1,679 research outputs found

    Potencial de armazenamento de carbono no solo visando pagamentos por servicos ambientais

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    Orientador : Wilson LoureiroMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Especialização MBA em Gestão AmbientalInclui referência

    Atributos de solos coesos e não coesos e o desenvolvimento de arbóreas nativas no município de Itaboraí - RJ

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Gustavo Ribas CurcioCoorientadores : Prof. Dr. Vander de Freitas Melo, Prof. Dr. Renato Antonio DedecekTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal. Defesa: Curitiba, 28/03/2013Bibliografia: fls. 142-144Área de concentração : Conservação da naturezaResumo: Os objetivos desse trabalho foram: (1) determinar as caracteristicas dos solos em encostas, uma dominada por solos coesos e outra por solos nao coesos, (2) diagnosticar as caracteristicas mineralogicas e identificar diferencas entre dois solos com base em parametros fisico-hidricos e mineralogicos, (3) identificar a influencia da posicao na encosta sobre as caracteristicas fisicas dos solos coesos, (4) desenvolver metodologia apropriada para a extracao de materiais argilosos a fim de determinar os provaveis agentes causadores da coesao dos solos e (5) testar a influencia dos solos, posicao na encosta e tratamento pre-plantio sobre o desenvolvimento de tres especies florestais. As areas escolhidas foram duas encostas localizadas no Complexo Petroquimico do Rio de Janeiro (COMPERJ), no municipio de Itaborai, RJ. Cada uma das duas encostas foi segmentada em tercos (inferior, medio e superior), sendo abertas trincheiras nos tercos superior e inferior de ambas. Os perfis foram descritos e, em cada horizonte, foram coletadas amostras para determinacao das propriedades quimicas, granulometricas e mineralogicas, alem de amostras indeformadas para a determinacao das caracteristicas fisicohidricas. Para os plantios foram utilizadas tres especies (Schizolobium parahyba, Peltophorum dubium e Gallesia integrifolia), alocadas em tres blocos, um em cada terco das duas encostas. Os solos coesos apresentaram maior densidade, menor condutividade hidraulica e porosidade em subsuperficie do que os solos nao coesos. Ademais, apresentaram menor teor de argila e morfologicamente distinguem-se dos nao coesos pelos matizes mais amarelecidos, alem de consistencia mais firme. A fracao argila de ambos os solos e dominada pela caulinita que se apresenta mais cristalina nos nao coesos. Os teores de minerais amorfos sao maiores nos solos coesos, enquanto os de goethita sao significativamente menores. Contudo, a gibbsita e a hematita foram virtualmente ausentes em ambos os solos, havendo somente tracos destes nos solos nao coesos. No que diz respeito a influencia da posicao na encosta sobre as caracteristicas dos solos coesos, este mostrou possuir maior densidade e macroporosidade na porcao superior da encosta, enquanto a posicao no terco inferior lhe determinou maior porosidade total e agua disponivel. As extracoes feitas pelas solucoes quimicas (NaOH, Ditionito Citrato Bicarbonato de sodio e Oxalto de Amonio) aplicadas as amostras indicaram a presenca de materiais de facil remocao nos solos coesos, cuja quantidade foi muito reduzida nos solos nao coesos. Ao final de dois anos, P. dubium foi a especie que teve maior taxa de sobrevivencia. Neste periodo, concluiu-se que a posicao na encosta nao afetou o incremento total conjunto das mudas, mas tiveram melhor resultado nos solos nao coesos, bem como nos coesos, mediante subsolagem. P. dubium e S. parahyba tiveram melhor desempenho nos plantios, sendo seus desempenhos individuais pouco afetados pela subsolagem ou pela posicao na encosta, embora a ultima especie tenha tido seu incremento afetado negativamente pela presenca de coesao nos solos.Abstract: The objectives of this work were: (1) to determine the soil characteristics on landscapes, in which one is dominated by cohesive soils and another, by noncohesive soils; (2) to determine the mineralogical characteristics and to identify the possible differences between these soils based on their physic-hydric and mineralogical characteristics; (3) to identify the influence of the landscape position on the physical characteristics of cohesive soils; (4) to develop appropriate methods to extract clay material from these soils aiming to find out which factors are responsible by soil cohesion; (5) to test the influence of soil, landscape position and pre planting treatments on growth of three different forestry species. It was chosen two landscapes located at Petrobras Plant of Rio de Janeiro (COMPERJ), in Itaborai-RJ Brazil. Every landscape was divided into segments (upper, middle and toe) and soil trenches were dogged at upper and toe position on both landscapes. Soil profiles were described and, at every soil horizon, samples were collected for chemical, particle distribution and mineralogical laboratory analysis and undisturbed samples were also collected for physic-hydric analysis. Three forestry species (Schizolobium parahyba, Peltophorum dubium e Gallesia integrifolia) were planted at upper and lower landscape position, replicated three times at each position. Cohesive soils presented greater soil bulk density, lower hydraulic conductivity and total porosity in subsurface horizons compared to non-cohesive soils. They also showed lower clay content and morphologically they differed from non-cohesive ones due to yellowish color and stronger cohesion. Clay fraction on these soils is dominated by kaolinite, which showed highly crystalline than non-cohesive ones. Amorphous mineral content were greater in cohesive soils, while goethite content were lower. Gibbsite and hematite were almost absent in both soils, there were only traces of them on noncohesive soils. Considering the influence of landscape position on cohesive soil characteristics, these soils at upper position showed greater soil bulk density and macroporosity, while soils at lower position presented greater total porosity and available water. Chemical extractions performed on soil samples indicated the presence of materials easy removable on cohesive soils, which were very small on non-cohesive ones. Two years after planting, P. dubium was the specie with greater survival percentage. Soil landscape position did not influence seedlings growth, but seedling increments were greater after subsoiling in both soils. P. dubium e S. parahyba showed greater seedling growths and they were not influenced either by subsoiling or landscape position, but the later specie growth was negatively influenced by soil cohesion

    Atributos físicos e perda de solo, água e nutrientes em encostas sob sistema de produção de hortaliças convencional e orgânico

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    Orientador: Profa. Dra. Nerilde FavarettoCoorientadores: Prof. Dr. Jeferson Dieckow e Prof. Dr. Renato DedecekDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Solo. Defesa: Curitiba, 2008Inclui bibliografiaArea de concentração : Pedologia e manej

    Agronomic Engineering students’ perceptions about agroecology: a case study at a public university in Tocantins

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    The present study approaches the perceptions about agroecology of 30 university students from the 2nd and 8th periods of the Agronomic Engineering course at the State University of Tocantins. In order to collect the data, the students answered a questionnaire consisting of nineteen questions with multiple choices, but some questions were asked for justifications. The answers given to the closed questions of this qualitative-qualitative research were categorized in percentages and the open questions by the technique of content analysis. A significant portion of the students said their family members own rural property. Still, the students of the two periods mentioned that they have already heard about agroecology and conceptualized as an agriculture that uses less aggressive means to the environment. A sgnificant portion is unaware of agroecological rural producers in Tocantins. However, for most of the 8th period students, future farming will be based on the agroecology principles, while the 2nd period students believe it will be fully technized. In addition, most of the students expressed interest in participating in research and/or extension projects in this area; since they know about sustainable food production practices and have already consumed some agroecological product. However, a great amount of students is unaware of the environmental service concept and believes that soy monoculture is a financially good initiative and environmentally poor

    Soil, water and nutrient loss under conventional and organic vegetable production managed in small farms

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    Agricultural systems with conventional tillage and intensive use of agrochemicals, especially those on high slopes and with shallow soils, have the potential to release pollutants. This study aimed at evaluating the soil, water and nutrient lost via agricultural runoff in large plots (small catchments) under conventional and organic farming of vegetables as well as under forest (control) system in a Cambisol in the Campestre catchment. Samples of runoff were collected biweekly for one year through a Coshocton wheel. The soil and water losses from the conventional farming were 218 and 6 times higher, respectively, than forest. Under organic farming the soil and water losses were 12 and 4 times higher, respectively, than forest. However the soil losses (0.5 to 114 kg ha^(−1) year^(−1)) are considered low in agronomy but environmentally represent a potential source of surface water contamination by runoff associated pollutants. The concentrations and losses of all forms of phosphorus (P) were higher in the conventional system (9.5, 0.9 and 0.3 mg L^(−1) of total P for conventional, organic and forest systems, respectively), while the organic system had the highest concentrations and losses of soluble nitrogen (4.7, 38.6 and 0.4 mg L^(−1) of NO_3-N, respectively). The percentage of bioavailable P was proportionally higher in the organic system (91% of total P lost was as bioavailable P), indicating greater potential for pollution in the short term

    Pineapple quality in a traditional cultivation system in different soil classes

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    Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merril) is considered one of the most important fruits of the tropical and subtropical regions, and the third most-produced in the world due to its high commercial expansion in the world market, in recent years. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the influence of landscape position on pineapple quality. The work was developed at the Providência Farm, located in the municipality of Miracema do Tocantins. The following soil parameters were evaluated: hydraulic conductivity - KS, soil bulk density – DS, and total porosity – TP, as well as the following quality attributes: titratable acidity - TA, length and diameter of infructescences, total fresh mass - TM, fresh mass of infructescences – IM, and soluble solids – SS. The analyses were performed at the Agri-Environmental Laboratory of the Agricultural Sciences Complex of the Federal University of Tocantins. Less massive infructescences developed on more porous soils. The variation in the mass of infructescences is not associated with soil types, but rather with soil porosity. Soils with higher KS tend to increase the chances of producing infructescences with high acidity and high levels of soluble solids. The DS did not result in a significant association with the pineapple quality attributes. The infructescences were not affected by the landscape position. No position in the landscape influenced fruit quality. In general, the infructescences showed low acidity and low levels of soluble solids, with length and diameter of infructescences below the standard of the cultivar ‘Pérola’.Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merril) is considered one of the most important fruits of the tropical and subtropical regions, and the third most-produced in the world due to its high commercial expansion in the world market, in recent years. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the influence of landscape position on pineapple quality. The work was developed at the Providência Farm, located in the municipality of Miracema do Tocantins. The following soil parameters were evaluated: hydraulic conductivity - KS, soil bulk density – DS, and total porosity – TP, as well as the following quality attributes: titratable acidity - TA, length and diameter of infructescences, total fresh mass - TM, fresh mass of infructescences – IM, and soluble solids – SS. The analyses were performed at the Agri-Environmental Laboratory of the Agricultural Sciences Complex of the Federal University of Tocantins. Less massive infructescences developed on more porous soils. The variation in the mass of infructescences is not associated with soil types, but rather with soil porosity. Soils with higher KS tend to increase the chances of producing infructescences with high acidity and high levels of soluble solids. The DS did not result in a significant association with the pineapple quality attributes. The infructescences were not affected by the landscape position. No position in the landscape influenced fruit quality. In general, the infructescences showed low acidity and low levels of soluble solids, with length and diameter of infructescences below the standard of the cultivar ‘Pérola’


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    A instabilidade climática e o uso e manejo inadequado do solo podem contribuir para degradação do solo? Considerando as condições de clima e uso do bioma cerrado dentro da área da Amazônia legal, como a última fronteira agrícola do país, objetivou-se avaliar a biomassa e respiração microbiana, bem como o quociente metabólico do solo em diferentes usos e em dois períodos críticos (úmido e muito seco) no município de Palmas, Estado do Tocantins. Trata-se de áreas de Latassolos Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico de classes texturais semelhantes. Utilizou-se de coleta de amostras deformadas com uso de trado na camada superficial e os parâmetros foram medidos utilizando a metodologia de respiração induzida. De maneira geral, os diferentes usos do solo alteraram a biomassa e respiração microbiana e a estacionalidade climática afetou somente a respiração microbiana. E a relação entre a respiração e biomassa medidos através do quociente metabólico indicou não haver diferença entre os usos, porém no período seco o cultivo orgânico demonstrou-se mais estável.  Climate instability and inadequate land use and management contribute to soil degradation. Considering the climate conditions and use of the cerrado biome within the legal Amazon area, as the last agricultural frontier in the country, the objective was to evaluate the microbial biomass and respiration, as well as the metabolic quotient of the soil in different uses and  in  two  critical  periods (humid and very dry) in the  municipality of Palmas, state of Tocantins. These are areas of dystrophic Red-Yellow Latassols of similar textural classes. Deformed samples were collected using auger in the superficial layer and   the   parameters were measured using the induced respiration methodology. In general, different land uses altered biomass and microbial respiration and climatic seasonality affected only microbial respiration. And the relationship between respiration and biomass measured through the metabolic quotient indicated no difference between uses, but in the dry season organic cultivation was more stable.  La inestabilidad climática y el uso y manejo inadecuado de la tierra contribuyen a la degradación del suelo. Considerando las condiciones climáticas y el uso del bioma cerrado dentro del área legal del Amazonas, como la última frontera agrícola en el país, el objetivo era evaluar la biomasa microbiana y la respiración, así como el cociente metabólico del suelo en diferentes usos y en dos períodos críticos. (húmedo y muy seco) en el municipio de Palmas, estado de Tocantins. Estas son áreas de Latassoles rojos-amarillos distróficos de clases de texturas similares. Las muestras deformadas se recogieron usando una barrena en la capa superficial y los parámetros se midieron usando la metodología de respiración inducida. En general, los diferentes usos del suelo alteraron la biomasa y la respiración microbiana y la estacionalidad climática solo afectó la respiración microbiana. Y la relación entre la respiración y la biomasa medida a través del cociente metabólico no indicó diferencias entre los usos, pero en la estación seca el cultivo orgánico fue más estable.

    Germination of seeds and seedling quality of Plinia trunciflora under different pre-germinative treatments.

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    A formação de mudas florestais de boa qualidade morfofisiológica envolve os processos de germinação de sementes, que por sua vez é dependente de potencialidades genéticas. Algumas ações no tratamento prévio de sementes podem auxiliar na germinação. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a germinação de sementes e qualidade inicial de mudas de jabuticabeira sob diferentes tratamentos pré-germinativos: T1 – sementes completamente limpas; T2 – sementes oxidadas com o fruto macerado; T3 – sementes com polpa; e T4 – semeadura do fruto com semente. O experimento foi conduzido durante o período de outubro de 2007 a agosto de 2008. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Realizou-se a avaliação da percentagem de germinação aos 40, 60 e 90 dias da semeadura, e o cálculo do índice de velocidade de emergência realizado ao final do período. Aos 306 dias após a semeadura foram avaliados os parâmetros morfológicos das mudas, suas relações e o índice de qualidade de Dickson para mudas. Comprovou-se que as sementes completamente limpas (T1) ou com endocarpo aderido (T3) foram os tratamentos prévios mais eficazes para os processos de germinação e qualidade da muda formada. Palavras-chave: Jabuticaba; frutífera nativa; propagação sexuada; produção de mudas.   Abstract Germination of seeds and seedling quality of Plinia trunciflora under different pre-germinative treatments. The formation of forest seedlings of good morphophysiological quality involves processes of seed germination, which in turn is dependent on genetic potential. Some actions in the pretreatment of seed germination can help. This study aimed to evaluate the germination and initial quality of seedlings under different treatments jabuticaba pre-germinated: T1 - seeds thoroughly cleaned; T2 - seeds oxidized with the fruit macerate; T3 - pulp with seeds, and T4 - the fruit with seed sowing. The experiment was conducted during the period from October 2007 to August 2008. The experimental design was a completely randomized with four treatments in 4 replicates. It was calculated of the percentage of germination at 40, 60 and 90 days, and the analysis of the index emergency speed at the end of the period. At 306 days after sowing they were assessed the morphological parameters of seedlings, their relationships and quality index of Dickson for seedlings. It has been proved that the seeds thoroughly cleaned and cored joined with the previous treatments were the most effective in the process of germination and seedling quality.Keywords: Jabuticaba fruits; native fruit; sexual propagation; production of seedlings.The formation of forest seedlings of good morphophysiological quality involves processes of seed germination, which in turn is dependent on genetic potential. Some actions in the pretreatment of seed germination can help. This study aimed to evaluate the germination and initial quality of seedlings under different treatments jabuticaba pre-germinated: T1 - seeds thoroughly cleaned; T2 - seeds oxidized with the fruit macerate; T3 - pulp with seeds, and T4 - the fruit with seed sowing. The experiment was conducted during the period from October 2007 to August 2008. The experimental design was a completely randomized with four treatments in 4 replicates. It was calculated of the percentage of germination at 40, 60 and 90 days, and the analysis of the index emergency speed at the end of the period. At 306 days after sowing they were assessed the morphological parameters of seedlings, their relationships and quality index of Dickson for seedlings. It has been proved that the seeds thoroughly cleaned and cored joined with the previous treatments were the most effective in the process of germination and seedling quality

    Slow release fertilizer on the growth of seedlings Araucaria angustifolia and Ocotea odorifera

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    Um dos mais importantes fatores na produção de mudas de essências florestais é a fertilização do substrato, que deve atender as demandas nutricionais de cada espécie. A utilização de fertilizante de liberação lenta pode contribuir para a obtenção de mudas de melhor qualidade. Dessa forma, foi objetivo deste trabalho avaliar doses de fertilizante de liberação lenta no desenvolvimento de mudas de araucária e canela-sassafrás. O estudo foi realizado na região do Vale do Itajaí (SC), durante os meses de agosto de 2007 a março de 2008, em viveiro instalado no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia, Campus Rio do Sul, com sementes provenientes da própria região. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 4 tratamentos: T1-0 kg; T2-3 kg; T3- 6 kg e T4- 9 kg de Basacote® por m³ de substrato-base. Após 190 dias da semeadura, foram analisadas as variáveis altura total, diâmetro do colo, relação entre altura e diâmetro do colo, matéria fresca da parte aérea, matéria seca da parte aérea, matéria seca da raiz, matéria seca total e dose de máxima eficiência técnica. As mudas das duas espécies tiveram um melhor crescimento com a dose de 6 kg de Basacote® por m³ de substrato-padrão utilizado.Palavras-chave: Araucária; canela-sassafrás; fertilização; produção de mudas. AbstractSlow release fertilizer on the growth of seedlings Araucaria angustifolia and Ocotea odorifera. Substrate fertilization is among the most important factors for seedling production control, which should meet the nutritional demands of each species. Slow release fertilizers may contribute for better quality seedlings formation. According to that, this study aimed to evaluate slow release fertilizer doses in the development of araucaria and canela-sassafras seedlings. The study was developed in the region of Itajaí Valley (SC), along the months of August 2007 and March 2008, in a seedbed installed at the Federal Agricultural School, under a totally randomized design, with four treatments: T1-0 kg; T2-3 kg; T3-6 kg e T4-9 kg of Basacote® per m³ of basic substrate. After 190 days from sowing, measurements had been made for total height, collar diameter, height and collar diameter ratio, fresh biomass of the above ground part, dry biomass of the above ground part, root dry biomass, total dry biomass and maximum technical efficiency doses. The seedlings of both species showed better growth at the 6 kg doses of Basacote per m3 of standard substrate.Keywords:Araucaria; canela-sassafras; fertilization; seedlings production.Substrate fertilization is among the most important factors for seedling production control, which should meet the nutritional demands of each species. Slow release fertilizers may contribute for better quality seedlings formation. According to that, this study aimed to evaluate slow release fertilizer doses in the development of araucaria and canela-sassafras seedlings. The study was developed in the region of Itajaí Valley (SC), along the months of August 2007 and March 2008, in a seedbed installed at the Federal Agricultural School, under a totally randomized design, with four treatments: T1-0 kg; T2-3 kg; T3-6 kg e T4-9 kg of Basacote® per m³ of basic substrate. After 190 days from sowing, measurements had been made for total height, collar diameter, height and collar diameter ratio, fresh biomass of the above ground part, dry biomass of the above ground part, root dry biomass, total dry biomass and maximum technical efficiency doses. The seedlings of both species showed better growth at the 6 kg doses of Basacote per m3 of standard substrate

    Ensino-aprendizagem de embriologia na visão de estudantes de licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas de uma universidade pública brasileira

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    Este estudo objetivou relatar a opinião de estudantes de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas de uma universidade pública brasileira acerca do ensino-aprendizagem de Embriologia no Ensino Médio e no Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE) em decorrência da pandemia da COVID-19. A partir dos relatos dos estudantes, constatou-se que o ensino-aprendizagem dos estudantes, tanto no Ensino Médio quanto no ERE, apresentou algumas problemáticas, como a falta de infraestrutura, tempo de aula, recursos didáticos adotados e ausência de aulas práticas. Dessa forma, recomenda-se que os professores adotem novas metodologias e usem recursos didáticos alternativos para o ensino de Embriologia, o que facilitará o ensino-aprendizagem dessa área do conhecimento, tanto no Ensino Médio quanto no Ensino Superior.This study aimed to report the opinion of Biological Sciences Licentiate students from a Brazilian public university about the teaching-learning of Embryology in High School and Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE) as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. From the students' reports, it was found that the teaching and learning of students, both in High School and in the ERE, presented some problems, such as lack of infrastructure, class time, didactic resources adopted, and absence of practical classes. Thus, it is recommended that teachers adopt new methodologies and use alternative teaching resources, which will facilitate the teaching-learning of this area of knowledge, both in High School and at the Graduation level.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo informar la opinión de estudiantes de Licenciatura en Ciencias Biológicas de una universidad pública brasileña sobre la enseñanza- y el aprendizaje de Embriología en la educación secundaria y a distancia de emergencia (ERE) como resultado de la pandemia de COVID-19. A partir de los relatos de los alumnos, se constató que la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los alumnos, tanto de Bachillerato como de la ERE, presentaban algunos problemas, como falta de infraestructura, tiempo de clase, recursos didácticos adoptados y ausencia de clases prácticas. Así, se recomienda que los docentes adopten nuevas metodologías y utilicen recursos didácticos alternativos para la enseñanza de la Embriología, que facilitarán la enseñanza- y el aprendizaje de esta área del conocimiento, tanto en la Educación Secundaria como en la Educación Superior