1,336 research outputs found

    Probing Quantum Gravity Through Exactly Soluble Midi-Superspaces I

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    It is well-known that the Einstein-Rosen solutions to the 3+1 dimensional vacuum Einstein's equations are in one to one correspondence with solutions of 2+1 dimensional general relativity coupled to axi-symmetric, zero rest mass scalar fields. We first re-examine the quanization of this midi-superspace paying special attention to the asymptotically flat boundary conditions and to certain functional analytic subtleties associated with regularization. We then use the resulting quantum theory to analyze several conceptual and technical issues of quantum gravity.Comment: 28 pages, late

    Distributed Fault-Tolerant Control for Networked Robots in the Presence of Recoverable/Unrecoverable Faults and Reactive Behaviors

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    The paper presents an architecture for distributed control of multi-robot systems with an integrated fault detection, isolation, and recovery strategy. The proposed solution is based on a distributed observer-controller schema where each robot, by communicating only with its direct neighbors, is able to estimate the overall state of the system; such an estimate is then used by the controllers of each robot to achieve global missions as, for example, centroid and formation tracking. The information exchanged among the observers is also used to compute residual vectors that allow each robot to detect failures on anyone of the teammates, even if not in direct communication. The proposed strategy considers both recoverable and unrecoverable actuator faults as well as it properly manages the possible activation of reactive local control behaviors of the robots (e.g., the activation of obstacle avoidance strategy), which generate control inputs different from those required by the global mission control. In particular, when the robots are subject to recoverable faults, those are managed at a local level by computing a proper compensating control action. On the other side, when the robots are subject to unrecoverable faults, the faults are isolated from anyone of the teammates by means of a distributed fault detection and isolation strategy; then, the faulty robots are removed from the team and the mission is rearranged. The proposed strategy is validated via numerical simulations where the system properly identifies and manages the different cases of recoverable and unrecoverable actuator faults, as well as it manages the activation of local reactive control in an integrated case study

    Effect of Fermentation with Streptococcus thermophilus Strains on In Vitro Gastro-Intestinal Digestion of Whey Protein Concentrates

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    Three Streptococcus thermophilus strains, namely RBC6, RBC20, and RBN16, were proven to release bioactive peptides during whey protein concentrate (WPC) fermentation, resulting in WPC hydrolysates with biological activities. However, these bioactive peptides can break down during gastro-intestinal digestion (GID), hindering the health-promoting effect of fermented WPC hydrolysates in vivo. In this work, the effect of simulated GID on three WPC hydrolysates fermented with S. thermophilus strains, as well as on unfermented WPC was studied in terms of protein hydrolysis, biological activities, and peptidomics profiles, respectively. In general, WPC fermentation enhanced protein hydrolysis compared to unfermented WPC. After in vitro GID, WPC fermented with S. thermophilus RBC20 showed the highest antioxidant activity, whereas WPC fermented with strain RBC06 displayed the highest angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)- and dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV)-inhibitory activities. Peptidomics analysis revealed that all digested WPC samples were highly similar to each other in peptide profiles, and 85% of the 46 identified bioactive peptides were shared among fermented and unfermented samples. However, semi-quantitative analysis linked the observed differences in biological activities among the samples to differences in the amount of bioactive peptides. The anti-hypertensive peptides VPP and IPP, as well as the DPP-IV-inhibitory peptide APFPE, were quantified. In conclusion, WPC fermentation with S. thermophilus positively impacted protein hydrolysis and bioactive peptide release during GID

    Random Graph-Homomorphisms and Logarithmic Degree

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    A graph homomorphism between two graphs is a map from the vertex set of one graph to the vertex set of the other graph, that maps edges to edges. In this note we study the range of a uniformly chosen homomorphism from a graph G to the infinite line Z. It is shown that if the maximal degree of G is `sub-logarithmic', then the range of such a homomorphism is super-constant. Furthermore, some examples are provided, suggesting that perhaps for graphs with super-logarithmic degree, the range of a typical homomorphism is bounded. In particular, a sharp transition is shown for a specific family of graphs C_{n,k} (which is the tensor product of the n-cycle and a complete graph, with self-loops, of size k). That is, given any function psi(n) tending to infinity, the range of a typical homomorphism of C_{n,k} is super-constant for k = 2 log(n) - psi(n), and is 3 for k = 2 log(n) + psi(n)

    Predicting economic resilience of territories in Italy during the COVID-19 first lockdown

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    This paper aims to predict the economic resilience to crises of territories based on local pre-existing socioeco-nomic characteristics. Specifically, we consider the case of Italian municipalities during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, leveraging a large-scale dataset of cardholders performing transactions in Point-of-Sales. Based on a set of machine learning classifiers, we show that network-based measures and variables related to the social, economic, demographic and environmental dimensions are relevant predictors of the economic resilience of Italian municipalities to the crisis. In particular, we find accurate classification performance both in balanced and un-balanced scenarios, as well as in the case we restrict the analysis to specific geographical areas. Our analysis predicts that territories with larger income per capita, soil consumption, concentration of real estate activities and commuting network centrality in terms of closeness and Pagerank constitute the set of most affected areas, experiencing the strongest reduction of economic activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, we provide an application of an early-warning system able to provide timely evidence to policymakers about the detrimental effects generated by natural disasters and severe crisis episodes, thus contributing to optimize public decision support systems

    First description of early developmental stages of the native invasive fireworm Hermodice carunculata (Annelida, Amphinomidae): A cue to the warming of the mediterranean sea

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    Observations on the reproductive behavior and larval development of the bristled fireworm Hermodice carunculata, a common inhabitant of shallow marine rocky bottoms in the Southern Mediterranean Sea, are reported here. In recent years, an increase in abundance and a northward expansion of the populations along the Southern Italian coast were jointly detected, presumably linked to rising water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea. After making in situ observations on two consecutive spawning events, live worms and fresh spawn were brought into the lab, kept at either 27°C or 22°C and followed through development. Complete and normal development was observed only at 27°C. By contrast, embryonic and larval development appeared to be slowed down at 22°C, stopping at the protrochophora stage. Early development of H. carunculata suggests the existence of a long pre-metamorphic, planktotrophic period in the water column that can explain the genetic cohesion of this species and the low genetic divergence found among populations across the Atlantic Ocean. The observed increase in abundance, invasiveness potential, and geographical northern distribution of the bearded fireworms is probably determined by a progressive northward latitudinal shift of the sea surface temperature coincident with the temperature threshold required for the developmental and reproductive success of the worm

    Protein structure analysis of the interactions between SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and the human ACE2 receptor: from conformational changes to novel neutralizing antibodies

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    The recent severe acute respiratory syndrome, known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread so much rapidly and severely to induce World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a state of emergency over the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. While several countries have chosen the almost complete lock-down for slowing down SARS-CoV-2 spread, the scientific community is called to respond to the devastating outbreak by identifying new tools for diagnosis and treatment of the dangerous COVID-19. With this aim, we performed an in silico comparative modeling analysis, which allows gaining new insights into the main conformational changes occurring in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, at the level of the receptor-binding domain (RBD), along interactions with human cells angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, that favor human cell invasion. Furthermore, our analysis provides (1) an ideal pipeline to identify already characterized antibodies that might target SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD, aiming to prevent interactions with the human ACE2, and (2) instructions for building new possible neutralizing antibodies, according to chemical/physical space restraints and complementary determining regions (CDR) mutagenesis of the identified existing antibodies. The proposed antibodies show in silico high affinity for SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD and can be used as reference antibodies also for building new high-affinity antibodies against present and future coronaviruses able to invade human cells through interactions of their spike proteins with the human ACE2. More in general, our analysis provides indications for the set-up of the right biological molecular context for investigating spike RBD–ACE2 interactions for the development of new vaccines, diagnostic kits, and other treatments based on the targeting of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

    Technology to enable new paradigms of teaching/learning in mathematics: the digital interactive storytelling case

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    This paper concerns the design and implementation of a particular methodology for mathematics teaching/learning which exploits an interactive and immersive metaphor of storytelling. This research aims to promote processes such as inquiring, conjecturing, formalizing, proving in mathematics, and to investigate which is the best way to organize ICT tools to achieve that purpose. We also report the findings of an ongoing experimentation at the K12 school level

    Two cases study of fouling colonization patterns in the Mediterranean Sea in the perspective of integrated aquaculture systems

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    Fouling assemblage colonizing fish-farms is considered mostly to produce negative impacts causing financial loss. By contrast, large evidences emerged on the bioremediation role by biofouling associated to aquaculture facilities, even if the fouling assemblages thriving in the water column was poorly investigated. The aim of the present work was to investigate the macrofouling assemblages over one year of immersion, in order to single out the fouling species, which play the most remarkable role for the bioremediation of the marine areas affected by aquaculture activities. With this in mind, we studied the fouling community dynamics in two Mediterranean maricultural facilities, respectively in the Mar Grande of Taranto (Ionian Sea) and in the Gulf of Gaeta (Tyrrhenian Sea), using the same experimental design and time frame. Two experiments were carried out using artificial panels anchored to two finfish cages. The one-year old fouling communities in the two sites were compared at four seasons of immersion, four submersion durations and three depths, both communities from structural and functional points of view. Notwithstanding the quite similar species composition of fouling of the two sites, the biofouling showed the highest biodiversity in the Mar Grande of Taranto. In the Gulf of Gaeta mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, dominated at all the times and depths, whilst in the Mar Grande of Taranto they were especially abundant at the surface with the deepest panels being largely colonized by polychaete sabellids. The co-occurrence of the filter-feeders Mytilus-sabellids recorded in the Gulf of Taranto also highlighted the highest filtration capability. Our results suggest two different fouling assemblages as candidates for bioremediation in integrated multitrophic aquaculture facilities: both a monospecific system dominated by mussels and a multi-specific system with sabellids and mussels as most abundant filter-feeders
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