43 research outputs found

    Analisis User Experience Aplikasi Peduli Lindungi untuk Menunjang Proses Bisnis Berkelanjutan

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    Pandemi ini sangat berdampak banyak hampir keseluhur sektor. Pemerintah terus berusaha menekan penyebaran coronavirus diantaranya dengan menerapkan aplikasi PeduliLindungi. Aplikasi tersebut dikembangkan untuk membantu dalam melakukan pelacakan. Pelacakan dan fitur-fitur lainnya mulai dipergunakan di sarana prasarana umum seperti di bandara, termasuk hasil tes swab PCR maupun antigen sudah mampu diintegrasikan dengan aplikasi tersebut. Selain itu digunakan untuk masuk dan check-in ke berbagai tempat umum seperti mall. Walaupun sudah banyak penggunaan dan integrasi pada aplikasi Peduli Lindungi, namun belum diketahui tingkat penerimaan di masyarakat. Diharapkan dengan penerapan aplikasi tersebut proses bisnis yang terhenti disemua sektor dapat kembali beroperasi. Maka untuk membantu pemerintah dalam melancarkan tujuannya mengembalikan proses bisnis yang terhenti dampak pandemi. Perlu dilakukan analisa aplikasi pedulilindungi dari segi pengalaman pengguna. Analisis menggunakan tools user experience questionnaire (UEQ). UEQ terdiri dari 26 butir pertanyaan. Hasil penelitian dari enam skala: daya tarik, kejelasan, efisiensi, ketepatan, stimulasi dan kebaruan masih menghasilkan nilai yang sangat rendah. Terutama pada skala ketepatan dengan nilai buruk

    Web Scraping with HTML DOM Method for Data Collection of Scientific Articles from Google Scholar

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    Google Scholar is a web-based service for searching a broad academic literature. Various types of references can be accessed such as: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles from academic publishers, professional communities, pre-printed data centers, universities and other academic organizations. Google Scholar provides the profile creation feature of every researcher, expert and lecturer. Quantity of publication from an academic institution along with detailed data on the publication of scientific articles can be accessed through Google Scholar. A recap of the publication of scientific articles of each researcher in an institution or organization is needed to determine the research performance collectively. But the problems that occur, the unavailability of recap services for publishing scientific articles for each researcher in an institution or organization. So that the scientific article publication data can be utilized by academic institutions or organizations, this research will take data from Google Scholar to make a recap of scientific article publication data by applying web scraping technology. Implementation of web scraping can help to take the available resources on the web and the results can be utilized by other applications. By doing web scraping on Google Scholar, collective scientific article publication data can be obtained. So that the process of making scientific publications data recap can be done quickly. Experiments in this study have succeeded in taking 236 researchers data from Google Scholar, with 9 attributes, and 2,420 articles

    Sistem Informasi Manajemen Anggaran (Simangga) Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : Universitas Siliwangi)

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    Penelitian ini membahas mengenai permasalahan klasik dalam pengelolan anggaran, yang terjadi diberbagai bidang salah satunya pada dunia pendidikan. Meskipun pemerintah telah menyediakan berbagai sistem untuk pengelolaan anggaran, namun masih diperlukan manajemen anggaran di internal. Dimulai dari pengajuan rencana anggaran dari tiap unit, kemudian penggabungan data dalam satu satker, pengajuan revisi maupun pengajuan realisasi dan pelaporan maupun monitoring statistik oleh pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi. Maka pada penelitian ini dibuat sistem untuk mengelola anggaran internal satuan kerja berbasis web yang responsive agar memudahkan akses dan monitoring pada perangkat mobile. Hasil dari penelitian ini terciptanya suatu sistem yang dapat membantu manajemen anggaran internal yang dalam hal ini satker Universitas Siliwangi, sistem tersebut sangat membantu terutama bagi perguruan tinggi negeri baru yang masih minim pengalaman

    Point Clipping Algorithm on Employee Presence Application for Geolocation of Employee Position

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    In organizations, companies or agencies such as the Office of Communication and Information Technology, presence has become one of the critical things in assessing the performance of workers/employees. There are several ways to do attendance, where one of them can facilitate the present process with digital tools/machines such as smartphones that utilize the GPS feature to run APIs such as Google Geolocation on Android. Also, a system is needed that can manage the results of the present process, such as web-based applications that can also be accessed through either a computer or smartphone. Therefore, the need to build a presence application both in the presence and in management that can help agencies such as Office of Communication and Information (Diskominfo) to handle internal processes, especially in the management of its employees. In this study, the application in the construction of its application is used Point Clipping algorithm as a tool for the present process that can take advantage of the GPS feature. Based on the results of the tests conducted, the accuracy value of the incoming and returning attendance process was obtained in the location area with an average of each side of the area of approximately 11.21 meters at the entry point and 18.05 meters at the presence of going home outside the office, where the location area boundary outside the specified office which is around 15 meters and the time test is obtained the time delay value in the attendance process with an average of each side of the area of about 9.6 seconds at the incoming attendance and 8.3 seconds at the home attendance


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    Desa sebagai suatu sistem pemerintahan yang memiliki batas wilayah, berwenang mengatur dan mengurus urusan pemerintahan dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan yang optimal kepada masyarakat. Pengelolaan data kehadiran aparat desa harus dikelola dengan baik, karena dapat mempengaruhi kinerja pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Pencatatan data kehadiran secara konvensional, biasanya dilakukan ketika jam masuk kerja dengan membubuhkan tanda tangan pada sebuah buku atau form daftar hadir. Proses pencatatan kehadiran seperti ini sangat sederhana tetapi mudah dimanipulasi. Agar masalah tersebut dapat ditangani, dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini diterapkan sistem pencatatan kehadiran berbasis fingerprint. Dibanding dengan pencatatan kehadiran berbasis elektronik lainnya seperti: time recording machine, id card with barcode system, magnetic card dan Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) card, sistem pencatatan kehadiran berbasis fingerprint ini lebih baik karena proses pengambilan data kehadiran didasarkan pada pola sidik jari setiap aparat desa, sehingga penitipan identitas kepada orang lain dapat diminimalisir. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini, telah diterapkannya sistem pencatatan data kehadiran berbasis sidik jari di lokasi mitra, pelatihan penggunaan sistem kepada administrator pengelola data kehadiran di lokasi mitra telah dilakukan dan laporan data kehadiran secara otomatis diproses oleh sistem serta dapat ditampilkan atau dicetak ketika dibutuhkan

    Implementasi Load Balancing Web Server menggunakan Haproxy dan Sinkronisasi File pada Sistem Informasi Akademik Universitas Siliwangi

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    Saat ini Universitas Siliwangi memiliki populasi pengguna Sistem Informasi Akademik sebesar 12829 orang yang terdiri dari mahasiswa, karyawan dan dosen. Dengan arsitektur server tunggal saat ini, sering terjadi overload jika banyak request user secara bersamaan seperti pada kegiatan pengisian kartu rencana studi mahasiswa. Hal ini menimbulkan kondisi server down karena matinya aplikasi web server dan database server sehingga banyak user yang tidak dapat dilayani dengan kondisi server tunggal. Arsitektur multi server dengan memanfaatkan load balancing web server merupakan salah satu solusi yang dianggap efektif dan efisien untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Konsep load balancing web server dengan high availability memungkinkan proses request pada Sistem Informasi Akademik dibagi secara merata ke beberapa server. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan yaitu load balancing dapat bekerja dengan baik ketika request datang dari client telah berhasil didistribusikan balancer secara merata kepada setiap node cluster. Sehingga server tidak mengalami overload dan kemampuan web server bisa melayani 10.000 request dengan tidak mengalami error request. Selain itu, penerapan sinkronisasi file bekerja dengan baik dimana file yang diupload pada node 1 akan disinkron ke setiap node 2 dan node 3 pada cluster, begitu juga sebaliknya karena sinkronisasi file ini bersifat dua arah

    Identification of Bacterial Leaf Blight and Brown Spot Disease in Rice Plants with Image Processing Approach

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    In agriculture, technology can provide benefits to farmers. However, at present there are still very few farmers who use technology, especially computerization in their agricultural processes, such as the identification of diseases in rice plants, there are still many rice farmers who cannot recognize and distinguish the types of diseases in rice plants. Research on the identification of bacterial leaf blight and brown spots on rice plants has carried out before, but the accuracy rate is only 70%. This research developed a system to identify bacterial leaf blight and brown spot in rice plants through leaf images with an image processing approach. Image of affected rice leaves is segmented first using K-Means Clustering, then the texture features are extracted using the Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) with features extracted in the form of energy, contrast, correlation, homogeneity and shape pattern characteristics using metric and eccentricity features, then identified using Euclidean Distance. The training data used 40 images for each disease and 12 images for each disease. The test results show that the system has a better level of accuracy than previous studies that reached 100% with a Mean Squared Error (MSE) value of 0.007282214

    Implementation Of Global Positioning System As A Location Monitoring Media For Final Project Guidelines On Android-Based Applications

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    Final Project is the written result of a series of activities, starting from data collection, implementation of a study to the preparation of reports. In working on a Final Project a student is required to conduct guidance with a supervisor who has been determined by the institution. There are difficulties in arranging the guidance schedule for lecturers because there are teaching schedules, as well as out-of-town service activities. In this study, mobile applications will be developed that can be used by students and lecturers in communication and for students to find out the whereabouts of lecturers by utilizing GPS facilities. The research method used is the Design and Creation method which has 5 stages, namely awareness, suggestion, development, evaluation, and conclusion. In the development stage using the Extreme Progmingming system development method. Based on the results of testing, the Online Final Assignment Student Assignment application that was built was able to display the location of the existence of the supervisor, guidance schedule and chat services connected with the WhatsApp application as a means to communicate between Lecturers and Students.


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    Perjuangan University is developing an information system in its campus, but the system is partially built. This has resulted in its own problems, there is no connectivity between systems and the difficulty of developing data integration. So that in the business process that occurs many experience difficulties in data synchronization and the amount of duplicate data that must be entered. One solution to overcome this problem is to utilize web service technology. The web service architecture used is REST. REST as a bridge that is able to integrate data in a stateless format. The results of the application of the web service as a backend system are able to integrate the existing academic information systems and library information systems without changing existing structures, programs or architecture. Format data exchange between systems using the JSON format. In addition, officers do not need to input and verify data several times, when the data in the library information system changes automatically in the academic information system the changes are immediately read