25 research outputs found
The Effectiveness of the Implementaton of Blended Learning in Economics
This research aims to compare the effectiveness of blended learning and online learning in influencing students’ learning outcomes, as well as the effectiveness of blended learning application based on the students’ learning outcomes, learning activities, and student responses in central bank, payment systems, and payment instruments chapter. This is a quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent control group design. The sample used in this research consisted of 68 students from class X IPS 1 and X IPS 3 of SMAN 1 Porong 2020-2021. The data used in this study were obtained using tests, questionnaires, and observations which were analyzed using non-parametric statistical analysis, N-gain calculation, and descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that (1) learning models affect student learning outcomes; (2) there is a significant difference in the average students’ learning outcomes between blended learning and online learning, (3) blended learning is more effective to be implemented than online learning, based on the students’ learning outcome, and (4) blended learning is effective to be implemented based on learning outcomes, activities, and student responses
Pengaruh literasi ekonomi digital terhadap kesiapan menjadi guru dimoderasi oleh gender
This study aims to investigate the influence of digital economic literacy on teaching readiness, considering the moderating role of gender among students of the Economics Education Study Program in 2019 and 2020 at the State University of Surabaya. Digital economic literacy refers to individuals' ability to understand and utilize digital technology in an economic context. Teaching readiness involves the skills and knowledge required for effective teaching. The research data were collected from 117 students and analyzed using a quantitative approach with structural equation modeling (SEM) employing the WarpPLS approach. The results of the study indicate that digital economic literacy has a significant positive influence on teaching readiness. Higher levels of digital economic literacy correspond to greater readiness to become teachers. However, the gender variable does not moderate the influence of digital economic literacy on teaching readiness. Therefore, there is no difference between male and female students in terms of digital economic literacy and teaching readiness among students of the Economics Education Study Program in 2019 and 2020 at the State University of Surabaya
Empowerment of Shoes MSMEs Based on Technology and Financial Management
This Community Service activity aims to help UD.MM Collection in Sidoarjo who have problems with poor production management processes and financial management. This service method is in the form of providing shoe slip machines and financial management training through a simple cash book. The results obtained are UD. MM Collection can produce shoes faster because it already has a shoe slip machine with two slip sides, making it faster and more efficient. The results of the slip also have a smoother quality than the previous machine and save electricity. In addition, the machine is also equipped with a vacuum cleaner so that it is safer to use. The second result is UD. MM Collection can have neater financial records and know its financial position in terms of income, expenses, payables, and receivables
Pengaruh Parenting Styles dan Persepsi Siswa tentang Kompetensi Profesional Guru Ekonomi terhadap Interaksi Edukatif Pembelajaran Ekonomi dimediasi melalui Self – Regulated Learning
Adanya hasil pengamatan yang dilakukan sebelumnya pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 Driyorejo 2022/2023, bahwasannya belum secara menyeluruhnya siswa aktif dalam merespon pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam section tertentu oleh guru. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi interaksi edukatif dalam proses pembelajaran, yaitu peran orang tua dan guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat menganalisis pengaruh gaya pengasuhan orang tua dan persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi profesional guru terhadap interaksi edukatif terutama dalam pembelajaran ekonomi dimediasi oleh self – regulated learning. Sampel pada penelitian ini digunakan dengan teknik sensus sejumlah 141 siswa XI Jurusan IPS. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah kuantitatif dengan analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) berbantuan software WarpPLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang tinggi disumbangkan oleh persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi profesional guru sebesar 71,5% terhadap self – regulated learning dan 35,9% terhadap interaksi edukatif dalam pembelajaran ekonomi. Namun, hasil menunjukkan bahwa keberhasilan self – regulated learning sebagai pemediasi hanya terletak diantara pengaruh yang diberikan persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi profesional guru terhadap interaksi edukatif dalam pembelajaran ekonomi. Untuk itu, diharapkan bagi beberapa komponen pendidikan untuk memberikan fokus utamanya pada peningkatan kompetensi profesional guru guna mewujudkan pembelajaran yang optimal kedepannya
This study aims to determine the Entrepreneurship Intention of students in Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) which is a metropolitan area and Riau Islands University (Unrika) in Indonesia Free Trade Zone. To distinguish Entrepreneurship Intention from students in this study using Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). This type of research is quantitative exploratory research. Data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the WarpPLS approach. Respondents in this study are Unesa and Unrika students, 6th-semester Economics or had taken entrepreneurship courses with a total of 142 students. There are similar intentions of Unrika entrepreneurship with Unesa. In Unrika, they were in the free trade zone area so they were more consumptive towards electronics because of their low price and reluctant to be entrepreneurs. In the free trade zone, if we want to sell an item outside the island, it will be charged by the gonverment, and the price will be same like the price from the outside of free trade zone. Moreover, most of their parents are workers or civil servants and not entrepreneurs. The cause of Unesa students is reluctant to become entrepreneurs because most of them want to become civil servants based on the influence of the family environment which on average comes from the village and works as a civil servant. For Unrika, most of them are college workers, so their mindset before and when they are studying is as workers
Self-Regulated Learning Bagi Mahasiswa: Pentingkah?
An indicator of learning process run well can be measured through student’ academic achievement. Self-regulated learning is assumed has a connection with student academic achievement. It is known that every students has self regulatory to control their learning activities. The research used quantitative approach and to examine the effect of student’ self-regulated learning skills on academic achievement. This study involved 162 students. The results showed that self-regulated learning skills influence academic achievement. The higher self-regulated learning skill, the higher academic achievement is achieved. This result useful for further research to develop learning process that provide opportunity to enhance students self-regulated learning skills. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um014v13i12020p06
Artikel hasil kajian pemikiran ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu proses pembelajaran prodi pendidikan ekonomi pada mata kuliah statistika. Permasalahan yang terjadi yaitu mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengolah data primer. Indikator yang menunjukkan mutu proses pembelajaran pada mata kuliah statistika yaitu mahasiswa mampu menyusun instrumen pada satu maupun dua variabel bebas serta menguji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan perlunya perbaikan yang dilakukan yaitu mulai dari perbaikan silabus hingga penerapannya di kelas. Adanya penambahan materi tentang membuat angket, cara mengolah data angket dan memasukkannya ke dalam excel dengan metode simulasi sehingga mahasiswa paham tentang analisis data primer. Dengan demikian akan memudahkan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan skripsi
Does Teacher-Researcher Role Conflict Influence Psychological Well-Being Among the Lecturers?
The lecturer is a profession with two different functions: a teacher and a researcher. Teaching and research activities are inseparable and reciprocal and provide great benefit for lecturers. But, doing those activities simultaneously makes a high workload for the lecturer. This research employed the job demands-resources model to investigate the link between teacher-researcher role conflict and psychological well-being. This research was carried out on 250 lecturers in East Java, coming from three big cities, Surabaya, Malang, and Jember, taken by random sampling. Structural equation modelling was used to examine the research model. The results found that the teacher-researcher role conflict has a significant negative effect on work enthusiasm. On the contrary, the teacher-researcher role conflict has a significant positive effect on emotional exhaustion. These findings provide evidence to stakeholders (Universities and The Ministry of Education and Culture) to be more concerned about the dual role that lecturers must carry out as a teacher and a researcher
Financial Management Model for Micro and Small Enterprises Owner in Surabaya
This study aims to develop a financial management model for micro and small businesses and develop a financial management assistance module for micro and small businesses. This study uses a development research design. For model development, the Design Based Research method was used with 4 stages of design-based research development developed by Reeves and modified by Cotton. W, Lockyer. L, Brickell. G. To test the model using action research techniques with action planning cycles, action implementation, and action reflection/evaluation. The research subjects were micro and small business actors in Surabaya, totaling 20 business actors. The results of the development of this model focuses on simple financial recording or bookkeeping, such as receiving money, spending money, purchasing and selling to make a profit. The guideline modules produced for each financial management model are also different, this is because the modules are prepared according to the needs of business actors and the material presented therein
ABSTRAKPenggunaan teknologi pada era revolusi industri 4.0 belum dapat diantisipasi sepenuhnya oleh para guru ekonomi SMA se-Kota Surabaya. Hal ini berdampak pada penerapan asesmen kurikulum merdeka yang belum optimal. Para guru ekonomi di Kota Surabaya masih banyak menggunakan instrumen paper-based test dan LOTS (Lower Order Thinking Skills). Untuk meningkatkan keterampilan penilaian hasil belajar yang relevan saat ini yaitu dengan menggunakan instrumen soal HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) dan asesmen digital, perlu diadakan pelatihan pengembangan asesmen digital berbasis HOTS pada kurikulum merdeka.Melalui rangkaian pelatihan mulai dari pemaparan materi, pendampingan hingga pembuatan draft asesmen digital, sebanyak 76% peserta menyatakan sangat setuju bahwa kegiatan pelatihan memberikan manfaat bagi peserta. Kemudian, sebanyak 83% peserta menyatakan sangat setuju bahwa pelatihan tersebut dapat menambah pengetahuan mengenai asesmen kurikulum merdeka berbasis HOTS. Sementara 94% peserta menyatakan sangat setuju bahwa pelatihan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan dalam membuat asesmen digital. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pelatihan mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta dalam menyusun asesmen digital berbasis HOTS. Para peserta mengharapkan adanya pelatihan berkesinambungan seperti pelatihan penyusunan soal AKM (Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum) dan modul ajar berbasis digital pada kurikulum merdeka untuk meningkatkan keterampilan. Kata kunci: asesmen digital; HOTS; guru ekonomi SMA Kota Surabaya; pelatihan ABSTRACTThe use of technology in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 cannot be fully anticipated by high school economics teachers throughout the city of Surabaya. This has an impact on the implementation of the independent curriculum assessment which is not yet optimal. Economics teachers in the city of Surabaya still use many paper-based test instruments and LOTS (Lower Order Thinking Skills). To improve current relevant learning outcome assessment skills, namely by using HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) question instruments and digital assessments, it is necessary to hold training on developing HOTS-based digital assessments in the independent curriculum. Through a series of training ranging from material presentation, mentoring to drafting digital assessment, as many as 76% of participants stated that they strongly agreed that training activities provided benefits for participants. Then, as many as 83% of participants stated that they strongly agreed that the training could increase knowledge regarding HOTS-based independent curriculum assessments. Meanwhile, 94% of participants strongly agreed that training could improve skills in making digital assessments. So it can be concluded that training activities are able to increase participants' knowledge and skills in preparing HOTS-based digital assessments. The participants expect continuous training such as training on preparing AKM (Minimum Competency Assessment) questions and digital-based teaching modules in the independent curriculum to improve skills. Keywords: digital assessment; HOTS; economics teachers at Surabaya high school; trainin