137 research outputs found

    Diversity of aerophytic cyanobacteria and algae in biofilm from selected caves in Serbia

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    Predmet ove doktorste disertacije je analiza zajednice aerofitskih cijanobakterijai algi iz biofilma sa stenovitog supstrata ulaza petnaest odabranih pećina iz Srbije kao inekoliko tačaka u blizini veštačkog osvetljenja. Akcenat istraživanja bio je nafototrofnim mikroorganizmima iz biofilma, dok su kao dodatak endolitski predstavniciidentifikovani iz nekoliko uzoraka stene. Analizirana je i morfologija, stepenrazvijenosti biofilma, kao i udeo sadržaja vode, organske i neorganske materije ubiofilmu. U svim pećinama, mereni su ekološki parametri i određene su primarnaprodukcija (preko koncentracije hlorofila a) i petrografska analiza stenovitog supstrata.Na odabranim uzorcima rađena je kvantitativna i sezonska analiza cijanobakterija i algi.Statističke analize su poslužile kao alat za sagledavanje odnosa zabeleženih fototrofnihmikroorganizama i različitih ekoloških i opisnih parametara.Zabeleženo je prisustvo ukupno 290 taksona cijanobakterija i algi koje susvrstane u 4 razdela: Cyanobacteria (134 taksona, od kojih 82 taksona pripadakokoidnim formama), Bacillariophyta (129 taksona), Chlorophyta (26 taksona) iXanthophyta (1 takson). Najveći broj taksona Cyanobacteria zabeležen je u rodovimaGloeocapsa, Chroococcus, Gloeothece, Leptolyngbya i Scytonema. U razdeluBacillariophyta se izdvajaju rodovi Luticola i Humidophila, a u razdelu Chlorophyta rodCosmarium.Iz biofilma Božanine pećine opisana je nova vrsta cijanobakterije za nauku,Nephrococcus serbicus S. Popović, G. Subakov Simić i J. Komárek, sp. nov. pri čemu jesam rod po prvi put zabeležen na teritoriji Evrope.Cyanobacteria po broju taksona dominiraju na svim lokalitetima, osim Rćanske iBogovinske pećine. Najveći broj pripadnika Bacillariophyta i Chlorophyta zabeležen jeu Rćanskoj (usled prisustva vode na biofilmu) i pećini Samar (zbog sezonskoguzorkovanja). Upravo se značaj sezonskog uzorkovanja biofilma u pećinama Samar iJezava pre svega ogleda kroz znatno veći diverzitet aerofitskih cijanobakterija i algi uodnosu na druge pećine.Predstavnici Cyanobacteria dominirali su u pećinama čiji je supstrat rekristalisalii organogeni krečnjak, a Bacillariophyta na klastičnom i mikritskom krečnjaku...The aim of this PhD thesis is the analysis of the aerophytic cyanobacterial andalgal community from biofilm developed on stone substrate at the entrance of fifteenselected caves from Serbia and several sites near the artificial light in caves. The focusof the study was on phototrophic microorganisms from the biofilm, while endolithicrepresentatives were additionaly identified from several stone samples. Morphology,degree of biofilm development, as well as the content of water, organic and inorganicmatter in biofilm were also observed. At all sampling sites, ecological parameters,primary production (through concentration of chlorophyll a), as well as petrographicanalysis of rocky substrates were measured and determined. Quantitative and seasonalanalyzes of cyanobacteria and algae were assessed in selected samples. Statisticalanalyzes have served as a tool for examining the relationship between recordedphototrophic microorganisms and various ecological and descriptive parameters.A total of 290 cyanobacterial and algal taxa were recorded and classified into 4divisions: Cyanobacteria (134 taxa, of which 82 taxa belong to the coccoid forms),Bacillariophyta (129 taxa), Chlorophyta (26 taxa) and Xanthophyta (1 taxon). Thehighest number of cyanobacterial taxa was documented within the following genera:Gloeocapsa, Chroococcus, Gloeothece, Leptolyngbya and Scytonema. Luticola andHumidophila were the most diverse genera within Bacillariophyta division, while inChlorophyta Cosmarium had the highest number of species.A new cyanobacterial taxon, Nephrococcus serbicus S. Popović, G. SubakovSimić & J. Komárek, sp. nov., was described from a biofilm sample of Božana Cave.This also represents the first record of the genus Nephrococcus in Europe.Cyanobacteria were dominant in all caves, except Rćanska and Bogovinskacave. The largest number of Bacillariophyta and Chlorophyta was recorded in theRćanska cave (due to the presence of water on samplins sites) and in the Samar Cave(due to seasonal sampling). The significance of the seasonal biofilm sampling in Samarand Jezava caves is primarily reflected through the higher diversity of aerophyticcyanobacteria and algae in comparison to other caves..

    Diversity of aerophytic cyanobacteria and algae in biofilm from selected caves in Serbia

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    Predmet ove doktorste disertacije je analiza zajednice aerofitskih cijanobakterija i algi iz biofilma sa stenovitog supstrata ulaza petnaest odabranih pećina iz Srbije kao i nekoliko tačaka u blizini veštačkog osvetljenja. Akcenat istraživanja bio je na fototrofnim mikroorganizmima iz biofilma, dok su kao dodatak endolitski predstavnici identifikovani iz nekoliko uzoraka stene. Analizirana je i morfologija, stepen razvijenosti biofilma, kao i udeo sadržaja vode, organske i neorganske materije u biofilmu. U svim pećinama, mereni su ekološki parametri i određene su primarna produkcija (preko koncentracije hlorofila a) i petrografska analiza stenovitog supstrata. Na odabranim uzorcima rađena je kvantitativna i sezonska analiza cijanobakterija i algi. Statističke analize su poslužile kao alat za sagledavanje odnosa zabeleženih fototrofnih mikroorganizama i različitih ekoloških i opisnih parametara. Zabeleženo je prisustvo ukupno 290 taksona cijanobakterija i algi koje su svrstane u 4 razdela: Cyanobacteria (134 taksona, od kojih 82 taksona pripada kokoidnim formama), Bacillariophyta (129 taksona), Chlorophyta (26 taksona) i Xanthophyta (1 takson). Najveći broj taksona Cyanobacteria zabeležen je u rodovima Gloeocapsa, Chroococcus, Gloeothece, Leptolyngbya i Scytonema. U razdelu Bacillariophyta se izdvajaju rodovi Luticola i Humidophila, a u razdelu Chlorophyta rod Cosmarium. Iz biofilma Božanine pećine opisana je nova vrsta cijanobakterije za nauku, Nephrococcus serbicus S. Popović, G. Subakov Simić i J. Komárek, sp. nov. pri čemu je sam rod po prvi put zabeležen na teritoriji Evrope. Cyanobacteria po broju taksona dominiraju na svim lokalitetima, osim Rćanske i Bogovinske pećine. Najveći broj pripadnika Bacillariophyta i Chlorophyta zabeležen je u Rćanskoj (usled prisustva vode na biofilmu) i pećini Samar (zbog sezonskog uzorkovanja). Upravo se značaj sezonskog uzorkovanja biofilma u pećinama Samar i Jezava pre svega ogleda kroz znatno veći diverzitet aerofitskih cijanobakterija i algi u odnosu na druge pećine. Predstavnici Cyanobacteria dominirali su u pećinama čiji je supstrat rekristalisali i organogeni krečnjak, a Bacillariophyta na klastičnom i mikritskom krečnjaku...The aim of this PhD thesis is the analysis of the aerophytic cyanobacterial and algal community from biofilm developed on stone substrate at the entrance of fifteen selected caves from Serbia and several sites near the artificial light in caves. The focus of the study was on phototrophic microorganisms from the biofilm, while endolithic representatives were additionaly identified from several stone samples. Morphology, degree of biofilm development, as well as the content of water, organic and inorganic matter in biofilm were also observed. At all sampling sites, ecological parameters, primary production (through concentration of chlorophyll a), as well as petrographic analysis of rocky substrates were measured and determined. Quantitative and seasonal analyzes of cyanobacteria and algae were assessed in selected samples. Statistical analyzes have served as a tool for examining the relationship between recorded phototrophic microorganisms and various ecological and descriptive parameters. A total of 290 cyanobacterial and algal taxa were recorded and classified into 4 divisions: Cyanobacteria (134 taxa, of which 82 taxa belong to the coccoid forms), Bacillariophyta (129 taxa), Chlorophyta (26 taxa) and Xanthophyta (1 taxon). The highest number of cyanobacterial taxa was documented within the following genera: Gloeocapsa, Chroococcus, Gloeothece, Leptolyngbya and Scytonema. Luticola and Humidophila were the most diverse genera within Bacillariophyta division, while in Chlorophyta Cosmarium had the highest number of species. A new cyanobacterial taxon, Nephrococcus serbicus S. Popović, G. Subakov Simić & J. Komárek, sp. nov., was described from a biofilm sample of Božana Cave. This also represents the first record of the genus Nephrococcus in Europe. Cyanobacteria were dominant in all caves, except Rćanska and Bogovinska cave. The largest number of Bacillariophyta and Chlorophyta was recorded in the Rćanska cave (due to the presence of water on samplins sites) and in the Samar Cave (due to seasonal sampling). The significance of the seasonal biofilm sampling in Samar and Jezava caves is primarily reflected through the higher diversity of aerophytic cyanobacteria and algae in comparison to other caves..

    Use of focus groups interview in research of children and youth

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    U tekstu se izlažu osnovni principi fokus-grupnog intervjua i, posebno, specifičnosti primene ove tehnike u istraživanjima dece i mladih. Autorke konstatuju porast korišćenja ove tehnike u brojnim naučnim disciplinama i njenu značajnu frekventnost i raznovrsnost u istraživanju različitih oblasti koja se tiču ispitivanja ponašanja i stavova mlađih uzrasta. Oslanjajući se, kako na iskustva brojnih istraživača širom sveta, tako i na sopstvena iskustva u primeni ove istraživački tehnike u istraživanjima dece i mladih u Srbiji, autorke rezimiraju osnovne metodološke principe i elemente istraživanja u kojima se primenjuje fokus-grupno intervjuisanje: sastav grupe, uzrast ispitanika, veličinu grupe, trajanje intervjua, ulogu moderatora, vreme i mesto održavanja intervjua, pitanja za fokus-grupni intervju, sprovođenje fokus-grupnog intervjua, analizu podataka, etičke probleme primene fokus-grupnog istraživanja kod dece i mladih. Autorke zaključuju da adekvatno vođeno fokus-grupno intervjuisanje dece i mladih pruža velike mogućnosti na planu sticanja dubinskog uvida u široki dijapazon dečje percepcije, stavova, interesa, vrednosti i iskustva o velikom broju oblasti. Pravilna primena ove istraživačke metode takođe podrazumeva i poznavanje slabosti i ograničenja fokus-grupnog intervjua, kao i dobro poznavanje principa grupne dinamike i interakcije na kojima se temelji ovaj istraživački pristup.Basic principles of focus groups interview in general, and specific features of usage of this technique in research of children and young are described in the text. Authors identify rise in usage of this technique in numerous scientific disciplines and its significant frequency and diversity in research of different fields concerning behaviour and attitudes of the young. Relying on expirience of researches worldwide in usage of focus groups interview as well as on own expiriences in usage of this technique in research of children and the young in Serbia, authors summarize basic methodological principles and elements of research in which focus groups interview are applied: composition of the group, age of the respondents, size of the group, duration of the interview, role of the moderator, time and place of the interview, questions for focus groups interview, conductiong of focus groups interview, data analysis, ethical problems concernig usage of focus groups interview with children and young. Authors conclude that adequate conducted focus groups interview of children and the young give great possibilities in terms of acquiring deep insight in wide spectrum of child perception, attitudes, concerns, values and expiriences in number of fields. Proper usage of this research technique also implies knowing of the weaknesses and limitations of the focus groups interview as well as good knowledge of group dynamic principles and interactions upon which this research approach is built

    Empirical studies about relationship between media violence and youth aggression

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    Povezanost medijskih prikaza nasilja i agresije decenijama je predmet interesovanja naučne javnosti, te je postojeća istraživačka praksa u ovoj oblasti obimna, metodološki raznovrsna i relativno konzistentna u opštim nalazima. U radu su prikazani ilustrativni primeri istraživanja za četiri tipa empirijskih studija, a to su: eksperimentalne, kros-sekcione, longitudinalne i meta-analitičke studije. Analizirane su prednosti i nedostaci svakog tipa studija, kao i rezultati niza istraživanja koji impliciraju jasan generalni nalaz da izloženost prikazima nasilja u medijima stoji u vezi sa povećanjem agresije u kratkoročnim i dugoročnim terminima.The relationship between media violence and the aggression is the subject of scientific interest the public over the decades, and the existing research practice in this area is extensive, diverse in metodology and relatively consistent in the overall findings. The article reviews illustrative examples of research for four types of empirical studies, such as: experimental, cross-sectional, longitudinal, and meta-analytical studies. Analyzed the strenghts and weaknesses of each type of study, as well as the results of a series of investigations that imply clear general finding that exposure to media portrays of violence is related to increased aggression in short-term and long-term context

    Strah od kriminala u Beogradu - testiranje modela socio-demografskih i socijalno-psiholoških faktora

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    Despite a wealth of research practice, the conceptualization of fear of crime and the ways in which this fear is measured remain the subject of intense theoretical debate in criminological and sociological disciplines. Taking as a starting point the need for a theoretical explanation of fear of crime and the existing research which has confirmed the relevance of the model which integrates socio-demographic and social-psychological factors, a study was conducted in order to examine the predictive capabilities of these factors and compare the results with those of similar studies in the region. The analysis was based on the data obtained in the course of the regional research project 'Fear of Crime in Large Cities', carried out in 2009 in the capital cities of former Yugoslav republics on a multistage random sample using the method of in-home interview. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis was applied on a sample of 397 adult respondents residing in urban parts of Belgrade in order to draw conclusions on how the variables of the integrated model can help explain the differences in the level of fear of crime. Fear of crime, as a dependent variable, was measured using six vignettes after the reliability and unidimensionality of the construct was confirmed. The results of the regression analysis showed that the proposed model was able to account for 42% of the differences in fear of crime. With regard to the socio-demographic variables (introduced in the first step and accounting for 31% of the variance), it was determined that women express the greatest fear of crime as they avoid being alone in their neighbourhoods at night, visit nearby friends less frequently and believe that the streets, shops, and woods in their immediate surroundings are not safe. Regarding the social-psychological variables (which accounted for the additional 11% of the variance), a higher level of fear was found in persons who believe that other people pose a threat to them or their property, imagine that someone would obstructed their path on their way home, think they are not capable of defending themselves from potential assailants or distrust people, both those they know and those they do not. A comparison with other research in the region showed that a larger number of social-psychological variables proved to be predictive for the residents of Belgrade while there were no significant differences in terms of the socio-demographic variables.Uprkos postojanju već bogate istraživačke prakse, konceptualizacija straha od kriminala, kao i načini njegovog merenja, još uvek jesu predmet intenzivnih teorijskih rasprava u kriminološkim i sociološkim disciplinama. Polazeći od potrebe teorijskog objašnjenja straha od kriminala, te uvažavanja istraživačkih nalaza o značajnom doprinosu modela koji objedinjuje socio-demografske i socijalno-psihološke faktore, postavljeno je istraživanje sa ciljem ispitivanja prediktivne sposobnosti ovih faktora, ali i poređenja dobijenih rezultata sa nalazima sličnih studija iz regiona. U analizi su korišćeni podaci iz regionalnog istraživačkog projekta 'Strah od kriminala u velikim gradovima', koji je, tokom 2009. godine, sproveden u glavnim gradovima bivših jugoslovenskih republika, na slučajnom višetapnom uzorku, uz primenu metode intervjuisanja u domaćinstvima. Za potrebe ovog rada, a u cilju izvođenja zaključaka o doprinosu varijabli objedinjenog modela u objašnjenju razlika u nivou straha od kriminala, primenjena je, na uzorku od 397 punoletnih ispitanika koji žive u urbanim delovima grada Beograda, hijerarhijska višestruka regresiona analiza. Strah od kriminala, kao zavisna varijabla, meren je preko šest hipotetičkih situacija, uz prethodnu potvrdu pouzdanosti i jednodimezionalnosti konstrukta. Rezultati regresione analize pokazali su da se 42% razlika u strahu od kriminala može objasniti predloženim modelom. U pogledu socio-demografskih varijabli (koje su unete u prvom koraku i objasnile 31% varijanse) utvrđeno je da veći strah od kriminala imaju osobe ženskog pola, koje izbegavaju da se noću same kreću po susedstvu, ređe posećuju prijatelje u susedstvu i misle da ulice, prodavnice i šume u neposrednom okriženju nisu sigurne. Kada su u pitanju socijalno-psihološke varijable (koje su objasnile dodatnih 11% varijanse), konstatovano je da viši nivo straha od kriminala imaju osobe koje misle da su one same ili njihova imovina ugroženi od strane drugih ljudi, koje zamišljaju da ih neko može presresti na putu do kuće, koje misle da nisu sposobne da se same odbrane od eventualnog napadača, te nemaju poverenja u druge ljude, kako nepoznate tako i poznate. U poređenju sa rezultatima drugih istraživanja u regionu, zapaženo je da se veći broj varijabli socijalno-psihološke prirode pokazuje prediktivnim za stanovnike Beograda, dok u pogledu socio-demografskih varijabli nema značajnijih razlika

    The assessment of school climate as a prerequisite for successful planning of behavioral disorders prevention

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    Planiranje prevencije poremećaja ponašanja, kao proces projektovanja celokupnog preventivnog delovanja na određenom području u određenom vremenskom periodu, odvija se kroz sukcesivnu realizaciju faza procene karakteristika zajednice, planiranja, primene i evaluacije preventivnih programa. Jedna od bazičnih pretpostavki efektivnog planiranja prevencije u uslovima školske sredine ogleda se u postojanju kvalitetne školske klime koja je pozitivno podsticajna i prikladna za poboljšanje kvaliteta obrazovno- vaspitnog rada, kreiranje obuhvatnog sistema preventivnog delovanja i izgradnju bezbednog školskog ambijenta. Pitanje uvažavanja značaja procene i unapređivanja školske klime, inicirano sredinom prošlog veka, danas je jedno od nezaobilaznih u razmatranju faktora efektivnosti planiranja prevencije poremećaja ponašanja. Svaka škola uspostavlja parametre prihvatljivog ponašanja svih aktera i utvrđuje indivudualnu i institucionalnu odgovornost za uspešan rad i bezbednost škole. Školska klima se tako uspostavlja kao relativno trajan karakter škole koji utiče na akcije svih aktera uključenih u školski sistem i predstavlja njihovu kolektivnu percepciju situacije u školi. Pozitivna školska klima ne samo da ima značajnu ulogu u kreiranju zdrave školske atmosfere značajne za postignuće učenika i celokupnog školskog osoblja, nego se jasno, sudeći prema istraživačkim potvrdama, dovodi u vezu sa redukovanjem različitih vidova poremećaja ponašanja učenika. U skladu sa tim, u radu su analizirani osnovni elementi školske klime kroz ukazivanje na trodimenzionalnost konstrukta (fizička, socijalna i akademska dimenzija), objašnjeni različiti modeli procene školske klime i izvedene preporuke za unapređenje školske klime u svim fazama planiranja prevencije poremećaja ponašanja u školi.The planning of behavioral disorders prevention, as the process of designing the whole preventive action in a certain domain in a definite time period, takes place through successive realization of several stages of community characteristics assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of prevention programs. One of the basic prerequisites of effective prevention planning in school settings lies in the existence of a favorable school atmosphere that is affirmatively stimulative and convenient for improving the quality of educational activities, creating a comprehensive system of prevention and building a safe school ambiennce. Recognition of the importance of assessment and improvement of school climate, initiated in the middle of the past century, is one among inevitable questions in discussing the factors of planning effective behavioral disorders prevention. Each school sets parameters of acceptable behavior for all participants and establishes individual and institutional responsibility for successful work and school security. A school climate is thus established as a relatively permanent school character, which affects the actions of all subjects involved in school system and represents their collective perception of the social situation in school. Positive school climate not only plays a significant role in creating healthy school atmosphere, important for performance of students and the whole school staff, but it has clearly to do, judging by research confirmations, with the reduction in various aspects of behavioral disorders. Accordingly, in this paper the basic elements of school climate are analysed by pointing out the multidimensionality of that construct (physical, social and academic dimension). A review of the main models for school climate assessment are then presented and, finally, several recommendations for school climate improvement at all the stages of behavioral disorders prevention planning in school settings are discussed

    Empirical studies about relationship between media violence and youth aggression

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    Povezanost medijskih prikaza nasilja i agresije decenijama je predmet interesovanja naučne javnosti, te je postojeća istraživačka praksa u ovoj oblasti obimna, metodološki raznovrsna i relativno konzistentna u opštim nalazima. U radu su prikazani ilustrativni primeri istraživanja za četiri tipa empirijskih studija, a to su: eksperimentalne, kros-sekcione, longitudinalne i meta-analitičke studije. Analizirane su prednosti i nedostaci svakog tipa studija, kao i rezultati niza istraživanja koji impliciraju jasan generalni nalaz da izloženost prikazima nasilja u medijima stoji u vezi sa povećanjem agresije u kratkoročnim i dugoročnim terminima.The relationship between media violence and the aggression is the subject of scientific interest the public over the decades, and the existing research practice in this area is extensive, diverse in metodology and relatively consistent in the overall findings. The article reviews illustrative examples of research for four types of empirical studies, such as: experimental, cross-sectional, longitudinal, and meta-analytical studies. Analyzed the strenghts and weaknesses of each type of study, as well as the results of a series of investigations that imply clear general finding that exposure to media portrays of violence is related to increased aggression in short-term and long-term context

    Parents` participation as a factor of school climate: principles and models of good practice

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    Adekvatno povezivanje resursa kojim raspolažu škole, porodice i zajednice od suštinskog je značaja za stvaranje uslova za pozitivan razvoj i prevenciju različitih oblika problema u ponašanju dece i omladine. Osnovni imperativ svake škole treba da bude kreiranje pozitivne školske klime, odnosno stvaranje bezbednog okruženja u kojem će se, u otvorenom i slobodnom ambijentu, obrazovati i vaspitavati generacije učenika. U kojoj meri će se ovaj cilj ostvariti značajno zavisi od obima i kvaliteta učešća roditelja u obrazovno-vaspitnom procesu. Efektivno uključivanje roditelja zahteva kreiranje primenjivog okvira delovanja zasnovanog na nalazima i saznanjima relevantnih naučnih disciplina, kao i primerima dobre prakse iz zemalja u kojima se ovom procesu posvećuje značajna pažnja. Škole, u skladu sa sistemom integrisane podrške učenicima, moraju da grade partnerske odnose sa roditeljima i razvijaju pristup zajedničke odgovornosti za dečiji uspeh. Na taj način ne samo da se povećava nivo roditeljskog angažmana i osnažuje njihova podrška školi, već se direktno ostvaraju pozitivni efekti na akademsku i socijalnu dimenziju školske klime, što posledično može doprineti prevenciji i redukciji problema u ponašanju učenika. Uvažavajući značaj participacije roditelja u školskim aktivnostima, u radu će, pored analize pozitivnih efekata roditeljskog angažovanja i sumiranja vodećih principa uspešne saradnje roditelja i škole, biti prikazane osnovne karakteristike šest tipova modela roditeljskog angažmana (zaštitni, ekspertski, transmisioni, model obogaćivanja nastavnog programa, potrošački i partnerski model), te izvedeni zaključci i preporuke od značaja za planiranje programa unapređenja školske klime u obrazovno-vaspitnim ustanovama u Srbiji.Adequate resource mobilization of schools, families and local communities is essential for creating conditions for positive development and preventing different forms of behavior problems in children and youth population. The process of creating positive school climate and forming a safe environment, in an opened and free ambient, with generations of students that are being educated, is an imperative for every school. Reaching this goal largely depends on the extent and quality of parents` participation in the formal educational process. Effective participation of parents requires creation of applicable framework of action that is based on relevant scientific findings, and on examples of good practice from countries which give special attention to this process of involvement. In order to comply with the system of integrated support for the students, schools need to build partnership with parents and develop mutual responsibility for children`s success in the educational system. In this way, parental engagement is increased, parents` effort to support schools are encouraged, and they are directly making an positive impact on academic and social dimension of school climate, which consequently leads to prevention and reduction of behavior problems in student population. Considering the importance of parents` participation in school activities, in this paper, we will analyze positive effects of parental engagement, summarize leading principles when it comes to successful partnership of parents and schools, and present six models of parental engagement (Protective Model, Expert Model, Transmission Model, Curriculum- Enrichment Model, Consumer Model and Partnership Model). In addition, we will draw conclusions and make recommendations that are important for planning programs that are focused on improvement of school climate in educational institutions in Serbia

    Parents` participation as a factor of school climate: principles and models of good practice

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    Adekvatno povezivanje resursa kojim raspolažu škole, porodice i zajednice od suštinskog je značaja za stvaranje uslova za pozitivan razvoj i prevenciju različitih oblika problema u ponašanju dece i omladine. Osnovni imperativ svake škole treba da bude kreiranje pozitivne školske klime, odnosno stvaranje bezbednog okruženja u kojem će se, u otvorenom i slobodnom ambijentu, obrazovati i vaspitavati generacije učenika. U kojoj meri će se ovaj cilj ostvariti značajno zavisi od obima i kvaliteta učešća roditelja u obrazovno-vaspitnom procesu. Efektivno uključivanje roditelja zahteva kreiranje primenjivog okvira delovanja zasnovanog na nalazima i saznanjima relevantnih naučnih disciplina, kao i primerima dobre prakse iz zemalja u kojima se ovom procesu posvećuje značajna pažnja. Škole, u skladu sa sistemom integrisane podrške učenicima, moraju da grade partnerske odnose sa roditeljima i razvijaju pristup zajedničke odgovornosti za dečiji uspeh. Na taj način ne samo da se povećava nivo roditeljskog angažmana i osnažuje njihova podrška školi, već se direktno ostvaraju pozitivni efekti na akademsku i socijalnu dimenziju školske klime, što posledično može doprineti prevenciji i redukciji problema u ponašanju učenika. Uvažavajući značaj participacije roditelja u školskim aktivnostima, u radu će, pored analize pozitivnih efekata roditeljskog angažovanja i sumiranja vodećih principa uspešne saradnje roditelja i škole, biti prikazane osnovne karakteristike šest tipova modela roditeljskog angažmana (zaštitni, ekspertski, transmisioni, model obogaćivanja nastavnog programa, potrošački i partnerski model), te izvedeni zaključci i preporuke od značaja za planiranje programa unapređenja školske klime u obrazovno-vaspitnim ustanovama u Srbiji.Adequate resource mobilization of schools, families and local communities is essential for creating conditions for positive development and preventing different forms of behavior problems in children and youth population. The process of creating positive school climate and forming a safe environment, in an opened and free ambient, with generations of students that are being educated, is an imperative for every school. Reaching this goal largely depends on the extent and quality of parents` participation in the formal educational process. Effective participation of parents requires creation of applicable framework of action that is based on relevant scientific findings, and on examples of good practice from countries which give special attention to this process of involvement. In order to comply with the system of integrated support for the students, schools need to build partnership with parents and develop mutual responsibility for children`s success in the educational system. In this way, parental engagement is increased, parents` effort to support schools are encouraged, and they are directly making an positive impact on academic and social dimension of school climate, which consequently leads to prevention and reduction of behavior problems in student population. Considering the importance of parents` participation in school activities, in this paper, we will analyze positive effects of parental engagement, summarize leading principles when it comes to successful partnership of parents and schools, and present six models of parental engagement (Protective Model, Expert Model, Transmission Model, Curriculum- Enrichment Model, Consumer Model and Partnership Model). In addition, we will draw conclusions and make recommendations that are important for planning programs that are focused on improvement of school climate in educational institutions in Serbia

    Mineral waters of Serbia and development of phototrophic microbial communities near points of emergence and on wellheads

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    Phototropic microorganisms in thermal mats had not attracted enough attention in Serbia in the past. The research presented in this paper is the first to address biofilms at selected occurrences of mineral water in Serbia (Bogatić, Metković and Belotić in the Mačva District as well as Radaljska Banja, Lukovska Banja and Vranjska Banja) (in Serbian, banja denotes a spa town). The study period is from 2014 to 2016. The temperatures of the studied occurrences are in the 30–93.9 °C range and the chemical composition corresponds to the HCO3 − – Na++K+ and SO4 2−, HCO3 − – Na++K+ types of mineral water. One of the objectives was to examine the condition of wellheads (incrustation, biofouling and corrosion), focusing on the presence of phototrophic microorganisms whose metabolites may lead to changes in mineral water quality, yield and chemistry. Analysis by light and scanning electron microscopy provides insight into the diversity of phototrophic microorganisms that populate biofilms near the points of emergence and on wellhead. The research reveals the presence of representatives of three groups of phototrophic microorganisms: Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta. Cyanobacteria were the most numerous, dominated by the order Oscillatoriales with ten recorded genera, of which Leptolynbgya and Phormidium feature the largest numbers of species. The order Chroococcales are the second most numerous, with seven recorded genera, of which Gloeocapsa and Synechocystisare the most noteworthy. The largest numbers of representative taxa were noted at Radaljska Banja and Vranjska Banja, where mineral waters originate from Encrustalithostratigraphic units of igneous origin, followed by mineral water occurrences in karst aquifers (Bogatić and Belotić) and an intergranular aquifer (Metković). The smallest number of identified phototrophic microorganisms is noted at Lukovska Banja, where the origin is associated with a fractured aquifer formed in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, with occasional diabase interbeds. Although many representative taxa are found on only one of the studied localities, such as Synechococcus bigranulatus and Pseudanabaena thermalis, those of the genera Leptolyngbya, Phormidium and Cosmarium laeve, as well as genera of the phylum Bacillariophyta, occur at several sampling sites. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to show the relationship between documented cyanobacterial and algal taxa and environmental parameters.  Key words: Serbia, mineral waters, phototrophic microorganisms, biofilm.  Mineralne vode v Srbiji in razvoj fototrofnih mikrobnih združb na mestih izvirov in na ustjih vrtin Fototrofni mikroorganizmi v oblogah termalnih izvirov v Srbiji v preteklosti niso bili deležni posebne pozornosti. V članku predstavljena raziskava je prva, ki obravnava biofilme na izbranih mestih izvirov mineralnih vod v Srbiji (Bogatić, Metković in Belotić v Mačvi ter Radaljska Banja, Lukovska Banja in Vranjska Banja) (v srbskem jeziku je banja izraz za toplice). Preučevanje je potekalo med letoma 2014 in 2016. Temperature obravnavanih voda se gibljejo med 30 in 93,9 °C, glede na kemijsko sestavo pa jih uvrščamo v HCO3 − – Na++ K+ in SO4 2−, HCO3 − – Na++K+ tipe mineralne vode. Eden od ciljev raziskave je bil proučevati razmere na ustjih vrtin (inkrustacija, obrast in korozija) in se še posebej posvetiti navzočnosti fototrofnih mikroorganizmov, katerih metaboliti lahko spremenijo kakovost, izdatnost in kemizem mineralnih vod. Z analizo slik s svetlobnim in vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom lahko podrobneje spoznamo raznolikost fototrofnih organizmov, ki sestavljajo biofilme na mestih izvirov in na ustjih vrtin. Raziskava je pokazala obstoj predstavnikov treh skupin fototrofnih mikroorganizmov: cianobakterij ter predstavnikov debel Chlorophyta in Bacillariophyta. Cianobakterije so bile najbolj številčne, prevladovali so osebki reda Oscillatoriales z desetimi ugotovljenimi rodovi, od katerih je bilo največje število vrst iz rodov Leptolynbgya in Phormidium. Red Chroococcales je bil s sedmimi zabeleženimi rodovi drugi najbolj številčen, prevladovala sta Gloeocapsa in Synechocystis. Največreprezentativnih taksonov je bilo v Radaljski Banji in Vranjski Banji, kjer mineralne vode izvirajo iz litostratigrafskih enot vulkanskega izvora, sledijo mineralne vode iz kraškega (Bogatić in Belotić) in medzrnskega vodonosnika (Metković). Najmanjfototrofnih organizmov je bilo v vzorcu iz Lukovske Banje, kjer vode izvirajo iz razpoklinskih vodonosnikov v sedimentnih in metamorfnih kamninah z vmesnimi lečami diabaza. Čeprav soštevilne reprezentativne taksone našli le na eni od proučevanih lokacij, kot na primer Synechococcus bigranulatus in Pseudanabaena thermalis, se tisti iz rodu Leptolyngbya, Phormidium in Cosmarium laeve in predstavniki več rodov, ki pripadajo deblu Bacillariophyta, pojavljajo na več vzorčnih mestih. Za ugotavljanje odvisnosti med taksoni cianobakterij in alg ter okoljskimi parametri so uporabili analizo glavnih komponent.Ključne besede: Srbija, mineralne vode, fototrofni mikroorganizmi, biofilm.