170 research outputs found

    Kazetarien formazioa aro digitalean

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    Inmerso de lleno en la era digital, el periodismo necesita redefinir muchas de las características que hasta el momento han sido las suyas. En esta época, que a un tiempo aporta nuevas posibilidades y técnicas de comunicación, la profesión debería recibir una respuesta desde la universidad ante los retos que tiene ante sí: la profesionalización de la información y formación de los periodistas, el fin del monopolio del proceso de mediación y la supremacía de la calidad y referencialidad, y la consolidación de modelos de negocio propios, entre otros.Aro digitalean murgilduta, kazetaritzak orain arte izan dituen hainbat ezaugarri berriro definitzeko beharra du. Garai honek komunikatzeko aukera eta teknika berriak ekartzen dituen era berean, unibertsitatetik erantzun bat jaso beharko luketen hainbat erronkei aurre egin behar die ere lanbideak: informazioaren profesionalizatzea eta kazetarien formazioa, bitartekotza prozesuaren monopolioaren amaiera eta kalitatea eta erreferentzialtasunaren nagusitasuna eta negozio-eredu propioak finkatzea, besteak beste.Immergé en plein dans l'ère numérique, le journalisme a besoin de redéfinir beaucoup des caractéristiques qui ont été les siennes jusqu'à maintenant. A cette époque qui, en même temps, apporte de nouvelles possibilités et de nouvelles techniques de communication, la profession devrait recevoir une réponse de l'université face au défis qui se présentent à elle: la professionnalisation de l'information et la formation des journalistes, la fin du monopole du processus de médiationet la suprématie de la qualité et de la «référenciabilité», et la consolidation des modèles des entreprises propres, entre autres.Fully immersed as it is in the digital era, journalism needs to redefine many of the characteristics that it has had up to the present. In the present times, which provide both new possibilities and communication techniques, the profession should receive response from the university to the challenges it has to face: the professionalisation of information and the training of journalists, the end of the monopoly of the mediation process and the supremacy of quality and references, and the consolidation of its own models of business, to name but a few

    Primera plana de Billy Wilder. La nostalgia de los periodistas en el exilio

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    At the end of his career, Billy Wilder filmed the third film adaptation of Ben Hecht’s and Charles MacArthur’s classic play The Front Page. In this work, along with his customary causticity, he also brought his own experience as a reporter in Vienna and Berlin in the 20s. The Front Page has built an influential portrait of the press as a ruthless profession with no scruples, whose redemption is only possible as a watchdog of an even more corrupt political power. Ten yearst after the death of the viennese director, his Front page lives in our memory as one of the most emblematic portraits of journalists in the cinema.Ya al final de su carrera, Wilder adaptó por tercera vez la clásica obra teatral de Ben Hecht y Charles MacArthur Primera plana. En ella volcó no sólo su habitual causticidad, sino también su propia experiencia personal como reportero en Viena y Berlín durante los años veinte. Esta obra ha construido un influyente retrato de la prensa como una profesión despiadada y sin escrúpulos, cuya redención sólo se produce en su papel de control de un poder político aún más corrupto. Diez años después de la muerte del realizador vienés, su Primera plana perdura como uno de los retratos más emblemáticos de los periodistas en el celuloide

    El Gran Carnaval de Billy Wilder. Una advertencia sobre las historias de interés humano

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    Para ambientar su obra más personal, Billy Wilder escogió una profesión que conocía a la perfección, pues antes de dedicarse al mundo del cine trabajó como reportero en varios diarios de Viena y Berlín. En El gran carnaval, el realizador ejemplifica en el comportamiento del duro Chuck Tatum los peligros de las prácticas sensacionalistas en la profesión periodística –en especial de las denominadas ‘historias de interés humano’– pero, sobre todo, denuncia la fascinación de la opinión pública por la desgracia ajena y el inhumano morbo convertido en una forma más de entretenimiento.Billy Wilder’s most personal film was set in a profession he knew very well, since he worked as a reporter for several newspapers in Vienna and Berlin before becoming a filmmaker. In Ace in the Hole, hard-boiled reporter Chuck Tatum’s behaviour exemplifies the risks of sensationalist practices in journalism –specially the ‘human interest stories’. But, above all, the director denounces people’s fascination for somebody else’s misfortune, and the inhuman and ghoulish interest turned into a form of entertainment

    The Daredevil Reporter (Der Teufelsreporter) (1929): Billy/Billie Wilder

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    Before Wilder considered his own career as a filmmaker as having begun, and then reached movie fame on the other side of the Atlantic, he left behind a stumbling career as a reporter and a small action movie. Although The Daredevil Reporter (1929) possesses a few explosions that are purely Wilder’s, it is far removed from the style that brought him both commercial success and artistic acknowledgment during Hollywood’s Golden Age. But it continues to remind us that before “Billie” became Billy, Wilder was also a daredevil reporter

    The Daredevil Reporter (Der Teufelsreporter) (1929): Billy/Billie Wilder

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    Before Wilder considered his own career as a filmmaker as having begun, and then reached movie fame on the other side of the Atlantic, he left behind a stumbling career as a reporter and a small action movie. Although The Daredevil Reporter (1929) possesses a few explosions that are purely Wilder’s, it is far removed from the style that brought him both commercial success and artistic acknowledgment during Hollywood’s Golden Age. But it continues to remind us that before “Billie” became Billy, Wilder was also a daredevil reporter

    Virtual International Collaboration as a Tool for Teaching Online Journalism at the University Level: A Pedagogical Proposal

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    This paper examines teaching approaches applied during the academic years 2017–2018 and 2018– 2019 in Online Newswriting, a course forming part of the core undergraduate journalism curriculum at UPV/EHU. At the moment they were introduced in conjunction with the rollout of the EHEA, this course and others focusing on online communications and multimedia skills represented an innovative leap forward that greatly enriched the school’s undergraduate journalism curriculum. The cutting-edge nature of these courses nevertheless supposed the need to review and update them on a regular basis to ensure they kept pace with the ongoing evolution of sector technology and practices

    Virtual International Collaboration as a Tool for Teaching Online Journalism at the University Level: A Pedagogical Proposal

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    This paper examines teaching approaches applied during the academic years 2017–2018 and 2018– 2019 in Online Newswriting, a course forming part of the core undergraduate journalism curriculum at UPV/EHU. At the moment they were introduced in conjunction with the rollout of the EHEA, this course and others focusing on online communications and multimedia skills represented an innovative leap forward that greatly enriched the school’s undergraduate journalism curriculum. The cutting-edge nature of these courses nevertheless supposed the need to review and update them on a regular basis to ensure they kept pace with the ongoing evolution of sector technology and practices

    Fewer and Later: Women as Experts in TED Talks about COVID-19

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    The dissemination of science has undergone a major upsurge in recent years thanks to the Internet, which has served to overcome many of the technical and economic barriers. Among the many initiatives, one of the most successful tools has been the TED Talks website. At the same time, various studies indicate that women produce less science dissemination content and that they are also more likely to receive hostile comments. The objective of this research is to analyze from a gender perspective the content published on the TED Talk website on COVID-19 from 1 March 2020 to 31 March 2021 (n = 62) to determine its characteristics and the topics addressed, as well as the resulting engagement and the predominant feelings of the comments received. To do this, a content analysis of the publications has been carried out, as well as a qualitative analysis of the comments. The results indicate that the percentage of women experts on this platform is slightly lower than that of men (42.19%), and they have published content in later phases of the pandemic. From a qualitative point of view there are also differences, since women mainly opt for a social, political and social approach to the issue. In addition, the engagement of their publications is lower than that of men, although a higher prevalence of negative feelings is perceived in the comments they receive.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, grant number RTI2018-095775-B-C41 and Basque Government, grant number IT-1112

    ¿ Estamos todos ?: La otra cara de Internet y la mundialización a través de África y sus periódicos electrónicos

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    El periodismo electrónico constituye un fenómeno imparable, resultado de una espectacular progresión en un periodo muy corto de tiempo. A ello han contribuido, sin duda, la facilidad y la versatilidad con la que pueden adaptarse los contenidos informativos a la Red y su rápida progresión en el mundo desarrollado. Este rápido florecimiento de la era digital supuso un nuevo entusiasmo por la unión de todo el planeta en un mismo sistema de comunicación en el que cada individuo pudiera tener conocimiento de lo que ocurría en cualquier otro lugar del planeta. Esta utopía digital, sin embargo, muestra grandes lagunas en los países menos desarrollados que, al igual que en otros campos, han visto muy limitado su desarrollo en el campo del periodismo electrónico. Este estudio trata de dar a conocer una parte de esa realidad a través del estudio de los periódicos electrónicos africanos, 70 en total, tarea para la que se envió un cuestionario a sus editores. Con las respuestas obtenidas, casi 40, trata de realizarse aquí un breve esbozo de esa situació