220 research outputs found

    Le Pteridofite europee: la loro tassonomia e nomenclatura oggi

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    Gli pteridologi sono tutt'ora in grande disaccordo circa la tassonomia e nomenclatura di alcune famiglie, generi e specie delle Pteridophyta. Esso riguarda anche alcune felci e gruppi affini dell'Europa. Dopo una breve introduzione sulle ragioni di questo disaccordo, viene fatto un confronto (Tab. 1) tra le classificazioni delle famiglie adottate in quattro lavori pertinenti alle pteridofite europee, pubblicati negli ultimi venticinque anni. Il dissenso maggiore esiste tra la classificazione seguita nella Med-Checklist e quelle adottate nei rimanenti lavori. Questi ultimi, tuttavia, discordano principalmente nei riguardi della circoscrizione delle famiglie delle Pteridineae, Dryopteridineae ed Ophioglossales. Le principali differenze tra le famiglie appartenenti a questi taxa sono messe in risalto in alcune illustrazioni (Fig. 1-3) e vengono discusse le differenti possibilità di classificazione di esse. I principali dissensi circa la tassonomia e la nomenclatura dei generi riguardano il trattamento diLycopodium, Botrychium, Cheilanthes, Thelypteris ed Asplenium. Gli schemi (Tab. 2-4) mostrano le diverse vedute degli autori di sei opere pubblicate negli ultimi venticinque anni nei riguardi della circoscrizione dei tre generi ultimi nominati. Aleune illustrazioni (Fig. 4- 9) mettono in risalto le caratteristiche distintive di Cheilanthes edAsplenium dai generi ad essi affini, Viene sostenuta la scissione delle Cheilanthes europee (Tab. 2, Fig. 4) in tre generi. Uno di essi è Notholaena; il problema della sua tipificazione viene estesamente discusso e si giunge alla conclusione cheN. marantae deve essere il tipo di questo nome generico. Thelypteris (Tab. 3), come rappresentato in Europa, dovrebbe essere scisso in cinque generi; uno di essi è Oreopteris denominato in passato Lastrea. Viene discusso il problema del trattamento tassonomico dei gruppi satelliti del genere Asplenium (Tab. 4, Fig. 5-9) ed il riconoscimento di essi come generi indipendenti (Ceterach, Pleurosorus, Phyllitis ePhyllilopsis) viene considerata come la soluzione più giusta. Per quanto riguarda le specie, viene presa in considerazione soltanto la nomenclatura di Cheilanthes maderensis e di Asplenium viride. Ambedue questi nomi possono essere ancora usati, sebbene aleuni autori li abbiano recentemente rimpiazzati rispettivamente con i nomi Cheilanthes pteridioides ed Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum.Great disagreement is still extant among the pteridologists about the taxonomy and nomenclature of some families, genera and species of the Pteridophyta. It also concerns, of course, some ferns and fern-allies from Europe. After a short introduction on the reasons of this disagreement, a comparison (Tab. 1) is made between the classifications of the families adopted in four works chiefly dealing with the European Pteridophytes, published in the last twenty-five years. The main dissent exists between the classification followed in the Med-Checklist and those adopted in the remaining works. The latter chiefly disagree, however, with regard to the circumscription of the famílies of the Pteridineae, Dryopteridineae and Ophioglossales. The main differences among the famílies belonging to each of these taxa are shown by means of some illustrations (Fig. 1-3). The possible arrangement of them is discussed. The main disagreements about the taxonomy and nomenclature of the genera regard the treatment of Lycopodium, Botrychium, Cheilanthes, Thelypteris and Asplenium. Three tables (Tab. 2-4) show the different views of the authors of six works published in the last twenty-five years, about the circumscription of the last three genera mentioned. Some illustrations (Fig. 4-9) point out the characteristics of Cheilanthes and Asplenium which distinguish them from their allied genera. The splitting of the European Cheilanthes (Tab. 2, Fig. 4) into three genera is supported. One of them isNotholaena; the problem of its typification is discussed at lenght, and the conclusion is reached that N. marantae must be the type of this generic name. Thelypteris (Tab. 3), as represented in Europe, ought to be split into five genera; one of them is Oreopteris previously named Lastrea. The problem of the taxonomic treatment of the satellite groups of the genus Asplenium (Tab. 4, Fig. 5-9) is discussed, and the recognition of them as independent genera (Ceterach, pleurosorus, Phyllitis and phyllitopsis) is regarded as a well-grounded solution. As regards the species, only the nomenclature of Cheilanthes maderensis and Asplenium viride is taken into account Both names can be still used, although some authors have recently replaced them with the names Cheilanthes pteridioides and Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum respectively

    Considerazioni sull'affinitá ed origine della flora pteridologica della Regione Mediterranea

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    First of all, this research deals with the delimitation of the Mediterranean Region, which is circumscribed in a narrow sense. The species and subspecies of pteridophytes recorded within its limits amount to 124. They belong to 38 genera and to 23 families and represent barely 0.88% of all the extant Pteridophyta. Thus, the pteridoflora of the Mediterranean Region must be regarded as a'poor flora. Starting from the above mentioned data, the research has been extended to the level of ploidy and geographical distribution of each species and subspecies (Table I). The number of diploids is clearly higher than that of the polyploids and on the basis of this ratio the pteridoflora has to be considered as a very ancient one.The geographical distribution of the species and subspecies of the Mediterranean Region, in the adjoining territories and other parts of the world shows that the Mediterranean pteridoflora has its greatest affinity with the flora of the Submediterranean, Atlantic and Asiatic regions.A brief outline of the most important palaeogeographical events in the Mediterranean area, and some palaeoclirnatic notes precede the part dealing with the origin of the Mediterranean pteridoflora. This is mainly based on the chorological and epiontological study of the most significant species of past and present times, of their ancestors and allies. Particular attention is also paid to the tracks of migration followed by some species to reach the Mediterranean area from their first centres of origin in Asia and Africa (Fig. 5). The most ancient of these species, such as Woodwardia radicans, Culcita macrocarpa and Selaginella balansae presumably represent the relicts of a late Cretaceous flora. Others are the relicts of the tropical flora of the Paleogene and mainly of the subtropical laurel flora of the Oligocene. Other species reached the Mediterranean area from the eastern Euroasiatic lands during the Messinian and still others from the northern countries during the pleistocenic glaciations. Finally a rather consistent group of pteridophytes is indigenous to the Mediterranean Region. According to some authors the laurel flora of Oligocene, mentioned above, had its origin in the Canary Islands, but in the author's opinion the more reliable hypothesis is that the oligocenic laurel flora and vegetation originated in the western Mediterranean area and later transmigrated to the Canary Islands, where they survived up to the present time. This hypothesis is supported by recent geological and palaeogeographical research according to which the eastern islands of Canary Archipelago did not emerged from the sea earlier than the Miocene when the laurisilvae had already been widely represented in the Mediterranean area for several milion years. Furthermore, according to some geologists, the eastern Canary Islands are interpreted as a microcontinent or a sialic continental fragment detached from the western margin of northern Africa. Its existence would explain in the best manner the transmigration from Africa to the Canary Islands of both the laurisilvae and the ratite birds whose fossil eggshells have been found in the calcarenites of Miocene-Pliocene in Lanzarote Island.A picture of the history of the Mediterranean pteridoflora in the light of the palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatic events is briefly outlined as a conclusion of the paper.En primer lugar, esta investigación trata acerca de la delimitación de la Región Mediterránea, la cual es considerada en este trabajo circunscrita en sentido estricto. Las especies y subespecies de los pteridófitos señaladas dentro de sus límites suman 124. Éstas pertenecen a 38 géneros y 23 familias y representan aproximadamente el 0.88% de todos los pteridófitos vivientes. Por lo tanto, la pteridoflora de la Región Mediterránea debe considerarse una flora pobre. En base a los datos antes mencionados, la investigación ha sido ampliada al nivel de ploidía y a la distribución geográfica de cada una de las especie y subespecies (Tab.1). El número de diploides es indudablemente más alto que el número de los poliploides y teniendo en cuenta esta razón la pteridoflora ha de ser considerada muy antigua. La distribución geográfica de las especies y subespecies de la Región Mediterránea, en los territorios próximos y otras partes del mundo, muestra que la pteridoflora mediterránea tiene su mayor afinidad con la flora de las regiones submediterráneas, atlánticas y asiáticas.Un esquema de los eventos paleogeográficos más importantes en el área mediterránea y algunas notas,paleoclimáticas, preceden la parte que trata acerca del orígen de la pteridoflora mediterránea. Esta está basada principalmente en el estudio corológico y epiontológico de las especies más significativas de los tiempos remotos y presentes, de sus antepasados y afines.Una especial atención es dedicada también a las vias de emigración seguidas por algunas especies para alcanzar el área mediterránea partiendo de sus primeros centros de orígen en Asia y Africa (Fig. 5). Las más antiguas de dichas especies, como Woodwardia radicans, Culcita macrocarpa y Selaginella balansae, representan presumiblemente los relictos de una antigua flora cretácea. Otros son los relictos de la flora tropical del Paleogeno y principalmente de la lauriflora subtropical del Oligoceno. Otras especies han penetrado en el área mediterránea a partir de los países euroasiaticos orientales durante el Messieniense y otras aún de los países nórdicos durante las glaciaciones pleistocénicas. Finalmente otro consistente grupo de pteridófitos es endémico de la Región Mediterránea. Según algunos autores, la lauriflora del Oligoceno antes mencionada tuvo su origen en las Islas Canarias, sin embargo, según la opinión del autor la hipótesis más atendible es la que sostiene que la lauriflora oligocénica, al igual que la vegetación, tuvieron su origen en el área Mediterránea occidental y transmigraron más tarde a las Islas Canarias en donde sobrevivieron hasta el tiempo actual. Esta hipótesis es avalada por las recientes investigaciones geológicas y paleogeográficas, según las cuales, las islas orientales del archipiélago de las Canarias emergieron del mar no antes del Mioceno, cuando ya, desde varios millones de años antes, las laurisilvas cubrían una amplia extensión del área mediterránea. Por lo demás, según algunos geólogos, las Islas Canarias orientales se deben interpretar como un microcontinente o como un fragmento continental sidlico separado del márgen occidental norte-africano. Su existencia explicaría de la mejor manera la transmigración de Africa a las Islas Canarias, de las laurisilvas lo mismo que los ratites, cuyas cáscaras fósiles de huevos fueron hallados en las calcarenitas del Mioceno-Plioceno de la Isla de Lanzarote.Por último, se delinea brevemente un cuadro de la historia de la pteridoflora mediterránea a la luz de los eventos paleogeográficos y paleoclimáticos

    Considerazioni sull'affinitá ed origine della flora pteridologica della Regione Mediterranea

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    First of all, this research deals with the delimitation of the Mediterranean Region, which is circumscribed in a narrow sense. The species and subspecies of pteridophytes recorded within its limits amount to 124. They belong to 38 genera and to 23 families and represent barely 0.88% of all the extant Pteridophyta. Thus, the pteridoflora of the Mediterranean Region must be regarded as a'poor flora. Starting from the above mentioned data, the research has been extended to the level of ploidy and geographical distribution of each species and subspecies (Table I). The number of diploids is clearly higher than that of the polyploids and on the basis of this ratio the pteridoflora has to be considered as a very ancient one.The geographical distribution of the species and subspecies of the Mediterranean Region, in the adjoining territories and other parts of the world shows that the Mediterranean pteridoflora has its greatest affinity with the flora of the Submediterranean, Atlantic and Asiatic regions. A brief outline of the most important palaeogeographical events in the Mediterranean area, and some palaeoclirnatic notes precede the part dealing with the origin of the Mediterranean pteridoflora. This is mainly based on the chorological and epiontological study of the most significant species of past and present times, of their ancestors and allies. Particular attention is also paid to the tracks of migration followed by some species to reach the Mediterranean area from their first centres of origin in Asia and Africa (Fig. 5). The most ancient of these species, such as Woodwardia radicans, Culcita macrocarpa and Selaginella balansae presumably represent the relicts of a late Cretaceous flora. Others are the relicts of the tropical flora of the Paleogene and mainly of the subtropical laurel flora of the Oligocene. Other species reached the Mediterranean area from the eastern Euroasiatic lands during the Messinian and still others from the northern countries during the pleistocenic glaciations. Finally a rather consistent group of pteridophytes is indigenous to the Mediterranean Region. According to some authors the laurel flora of Oligocene, mentioned above, had its origin in the Canary Islands, but in the author's opinion the more reliable hypothesis is that the oligocenic laurel flora and vegetation originated in the western Mediterranean area and later transmigrated to the Canary Islands, where they survived up to the present time. This hypothesis is supported by recent geological and palaeogeographical research according to which the eastern islands of Canary Archipelago did not emerged from the sea earlier than the Miocene when the laurisilvae had already been widely represented in the Mediterranean area for several milion years. Furthermore, according to some geologists, the eastern Canary Islands are interpreted as a microcontinent or a sialic continental fragment detached from the western margin of northern Africa. Its existence would explain in the best manner the transmigration from Africa to the Canary Islands of both the laurisilvae and the ratite birds whose fossil eggshells have been found in the calcarenites of Miocene-Pliocene in Lanzarote Island. A picture of the history of the Mediterranean pteridoflora in the light of the palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatic events is briefly outlined as a conclusion of the paper.En primer lugar, esta investigación trata acerca de la delimitación de la Región Mediterránea, la cual es considerada en este trabajo circunscrita en sentido estricto. Las especies y subespecies de los pteridófitos señaladas dentro de sus límites suman 124. Éstas pertenecen a 38 géneros y 23 familias y representan aproximadamente el 0.88% de todos los pteridófitos vivientes. Por lo tanto, la pteridoflora de la Región Mediterránea debe considerarse una flora pobre. En base a los datos antes mencionados, la investigación ha sido ampliada al nivel de ploidía y a la distribución geográfica de cada una de las especie y subespecies (Tab. 1). El número de diploides es indudablemente más alto que el número de los poliploides y teniendo en cuenta esta razón la pteridoflora ha de ser considerada muy antigua. La distribución geográfica de las especies y subespecies de la Región Mediterránea, en los territorios próximos y otras partes del mundo, muestra que la pteridoflora mediterránea tiene su mayor afinidad con la flora de las regiones submediterráneas, atlánticas y asiáticas. Un esquema de los eventos paleogeográficos más importantes en el área mediterránea y algunas notas,paleoclimáticas, preceden la parte que trata acerca del orígen de la pteridoflora mediterránea. Esta está basada principalmente en el estudio corológico y epiontológico de las especies más significativas de los tiempos remotos y presentes, de sus antepasados y afines. Una especial atención es dedicada también a las vias de emigración seguidas por algunas especies para alcanzar el área mediterránea partiendo de sus primeros centros de orígen en Asia y Africa (Fig. 5). Las más antiguas de dichas especies, como Woodwardia radicans, Culcita macrocarpa ySelaginella balansae, representan presumiblemente los relictos de una antigua flora cretácea. Otros son los relictos de la flora tropical del Paleogeno y principalmente de la lauriflora subtropical del Oligoceno. Otras especies han penetrado en el área mediterránea a partir de los países euroasiaticos orientales durante el Messieniense y otras aún de los países nórdicos durante las glaciaciones pleistocénicas. Finalmente otro consistente grupo de pteridófitos es endémico de la Región Mediterránea. Según algunos autores, la lauriflora del Oligoceno antes mencionada tuvo su origen en las Islas Canarias, sin embargo, según la opinión del autor la hipótesis más atendible es la que sostiene que la lauriflora oligocénica, al igual que la vegetación, tuvieron su origen en el área Mediterránea occidental y transmigraron más tarde a las Islas Canarias en donde sobrevivieron hasta el tiempo actual. Esta hipótesis es avalada por las recientes investigaciones geológicas y paleogeográficas, según las cuales, las islas orientales del archipiélago de las Canarias emergieron del mar no antes del Mioceno, cuando ya, desde varios millones de años antes, las laurisilvas cubrían una amplia extensión del área mediterránea. Por lo demás, según algunos geólogos, las Islas Canarias orientales se deben interpretar como un microcontinente o como un fragmento continental sidlico separado del márgen occidental norte-africano. Su existencia explicaría de la mejor manera la transmigración de Africa a las Islas Canarias, de las laurisilvas lo mismo que los ratites, cuyas cáscaras fósiles de huevos fueron hallados en las calcarenitas del Mioceno-Plioceno de la Isla de Lanzarote. Por último, se delinea brevemente un cuadro de la historia de la pteridoflora mediterránea a la luz de los eventos paleogeográficos y paleoclimáticos

    Felci raccolte da G. Cei nel territorio dei Galla e Sidama e cenni sulle loro stazioni

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    G. Cei traccia l’itinerario seguito e descrive le caratteristiche principali del paesaggio vegetale del territorio dei Galla e Sidama. R. Pichi Sermolli illustra le felci raccolte in tale viaggio, descrivendo una specie nuova, Asplenium Ceii, e segnalando 10 specie non ancora note dell’A.O.I.; aggiunge alcune considerazioni fitogeografiche sulla foresta del Caffa, che ascrive al tipo di foresta pluviale montana.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Felci raccolte da G. Cei nel territorio dei Galla e Sidama e cenni sulle loro stazioni

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    G. Cei traccia l’itinerario seguito e descrive le caratteristiche principali del paesaggio vegetale del territorio dei Galla e Sidama. R. Pichi Sermolli illustra le felci raccolte in tale viaggio, descrivendo una specie nuova, Asplenium Ceii, e segnalando 10 specie non ancora note dell’A.O.I.; aggiunge alcune considerazioni fitogeografiche sulla foresta del Caffa, che ascrive al tipo di foresta pluviale montana.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Inventory and review of the Mio–Pleistocene São Jorge flora (Madeira Island, Portugal): palaeoecological and biogeographical implications

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    The occurrence of plant fossils on Madeira Island has been known since the mid-nineteenth century. Charles Lyell and George Hartung discovered a leaf bed rich in Lauraceae and fern fossils at S~ao Jorge in 1854. The determinations were controversial but a full review was never performed. Here we propose possible geological settings for the fossiliferous outcrop, and present an inventory and a systematic review of the surviving specimens of the S~ao Jorge macroflora. The S~ao Jorge leaf bed no longer outcrops due to a landslide in 1865. It was possible to establish the two alternative volcano stratigraphical settings in the sedimentary intercalations from the Middle Volcanic Complex, ranging in age from 7 to 1.8 Ma. The descriptions of Heer (1857), Bunbury (1859) and Hartung & Mayer (1864) are reviewed based on 82 surviving specimens. From the initial 37 taxa, we recognize only 20: Osmunda sp., Pteridium aquilinum, Asplenium cf. onopteris, aff. Asplenium, cf. Polystichum, cf. Davallia, Woodwardia radicans, Filicopsida gen. et sp. indet. 1 and 2, Ocotea foetens, Salix sp., Erica arborea, cf. Vaccinium, Rubus sp, cf. Myrtus, Magnoliopsida gen. et sp. indet. 1 to 3, Liliopsida gen. et sp. indet. 1. Magnoliopsida gen. et sp. indet. 4 is based on one previously undescribed flower or fruit. The floristic composition of the S~ao Jorge fossils resembles the current floristic association of temperate stink laurel (Ocotea foetens) forest, suggesting a warm and humid palaeoclimate and indicating that laurel forests were present in Macaronesia at least since the Gelasian, a time when the palaeotropical geofloral elements were almost extinct in Europe.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio