43 research outputs found

    Comparison of the canine and human olfactory receptor gene repertoires

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    BACKGROUND: Olfactory receptors (ORs), the first dedicated molecules with which odorants physically interact to arouse an olfactory sensation, constitute the largest gene family in vertebrates, including around 900 genes in human and 1,500 in the mouse. Whereas dogs, like many other mammals, have a much keener olfactory potential than humans, only 21 canine OR genes have been described to date. RESULTS: In this study, 817 novel canine OR sequences were identified, and 640 have been characterized. Of the 661 characterized OR sequences, representing half of the canine repertoire, 18% are predicted to be pseudogenes, compared with 63% in human and 20% in mouse. Phylogenetic analysis of 403 canine OR sequences identified 51 families, and radiation-hybrid mapping of 562 showed that they are distributed on 24 dog chromosomes, in 37 distinct regions. Most of these regions constitute clusters of 2 to 124 closely linked genes. The two largest clusters (124 and 109 OR genes) are located on canine chromosomes 18 and 21. They are orthologous to human clusters located on human chromosomes 11q11-q13 and HSA11p15, containing 174 and 115 ORs respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows a strongly conserved genomic distribution of OR genes between dog and human, suggesting that OR genes evolved from a common mammalian ancestral repertoire by successive duplications. In addition, the dog repertoire appears to have expanded relative to that of humans, leading to the emergence of specific canine OR genes

    A Mutation in the Myostatin Gene Increases Muscle Mass and Enhances Racing Performance in Heterozygote Dogs

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    Double muscling is a trait previously described in several mammalian species including cattle and sheep and is caused by mutations in the myostatin (MSTN) gene (previously referred to as GDF8). Here we describe a new mutation in MSTN found in the whippet dog breed that results in a double-muscled phenotype known as the “bully” whippet. Individuals with this phenotype carry two copies of a two-base-pair deletion in the third exon of MSTN leading to a premature stop codon at amino acid 313. Individuals carrying only one copy of the mutation are, on average, more muscular than wild-type individuals (p = 7.43 × 10−6; Kruskal-Wallis Test) and are significantly faster than individuals carrying the wild-type genotype in competitive racing events (Kendall's nonparametric measure, τ = 0.3619; p ≈ 0.00028). These results highlight the utility of performance-enhancing polymorphisms, marking the first time a mutation in MSTN has been quantitatively linked to increased athletic performance

    Canine Population Structure: Assessment and Impact of Intra-Breed Stratification on SNP-Based Association Studies

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    In canine genetics, the impact of population structure on whole genome association studies is typically addressed by sampling approximately equal numbers of cases and controls from dogs of a single breed, usually from the same country or geographic area. However one way to increase the power of genetic studies is to sample individuals of the same breed but from different geographic areas, with the expectation that independent meiotic events will have shortened the presumed ancestral haplotype around the mutation differently. Little is known, however, about genetic variation among dogs of the same breed collected from different geographic regions.In this report, we address the magnitude and impact of genetic diversity among common breeds sampled in the U.S. and Europe. The breeds selected, including the Rottweiler, Bernese mountain dog, flat-coated retriever, and golden retriever, share susceptibility to a class of soft tissue cancers typified by malignant histiocytosis in the Bernese mountain dog. We genotyped 722 SNPs at four unlinked loci (between 95 and 271 per locus) on canine chromosome 1 (CFA1). We showed that each population is characterized by distinct genetic diversity that can be correlated with breed history. When the breed studied has a reduced intra-breed diversity, the combination of dogs from international locations does not increase the rate of false positives and potentially increases the power of association studies. However, over-sampling cases from one geographic location is more likely to lead to false positive results in breeds with significant genetic diversity.These data provide new guidelines for association studies using purebred dogs that take into account population structure

    The dog and rat olfactory receptor repertoires

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    BACKGROUND: Dogs and rats have a highly developed capability to detect and identify odorant molecules, even at minute concentrations. Previous analyses have shown that the olfactory receptors (ORs) that specifically bind odorant molecules are encoded by the largest gene family sequenced in mammals so far. RESULTS: We identified five amino acid patterns characteristic of ORs in the recently sequenced boxer dog and brown Norway rat genomes. Using these patterns, we retrieved 1,094 dog genes and 1,493 rat genes from these shotgun sequences. The retrieved sequences constitute the olfactory receptor repertoires of these two animals. Subsets of 20.3% (for the dog) and 19.5% (for the rat) of these genes were annotated as pseudogenes as they had one or several mutations interrupting their open reading frames. We performed phylogenetic studies and organized these two repertoires into classes, families and subfamilies. CONCLUSION: We have established a complete or almost complete list of OR genes in the dog and the rat and have compared the sequences of these genes within and between the two species. Our results provide insight into the evolutionary development of these genes and the local amplifications that have led to the specific amplification of many subfamilies. We have also compared the human and rat ORs with the human and mouse OR repertoires

    Genomic Diversity and Runs of Homozygosity in Bernese Mountain Dogs

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    Bernese mountain dogs are a large dog breed formed in the early 1900s in Switzerland. While originally farm dogs that were used for pulling carts, guarding, and driving cattle, today they are considered multi-purpose companion and family dogs. The breed is predisposed to several complex diseases, such as histiocytic sarcoma, degenerative myelopathy, or hip dysplasia. Using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data, we assessed the genomic architecture of 33 unrelated dogs from four countries: France, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. Analysis of runs of homozygosity (ROH) identified 12,643 ROH with an average length of 2.29 Mb and an average inbreeding coefficient of 0.395. Multidimensional scaling analysis of the genetic relatedness revealed limited clustering of European versus USA dogs, suggesting exchanges of breeding stock between continents. Furthermore, only two mtDNA haplotypes were detected in the 33 studied dogs, both of which are widespread throughout multiple dog breeds. WGS-based ROH analyses revealed several fixed or nearly fixed regions harboring discreet morphological trait-associated as well as disease-associated genetic variants. Several genes involved in the regulation of immune cells were found in the ROH shared by all dogs, which is notable in the context of the breed's strong predisposition to hematopoietic cancers. High levels of inbreeding and relatedness, strongly exaggerated in the last 30 years, have likely led to the high prevalence of specific genetic disorders in this breed

    ADAM23 is a common risk gene for canine idiopathic epilepsy

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    Background: Idiopathic or genetic adult-onset epilepsy is a common neurological disorder in domestic dogs. Genetic association has been reported only with ADAM23 on CFA 37 in few breeds. To identify novel epilepsy genes, we performed genome-wide association (GWA) analyses in four new breeds, and investigated the association of the previously reported ADAM23 haplotype with the epilepsy phenotype in eight breeds. Results: GWA analysis did not reveal new epilepsy loci. ADAM23 association (p < 0.05) was identified in five breeds. Combined analysis of all eight breeds showed significant association (p = 4.6e(-6), OR 1.9). Conclusions: Our results further support the role of ADAM23 in multiple breeds as a common risk gene for epilepsy with low penetrance. The lack of findings in the GWA analyses points towards inefficient capture of genetic variation by the current SNP arrays, causal variant(s) with low penetrance and possible phenocopies. Future work will include studies on ADAM23 function and expression in canine neurons, as well as whole-genome sequencing in order to identify additional IE genes

    Genetics of Canine Olfaction

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    Le modĂšle gĂ©nĂ©tique canin (analyse du rĂ©pertoire des rĂ©cepteurs olfactifs et cartographie de gĂšnes d'intĂ©rĂȘt)

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    Mes travaux de thĂšse se sont organisĂ©s autour de deux axes. Le premier axe, majeur, a consistĂ© en l'identification et la caractĂ©risation des gĂšnes canins de rĂ©cepteurs olfactifs (OR). Deux stratĂ©gies m'ont permis d'en identifier plus de 800, et de caractĂ©riser plus finement 600 de ces gĂšnes. Le taux de pseudogĂšnes a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© Ă  18 %, indiquant que le chien aurait deux fois plus de gĂšnes actifs que l'homme. Les gĂšnes OR canins sont organisĂ©s en groupes sur 24 des 40 chromosomes canins et cette organisation gĂ©nomique est trĂšs semblable Ă  celles des rĂ©pertoires humains et murins. Le deuxiĂšme aspect a consistĂ© en la cartographie de gĂšnes d'intĂ©rĂȘt sur la carte d'hybrides irradiĂ©s du gĂ©nome du chien dĂ©veloppĂ©e Ă  l'UMR6061, soit dans le but d'enrichir la carte du gĂ©nome canin en cours, soit Ă  titre collaboratif, pour localiser des gĂšnes impliquĂ©s dans des pathologies, et plus particuliĂšrement dans la surditĂ© et certaines maladies neurologiques et/ou musculaires.RENNES1-BU Sciences Philo (352382102) / SudocSudocFranceF