19,845 research outputs found

    Local tetragonal distortion in La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}MnO_3 strained thin films probed by x-ray absorption spectroscopy

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    We report on an angular resolved X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy study of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}MnO_{3} thin films epitaxially grown by pulsed laser deposition on slightly mismatched substrates which induce tensile or compressive strains. XANES spectra give evidence of tetragonal distortion within the MnO6MnO_{6} octahedra, with opposite directions for tensile and compressive strains. Quantitative analysis has been done and a model of tetragonal distortion reflecting the strain has been established. EXAFS data collected in plane for tensile substrate confirm the change in the MnOMn-O average bond distance and the increase of MnMnMn-Mn length matching with the enlargement of the cell parameter. From these results we conclude that there is no significant change in the MnOMnMn-O-Mn angle. Our observations conflict with the scenarios which this angle is the main driving parameter in the sensitivity of manganite films properties to external strains and suggest that the distortion within the octahedra plays a key role in the modification of the transport and magnetic properties.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Decoherence in a Josephson junction qubit

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    The zero-voltage state of a Josephson junction biased with constant current consists of a set of metastable quantum energy levels. We probe the spacings of these levels by using microwave spectroscopy to enhance the escape rate to the voltage state. The widths of the resonances give a measurement of the coherence time of the two states involved in the transitions. We observe a decoherence time shorter than that expected from dissipation alone in resonantly isolated 20 um x 5 um Al/AlOx/Al junctions at 60 mK. The data is well fit by a model including dephasing effects of both low-frequency current noise and the escape rate to the continuum voltage states. We discuss implications for quantum computation using current-biased Josephson junction qubits, including the minimum number of levels needed in the well to obtain an acceptable error limit per gate.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Spin-orbit induced mixed-spin ground state in RRNiO3_3 perovskites probed by XAS: new insight into the metal to insulator transition

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    We report on a Ni L2,3_{2,3} edges x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) study in RRNiO3_3 perovskites. These compounds exhibit a metal to insulator (MIMI) transition as temperature decreases. The L3_{3} edge presents a clear splitting in the insulating state, associated to a less hybridized ground state. Using charge transfer multiplet calculations, we establish the importance of the crystal field and 3d spin-orbit coupling to create a mixed-spin ground state. We explain the MIMI transition in RRNiO3_3 perovskites in terms of modifications in the Ni3+^{3+} crystal field splitting that induces a spin transition from an essentially low-spin (LS) to a mixed-spin state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted as PRB - Rapid Comm. Dez. 200

    Validation of the procedure: Quantification of the degradation index of Photovoltaic Grid Connection Systems

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    The results obtained from the validation of the procedure ‟Quantification of the degradation index of Photovoltaic Grid Connection Systems” are presented, using statistical parameters, which corroborate its accuracy, achieving a coefficient of determination of 0.9896, a percentage of the root of the mean square of the error RMSPE = 1.498% and a percentage of the mean absolute error MAPE = 1.15%, evidencing the precision of the procedure

    Sound and light from fractures in scintillators

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    Prompted by intriguing events observed in certain particle-physics searches for rare events, we study light and acoustic emission simultaneously in some inorganic scintillators subject to mechanical stress. We observe mechanoluminescence in Bi4Ge3O12{Bi}_4{Ge}_{3}{O}_{12}, CdWO4{CdWO}_{4} and ZnWO4{ZnWO}_{4}, in various mechanical configurations at room temperature and ambient pressure. We analyze how the light emission is correlated to acoustic emission during fracture. For Bi4Ge3O12{Bi}_4{Ge}_{3}{O}_{12}, we set a lower bound on the energy of the emitted light, and deduce that the fraction of elastic energy converted to light is at least 3×1053 \times 10^{-5}