most common neurologic disorder after stroke. The study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of epilepsydisorders and drug utilization pattern in a patient population of Dehradun. This study was conducted in a private health clinic.Methods: A questionnaire was prepared that includes many practical questions regarding epilepsy seizure type, medication prescribed, their healthstatus, and compliance. A total of 200 cases of epilepsy were reported.Results: The study showed the prevalence of epilepsy disorders which was most common among males (65%) as compared to females (35%). 44%of epilepsy disorders were found prevalent among the age group between 30 and 40 years. The most common type of epilepsy disorder is primarygeneralized seizure (62%) followed by partial seizures (23%), focal disorder (6%), grand mal cortical focal epilepsy (5%), typical seizures (3.5%),refractory seizures (3%), and others (2.5%).Conclusion: Epilepsy is one of the most serious neurological disorders in terms of both prevalence and cumulative incidence. Good education andcounseling is required for coping up the challenges of this condition as well for improving patient compliance. For decreasing the chances of adverseeffects and avoiding drug interactions monotherapy is important. Health-care providers and patients can together formulate a better therapeutic planfor achieving a seizure-free status without adverse effects.Keywords: Seizures, Antiepileptic drugs, Compliance

    Authenticity of Geo-Location and Place Name in Tweets

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    The place name and geo-coordinates of tweets are supposed to represent the possible location of the user at the time of posting that tweet. However, our analysis over a large collection of tweets indicates that these fields may not give the correct location of the user at the time of posting that tweet. Our investigation reveals that the tweets posted through third party applications such as Instagram or Swarmapp contain the geo-coordinate of the user specified location, not his current location. Any place name can be entered by a user to be displayed on a tweet. It may not be same as his/her exact location. Our analysis revealed that around 12% of tweets contains place names which are different from their real location. The findings of this research can be used as caution while designing location-based services using social media

    Biomarker responses (serum biochemistry) in pregnant female wistar rats and histopathology of their neonates exposed prenatally to pesticides

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    Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects on health of pregnant female rats exposed to pesticides glyphosate and carbendazim. Glyphosate is used as herbicide and carbendazim as a fungicide; all are commercially available readily for various agricultural and domestic purposes. The hypothesis tested in this investigation is that pesticide exposure during pregnancy causes changes in biomarker responses like serum glucose level, total protein, total cholesterol, triglycerides, SGOT, SGPT, and billirubin level. Significant changes were observed in all above biomarker responses, when compared with the reference. Histopathology of skin and kidney of rat neonates showed marked damage. Degenerative changes and vacuolization with eroded capsule were observed in kidney sample and thinning of epidermis in skin sample was seen in pesticides exposed neonates of rats. The serum biochemistry and histopathological findings are valuable markers for observing the changes caused by pesticide exposure


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    Background: The study examines India’s research productivity in immunology and microbiology during 2012-2016, depending on various parameters, including India’s annual average research growth rate, institutional output profile of institutions and profiles of some of the most productive authors. Aim: The focus of this study is to analyze performance of India’s research output in immunology and microbiology, the quality and productivity of major institutions participating in research in microbiology and immunology and the productivity and quality of leading authors in research in immunology and microbiology. Methods: The study in the area of immunology and microbiology using 5 years publications data from 2012-2016 in Scopus database. Result: India has published 8181 papers in Immunology and Microbiology during 2012-2016. The highest productive author of India is A. Chowdhary, with 39 contributions. The highly productive Institutes are Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, AIMS, Banaras Hindu University ,Indian Veterinary Research Institute, etc. Conclusion: The findings of studies like this help in assessing the characteristics of scientific outputs that should be a major issue not only for scientists or researchers themselves but also for higher level of administration, for heads of university or research institutes, and moreover for research funding agencies

    Design and Simulation of some Controllers for Speed Control of Chopper fed DC Motor

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    This paper presents a comparative study of speed control of a separately excited DC motor by using different type of controllers. Speed of separately excited DC motor can be varied below and above the rated speed by various techniques. It can be varied above rated speed by field flux control and below rated speed by terminal voltage control .Conventional controllers are commonly being used to control the speed of the DC motors in various industrial applications. It’s found to be simple, robust and highly effective when the load disturbance is small. But during high load or rapid variation of load, the fuzzy technique based controllers proves to be fast and reliable. Using chopper input voltage can be varied and thus speed can be varied. For better performance of the DC motor various kind of controller namely P-I, I-P, Fuzzy logic controller are used. Proportional-Integral type controller is used to eliminate the delay and provides fast control. However, the P-I controller has some disadvantages such as: sluggish response to a sudden load change, the high starting overshoots and sensitivity to controller gains. So, the relatively new Integral Proportional (I-P) controller is proposed to overcome the disadvantages of the P-I controller .After obtaining the model of separately excited DC motor, it is simulated using MATLAB (Simulink) environment. Then fuzzy logic controller has been designed and performance has been observed. Finally a comparative study is done between all the controllers

    Impact of ethical certifications and product involvement on consumers decision to purchase ethical products at price premiums in an emerging market context

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    In emerging markets, instances of increasing consumers focus on ethical aspects of the product are observed. To this end, we aim to examine the influence of two ethical certifications and two product involvement types on consumers willingness to purchase ethical products at price premiums in the Indian market. No animal cruelty certification and no child labor certification are chosen as the ethical certifications, and a shirt and a bar of soap are chosen as high and low involvement product categories. Data is collected from 206 respondents for the experiment, in which consumers willingness to purchase a product is evaluated for different product scenarios. The results of the study indicate that individuals show highest willingness to purchase products (a shirt or a soap) when both certifications (no animal cruelty, no child labor) are present. However, in comparing individual certifications, individuals prefer no animal cruelty certification for a shirt and no child labor certification for a bar of soap. The study provides insights to practitioners regarding consumers present perception of ethical aspects in the product and directions to increase sales of ethical products in the Indian market.publishedVersio

    Dissociative disorder in children and adolescents and their personality profile: a comparative study

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    Background: Studies demonstrate the change in nature of dissociation in accordance with increasing age but there is dearth of literature studying the differential influence of personality factors in childhood and adolescent dissociation respectively. Personality attributes putatively determine the overt expression of nature of dissociative symptoms in childhood and adolescent dissociative symptoms differentially. Objective: Aim of this study was to compare the personality profiles of children and adolescents onset dissociative disorder.Methods: 60 subjects with diagnosis of dissociative disorders were included in this study with 30 subjects with 8-12 years of age and 30 adolescents with 13-16 years of age. Children in the age group of 8-12 years were given children personality questionnaire (CPQ) and adolescents were given 16 PF (form B) which are a paper-pencil self-administered questionnaires.Results: Both the groups were comparable for various socio-demographic and clinical variables except habitat and education. Children in younger age group were found to be more serious, taciturn, internally restrained, depressed and apprehensive. Adolescents on other hand were more aggressive, stubborn and aggressive.Conclusions: Dissociation in childhood and adolescents is a malleable developmental phenomenon determined by core personality attributes.

    Expression and Characterization of Chandipura Virus Proteins

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    Chandipura virus (CHPV) has recently emerged as an extremely lethal human pathogen in the family Rhabdoviridae and is linked to significant encephalitis outbreaks in different parts of India. The biology of CHPV remains less studied to date and the availability of reagents such as purified proteins can enhance research in this direction. In this study, we have overexpressed four of the CHPV proteins namely Nucleoprotein (N), Phosphoprotein (P), Matrix protein (M) and Glycoprotein (G) using three  distinct tags in bacterial system and with changes in inducer concentration, growth and solubilisation conditions successfully purified M and G proteins for the first time along with N and P. Furthermore, the interactions of CHPV M protein with other viral proteins (G, N and P) was investigated using ELISA and GST pull down assays to show the utility of olubilised proteins. The results of both the assays demonstrated that M protein interacts with both G and N proteins, while it does not interact with P protein, in a similar  manner as reported for Vesicular Stomatitis Virus