340 research outputs found

    The dance of classes:a stochastic model for software structure evolution

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    In this study, we investigate software structure evolution and growth. We represent software structure by means of a generic macro-topology called Little House, which models the dependencies among classes of object-oriented software systems. We, then, define a stochastic model to predict the way software architectures evolve. The model estimates how the classes of object-oriented programs get connected one to another along the evolution of the systems. To define the model, we analyzed data from 81 versions of six Java based projects. We analyzed each pair of sequential versions, for each project, in order to depict a pattern of software structure evolution based on Little House. To evaluate the model, we performed two experiments: one with the data used to derive the model, and another with data of 35 releases, in total, of four open-source Java project. In both experiments, we found a very low rate of error for the application of the proposed model. The evaluation of the model suggests it is able to predict how a software structure will evolve


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    O envelhecimento é um fenômeno que atinge todos os seres humanos, independentemente. Sendo caracterizado como um processo dinâmico, progressivo e irreversível, ligados intimamente a fatores biológicos, psíquicos e sociais. Sabe-se que o envelhecimento promove um declínio gradual da capacidade funcional. O declínio observado com o envelhecimento pode ser substancialmente modificado por influência de alguns fatores, como a atividade física. O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar os principais aspectos motivacionais que mantêm os idosos em programas de atividade física. A amostra da pesquisa contou com 48 voluntários, com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos e praticantes de atividades físicas a no mínimo 3 meses, com média de idade de 70,1 ± 6,1 anos. Antes de iniciar a pesquisa foi feito um contato prévio com os responsáveis dos locais onde os idosos praticavam suas atividades físicas, para a assinatura da “carta de ciência”. Os voluntários foram esclarecidos sobre os objetivos e procedimentos metodológicos do estudo, antes de assinarem o “Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido”. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se um questionário com questões fechadas, que foi aplicado entre os meses de Setembro e Novembro de 2014. Os resultados mostraram que os principais aspectos que motivam os idosos a permanecerem praticando atividade física foram a manutenção da saúde, construir amizades e reduzir os níveis de estresse. A partir desses resultados foi concluído que os idosos permanecem nos programas de AF não somente pela saúde, mas também pelo bem estar psicológico e social

    Dredging impact on trace metal behavior in a polluted estuary: a discussion about sampling design

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    Studies involving coastal sediment resuspension have shown that trace metals could be released to the water column due to changes in physical-chemical conditions. Therefore, if environmental agencies adopt screening protocols with insufficient evaluations of contaminant mobilization risks for a given area, the prediction of environmental impacts caused by dredging may be limited. This work evaluates the influence of spatial variation on the geochemical mobility of trace metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) after artificial sediment resuspension, using as study case the Iguaçu River estuary (Guanabara Bay, Brazil). The Iguaçu River drains the industrial complex of the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro State, besides the presence of agriculture and the input of untreated domestic wastes. Surface estuarine sediments were submitted to resuspension experiments in an open system, during 1h and 24h of agitation on local water. A clear tendency of metals’ solubilization was observed after resuspension, especially considering the dissolved concentrations of Cu (average: 8.0 µg L-1) and Zn (average: 0.9 mg L-1), especially for the samples from the transects 2 and 3. However, evaluations of water quality changes due to sediment resuspension are not requested by the legislation regulating the dredging activities. In the sediments, the results suggested a higher geochemical mobility of Cu, indicated by the massive increase on the bioavailable fraction after resuspension, mainly on the transect number 3, on the river’s mouth. The effects of resuspension were distinct between samples, suggesting that even in a small scale, important differences on metals’ mobility are found. Thus, the combined assessment of changes in metal concentrations in water and in the metal partitioning linked to the solid-phase was demonstrated to be a promising tool for predicting the environmental risks of dredging due to changes in the bioavailability of metals

    Overview of Chagas disease surveillance in an endemic region in Southeastern Brazil

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    Chagas disease (CD) is a neglected disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. It has high morbidity and mortality rates and mainly affects socially vulnerable populations. This is a cross-sectional study, with retrospective and prospective data collection. Using questionnaires applied to environmental surveillance coordinators, we characterized the status of CD surveillance activities in municipalities endemic for the disease in Northern Minas Gerais State (MG) and Jequitinhonha Valley (Vale do Jequitinhonha). Moreover, we spatialized the vulnerability index for chronic CD in the study area. The population consisted of 22 environmental surveillance coordinators, active in 2020, from Northern MG and Jequitinhonha Valley, 21 municipalities included in the SaMi-Trop research project, and Montes Claros municipality. After applying the questionnaires to the coordinators, a descriptive analysis of the variables was performed. To characterize the active municipalities, the explanatory variables collected in the questionnaire were compared with the dichotomous variable. Bivariate descriptive analysis was performed. Finally, geoprocessing techniques were used to spatialize the data and prepare maps. Regarding the team of endemic combat agents (ECA), 90.9% reported the lack of a specific team for CD vector control actions. Of the 22 municipalities participating in this study, nine were active (41.1%). Only 25% (n=2) of active municipalities (9% of the municipalities studied) met the target of visiting 50% of households per year. Finally, 81.1% of the coordinators stated that in their municipality, they developed actions linked to primary health care (PHC). The implementation of CD surveillance activities weakened in the endemic region. Few municipalities have a surveillance team, with low regularity of active surveillance and noncompliance with the program’s goal. The results suggest insufficient recording of activities in the information system, considering that there are municipalities that report performing the activities, but no production record was observed in the system


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    Hydatidosis is a parasitic disease caused by Echinococcus sp, a group of helmynths found in the digestive system of mammals. The human being is infected after accidental ingestion of parasite eggs present in feces of domesticated animals such as dogs. This disease leads to formation of organic cysts, primarily inside the liver and lung parenchyma, leading to diverse clinical findings. Our objective is to report a case of polycystic pulmonary and hepatic hydatidosis, while reviewing current recommendations for its diagnosis and treatment. Our case highlights the numerous signs and symptoms this disease can manifest, while also providing evidence that this disease is a reality in the North region of Brazil. Data were collected from patient interview, chart review, photographic record of diagnostic methods applied and review of relevant literature. Currently, ultrassonography is the most widely spread method for diagnosis and classification of hydatidosis, with the downside of depending on the performer’s experience. Computed tomography scan and magnetic ressonance imaging have a crucial role in identifying lesions in several organs. Immunological and histopathological analysis complete the series of exams used for the diagnosis. Hydatidosis treatment includes different lines of therapy, such as the prescription of anti-parasitic drugs, endoscopic or percutaneous intervention, and surgery. Regular follow-up is of upmost importance to quickly diagnose and treat potential complications.                                                 Keywords: hydatidosis, polycystic disease, echinococcosis, Tocantins.A hidatidose é uma doença parasitária causada pelas tênias do gênero Echinococcus sp., helmintos encontrados no intestino delgado de carnívoros. A contaminação do ser humano se dá após o contato com fezes de animais contaminados ou pela ingestão de alimentos crus ou mal cozidos contendo ovos e larvas do parasita. A doença leva à formação de cistos orgânicos, principalmente hepáticos e pulmonares, com sintomatologia muito variada. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o caso de um paciente portador de hidatidose policística hepática e pulmonar, assim como promover um debate acerca das recomendações mais atuais quanto ao diagnóstico e conduta desta entidade. O caso relatado se destaca por sua sintomatologia exuberante e evidencia que a ocorrência desta parasitose ainda é uma realidade na região Norte do país. Foram obtidas informações a partir de revisão do prontuário, entrevista com o paciente, registro fotográfico dos métodos diagnósticos aplicados e revisão da literatura pertinente. Atualmente, a ultrassonografia sobressai como a técnica mais utilizada mundialmente para classificação e estadiamento da hidatidose, com a desvantagem de ser um exame operador-dependente. A tomografia computadorizada e a ressonância magnética têm um papel crucial na identificação das lesões em diversos órgãos. A sorologia e o exame histopatológico completam o quadro de exames complementares utilizados na investigação e definição da doença. O tratamento da hidatidose envolve diferentes modalidades, como tratamento medicamentoso com antiparasitários, intervenção endoscópica ou percutânea e modalidades cirúrgicas. O acompanhamento regular do paciente é imprescindível, permitindo diagnóstico e tratamento precoce das reinfecções e recidivas.             Palavras-chave: Hidatidose; Doença policística; Equinococose; Tocantins. ABSTRACT Hydatidosis is a parasitic disease caused by Echinococcus sp, a group of helmynths found in the digestive system of mammals. The human being is infected after accidental ingestion of parasite eggs present in feces of domesticated animals such as dogs. This disease leads to formation of organic cysts, primarily inside the liver and lung parenchyma, leading to diverse clinical findings. Our objective is to report a case of polycystic pulmonary and hepatic hydatidosis, while reviewing current recommendations for its diagnosis and treatment. Our case highlights the numerous signs and symptoms this disease can manifest, while also providing evidence that this disease is a reality in the North region of Brazil. Data were collected from patient interview, chart review, photographic record of diagnostic methods applied and review of relevant literature. Currently, ultrassonography is the most widely spread method for diagnosis and classification of hydatidosis, with the downside of depending on the performer’s experience. Computed tomography scan and magnetic ressonance imaging have a crucial role in identifying lesions in several organs. Immunological and histopathological analysis complete the series of exams used for the diagnosis. Hydatidosis treatment includes different lines of therapy, such as the prescription of anti-parasitic drugs, endoscopic or percutaneous intervention, and surgery. Regular follow-up is of upmost importance to quickly diagnose and treat potential complications.                                                 Keywords: hydatidosis, polycystic disease, echinococcosis, Tocantins

    Cell Death after Photodynamic Therapy Treatment in Unicellular Protozoan Parasite <em>Tritrichomonas foetus</em>

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    Programmed cell death in T. foetus does not seem to make sense at first sight; however, different mechanisms of cellular death in this unicellular organism have been observed. This review summarizes the available data related to programmed cell death already published for the cattle parasite T. foetus and attempts to clarify some crucial points to understand this mechanism found in non-mitochondriates parasites, as well as assist in future research. Important results with different treatments showed that the T. foetus can choose among different pathways how to initiate cell death. Thus, a major challenge for cellular death research remains the identification of the molecular cell death machinery of this protist, such as caspases pathway, nuclear abnormalities, morphology cell changes, cellular death in this parasite and the prospects in the future research. Although, the possibility of the existence of different pathways to cell death in trichomonads is discussed and a model for possible executioners pathways during T. foetus cell death is proposed

    Patologia de sementes de Ocimum basilicum

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    The basil, Ocimum basilicum, is a shrubby plant used for medicinal and culinary purposes because of its antibiotic properties and aroma. The basil consumption has increased due to demand for healthier foods and interest in Mediterranean cuisine, in order to increase the demand and consequently the production. With its intensive cultivation, has increased the incidence and severity of disease in culture, in particular fungal diseases. One of this disease is anthracnose, caused by the pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides L., that affects the aerial part of the plant and has caused major economic damage to the crop. Aiming to assess the importance of seeds as a source of inoculum of anthracnose in the culture of basil were made test of seed pathology in four varieties of basil, through the evaluation of pathogens growth in a hundred seeds distributed in wetted filter paper, after frozen. The results indicated the absence of fungal or bacterial contamination in seeds.O manjeric&atilde;o, Ocimum basilicum, &eacute; uma planta arbustiva utilizada para fins medicinais e culin&aacute;rios devido a propriedades antibi&oacute;ticas e arom&aacute;ticas. Houve um aumento no consumo de manjeric&atilde;o devido &agrave; procura de alimentos mais saud&aacute;veis e pelo interesse na culin&aacute;ria mediterr&acirc;nea, de modo a elevar a demanda e, consequentemente, a produ&ccedil;&atilde;o. Com a intensifica&ccedil;&atilde;o do cultivo houve aumento na incid&ecirc;ncia e severidade de doen&ccedil;as na cultura, em especial as doen&ccedil;as f&uacute;ngicas. Uma dessas doen&ccedil;as &eacute; a antracnose, enfermidade causada pelo pat&oacute;geno Colletotrichum gloeosporioides L., que acomete a parte a&eacute;rea e tem causado grandes danos econ&ocirc;micos &agrave; cultura do manjeric&atilde;o. Com o objetivo de avaliar a import&acirc;ncia das sementes como fontes de in&oacute;culo da antracnose na cultura do manjeric&atilde;o, foram realizados testes de patologia de sementes em quatro variedades de manjeric&atilde;o, por meio da avalia&ccedil;&atilde;o do crescimento de pat&oacute;genos em 100 sementes distribu&iacute;das em papel filtro umedecido, seguido de congelamento. Os resultados indicaram a aus&ecirc;ncia de contamina&ccedil;&otilde;es f&uacute;ngicas e bacterianas nas sementes

    Violência contra a criança: indicadores clínicos na odontologia/Violence against children: clinical indicators in dentistry

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    O cirurgião-dentista deve ser capaz de identificar lesões resultantes de maus-tratos na infância e são obrigados, por lei, a denunciar os casos suspeitos. Os maus-tratos infantis é um grave problema social e podem ser classificados em: abuso físico, emocional, sexual e negligência. Os sinais físicos em vítimas de abuso ocorrem em grande maioria na cavidade oral e na região de cabeça e pescoço, área de atuação do cirurgião-dentista. Objetivo: Relatar os aspectos orofaciais dos diferentes tipos de maus-tratos na infância e o papel dos dentistas na avaliação dessas condições. Metodologia: Publicações sobre o tema foram obtidas em base dos dados LILACS, PUBMED, SCOPUS e WEB OF SCIENCE. Resultados: A partir das publicações foi elaborado uma tabela com as principais características do abuso sexual infantil. Verificou-se que os ferimentos orofaciais decorrentes de maus-tratos infantis incluem marcas de mordida, fratura dentária, laceração dos tecidos duros e moles, hematomas em vários estágios de cura, dentre outros. Os cirurgiões dentistas encontram-se despreparados para diagnosticar casos de violência infantil. A correta atuação do profissional é essencial para proteção da criança, devendo este denunciar os casos suspeitos ao Conselho Tutelar ou ao Juizado da Infância e Juventude. Conclusões: é de suma importância o reconhecimento dos sinais e lesões em crianças sob maus-tratos, para que o cirurgião-dentista cumpra sua responsabilidade ética e legal nestes casos.O cirurgião-dentista deve ser capaz de identificar lesões resultantes de maus-tratos na infância e são obrigados, por lei, a denunciar os casos suspeitos. Os maus-tratos infantis é um grave problema social e podem ser classificados em: abuso físico, emocional, sexual e negligência. Os sinais físicos em vítimas de abuso ocorrem em grande maioria na cavidade oral e na região de cabeça e pescoço, área de atuação do cirurgião-dentista. Objetivo: Relatar os aspectos orofaciais dos diferentes tipos de maus-tratos na infância e o papel dos dentistas na avaliação dessas condições. Metodologia: Publicações sobre o tema foram obtidas em base dos dados LILACS, PUBMED, SCOPUS e WEB OF SCIENCE. Resultados: A partir das publicações foi elaborado uma tabela com as principais características do abuso sexual infantil. Verificou-se que os ferimentos orofaciais decorrentes de maus-tratos infantis incluem marcas de mordida, fratura dentária, laceração dos tecidos duros e moles, hematomas em vários estágios de cura, dentre outros. Os cirurgiões dentistas encontram-se despreparados para diagnosticar casos de violência infantil. A correta atuação do profissional é essencial para proteção da criança, devendo este denunciar os casos suspeitos ao Conselho Tutelar ou ao Juizado da Infância e Juventude. Conclusões: é de suma importância o reconhecimento dos sinais e lesões em crianças sob maus-tratos, para que o cirurgião-dentista cumpra sua responsabilidade ética e legal nestes casos

    Anxiety and depression symptoms in university students from public institutions of higher education in Brazil during the covid-19 pandemic: a multicenter study

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    This is a multicenter, cross-sectional study carried out with students regularly enrolled in undergraduate courses at eight Brazilian IFES. Data collection was conducted between October 2021 and February 2022 using an online self-completed questionnaire, which addressed sociodemographic and academic characteristics, lifestyle habits, and health conditions. Symptoms of anxiety and depression were assessed using the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21). Variables were analyzed descriptively using frequency distribution and Pearson’s chi-square test. To estimate the prevalence of symptoms of anxiety and depression, the proportion and 95% confidence interval (95%CI) were used. The level of adopted statistical significance was 5%