Empirical studies about relationship between media violence and youth aggression


Povezanost medijskih prikaza nasilja i agresije decenijama je predmet interesovanja naučne javnosti, te je postojeća istraživačka praksa u ovoj oblasti obimna, metodološki raznovrsna i relativno konzistentna u opštim nalazima. U radu su prikazani ilustrativni primeri istraživanja za četiri tipa empirijskih studija, a to su: eksperimentalne, kros-sekcione, longitudinalne i meta-analitičke studije. Analizirane su prednosti i nedostaci svakog tipa studija, kao i rezultati niza istraživanja koji impliciraju jasan generalni nalaz da izloženost prikazima nasilja u medijima stoji u vezi sa povećanjem agresije u kratkoročnim i dugoročnim terminima.The relationship between media violence and the aggression is the subject of scientific interest the public over the decades, and the existing research practice in this area is extensive, diverse in metodology and relatively consistent in the overall findings. The article reviews illustrative examples of research for four types of empirical studies, such as: experimental, cross-sectional, longitudinal, and meta-analytical studies. Analyzed the strenghts and weaknesses of each type of study, as well as the results of a series of investigations that imply clear general finding that exposure to media portrays of violence is related to increased aggression in short-term and long-term context

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