11 research outputs found

    The Role Mediation of Export And Foreign Debt in Influences Exchanges Rate on Foreign Exchange Reserves: Evidence from Indonesian

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    The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the role of export and foreign debt mediation in the effect of exchange rate on foreign exchange reserves. And test and analyze the effect of exchange rate on exports, foreign debt and foreign exchange reserves and the effect of exports and foreign debt on foreign exchange reserves in Indonesian in 1999-2015. The type of research data is secondary data sourced from Bank Indonesian and Central Bureau of Statistics. Data analysis with path analysis using AMOS 18.0.The results of the analysis and discussion concluded that in the period of 1999-2015, export and foreign debt play a role mediate the effect of exchange rate on foreign exchange reserves in Indonesia. The significance test results conclude that the effect mediation of export and foreign debt is significant on foreign exchange reserves. Other results conclude that exchange rate has significant effect on export, foreign debt and foreign exchange reserves. Export and foreign debt have a significant effect on foreign exchange reserves in Indonesian

    Modelling of the Dynamics of Relationship between World Crude Oil Prices and Indonesia’s Trade Balance: An LVAR Analysis

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    This paper aims to examine the long-term dynamics of relationship between world crude oil prices and Indonesia’s trade balance, and establish a model of the relationship dynamics. The data used were the monthly data covering the period from January 2004 to October 2014, and were analyzed by using the LVAR (p, q) causal model proposed by Agung (Time series data analysis using eview. Singapore : John Wiley & Son, 2009). Results of data analysis demonstrated a significant long-term dynamic relationship between world crude oil prices and Indonesia’s trade balance. The relationship between those two variables was negative, i.e., if the prices of world crude oil increase, the trade balance decreases. Keywords : Crude oil price, trade balance, LVAR analysis

    Modeling of the Dynamics Relationship between World Crude Oil Prices and the Stock Market in Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine the dynamics of the relationship between world crude oil prices and Indonesian stock market within the period of January 1st, 2004 to December 31st, 2013. The world crude oil prices referred to the price of West Texas Intermediate crude oil (WTI), whereas the composite indexes at the Indonesian Stock Exchange were used as indicators of the stock market in Indonesia. Daily data were analyzed by employing the LVAR causal model. The test results showed that there was a significant dynamical relationship between world crude oil prices and Indonesian composite index, both in the long-term and in the short-term. The dynamics of this relationship is positive, meaning that if the world crude oil price rises (falls), then the composite index also rises (falls). This finding is in the need for Indonesian government to be considered in their economic policy, as well as for investors to manage their investment portfolio. Keywords: World crude oil price; Stock price; LVAR analysis JEL Classifications: C51; C58; G12; Q41; Q4


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    The aim of the research is to analyze the effect of infrastructures on economic growth in Southeast Sulawesi. The data used the secunder data which formed time series-based. The data was obtained by publication and legal documents of Statistic Center Unit and relevant institution. The method of analysis used ordinary least squares with panel data. Thus, the data analysis of this research was regretion model with panel data. To estimate regretion of panel data, the researcher used common effect,fixed effect and random effect method. The findings of this research showed that insfrastructures comprised road, harbor, water and electicity simultaniously and significantly influenced the economic growth in Southeast Sulawesi. Partially, only harbor and electricity significantly affected on the economic growth Southeast Sulawesi

    The Effect of Crude Oil Prices on Economic Growth in South East Sulawesi, Indonesia: An Application of Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model

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    This research aims to examine the effect of crude oil prices on economic growth in South East Sulawesi, Indonesia. Data on crude oil prices and economic growth are annual time series data stretching from 1987 to 2016. The results of co-integration tests show that there is no long-term relationship between crude oil prices and economic growth. However, the estimation of the ARDL(5.0) model shows that in the short term, there is the influence of crude oil prices toward economic growth. Keywords: Crude oil price, economic growth, ARDL bound co-integration test, ARDL model JEL Classifications: C120, C320, E300, O470 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.732

    Causal Relationship between Electric Consumption and Economic Growth in South East Sulawesi

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    This study aims to investigate the causal relationship between electric consumption and economic growth in Southeast Sulawesi.  Time series of electric consumption and per capita regional gross domestic product data in the period of 1985 to 2016 were used in this study. The causal relationship were examined using an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model and Granger causality test.  The tests revealed a strong positive causal relationship between electric consumption and economic growth of Souetheast Sulawesi in the long-run.  Each 1% increase in electric consumption would caused 0,31% increase in economic growth.  In the short-run, however, weak relationship exists between electric consumption and economic growth.  Hence, electric consumption contributes to economic growth of Southeast Sulawesi in the long-run and in the short-run. Keywords: Electric consumption, economic growth, ARDL model, Granger causality. JEL Classifications: C120, C320, E2, E210. https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.697


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    Poverty is a social reality characterized by underdevelopment in the social, economic, cultural, political, educational and natural factors that directly influence the inability of society, so as to be poor. The effort to reduce poverty is done by getting the community development approach through government programs i.e. PNPM-MP and strengthening unit districts management institutions. The data used were primary data obtained from the field survey with a list of questions; samples were 98 respondents. Research analysis used descriptive quantitative method and community empowerment model approach. Research shows that the family economic empowering 10 from 12 respondents or 83.33% increased in family income and did not work for 16,67% respondents. Meanwhile, the traditional farmer empowerment productive effort 36 form 46 respondents or 78,26% succeeded to increase household income of farmers and 21,74% were not able to increase the income of farm households. Meanwhile, venture capital empowerment fishermen increased fishing activity and managed marine products with a success rate of 55% and 45% did not succeed


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