69 research outputs found

    Peran Kecerdasan Emosional dalam Eksplorasi Karier Anak SLTP

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    Eksplorasi karier merupakan upaya untuk memahami karakteristik diri individu dan karakteristik lingkungan karier dalam berbagai setting karier dan budaya di mana karier berada. Tujuan dari eksplorasi karier bagi anak usia SLTP tidak lain adalah untuk memilah dan memilih berbagai informasi tentang diri dan lingkungannya sehingga anak dapat menentukan pilihan yang tepat sesuai dengan karakteritik dirinya yang pada gilirannya ia akan mencapai kemandirian. Dalam eksplorasi karier anak berhadapan dengan berbagai lingkungan karier yang berbeda baik dalam karakteristik maupun jenisnya, sehingga diperlukan kecerdasan emosional disamping kecerdasan kognitif agar anak dapat membangkitkan motivasinya, mengelola emosinya untuk lebih cerdas dalam memilih dan memakai informasi dalam membuat keputusan karier utamanya dalam kelanjutan studi di sekolah menengah atas (SMA). Peran kecerdasan emosional dalam eksplorasi karier berhubungan dengan wilayah kecerdasan emosional, yaitu dalam mengenali emosi diri, mengelola emosi, memotivasi diri, mengenali emosi orang lain (empati), dan membina hubungan dengan orang lain.Kata kunci: kecerdasan emosional, eksplorasi karier

    Faktor yang Memengaruhi Eksplorasi Karier Siswa Sltp

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    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Eksplorasi Karier Siswa SLTP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pengaruh kepribadian siswa terhadap eksplorasi karier, pengaruh prestasi akademik, dan persepsi aspirasi orang tua terhadap perilaku eksplorasi karier, dan prestasi akademik terhadap eksplorasi karier siswa. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX SMP se-Prambanan. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik cluster proportional random sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi ganda. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepribadian memengaruhi eksplorasi karier tetapi tidak memengaruhi prestasi akademik. Persepsi siswa terhadap aspirasi orang tua tidak memengaruhi prestasi akademik tetapi memengaruhi perilaku eksplorasi karier siswa


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    The objectives of this research were to find out the school acceptance toward students with special needsand factors which affect the acceptance in SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta. This research used qualitative approach with case study. The subjects, 23 regular students, 10 teachers, and the Headmaster of SMP (Junior High School) Taman Dewasa, were chosen purposively and snowball sampling. Data collection techniques were in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Triangulation data validity used as source and technique even ngetive case analyze. Data analysis were data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The research finding is an acceptence attitude based on: (a) the students were making a classmate and involving work groups, being close friends, and being the partners in activities; (b) the teachers were giving equal social treatment, having close relationships, involving the class activities, giving attention, and greetings; and (c) the Headmaster gave the greeting, protecting, and maintaining the school environment. The acceptance factors that related to the students with special need: no physical oddities, clothes and behavior according to the school environment, potentially, positive personality, and controling emotions. Other acceptance factors which were not related to the students with special needs: first impressions, high empathy, positif personality, good mindset and expectation, status and the parents doctrine, and no jealousy of regular students.  Article visualizations


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    Latar belakang penulisan karya ilmiah dengan judul “ Pelaksanaan Kontrak Pemasangan Iklan Di Buku Petunjuk Telepon Telkom Antara Perusahaan Pemasang Iklan Dengan PT Infomedia Nusantara Kantor Directory Jateng dan DIY Selaku Penerbit “ adalah untuk mengetahui proses awal perjanjian para pihak yang dituangkan didalam Kontrak Pemasangan Iklan berupa kesepakatan- kesepakatan yang diujudkan kedalam hak dan kewajiban para pihak agar jelas mengenai prestasi apa yang harus dilaksanakan disatu pihak dan hak apa yang akan diterima dengan terlaksananya prestasi tersebut, begitupun sebaliknya. Suatu kewajiban yang seharusnya dipenuhi oleh debitur tetapi ternyata tidak dilaksanakan dengan baik dalam hukum perikatan dinamakan adanya kesalahan dan disebut Wanprestasi. Bilamana hal ini terjadi maka para pihak hendaklah lebih mengutamakan musyawarah dalam penyelesaiannya, hal ini untuk menghindari berkepanjangannya masalah tersebut dan menjaga nama baik kedua belah pihak. Upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk menghindari terjadinya wanprestasi adalah suatu bentuk mengurangi dampak kerugian yang timbul sebagai akibat tidak terlaksananya prestasi tersebut. Langkah-langkah menuju kepuasan pelanggan adalah hal yang diperlukan untuk menghindari terjadinya wanprestasi

    Exploring the construct of meaning in life among the senior undergraduate student

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    The meaning in life is a fundamental human behavior that plays an essential role in self-development. The concept of meaning in life continues to focus on researchers using various theoretical perspectives. This study explored the construct of meaning in life from the vantage point of undergraduate students in their final year. They were chosen by considering the severity of the developmental tasks that must be completed during this time. By using the mixed-method approach, the study found the concept of meaning in life through the qualitative method. Some themes were related to the meaning of life, namely: experiencing a number of important events, being devoted to religion, learning from life, feeling positive emotions, benefiting others, interacting socially, and caring for oneself. The study was followed by a quantitative method through exploratory factor analysis and found that the construct of the meaning in life consisted of three factors, namely: facing difficult and severe situations, getting lessons from unpleasant situations, and thinking flexibly when dealing with various situations. This measurement model could be used in the development of meaning in life theory. Practically, it becomes the reference in solving the life problems

    Parent Support Group (PSG) Approach for Parents of Children with Autism

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    This study aimed to obtain the picture of implementation process of Parent Support Group (PSG) program for parents of children with autism. This study used qualitative research by taking a sample of three informants. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation related to the implementation of Parent Support Group (PSG) program for parents of children with autism. The results of the study found that the program was implemented through several stages involving an initial identification, determination of topics, setting schedules, program implementation, and evaluation. Qualitative data analysis was carried out by means of data reduction, data display and draw conclusions. The implementation of the program is carried out for 2 days by inviting parents, the school and a resource person as a facilitator. As a test of implementation carried out interviews to parents and showed that the implementation is done in accordance with the plans that have been prepared. In addition, parents feel parent support group program is very useful because parents become more understanding about children with special needs and how to apply the appropriate parenting for them. So that this program is recommended by some other things in particular schools

    Students' Attitude towards the Implementation of the School Literacy Movement

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    The low interest in reading Indonesian students moves the government to issue a school literacy movement (GLS) program. GLS is a program in which one of the activities is reading non-learning books for 15 minutes before KBM starts. The purpose of this study is to find out how students' attitudes towards the implementation of GLS in Yogyakarta. This type of research is a quantitative study with survey approach, the population in this study were all students of SMA Negeri 5 Yogyakarta, the sample of this study were 205 students. Data collection techniques in this study used nontest techniques with data collection instruments in the form of measurement scales. Analysis of the data in this study uses descriptive statistical analysis aided by the Microsoft Excel program. The results obtained are the attitudes of students towards the implementation of GLS in the category of agreed attitude with the following explanation: (a) 131 students (63.90%) are in the agreed category; (b) 48 students (23.41%) are in the category of strongly agree; (c) 25 students (12.20%) were in the category of disagreeing, and (d) 1 student (0.49%) in the category of strongly disagreeing. Given the importance of this literacy activity, the researcher hopes that the school can improve the quality of its collaboration with various parties, increasing the variety of literacy activities carried out, and schools can provide comfortable reading rooms and bookshelves in each class so that students can place their literacy books and journals on these shelves

    Parent Support Group (PSG) Approach for Parents of Children with Autism

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    This study aimed to obtain the picture of implementation process of Parent Support Group (PSG) program for parents of children with autism. This study used qualitative research by taking a sample of three informants. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation related to the implementation of Parent Support Group (PSG) program for parents of children with autism. The results of the study found that the program was implemented through several stages involving an initial identification, determination of topics, setting schedules, program implementation, and evaluation. Qualitative data analysis was carried out by means of data reduction, data display and draw conclusions. The implementation of the program is carried out for 2 days by inviting parents, the school and a resource person as a facilitator. As a test of implementation carried out interviews to parents and showed that the implementation is done in accordance with the plans that have been prepared. In addition, parents feel parent support group program is very useful because parents become more understanding about children with special needs and how to apply the appropriate parenting for them. So that this program is recommended by some other things in particular schools

    Upaya Meningkatan Eksplorasi Karier Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus

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    Perkembangan karier individu  dimulai sejak masa kanak-kanak. Perkembangan tersebut sejalan dengan perkembangan dirinya. Penguasaan tugas perkembangan merupakan salah satu  realisasi perkembangan kariernya. Demikian juga halnya  dengan anak berkebutuhan khusus. Mereka lebih banyak membutuhkan waktu, stimulasi yang konkret, mempertimbangkan tingkat kekhususan  dan problem yang dihadapinya dalam setiap periode perkembangan kariernya.Eksplorasi kaier  merupakan  upaya individu untuk lebih memahami diri dan lingkungan karier serta upaya mempertemukan antara kelebihan yang ia miliki dan kesempatan karier yang ada. Eksplorasi karier terjadi setiap jenjang perkembangan karier, dengan tujuan untuk mengenal diri dan lingkungannya, sehingga  ia dapat memperoleh penyesuaian karier yang optimal. Dengan eksplorasi karier yang lengkap diharapkan mereka dapat mencapai perkembangan karier yang optimal sesuai dengan  kekhususannya.Beberapa upaya meningkatan eksplorasi karier yang sesuai untuk anak berkebutuhan khusus  adalah melalui curriculum infusion, magang  khususnya lewat shelter workshop, experiential learning. Berbagai upaya  tersebut sangat bergantung pada tingkat kekhususannya,  motivasi, dan  keterbukaan  mitra magang.  Bila ketiga hal tersebut diperhatikan  eksplorasi karier  mereka  akan  memperoleh hasil yang optimal

    Konseptualissasi Bimbingan Karier bagi Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus

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    Transisi dari pendidikan dasar, pendidikan menengah dan pendidikan tinggi dan akhirnya ke dunia kerja dirasakan menjadi tantangan bagi remaja. Siswa berkebutuhan khusus menghadapi tantangan tambahan dalam pengembangan karier dan transisi dari sekolah ke dunia kerja. Untuk memfasilitasi siswa berkebutuhan khusus, maka perlu adanya program bimbingan karier yang direncanakan secara komprehensif guna memudahkan proses transisi yang mereka jalani. Tujuan utama bimbingan karier adalah mempersiapkan siswa berkebutuhan khusus saat ini untuk menjadi anggota masyarakat yang mandiri dan berkontribusi baik sekarang maupun di masa depan. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah literature review. Hasil dari penulisan artikel ini adalah program bimbingan karier yang komprehensif bagi siswa berkebutuhan khusus meliputi lima tahap perkembangan secara berurutan dan bertahap. Fase-fase tersebut adalah kesadaran karier, eksplorasi karier, pendidikan pra vokasi, pendidikan vokasi, dan pendidikan pasca vokas
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