14 research outputs found

    Correlating FA Severity with digit symbol and duration since injury.

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    <p>Correlation analysis of the Digit Symbol score and FA Severity (left) shows a negative relationship between the two measures indicating poorer performance on the Digit Symbol test associated with more abnormal FA. Duration since Injury and FA Severity (right) were also negatively correlated suggesting FA abnormalities become fewer as time progresses.</p

    Raw z-scores for all subjects.

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    <p>Scatter plots of the raw z scores for FA for all PPCS patients (top) and their controls (bottom). An ‘x’ represents ROIs that are significantly different than the normative atlas (higher or lower than the Bonferroni corrected z-score threshold of ±3.58). Non-significant regions are represented as dots. When FA is abnormal in the GM of PPCS patients it is always higher than the normative atlas. When it is abnormal in the WM of PPCS patients it is always lower than the normal range. There were many more abnormalities detected in GM than in WM. There were only 2 abnormal regions across all of the NC population.</p

    Subject-specific abnormality map.

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    <p>A subject-specific abnormality map of an individual PPCS subject (TB11) shows ROIs with abnormal FA values compared with the normative atlas. These abnormalities were not detected in clinical CT or MRI scans, nor were they detected using a conventional group comparison. Coronal slices spanning the entire brain are presented (Posterior–top left to Anterior–bottom right). Abnormalities are highlighted in color (yellow to red, for lower to higher z-scores) overlaid on top of an FA map of this subject. This subject had the following ROIs highlighted as abnormal: Right Putamen (z = 4.62), Left Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex, (z = 4.22), Left Superior Temporal Gyrus (z = 4.22), Left Amygdala (z = 3.81), Left Pericalcarine Cortex (z = 3.74), Right Supramarginal Gyrus, FA (z = 3.67) and Left Parahippocampal gyrus (z = 3.60).</p

    Axial diffusivity (AD) vs. Radial diffusivity (RD) in GM ROIs with abnormally high FA.

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    <p>There are two patterns that can explain the increased FA evinced in GM of PPCS patients. In Cluster 1 (red) AD is abnormally high and RD is normal, consistent with an animal model of gliosis. In Cluster 2 (blue) both AD and RD are abnormally low, a pattern that was not reported in previous GM studies and which remains to be explained.</p

    Description of Individual PPCS subjects.

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    *<p>MVA = Motor Vehicle Accident; In the FA abnormality summary column z-score are given in parenthesis, the highest severity score is in a bold font, <sup>t</sup> - is affixed to z-scores who did not reach significance.</p