210 research outputs found

    Uso de Regressão Logística para Modelar e Avaliar a Credibilidade em Aplicações Web

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    A popularização das aplicações Web tem feito surgir novos serviços acada dia, demandado mecanismos que assegurem a credibilidade desses servi-ços. Neste trabalho utilizamos regressão logística para modelar e avaliar a cre-dibilidade de um serviço da Web, considerando diferentes critérios associadosao serviço e seus fornecedores. A fim de validar nossa metodologia, executamosexperimentos usando uma base de dados real, a partir da qual avaliamos essesmodelos de credibilidade. Os resultados obtidos são muito bons, apresentandoganhos representativos, quando comparados à linha-de-base, mostrando assimque a metodologia proposta é promissora e pode ser usada para fortalecer aconfiança dos usuários nos serviços providos na Web


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    Este artigo teve por objetivo mapear o perfil metodológico das 89 dissertações apresentadas ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração Universitária (PPGAU) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), no período de 2012 a 2015. Trata-se de uma pesquisa pura, descritiva e bibliográfica, com abordagem quantitativa que, a partir de levantamento bibliográfico, apresentou um breve histórico da criação e reconhecimento do PPGAU e sua importância para a área de administração universitária, bem como apresentou aspectos de métodos e técnicas de pesquisa. Por meio de análise bibliométrica e tendo por base as referências bibliográficas sobre metodologia, o artigo evidenciou detalhadamente os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados na elaboração de dissertações na área de administração universitária. Na análise das dissertações, em conformidade com o referencial teórico apresentado, utilizaram-se os dados relativos e absolutos, por intermédio de tabelas e gráficos

    Microfluidic paper-based device incorporated with silica nanoparticles for iodide quantification in marine source dietary supplements

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    Iodine is an essential micronutrient for humans due to its fundamental role in the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones. As a key parameter to assess health conditions, iodine intake needs to be monitored to ascertain and prevent iodine deficiency. Iodine is available from various food sources (such as seaweed, fish, and seafood, among others) and dietary supplements (multivitamins or mineral supplements). In this work, a microfluidic paper-based analytical device (μPAD) to quantify iodide in seaweed and dietary supplements is described. The developed μPAD is a small microfluidic device that emerges as quite relevant in terms of its analytical capacity. The quantification of iodide is based on the oxidation of 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of iodine, which acts as the catalyst to produce the blue form of TMB. Additionally, powder silica was used to intensify and uniformize the colour of the obtained product. Following optimization, the developed μPAD enabled iodide quantification within the range of 10–100 μM, with a detection limit of 3 μM, and was successfully applied to seaweeds and dietary supplements. The device represents a valuable tool for point-of-care analysis, can be used by untrained personnel at home, and is easily disposable, low-cost, and user-friendly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Volunteer soybean (Glycine max) interference in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) crops: ethoxysulfuron and halosulfuron critical level of damage and selectivity

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    This study aimed to determine the negative impact of volunteer soybean plants on bean crop yield and the tolerance of bean genotypes to the herbicides ethoxysulfuron and halosulfuron. To determine the impact of volunteer soybean plants on bean crops, a field experiment was developed, with sub-sub-plots, and four replications. The main plots contained two bean cultivars, while the sub-plots received two soybean sowing times (0 and 7 days after the beans had been sown), while the sub-sub plots contained five soybean plant densities (0, 5, 10, 20, and 40 plants m-2). The tolerance of the bean genotypes was evaluated with two experiments in a completely randomized design with three replications. They were arranged in a 28 x 3 factorial design (bean genotypes x herbicide doses). Each soybean plant per m2 reduced bean crop yield by 4%. The recommended doses of ethoxysulfuorn and halosulfuorn resulted in tolerance levels above 70% for all the studied bean genotypes. Highlights: The herbicides ethoxysulfuron and halosulfuron, are registered in Brazil for the control of volunteer soybean plants in bean crops. To date, the impact generated by volunteer soybean plants competing with bean plants is unknown. The tolerance of 28 bean cultivars to herbicides ethoxysulfuron and halosulfuron was determined using dose label and double the dose. The impact of volunteer soybean plants on bean crops was determined using two bean cultivars and two soybean sowing times. The bean genotypes displayed a highly variable response to the herbicides ethoxysulfuron and halosulfuron; however, when the label recommended dose of the herbicides was used, the tolerance levels observed were over 70%. Each soybean plant is capable of causing a 4% reduction in bean plant grain yield, regardless of the establishment time of the soybean plants or the bean genotype.This study aimed to determine the negative impact of volunteer soybean plants on bean crop yield and the tolerance of bean genotypes to the herbicides ethoxysulfuron and halosulfuron. To determine the impact of volunteer soybean plants on bean crops, a field experiment was developed, with sub-sub-plots, and four replications. The main plots contained two bean cultivars, while the sub-plots received two soybean sowing times (0 and 7 days after the beans had been sown), while the sub-sub plots contained five soybean plant densities (0, 5, 10, 20, and 40 plants m-2). The tolerance of the bean genotypes was evaluated with two experiments in a completely randomized design with three replications. They were arranged in a 28 x 3 factorial design (bean genotypes x herbicide doses). Each soybean plant per m2 reduced bean crop yield by 4%. The recommended doses of ethoxysulfuorn and halosulfuorn resulted in tolerance levels above 70% for all the studied bean genotypes. Highlights: The herbicides ethoxysulfuron and halosulfuron, are registered in Brazil for the control of volunteer soybean plants in bean crops. To date, the impact generated by volunteer soybean plants competing with bean plants is unknown. The tolerance of 28 bean cultivars to herbicides ethoxysulfuron and halosulfuron was determined using dose label and double the dose. The impact of volunteer soybean plants on bean crops was determined using two bean cultivars and two soybean sowing times. The bean genotypes displayed a highly variable response to the herbicides ethoxysulfuron and halosulfuron; however, when the label recommended dose of the herbicides was used, the tolerance levels observed were over 70%. Each soybean plant is capable of causing a 4% reduction in bean plant grain yield, regardless of the establishment time of the soybean plants or the bean genotype

    Iodine availability through iodized salt in Portugal: 2010-2021 sales evolution and distribution

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    Salt iodization programs are considered the most cost-effective measures to ensure adequate iodine intake in iodine-deficient populations. Portuguese women of childbearing age and pregnant women were reported to be iodine-deficient, which led the health authorities, in 2013, to issue a recommendation for iodine supplementation during preconception, pregnancy and lactation. In the same year, iodized salt became mandatory in school canteens. Of note, no regulation or specific programs targeting the general population, or the impact of iodized salt availability in retailers, are known. The present study analyzed iodized salt supermarket sales from 2010 to 2021 from a major retailer, identifying the proportion of iodized salt in total salt sales and its distribution in mainland Portugal. Data on iodine content were collected through the nutritional label information. Of a total of 33 salt products identified, 3 were iodized (9%). From 2010 to 2021, the weighted sales of iodized salt presented a growing tendency, reaching the maximum of 10.9% of total sales (coarse plus fine salt) in 2021. Iodized salt reached a maximum of 11.6% of total coarse salt in 2021, a maximum of 2.4% of the total fine salt in 2018. The overall sales of iodized salt and their contribution to iodine intake are extremely low, prompting additional studies to understand the consumer’s choice and awareness of the benefits of iodized salt.This work has been funded by national funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)—projects UIDB/50026/2020 and UIDP/50026/2020. The work of Sarai Isabel Machado was supported by FCT—doctoral fellowship 2022.12249.BD