21 research outputs found

    Isolation facilities for highly infectious diseases in Europe - A cross-sectional analysis in 16 countries

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    BACKGROUND: Highly Infectious Diseases (HIDs) are (i) easily transmissible form person to person; (ii) cause a life-threatening illness with no or few treatment options; and (iii) pose a threat for both personnel and the public. Hence, even suspected HID cases should be managed in specialised facilities minimizing infection risks but allowing state-of-the-art critical care. Consensus statements on the operational management of isolation facilities have been published recently. The study presented was set up to compare the operational management, resources, and technical equipment among European isolation facilities. Due to differences in geography, population density, and national response plans it was hypothesized that adherence to recommendations will vary. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Until mid of 2010 the European Network for Highly Infectious Diseases conducted a cross-sectional analysis of isolation facilities in Europe, recruiting 48 isolation facilities in 16 countries. Three checklists were disseminated, assessing 44 items and 148 specific questions. The median feedback rate for specific questions was 97.9% (n = 47/48) (range: n = 7/48 (14.6%) to n = 48/48 (100%). Although all facilities enrolled were nominated specialised facilities' serving countries or regions, their design, equipment and personnel management varied. Eighteen facilities fulfilled the definition of a High Level Isolation Unit'. In contrast, 24 facilities could not operate independently from their co-located hospital, and five could not ensure access to equipment essential for infection control. Data presented are not representative for the EU in general, as only 16/27 (59.3%) of all Member States agreed to participate. Another limitation of this study is the time elapsed between data collection and publication; e.g. in Germany one additional facility opened in the meantime. CONCLUSION: There are disparities both within and between European countries regarding the design and equipment of isolation facilities. With regard to the International Health Regulations, terminology, capacities and equipment should be standardised

    Æxlunarferlar nýs landnema, sandrækju Crangon crangon (L) við Ísland

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    Aspects of the reproductive biology of brown shrimp Crangon crangon were studied in Helguvík bay, southwest Iceland over a period of twelve months. C. crangon is a new invader in Iceland with first record in 2003. The life cycle and reproductive behaviour of C. crangon is not fully understood and even less is known about the Icelandic population. This paper tries to highlight the reproductive biology with comparison to other shrimp populations in Northern Atlantic. Size, fecundity, reproductive output, size-at-maturity and seasonal fluctuations were studied. A total 1060 shrimps from August 2009 to July 2010 were length and weight measured and sex was identified. Fecundity and reproductive output was determined for 30 shrimps and a comparison was done with the previous study of the same Helguvík population. Sex ratio was highly variable between months and within size classes but generally females were more numerous and dominating in biggest size classes. No correlation was found between female size and fecundity or reproductive output which differs from other studies done on brown shrimp

    Kokemäenjoen-Saaristomeren-Selkämeren vesienhoitoalueen vesienhoitosuunnitelma vuosille 2022-2027 : Osa 1: Vesienhoitoaluekohtaiset tiedot

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    I den här förvaltningsplanen har man samlat information om vattendragens tillstånd, faktorer som påverkar det samt ett samman-drag av de åtgärder som krävs under vattenförvaltningsperioden 2022–2027 för att förbättra och upprätthålla vattendragens till-stånd i Kumo Älvs-Skärgårdshavets-Bottenhavets vattenförvaltningsområde. Ytvattnens ekologiska status i vattenförvaltningsområdet är svag i synnerhet i områdets västra och sydvästra delar samt i kustvatt-nen. Ytvattnens status försämras i synnerhet av eutrofiering till följd av diffus belastning. I de österbottniska landskapen påverkas älvarnas dåliga status dessutom av de sura sulfatjordarna och förändringar i vattendragens struktur, såsom rensning och muddring, samt dammar och kraftverk som utgör hinder för fiskarnas vandring. För att uppnå eller upprätthålla en god status i vattendragen i de östra delarna av vattenförvaltningsområdet krävs dessutom en effektivisering av bland annat vattenskyddsåtgärderna inom skogsbruket torvutvinningen. Grundvattnens status hotas i synnerhet av förorenade markområden, trafiken samt bebyggelsen och markanvändningen. Med hän-syn till miljömålen för grundvattnen är de viktigaste åtgärderna följande: att utarbeta och uppdatera skyddsplaner, att undersöka och rena förorenade markområden och grundvatten samt skyddsåtgärder för grundvatten från åkerodling. De sammanlagda kostnaderna för de åtgärder som föreslås i förvaltningsplanen är 561 miljoner euro per år. Härav är 332 miljoner euro grundläggande- och andra åtgärder som ska vidtas med stöd av annan lagstiftning och 229 miljoner euro åtgärder som komp-letterar vattenvården. Lagstiftningsbaserade, ekonomiska, förvaltningsmässiga och informationsmässiga styrmetoder har presen-terats för att främja genomförandet av åtgärderna. Ansvarsområdena och samarbetsparterna för genomförandet av styrmetoderna har fastställts

    Förvaltningsplan för Kumo älvs - Skärgårdshavets - Bottenhavets vattenförvaltningsområde för åren 2022-2027 : Del 1: Uppgifter som berör vattenförvaltningsområdet

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    Tähän vesienhoitosuunnitelmaan on koottu tiedot vesien tilasta, siihen vaikuttavista tekijöistä sekä yhteenveto vesien-hoitokaudella 2022–2027 tarvittavista toimenpiteistävesien tilan parantamiseksi ja ylläpitämiseksi Kokemäenjoen-Saaristomeren-Selkämeren vesienhoitoalueella. Vesienhoitoalueen pintavesien ekologinen tila on heikko erityisesti alueen länsi- ja lounaisosissa ja rannikkovesissä. Pintavesien tilaa heikentää erityisesti hajakuormituksen aiheuttama rehevöityminen. Pohjalaismaakunnissa jokien huonoon tilaan vaikuttavat lisäksi happamat sulfaattimaat ja vesistöjen rakenteelliset muutokset kuten perkaukset ja ruoppaukset sekä padot ja voimalaitokset, jotka ovat kaloille vaellusesteitä. Pistekuormituksen osuus ravinnekuormituksesta on huomattavasti vähäisempi, mutta paikallisesti sen vaikutukset voivat olla merkittäviä. Pintavesien ympäristötavoitteiden kannalta tärkeimpiä ovat vesienhoitoalueella erityisesti peltoviljelyn ravinnekuormituksen vähentämiseen tähtäävät toimenpiteet, kuten peltojen talviaikaisen kasvipeitteisyyden lisääminen, suojavyöhykkeet ja kosteikot. Vesienhoitoalueen itä-osien vesien hyvän tilan saavuttaminen tai ylläpitäminen vaatii lisäksi mm. metsätalouden ja turvetuotannon vesiensuojelutoimenpiteiden tehostamista. Pohjavesien tilaa uhkaavat erityisesti pilaantuneet maa-alueet, liikenne sekä asutus ja maankäyttö. Pohjavesien ympäristötavoitteiden kannalta tärkeimpiä toimenpiteitä ovat suojelusuunnitelmien laatiminen ja päivittäminen, pilaantuneiden maa-alueiden ja pohjaveden tutkiminen sekä puhdistaminen ja peltoviljelyn pohjavesien suojelutoimet. Vesienhoitosuunnitelmassa esitettyjen toimenpiteiden kokonaiskustannukset ovat 561 milj. euroa vuodessa. Tästä 332 milj. euroa on muun lainsäädännön perusteella toteutettavia perus- ja muita perustoimenpiteitä ja 229 milj. euroa vesien-hoidon täydentäviä toimenpiteitä. Toimenpiteiden toteutusta edistämään on esitetty lainsäädännöllisiä, taloudellisia, hallinnollisia ja tiedollisia ohjauskeinoja, joille on määritelty toteutusvastuut ja yhteistyötahot

    Vaccination policies for health-care workers in acute health-care facilities in Europe

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate existing policies regarding recommended and mandatory occupational vaccinations for health-care workers (HCWs) in Europe. A standardized questionnaire was sent to experts in Infection Control or Occupational Health in all 27 European Union Member States, as well as Norway, Russia, and Switzerland. All 30 countries have established policies about HCW vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases. However significant gaps and considerable country-to-country variation were found, in terms of number of recommended vaccines and target subgroups of HCWs and health-care settings. Vaccination against hepatitis B and annual vaccination against seasonal influenza are almost universally recommended for HCWs in Europe (29 countries each, including eight countries where vaccination against hepatitis B is mandatory or required for employment). Policies regarding HCW vaccination also exist against mumps (12 countries), measles or rubella (15 countries), varicella (17 countries), diphtheria-tetanus (14 countries), pertussis (9 countries), poliomyelitis (11 countries), hepatitis A (11 countries), tuberculosis (BCG vaccine) (9 countries), and against meningococcus group C or meningococci groups A, C, W135, Y (tetravalent vaccine) (in 4 countries each). Re-evaluation of occupational vaccine policies for HCWs in Europe on a consensus basis is imperative in order to promote HCW and patient safety

    Isolation facilities for highly infectious diseases in Europe : a cross-sectional analysis in 16 countries

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    Background: Highly infectious diseases (HIDs) are (i) easily transmissible from person to person; (ii) cause a life-threatening illness with no or few treatment options; and (iii) pose a threat for both personnel and the public. Hence, even suspected HID cases should be managed in specialised facilities minimizing infection risks but allowing state-of-the-art critical care. Consensus statements on the operational management of isolation facilities have been published recently. The study presented was set up to compare the operational management, resources, and technical equipment among European isolation facilities. Due to differences in geography, population density, and national response plans it was hypothesized that adherence to recommendations will vary. Methods and Findings: Until mid of 2010 the European Network for Highly Infectious Diseases conducted a cross-sectional analysis of isolation facilities in Europe, recruiting 48 isolation facilities in 16 countries. Three checklists were disseminated, assessing 44 items and 148 specific questions. The median feedback rate for specific questions was 97.9% (n = 47/48) (range: n = 7/48 (14.6%) to n = 48/48 (100%). Although all facilities enrolled were nominated specialised facilities' serving countries or regions, their design, equipment and personnel management varied. Eighteen facilities fulfilled the definition of a High Level Isolation Unit'. In contrast, 24 facilities could not operate independently from their co-located hospital, and five could not ensure access to equipment essential for infection control. Data presented are not representative for the EU in general, as only 16/27 (59.3%) of all Member States agreed to participate. Another limitation of this study is the time elapsed between data collection and publication; e.g. in Germany one additional facility opened in the meantime. Conclusion: There are disparities both within and between European countries regarding the design and equipment of isolation facilities. With regard to the International Health Regulations, terminology, capacities and equipment should be standardised