17 research outputs found

    Historia personal; y reelaboración cambio

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    .La reelaboración de la propia historia personal, un elemento del Programa Proyecto Hombre realizado en una Comunidad Terapéutica, posibilita el proceso de rehabilitación de toxicómanos. El material resultante de cada relato se utiliza en los diferentes grupos con el objeto de que cada uno reelabore ciertos aspectos de su historia para facilitar el cambio y el crecimiento personal. Construirla en positivo es un elemento de primer orden para mantener el cambio terapéutico, y el modo de contarla viene determinado por las circunstancias presentes. Son hipótesis planteadas que tienen sentido y que hay que mantenerlas en futuros estudios

    Efecto de los extractos acuoso y alcohólico de la hoja de Phytolacca tetramera (Phytolaccaceae) sobre Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Ascomycota)

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    Phytolacca tetramera Hauman “ombusillo” is an endemism of southeastern Buenos Aires province (Argentina). This species has fungicidal action against opportunistic pathogens of humans. In order to search natural alternatives for the control of diseases in plants caused by fungi, the objective was to evaluate the effects of aqueous and alcohol extracts of P. tetramera leaves on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc. This fungus has a wide distribution in different species with agricultural, forestry, and ornamental value. The antifungal activity of aqueous and ethanol leaf extracts was assessed in vitro against fungi. The fungus was subjected to two types of extracts already incorporated into the Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium at 5-50% concentrations. The aqueous extract concentrations within the range 15-30% led to a decrease in the average diameter and speed of mycelium growth, while the range of 15-40% was the most effective in relation to a decrease in conidial production. Also, leaf alcohol extract inhibited the conidial production at concentrations of 5%, and had fungicidal action at concentrations of 15%. From “ombusillo” leaves a foam index of 250 was obtained. This high concentration of saponins would be at least one cause of the antifungal activity.Phytolacca tetramera Hauman “ombusillo” es un endemismo del sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Esta especie presenta acción fungicida contra patógenos oportunistas de humanos. Con el propósito de buscar alternativas naturales para el control de enfermedades en los vegetales, se planteó como objetivo evaluar el efecto de los extractos foliares acuoso y alcohólico de P. tetramera sobre el desarrollo del hongo Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc., el cual tiene amplia distribución en especies de importancia agrícola, forestal y ornamental. El ensayo se realizó in vitro. El hongo fue cultivado en agar papa glucosado (APG), con aplicación del extracto en concentraciones del 5-50%. Las concentraciones del extracto acuoso del 15-30% produjeron una disminución del diámetro y velocidad media de crecimiento del micelio, mientras que las concentraciones del 15-40% fueron las más efectivas en el control de producción de conidios. El extracto alcohólico inhibió la producción de conidios con el 5% de concentración y con el 15% resultó fungicida. A partir de las hojas de “ombusillo” se obtuvo un índice de espuma de 250. Esta alta concentración de saponinas hace suponer que sería, al menos, una de las causas de la actividad antifúngica.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Efecto de los extractos acuoso y alcohólico de la hoja de Phytolacca tetramera (Phytolaccaceae) sobre Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Ascomycota)

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    Phytolacca tetramera Hauman “ombusillo” is an endemism of southeastern Buenos Aires province (Argentina). This species has fungicidal action against opportunistic pathogens of humans. In order to search natural alternatives for the control of diseases in plants caused by fungi, the objective was to evaluate the effects of aqueous and alcohol extracts of P. tetramera leaves on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc. This fungus has a wide distribution in different species with agricultural, forestry, and ornamental value. The antifungal activity of aqueous and ethanol leaf extracts was assessed in vitro against fungi. The fungus was subjected to two types of extracts already incorporated into the Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium at 5-50% concentrations. The aqueous extract concentrations within the range 15-30% led to a decrease in the average diameter and speed of mycelium growth, while the range of 15-40% was the most effective in relation to a decrease in conidial production. Also, leaf alcohol extract inhibited the conidial production at concentrations of 5%, and had fungicidal action at concentrations of 15%. From “ombusillo” leaves a foam index of 250 was obtained. This high concentration of saponins would be at least one cause of the antifungal activity.Phytolacca tetramera Hauman “ombusillo” es un endemismo del sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Esta especie presenta acción fungicida contra patógenos oportunistas de humanos. Con el propósito de buscar alternativas naturales para el control de enfermedades en los vegetales, se planteó como objetivo evaluar el efecto de los extractos foliares acuoso y alcohólico de P. tetramera sobre el desarrollo del hongo Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc., el cual tiene amplia distribución en especies de importancia agrícola, forestal y ornamental. El ensayo se realizó in vitro. El hongo fue cultivado en agar papa glucosado (APG), con aplicación del extracto en concentraciones del 5-50%. Las concentraciones del extracto acuoso del 15-30% produjeron una disminución del diámetro y velocidad media de crecimiento del micelio, mientras que las concentraciones del 15-40% fueron las más efectivas en el control de producción de conidios. El extracto alcohólico inhibió la producción de conidios con el 5% de concentración y con el 15% resultó fungicida. A partir de las hojas de “ombusillo” se obtuvo un índice de espuma de 250. Esta alta concentración de saponinas hace suponer que sería, al menos, una de las causas de la actividad antifúngica.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Data from: Successful recovery of native plants post-invasive removal in forest understories is driven by native community features

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    Temperate forest understories hold the majority of the plant diversity present in these ecosystems and play an essential role in the recruitment and establishment of native trees. However, the long-term persistence of healthy forest understories is threatened by the impacts of invasive plants. As a result, a common practice is the removal of the agent of invasion. Despite this, we know little about the success of these practices and lack a comprehensive understanding of what intrinsic and extrinsic factors shape the recovery. In a multi-year field experiment, we investigated (Q1) whether native propagule availability drove native community recovery, (Q2) what the characteristics of successfully recovering communities were, and (Q3) under which environmental conditions recovery rates were faster. After initial removal of invasives, we seeded native species to manipulate assembly history and mimic restoration practices, we also implemented a repeated, vs. once, removal treatment, all in a full-factorial design. We collected data on plant species composition and abundance (i.e., species level percent cover) and on environmental conditions (i.e., light and soil water availability) in the three subsequent summers. Our results show that native community recovery rates were independent of seeding additions or frequency of invasive plant removal. The fastest rates of recovery were associated with high native species richness, native communities with higher values of specific leaf area (SLA), and low drought stress years. Our results suggest that restoration practices post-invasive plant removal should be tailored to enhance natural dispersal, or artificial addition if the resident community is species-poor, of native species with traits compatible with high resource availability, such as species with high SLA. In addition to the importance of the native community characteristics, our results underscore the need for assessing environmental conditions, favoring management practices during years of low drought stress to maximize native community recovery.Funding provided by: National Science FoundationCrossref Funder Registry ID: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100000001Award Number: DEB-1252664Funding provided by: University of MichiganCrossref Funder Registry ID: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100007270Award Number

    DataSheet_1_Trait-related functional changes in understory forest community after invasion are driven by complementarity rather than displacement.docx

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    Forests support a variety of functions essential for the provisioning of ecosystem services. However, invasive plants can disrupt forest functioning, particularly in temperate forest understories that commonly experience invasive plant encroachment, by altering community-level trait distributions. Invasive plants, frequently characterized by acquisitive traits such as higher specific leaf area and nitrogen content, may either outcompete native species with different trait values (displacement), or add trait values to the existing community (complementarity). Therefore, complementarity may still allow restoration of the original community function by removing invasive species, and consequently the added provision of function when compared to the natives, but displacement may not. While understanding which process occurs is critical in managing ecosystem functionality, little is known about the impact of invasion on the co-occurring native community trait distributions. To address this knowledge gap, we leveraged survey data on temperate forest understories that varied in their degree of invasion (i.e., gradient of invasion). We calculated the community-weighted mean of three leaf traits: leaf nitrogen, specific leaf area, and leaf dry matter content – traits strongly linked to invasion, sensitive to environmental changes, and that affect ecosystem functions. Our findings show that increasing invasion had a significant positive effect on total (native and invasive) community leaf nitrogen, but did not alter native community trait distributions. This suggests that potential impacts on ecosystem functions, such as increased primary productivity and nitrogen cycling, would be primarily driven by trait complementarity and not displacement. We did not find any significant differences in the total or native communities with respect to specific leaf area or leaf dry matter content. Differentiating trait displacement from trait complementarity contributes to our understanding of how invasion affects functionality of understory plant communities in forests. Additionally, it provides a valuable framework to facilitate evidence-based decisions for the management of ecosystem functionality.</p

    Primera, área protegida, en el partido de Magdalena para la preservación del Ombusillo (Phytolacca tetrámera Hauman),in situ.

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    Acuerdo entre la Dirección de Vialidad de la Provincia de Buenos Aires y la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata,Argentina. En el decanato de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, se firmo un convenio para la creación de un área para la investigación y desarrollo de conocimiento en defensa de Phytolacca tetrámera Hauman (ombucillo), en las canteras de conchilla que la Dirección de Vialidad de la Provincia de Buenos Aires posee en la Ruta Provincial nº 11, Km. 37,5 del Partido de Magdalena. Se genera así un área para la conservación in situ (en su lugar de origen) de esta especie endémica (la cual no se la encuentra en estado natural en otro lugar del mundo) del SE de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, que se halla en riesgo critico de extinción, con un área de distribución muy restringida, a las puertas de las zonas más pobladas del país. Actualmente se encuentran poblaciones o individuos aislados de esta especie mayoritariamente en los partidos de Magdalena y Punta Indio y sus alrededores. Dado su parentesco con otras especies del género Phytolacca, el ombú entre otras, presenta propiedades fungicidas y fungí estáticas y podría contener compuestos antitumorales, antivirales, bactericidas e insecticidas

    Educación social : revista de intervención socioeducativa

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    Monográfico con el título: Drogodependencias: experiencias en clave de futuroSe expone una iniciativa dentro del Programa Proyecto Hombre que se realiza en la comunidad terapéutica de la Fundación Centro de Solidaridad de Zaragoza y que consiste en la reelaboración de la propia historia personal con el fin de posibilitar el proceso de rehabilitación de los toxicómanos. En concreto, la iniciativa trata de analizar cómo una construcción positiva de la historia personal es un elemento de primer orden para mantener el cambio terapéutico y cómo el modo de contarnos a nosotros mismos nuestra historia personal viene determinado por nuestras circunstancias presentes .CataluñaConsejería de Educación y Cultura. Secretaría General de Educación; Calle Delgado Valencia, 6; 06800 Mérida (Badajoz); Tel. +34924006714; Fax +34924006716; [email protected]

    Effect of aqueous and alcohol extracts of Phytolacca tetramera (Phytolaccaceae) leaves on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Ascomycota) Efecto de los extractos acuoso y alcohólico de la hoja de Phytolacca tetramera (Phytolaccaceae) sobre Colletotrichum...

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    Summary: Phytolacca tetramera Hauman “ombusillo” is an endemism of southeastern Buenos Aires province (Argentina). This species has fungicidal action against opportunistic pathogens of humans. In order to search natural alternatives for the control of diseases in plants caused by fungi, the objective was to evaluate the effects of aqueous and alcohol extracts of P. tetramera leaves on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides(Penz.) Sacc. This fungus has a wide distributionin different species with agricultural, forestry, and ornamental value. The antifungal activity of aqueous and ethanol leaf extracts was assessed in vitro against fungi. The fungus was subjected to two types of extracts already incorporated into the Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium at 5-50% concentrations. The aqueous extract concentrations within the range 15-30% led to a decrease in the average diameter and speed of mycelium growth, while the range of 15-40% was the most effective in relation to a decrease in conidial production. Also, leaf alcohol extract inhibited the conidial production at concentrations of 5%, and had fungicidal action at concentrations of 15%. From “ombusillo” leaves a foam index of 250 was obtained. This high concentration of saponins would be at least one cause of the antifungal activity.Key words: Antifungal activity in vitro, biological control, “ombusillo”, Phytolaccaceae, saponins.Resumen: Efecto de los extractos acuoso y alcohólico de la hoja de Phytolacca tetramera (Phytolaccaceae) sobre Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Ascomycota). Phytolacca tetramera Hauman “ombusillo” es un endemismo del sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Esta especie presenta acción fungicida contra patógenos oportunistas de humanos. Con el propósito de buscar alternativas naturales para el control de enfermedades en los vegetales, se planteó como objetivo evaluar el efecto de los extractos foliares acuoso y alcohólico de P. tetramera sobre el desarrollo del hongo Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc., el cual tiene amplia distribución en especies de importancia agrícola, forestal y ornamental. El ensayo se realizó in vitro. El hongo fue cultivado en agar papa glucosado (APG), con aplicación del extracto en concentraciones del 5-50%. Las concentraciones del extracto acuoso del 15-30% produjeron una disminución del diámetro y velocidad media de crecimiento del micelio, mientras que las concentraciones del 15-40% fueron las más efectivas en el control de producción de conidios. El extracto alcohólico inhibió la producción de conidios con el 5% de concentración y con el 15% resultó fungicida. A partir de las hojas de “ombusillo” se obtuvo un índice de espuma de 250. Esta alta concentración de saponinas hace suponer que sería, al menos, una de las causas de la actividad antifúngica.Palabras clave: Actividad antifúngica in vitro, control biológico, “ombusillo”, Phytolaccaceae, saponina

    Visualization of gold/silver nanostars in wood by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy

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    Nanotechnology is a fast growing up-to-date technology and ventures expeditiously in the wood preservative market. However, there is still a huge lack of understanding about the interaction and incorporation of nanoparticles (NSs) in wood. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) offers unique advantages as an analytical tool with a high selectivity and sensitivity without matrix interference. Here, we design and fabricate SERS-tagged silver/gold nanostars (NSs), coated with a silica shell encapsulating nile blue A (NBA), as potential platforms for SERS imaging. These NSs can be pressure-impregnated in different wood types (pine and beech) due their optimal size (< 100 nm), allowing for their rapid and accurate identification and localization in the wood samples. For comparison and visualization of the NSs, the samples were coated with a carbon layer for analysis in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). We demonstrate that SERS provides advantages over SEM. The NSs can be visualised by SERS without coating of the samples. In addition, no vacuum is needed to image the NSs, and the excitation laser line (633 nm) used applies a lower energy for detection of NSs than the electron beam of the SEM. These facts lead to a much decreased formation of artefacts during NSs detection in wood. This quick and easy method can be used for fast analysis of new nanoparticle-based wood preservative systems, which leads to a better understanding of impregnation processes, providing an essential step in finding fundamentally new wood preservatives