13 research outputs found

    Uji performa dan konsumsi bahan bakar menggunakan kombinasi bioetanol Manihot Utilissima

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    Advances in technology have an impact on increasing the population of vehicles as a means of transportation. Currently the vehicle's work system to produce energy still uses internal combustion. The fuel used as an energy source is still dominated by fuel oil. If exploitation continues without using alternative fuels, it is predicted that there will be a fuel crisis in the future. Therefore, efforts are needed to conserve fossil fuels. One way to do this is by adding bioethanol. This research was conducted by adding bioethanol from cassava to gasoline type fuel with an octane rating of 92. This study aims to determine the performance and fuel consumption. Tests varied the fuel composition by 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% with engine speed of 1,000 to 8,000 rpm. The test results show that the composition of Pertamax 80% with 20% bioethanol produces the highest power and torque of 8.87 hp and 8.32 N.m, but for the lowest fuel consumption the fuel composition is Pertamax turbo 100% with a fuel consumption value of 38.8 ml/min

    The Effect of the Transesterification Process Using KOH Catalyst on the Characteristics of Biodiesel from Sterculia Foetida Seeds as an Alternative Fuel

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    Research on renewable energy has become an interesting topic in the era towards industry 5.0. This was because the world's energy needs continue to increase every year, especially during the industrial revolution. The use of biodiesel as an alternative fuel began to be developed along with the emergence of policies for adding biofuels to fossil fuels. Kepuh oil has the opportunity to be developed as an alternative fuel as biodiesel feedstock. This was because kepuh oil contains triglycerides. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of catalyst concentration on density, viscosity and heating value. The catalyst used to produce biodiesel was KOH. The concentration of the catalyst used was K-0.8%; K-0.9%; K-1.0%; K-1.1% and K-1.2%. Biodiesel production was carried out at atemperature of 600C for 1 hour in the esterification and transesterification processes at the same temperature and time. The best production of kepuh biodiesel was obtained at acatalyst concentration of K-0.8% with a density value of 0.83 gr/ml, a viscosity of 2.8 cstand a heating value of 9,847 cal/gr, while the best results were obtained from mixing purediesel with kepuh biodiesel at a catalyst concentration K-0.8%. The test resulted in adensity value of 0.82 gr/ml, a viscosity of 2.24 cst, and a heating value of 10,658 cal/gr. Thehighest yield was 77.3% at 1.2% catalyst concentrationResearch on renewable fuel energy sources and the use of catalysts in increasing their production has always been an interesting topic in this era towards industry 5.0. This is because the world's energy needs are always increasing every year, especially during the industrial revolution. It requires more sources and other types of energy to convert. Based on that need, alternative energy sources that are renewable and abundant were always needed. One form of renewable alternative energy source is biodiesel. Biodiesel is environmentally friendly, clean, biodegradable, and produces low exhaust emissions. One of the raw materials for biodiesel can be obtained from Kepuh seeds (Sterculia foetida). The manufacture of biodiesel goes through five stages, namely pressing, degumming, esterification, transesterification, and purification. Then, the biodiesel that has been produced is added to bio solar in a ratio of 8:2 (biodiesel: bio solar). Additions were made to five samples of the fuel mixture based on the amount of catalyst used (0.8; 0.9; 1.0; 1.1; 1.2%). Based on the results of the biodiesel quality test, the average value for the density test was 0.85 kg/m3, the viscosity was 3.24 CST and the calorific value was 11,090 cal/gram

    The Flame Characteristics of Diesel Fuel Blend with Kepuh (Sterculia Foetida) Biodiesel

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    Kepuh biodiesel fuel (sterculia foetida) is an alternative fuel that can be used to replace fossil fuel. Diesel fuel is performed to determine the laminar flame speed of combustion and high flame by adding biodiesel kepuh volume of 10%, 20%, 30%. The purpose of this study was to study the effect of biodiesel and the effect of bunsen burners on the laminar flame speed of combustion and flame height. Bunsen burner is made of copper and stainless steel. Testing of flame characteristics were carried out by heating the mixture of fuel and air at temperature of 200oC. The purpose of heating the air is to prevent cooling when mixed with fuel. The mixture of fuel and air flowed into the mixing chamber and bunsen burner. The mixture of fuel and water flows into the mixing chamber and bunsen burner to form a fire. Flame images were recorded using a high speed fuji film camera with a speed of 480 fps with a resolution of 224x168. The test results were analyzed by measuring the angle and height of the flame using the freeware imageJ program. The results of the B10 (diesel oil without the addition of biodiesel) fuel mixture test using copper bunsen burner produced a maximum laminar flame speed of 23.6264 cm / s at φ = 0.8. The highest value of the B30 fuel mix flame (30% full biodiesel + 70% diesel oil) produces a maximum flame value using a stainless steel bunsen burner with a value of 25,417 mm at φ = 1.2. The results showed that B10 in copper bunsen burner had the highest laminar burn rate. The composition of the fuel and bunsen burner affects the combustion characteristics and flame height

    Analisa Pengaruh Purifikasi Biogas dengan Treatment Kalor pada Adsorben untuk Mengetahui Karakteristik Pembakaran

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    Abstract:  Energy needs are increasing, so a solution is needed to overcome this. The solution that can be done is the use of alternative energy. One alternative energy that can be used to meet energy needs is biogas. The composition of biogas is dominated by CH4 and CO2. However, biogas combustion has not been maximized, this is because biogas contains CO2. Therefore, efforts are needed to reduce CO2 levels. To reduce CO2 levels can be done with a purification process. In this study, the purification process was carried out using the heat treatment method on the adsorbent. The adsorbent used in this study was KOH solution. The temperatures used during the heat treatment were 200C, 250C, 300C, 350C, 400C and 450C while the concentration of the KOH solution was one molar. The research produces data on the rate of combustion and the height of the fire. The highest combustion rate value is 49,970 cm/s with a heat treatment temperature of 450C, while the lowest is 36,603 cm/s without purification. Then the highest flame height value was 23,142 mm without purification while the lowest was 13,158 mm with a heat treatment temperature of 450C for the adsorbent..Abstrak: Kebutuhan energi yang semakin meningkat maka diperlukan solusi untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah penggunaan energi alternatif. Salah satu energi alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi adalah biogas. Komposisi biogas didominasi oleh CH4 dan CO2. Namun, pembakaran biogas kurang optimal, hal ini dikarenakan biogas mengandung CO2. Oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya untuk mengurangi kadar CO2. Untuk mengurangi kadar CO2 dapat dilakukan dengan proses purifikasi. Pada penelitian ini proses purifikasi dilakukan dengan metode treatment kalor pada adsorben. Adsorben yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah larutan KOH. Temperatur yang digunakan saat treatment kalor sebesar 200C, 250C, 300C, 350C, 400C dan 450C sedangkan konsentrasi larutan KOH sebesar satu molar. Penelitian menghasilkan data laju pembakaran dan tinggi api. Nilai laju pembakaran tertinggi sebesar 49,970 cm/s dengan temperatur treatment kalor sebesar 450C sedangkan terendah sebesar 36,603 cm/s tanpa proses purifikasi. Kemudian nilai tinggi api tertinggi sebesar 23,142 mm tanpa purifikasi sedangkan terendah sebesar 13,158 mm dengan temperatur treatment kalor pada adsorben sebesar 450C


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    Indonesia memiliki sumber daya flora yang melimpah. Salah satu sumber daya flora tersebut adalah tanaman sengon. Tanaman sengon memiliki potensi tumbuh dan berkembang di Indonesia, hal ini dikarenakan kontur tanah yang subur di setiap wilayah Indonesia. Karena memiliki banyak manfaat, sengon banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Saat ini sengon dikembangkan dalam pembangunan hutan tanaman industri maupun hutan rakyat di Indonesia. Namun, untuk menghasilkan tanaman yang memiliki kualitas yang baik maka diperlukan pola perawatan yang berkualitas. Salah satu pola perawatan yang berkualitas adalah pemberian pupuk dengan takaran yang sesuai dan dilakukan dengan konsisten. Untuk melakukan proses tersebut maka diperlukan alat bantu. Saat ini, proses pemberian pupuk dilakuakn secara tradisional dengan cara menaburkan pupuk pada tanaman sehingga menyebabkan peningkatan biaya dan kurang efisien terhadap waktu. Berdasarkan permasalahan ini, maka diperlukan pelatihan pembuatan alat efficient fertilizer pump sebagai alat bantu pemupukan. Pelatihan diikuti oleh dua puluh peserta, sehingga mereka dapat menyebarkan ilmu yang telah diperoleh saat pelatihan ditempat tinggal masing-masing kepada petani sengon. Pelatihan ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan hasil produksi dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani sengon. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan, peserta mampu membuat dan mengimplementasikan efficient fertilizer pump dengan baik dan benar untuk diaplikasikan pada tanaman sengon. Selain itu, peserta antusias saat mengikuti acara dan ingin terus berinovasi dengan mengimplementasikan teknologi tepat guna

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Wawasan Kepada Anak Sekolah Dasar Dalam Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi

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    Quality human resources will bring a nation into a prosperous and prosperous nation. A prosperous and prosperous nation does not escape the technological advances that are controlled. ICT training aims to increase knowledge and insight in the field of computer information technology. This is because in the 4.0 era knowledge and skills in the field of ICT are indispensable. The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world and including Indonesia has affected the learning system for children. The learning system that was originally face-to-face was replaced with an online system. This is a new problem. Therefore, efforts are needed to improve skills in the field of ICT in children. From the description that has been presented regarding the skill needs of children, the community service program team took the initiative to do service with the theme of improving ICT skills in children with the target of fifth graders at SDN Tamansari 1. Service activities were carried out with three schemes consisting of preparation, preparation and implementation of activities. Results of activities The results of activities participants understand about the functions and working systems of hardware, basic software work processes and functions of Microsoft office icons. Participants are also taught how to operate a computer and use the available applications and features

    Potensi Biofuel Sebagai Alternatif Subtitusi Bahan Bakar Minyak

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    Biodiesel merupakan biofuel cair yang berpotensi untuk menjadi alternatif subtitusi bahan bakar minyak. Studi eksperimental ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi karakteristik kinerja biodiesel dari biji nyamplung (calophyllum inophyllum) dan ethanol pada mesin diesel satu silinder. Pengujian dilakukan pada mesin diesel empat langkah, satu silinder, dengan sistem udara alami dan dihubungkan dengan generator yang berfungsi sebagai dynamometer. Pengujian dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali pengulangan untuk setiap putaran mesin, yaitu 1500, 1750, 2000, 2250, dan 2500 rpm dengan memberikan beban konstan sebesar 600, 900, 1200, dan 1500 W dalam setiap kenaikkan putaran mesin. Hasil penelitian menginformasikan bahwa penambahan 10% biodiesel (B10) memiliki kinerja mesin terbaik ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan daya efektif, torsi, tekanan efektif rata-rata dan penurunan temperature gas buang, namun kebutuhan konsumsi bahan bakar menjadi lebih tinggi. Hasil ujuk kerja dan temperature gas buang yang lebih baik dari campuran bahan bakar B10 menunjukkan bahwa bahan bakar biodiesel memiliki potensi yang besar sebagai alternatif bahan bakar. Penggunaan biodiesel nyamplung sebagai subtitusi bahan bakar minyak perlu diteliti lebih lanjut agar dapat diterapkan pada sektor industri dan transportasi

    Pemanfaatan Aneka Kardus Bekas dengan Metode 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

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    Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan penerapan metode 3R yang mampu menstimulasi para peserta didik. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan praktek mengenai 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi serta observasi. Observasi digunakan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan metode 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) pada anak peserta didik. Dokumentasi digunakan untuk mendokumentasikan kegiatan selama pengabdian berlangsung. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa metode 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) yang digunakan dapat menstimulasi kreativitas anak. Melalui penerapan ini anak mampu berkreasi sesuai dengan imajinasi mereka.This activity aims to implement the application of the 3R method which is able to stimulate students. The method used is descriptive and practical regarding the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Data collection techniques were carried out using documentation and observation methods. Observations are used to determine knowledge of the 3R method (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in student’s children. Documentation is used to document activities during the service. The results of this activity show that the 3R method (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) used can stimulate children's creativity. Through this application, children are able to be creative according to their imagination

    Pengenalan PLTS Kepada Pelajar Untuk Menumbuhkan Minat Terhadap Pengembangan Energi Terbarukan

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    Technological developments and increasing population have created various problems, one of which is the energy sector. Indonesia has considerable potential to develop and exploit the potential of sunlight which can be converted into electrical energy. However, these efforts cannot run well if human resources (HR) do not understand the working system of solar power plants (PLTS). Therefore, efforts are needed to introduce and explore the potential of existing human resources. The target object of community service activities is carried out to junior high school students. PLTS is an interesting technology to convey to teenagers. Besides being able to arouse curiosity about PLTS, teenagers can also provide innovations in PLTS technology. Participants were enthusiastic when participating in the event and understood various types of renewable energy and renewable energy sources and understood the working system of solar panels