44 research outputs found

    Telemedicine devices in internal medicine and neurology

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    Introduction Monitoring of patients systems remotely with feedback send to physician and patient could be applied in many fields of medicine. Telemedicine could presumably lead to improvement of patients care and treatment both in chronic conditions and in emergency, lowering demands on costs and time resources. Material and methods Articles in the EBSCO database have been analyzed using keywords: Telemedicine devices, telemedicine devices, neurology, cardiology. The available literature is subjectively selected. Then, the newest version of every paper was searched for. Results The most important and popular types of devices used in telemedicine in internal medicine and neurology were presented. Conclusions The development of devices in telemedicine results in an increase in effectiveness in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. In addition, remote access to the results of measurements made by these devices affects the quality of treatment

    Kształtowanie wizerunku miejsca wśród różnych grup docelowych na przykładzie produktu turystycznego „Dziedzictwo kultury żydowskiej w Krakowie”

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    The aim of this article is to show the Jewish heritage of Krakow as a complex tourism product which should be promoted and transmitted to the clients in different ways, depending on the customer profi le, his nationality, state of knowledge and attitude to the object (stereotypes, prejudices, perceptions). The tourist office and the city guide have to play an important, intercultural part which also changes depending on the recipient’s type. To show it, an author of the article has presented some practical examples – programs realized by the polish travel adventure office for different target groups on the basis of the same product that is in this case Krakow’s Jewish heritage

    Current knowledge about Chronic fatigue syndrome / myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) causes – summary

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    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFE) is a severe and disabling disease whose etiology has not yet been elucidated. This implies the lack of a specific biomarker for the diagnosis of PE, and no causal treatment. There are a number of diagnostic criteria that facilitate the diagnosis of PE, but it is still a diagnosis with exclusion. This chapter reviews the scientific literature systematically, summarizing the available knowledge about the probable etiology of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The current topic of the influence of SARS-Cov-2 virus infection on the development of symptoms of IPC was also taken into account in particular. A clear explanation of the etiology of PE is necessary for the further development of scientific knowledge about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    The human gastroinstestinal tract microbiota in health – current knowledge summary

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    The health of the human body is influenced by many external and internal factors, but one of the most important of them is the rich microbiota of the human body. The number of microorganism cells inhabiting the human body exceeds the number of cells that make up the human body. Several different ecosystems coexist in the human body, incl. microbiota of the skin, eye, respiratory tract, urogenital tract and gastrointestinal tract. The composition of microbiota in various parts of the human body, as well as in various parts of a given system or organ, differs significantly from one another. Detailed knowledge of the composition of the human microbiota, as well as its functions for the host organism, is a starting point for further considerations on the meaning of dysbiosis, i.e. changes in the composition of the microbiota, for changing the functioning of the microbiota-host relationship and the development of disease states. It seems that further scientific research on this topic will lead to the recognition of microbiota as a marker and diagnostic tool, and possibly a past therapeutic target for some diseases. This publication attempts to organize and summarize basic information on the human gastrointestinal tract microbiota (GIT microbiota) in health

    The proper functioning of the sense of smell and its disturbances on the example of COVID-19 infection

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    COVD-19 disease causes a wide range of respiratory symptoms. One of them is the olfactory disorder, which is also associated with other viral infections. Impaired sense of smell is associated with damage to the respiratory epithelium. Sniffing problems lasting longer than a few days are reported by more than half of patients infected with SARSCov-2 virus. This problem affects the quality of life and may result, among other things, in eating disorders or an increase in exposure to harmful chemicals. The olfactory epithelium, containing receptor cells, is primarily responsible for the proper functioning of the sense of smell. Impaired smell in COVID 19 is associated with damage to the respiratory epithelium. The article is a review of the scientific literature, in which the issues related to the physiology and anatomical structure of the olfactory organ and the influence of SARSCov-2 virus infection on olfactory disorders were discussed

    Epistaxis etiology and treatment

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    Epistaxis occurs in approximately 60% of the general population. Every tenthperson requires treatment in a hospital setting. Epistaxis occurs in all age groups,reaching its peak in children around 10 years of age and in adults around 80years of age. The frequency and intensity of epistaxis are anatomically based onnumerous vascular connections. The cause of epistaxis in most cases can bedetermined on the basis of a detailed history and physical examination. Thereare a number of treatments available for nose bleeds. From widely availablemethods such as nasal tamponade to more advanced endovascular procedures