88 research outputs found

    La realidad de la brecha de conectividad en el ámbito educativo español: Análisis de la situación actual.

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    The Internet has become an essential tool in the society in which we live, so schools have not been indifferent to this phenomenon. Its use has become an indispensable action in the daily work of an educational institution. Through this study we aim to analyze the current state of connectivity in the Spanish education system, and to determine the connectivity divide that exists between the different Spanish regions. It has been observed from a general perspective that, unlike teachers' and students' beliefs in the different educational centers, connectivity is in an optimal condition, with an average percentage of connection availability in the classrooms of more than 90%. However, not all autonomous communities enjoy the same quality of connection, with significant differences depending on the region where the focus is placed. This is a disadvantage in developing a pedagogical sequence based on technology in the classroom.El acceso a Internet se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable en la sociedad en la que vivimos, y por consiguiente, las escuelas no han permanecido ajenas a este fenómeno. Su uso se ha convertido en una acción indispensable en el quehacer diario de una institución educativa.   Con este estudio se pretende analizar el estado actual de la conectividad del sistema educativo español, y determinar la brecha de conectividad existente entre las diferentes comunidades de España. Se ha podido observar que, desde una perspectiva general, a diferencia de las creencias del profesorado y alumnado de los distintos centros educativos, la conectividad goza de un estado de salud óptimo, con un porcentaje medio de disponibilidad de conexión en las aulas superior al 90%. Sin embargo, no todas las Comunidades Autónomas gozan de la misma calidad de conexión, habiendo diferencias significativas dependiendo de la región en la que se ponga el foco. Esto supone un hándicap en el desarrollo de una secuencia didáctica mediada por tecnología en un aula

    Estudio multidisciplinar de seguimiento del peso corporal en una cohorte de pacientes en tratamiento inicial con antipsicóticos

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    Introduction. El aumento de peso es una de las reacciones adversas más preocupantes de los antipsicóticos atípicos por el riesgo cardiovascular que entraña, entre otros aspectos. El objetivo principal es conocer la evolución del peso e índice de masa corporal a los 6 meses asociada al tratamiento inicial con antipsicóticos en condiciones reales de uso. Métodos. Estu- dio de cohortes, multicéntrico y prospectivo. Resultados. Se ha reclutado una cohorte de 71 pacientes tratados con antipsicóticos (mediana=54 años). Un 60% de pacientes muestra un incremento de peso al finalizar el periodo de seguimiento. En los hombres (32%, mediana=37 años), se obtuvo que el peso corporal medio inicial fue 74, 9 kg (DE=15,4) y final 81,1 kg (DE=16,7); el índice masa corporal medio inicial 25, 1 kg/m2 (DE=4,2) y final 27,1 kg/m2 (DE=4,6). En las mujeres (68%, mediana=61,5 años), se obtuvo que el peso corporal medio inicial fue 61, 4 kg (DE=10,0) y final 63, 0 kg (DE=11,2); el índice masa corporal medio inicial 26, 6 kg/m2 (DE=4,9) y final 27,0 kg/m2 (DE=4,6). El aumento de 2 o más kg de peso es signi- ficativamente mayor en menores de 55 años, así como en hombres. Conclusiones. El inicio de tratamiento con un antipsicótico en condiciones reales de uso se asocia a incremento de peso e índice de masa corporal de los pacientes a los 6 meses, tanto en hombres como mujeres. Se ha constituído un grupo de investigación multidisciplinar centrado en el estudio del uso de antipsicóticos.Introduction. Weight gain is one of the most troubling adverse effects of atypical anti- psychotics due to their cardiovascular risk and other factors. The main objective is to assess possible changes of body weight and body mass index at 6 months associated with onset of antipsychotic treatment in ordinary clinical use. Methods. It's a cohort, multicentre, prospective study. Results. A cohort of 71 patients treated with antipsychotics was recruited (median=54 years). A total of 60% of patients showed an increase of body weight at the end of the follow- up period. In males (32%, median=37 years), it was obtained that mean body weight at base- line was 74, 9 kg (DE=15,4)and at 6 months 81,1 kg (DE=16,7); mean body mass index at baseline was 25,1 kg/m2 (DE=4,2) and at 6 months 27,1 kg/m2 (DE=4,6). In women (68%, median=61,5 years), it was obtained that mean body weight at baseline was 61,4 kg (DE=10,0) and at 6 months 63, 0 kg (DE=11,2); mean body mass index at baseline 26,6 kg/m2 (DE=4,9) and at 6 months 27,0 kg/m2 (DE=4,6). Increase of body weight over 2 kg was significantly higher in patients under 55 years and males. Conclusions. Onset of antipsychotic treatment in ordinary clinical use is associated with an increase of patients' body weight and body mass index at 6 months, both for men and women. A multidisciplinary research team focused on the study of antipsychotic use of has been established

    Design of Piezoelectric Transformers for Power Converters by Means of Analytical and Numerical Methods

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    Piezoelectric transformers (PTs) provide several advantages compared to magnetic components, which are higher power density, lower radiated noise, and higher voltage isolation capability. PT must be properly designed to benefit the power converter with the aforementioned advantages. Analytical models are widely used for PT design in order to validate it before constructing the prototype. In this paper, the additional usefulness of finite element analysis (FEA) for PT design is shown. With FEA, it is possible to optimize the PT design not only by maximizing the energy transference but also by cleaning the working frequency range of spurious modes (geometrical 2D/3D effects). Moreover, FEA tools allow the study of other main aspects of the PT design such as manufacturing tolerances or the influence of the fixing layer on PT performance (which is a critical design point). A method for modeling and designing PTs is proposed, combining analytical 1D models and FEA results. The proposed method is validated with measurements of a PT design for a 10-W ac/dc converter prototype for mobile phone battery charger

    High level Decision Methodology for the Selection of a Fuel Cell Based Ower Distribution Architecture for an Aircraft Application

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    The selection of the right power distribution architecture for a given application has a tremendous impact on the overall system in terms of efficiency, cost, reliability, fault tolerance and size. Moreover, with the increasing number of power sources, storage elements, different supply voltages and strong requirements imposed at system level, the selection of the appropriate architecture becomes a nightmare for the system designer. The purpose of this paper is to describe a methodology for the selection of the most suitable architecture for a fuel cell based power distribution application. The methodology is based on the assessment of metric functions for all the components that can configure the architecture as a function of the electrical boundary conditions of each component

    Growing Up With Terrorism: The Age at Which a Terrorist Attack Was Suffered and Emotional Disorders in Adulthood

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    Abundant scientific literature shows that exposure to traumatic situations during childhood or adolescence has long-term psychopathological consequences, for example, in the form of a higher prevalence of emotional disorders in adulthood. However, an evolutionary perspective suggests that there may be differential vulnerabilities depending on the age at which the trauma was suffered. As there are no studies on the psychopathological impact in adulthood of attacks suffered during childhood or adolescence, the objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the age at which a terrorist attack was suffered in the presence of emotional disorders many years after the attack. A sample of 566 direct and indirect victims of terrorist attacks in Spain was recruited, of whom 50 people were between the age of 3 and 9 when they suffered the attack, 46 were between 10 and 17 years old, and 470 were adults. All of them underwent a structured diagnostic interview (SCID-I-VC) an average of 21 years after the attacks. No significant differences were found between the three age groups at which the attack occurred in terms of the current prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder, major depressive disorder, or anxiety disorders. The results of several multiple binary logistic regression analyses also indicated that, after controlling for the effect of sex, current age, the type of victims, and the time since the attack, the age at which the attack was suffered was not related to the current prevalence of those emotional disorders. The results are discussed concerning the differences between various types of trauma and in the context of the theories that propose that traumatic experiences are processed differently at different ages and can lead to differences in the likelihood of developing different emotional disorders

    Effect of vitamin E administered to men in infertile couples on sperm and assisted reproduction outcomes: a double-blind randomized study

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    Objective: To evaluate the influence on sperm parameters and invitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes of the administration of 400 mg/day of vitamin E for 3 months to men from infertile couples who are undergoing IVF. Design: Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study. Setting: Human reproduction unit of a university hospital. Patients: A total of 101 couples, 50 in the vitamin E group and 51 in the placebo group, undergoing IVF, among whom 64.4% of cases had an abnormal spermiogram according to World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Interventions: Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), 400 mg daily by mouth for 3 months, with sperm analysis performed immediately before starting the treatment and 3 months later on the day of IVF. Main Outcome Measures: WHO sperm parameters and IVF outcomes. Results: Although there was a statistically significant increase in progressive motility in the vitamin E group compared with before-treatment values, a similar increase occurred in the placebo group. Normal morphology was even better in the placebo group. Regarding IVF outcomes, better fertilization rates were observed in the placebo group, but the live-birth rate per transfer was statistically significantly higher in the vitamin E group: 17 (41.46%) of 41 versus 9 (20.46%) of 44 in the placebo group. Although the clinical pregnancy rates (both per transfer and per cycle started) and the implantation rate were somewhat higher in the vitamin E group (43.9% and 25%; 36.0% and 22.0%; and 24.7% and 14.1%, respectively), the increase was not statistically significant. Conclusions: The effect of vitamin E on classic sperm parameters was not an improvement over placebo. Nonetheless, vitamin E administration was associated with a statistically significantly higher live-birth rate, and there was a trend toward better results in other IVF parameters

    Safety of the fermentation product of Aspergillus oryzae NRRL 458 (Amaferm®) as a feed additive for dairy cows (Biozyme Inc.)

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    [EN] Amaferm® is a fermentation product produced by Aspergillus oryzae NRRL 458, containing alpha-amylase and cellulase enzyme activities, authorised for use as a feed additive for dairy cows. In 2016, the applicant requested for the renewal of the authorisation and the EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) issued an opinion at that regard in 2020. In that opinion, the Panel could not confirm the previously drawn conclusions (EFSA, 2006) regarding the safety of the production strain, and consequently could not confirm the safety of the additive for the target species and consumers. In the current submission, the applicant provided supplementary information that allowed the Panel to conclude on the identity of the production strain, redefine the specifications of the additive, and finally to conclude on its safety. Therefore, the new data provided permit to conclude that Amaferm® complies with the conditions of the authorisation. However, the Panel noted that there is the need to change the specification and description of the cellulase and amylase units in the authorisation act. The data provided in the previous (EFSA FEEDAP Panel, 2020) and the current assessments support that Amaferm® remains safe under the approved conditions for target species, consumers and the environment. The additive is non-irritant to skin and eyes, or a dermal sensitiser but should be considered a potential respiratory sensitiser.SIThe Panel wishes to thank the following for the support provided to this scientific output (in alphabetical order of the last name): Working Group on Animal Nutrition and Working Group on Microbiology, Rosella Brozzi, Christina Cuomo and Jordi Tarres Call

    Safety and efficacy of a feed additive consisting of Bacillus velezensis PTA‐6507, B. velezensis NRRL B‐50013 and B. velezensis NRRL B‐50104 (Enviva® PRO 202 GT) for turkeys for fattening (Danisco Animal Nutrition)

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    [EN]Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of the additive consisting of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PTA-6507, B. amyloliquefaciens NRRL B-50013 and B. amyloliquefaciens NRRL B-50104 (trade name: Enviva® PRO 202 GT) for turkeys for fattening. The product under assessment is based on viable spores of three strains originally identified as B. amyloliquefaciens which, in the course of the current assessment, were reclassified as Bacillus velezensis. The bacterial species B. velezensis is considered suitable for the qualified presumption of safety (QPS) approach to safety assessment. The identity of the active agents was established. The active agents do not harbour acquired antimicrobial resistance genes and lack toxigenic potential and the capacity to produce aminoglycosides. Following the QPS approach, the three bacterial strains are presumed safe for the target species, consumers and the environment. Since no concerns are expected from the other components of the additive, Enviva® PRO 202 GT is also considered safe for the target species, consumers and the environment. Enviva® PRO 202 GT is non-irritant to skin and eyes and is not a dermal sensitiser. Due to the proteinaceous nature of the active agents, the additive should be considered a respiratory sensitiser. In a previous opinion, it was concluded that Enviva® PRO 202 GT has a potential to be efficacious as a zootechnical additive in chickens for fattening at the recommended level of 7.5 × 107 CFU/kg complete feed. It is considered that conclusions on efficacy of Enviva® PRO 202 GT in chickens for fattening can be extrapolated to turkeys for fattening. Therefore, the FEEDAP Panel concludes that Enviva® PRO 202 GT has the potential to be efficacious in turkeys for fattening at 7.5 × 107 CFU/kg complete feed.S

    Safety and efficacy of a feed additive consisting of lactic acid produced by Weizmannia coagulans (synonym Bacillus coagulans) DSM 32789 for all animal species except for fish (Jungbunzlauer SA)

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    ©2022EuropeanFoodSafetyAuthority.EFSAJournalpublishedbyWiley-VCHGmbHonbehalfofEuropeanFoodSafetyAuthority.[EN] Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of lactic acid produced by a non-genetically modified strain of Weizmannia coagulans (synonym of Bacillus coagulans) (DSM 32789) for all animal species except for fish. The production strain qualifies for the QPS approach for safety assessment. Although uncertainty remains concerning the possible presence of viable cells and/or spores of the production strain in the final product, this does not raise safety concerns for the target species, humans and the environment. The lactic acid is safe at 50,000 mg/kg complete feed for functional ruminants and pigs and at 20,000 mg/kg feed for all the other animal species and categories except for pre-ruminants for which a safe level cannot be established. The corresponding safe levels in water for drinking would be 15,000 mg/L water for pigs and 8,000 mg/L for other non-ruminant species. Although no safe concentration of lactic acid in water for drinking for ruminants can be derived, the Panel considers that the use in water for drinking is safe in ruminants when the total daily intake of the additive does not exceed the daily amount that is considered safe when consumed via feed. The use of the additive under assessment in animal nutrition is considered safe for the consumers and for the environment. It is considered corrosive to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Lactic acid is used in food as a preservative. It is reasonable to expect that the effect seen in food will be observed in feed when it is used at comparable concentrations and conditions. However, the FEEDAP Panel has reservations about its effectiveness as a preservative in complete feed with a moisture content of ≤ 12%.SIThe Panel wishes to acknowledge the contribution to this opinion of Martina Reitano, Joana Revez, the experts of the Microbiology and of the Animal Nutrition Working Groups of the FEEDAP Panel