150 research outputs found

    Caracterización de los partos comunitarios en el municipio de Panchimalco, del Departamento de San Salvador, El Salvador 2017

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    Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se entrevistaron a 25 mujeres que tuvieron parto comunitario en el año 2017, se les explicó el objetivo del estudio, firmaron un consentimiento informado y se llenaron las fichas con las variables sociodemográfico, antecedentes gineco-obstetricos, antecedentes de los recién nacidos y las complicaciones más frecuentes en la madre y el recién nacido; en el mes de Marzo y Abril, se codificaron las fichas, se tabularon, analizaron los datos y resultados. El 84% de las mujeres tienen edad de 20 a 38 años, el 96% proceden de la zona rural, el 56% tienen estudio de primaria, el 72% viven en unión libre y son católicos en un 72%, el 64% viven a una distancia de 13-15 Km. al hospital más cercano, un 68% tuvieron controles prenatales incompletos y un 12 % no tuvieron control prenatal, el 92% de la mujeres tuvieron el parto en su casa y el 36% fue atendido por su pareja , el 80% ya tenía partos comunitarios previos, el 92% ya tenían las 37 semanas de gestación y no presentaron complicaciones. La mayoría de las mujeres tienen edad entre 20 a 38 años, proceden de zona rural, tienen estudios de primaria, el estado civil es unión libre, los partos fueron atendidos por sus parejas y la misma mujer en sus viviendas, la distancia hacia el hospital es de 13 a 15 Km, tuvieron controles prenatales incompletos, no presentaron complicaciones, pocas recibieron atención en el hospital posterior al parto comunitari

    Microarchitectural changes during development of the cerebellar cortex

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    The cerebellum is a highly conserved structure in the Central Nervous System (CNS) of vertebrates, and is involved in the coordination of voluntary motor behaviour. Supporting this function, the cerebellar cortex presents a layered structure which requires a precise spatial and temporal coordination of proliferation, migration and differentiation events. One of the characteristics of the developing cortex is the formation of the external granule cell layer (EGL) in the outermost part. The EGL is a highly proliferative transient layer which disappears when cells migrate inwards to form the inner granule cell layer. The balance between proliferation and migration leads to changes in EGL thickness, and might be related to >indentations> observed in the surface of the developing chick cerebellum. We have extended the observation of this feature to quail and mouse, supporting the idea that this phenomenon forms part of the mechanisms of cerebellar morphogenesis. Different factors involved in both mitotic activity and migration were analyzed in this study. Our results indicate that proliferation, more than formation of raphes for cell migration, is involved in the formation of indentations in the EGL. In addition, we show that vessels penetrating from the pial surface divide the EGL into regular regions at the time of the appearance of bulges and furrows. We conclude that indentations are the result of a coincidence in time of both the increase in thickness of the EGL and the establishment of the embryonic vascular pattern, which confers a characteristic transitory morphology to the surface of folia. © 2009.Peer Reviewe

    Expression analysis of the thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor (TRHR) in the immune system using agonist anti-TRHR monoclonal antibodies

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    AbstractMonoclonal anti-rat thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) receptor (TRHR)-specific antibodies (mAb) were generated by immunization with synthetic peptides of rat TRHR partial amino acid sequences; one (TRHR01) was directed against a sequence (84–98) in the extracellular portion of the rat TRHR reported to be constant among different species, including man, and the second (TRHR02) recognizes the C-terminal region sequence 399–412. In lysates from GH4C1 cells, a clonal rat pituitary cell line, both mAb recognize the TRHR in Western blot analysis, and TRHR02 immunoprecipitates the TRHR. Incubation of GH4C1 cells with the mAb causes a fluorescence shift in fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis. The cells were stained specifically by both mAb using immunocytochemical techniques. Furthermore, TRHR01 is agonistic in its ability to trigger Ca2+ flux, and desensitizes the TRH receptor. We tested for TRHR in several rat organs and found expression in lymphoid tissues. TRHR01 recognizes the human TRHR, and analysis of human peripheral blood lymphocyte and tonsil-derived leukocyte populations showed receptor expression in non-activated and phytohemagglutinin-activated T and B cells

    Impact of \u3ci\u3eHaemophilus influenzae\u3c/i\u3e type b conjugate vaccine on bacterial meningitis in the Dominican Republic

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    OBJECTIVES: Widespread use of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccines has dramatically reduced the burden of Hib disease throughout the Americas. Few studies have evaluated the impact of Hib vaccination on non-culture-confirmed disease. This study analyzed trends in probable bacterial meningitis before and after the introduction of Hib vaccine in the Dominican Republic and estimated vaccine effectiveness against Hib meningitis. METHODS: Meningitis cases among children \u3c 5 years of age were identified from admission records of the main pediatric hospital in Santo Domingo during 1998-2004. Laboratory criteria were used to classify meningitis cases with probable bacterial etiology; confirmed cases had positive bacterial culture or antigen detection in cerebrospinal fluid. Cumulative incidence rates of confirmed and probable bacterial meningitis were calculated for children living in the National District. Confirmed cases of Hib meningitis were enrolled in a case-control study with age- and neighborhood-matched control children to calculate vaccine effectiveness. RESULTS: Before vaccine introduction, annual rates of meningitis with probable bacterial etiology were 49 cases per 100 000 children \u3c 5 years old; Hib accounted for 60% of confirmed bacterial cases. During 2002-2004, after vaccine introduction, annual rates of probable bacterial meningitis were 65% lower at 16 cases per 100 000, and Hib accounted for 26% of confirmed cases. Rates of Hib meningitis and probable bacterial meningitis with no determined etiology declined by 13 and 17 cases per 100 000, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Introduction of Hib vaccine substantially reduced the incidence of confirmed and probable bacterial meningitis in the Dominican Republic. The estimated impact of Hib vaccination was twice as great when non-culture-confirmed disease was included

    On the Analysis of Speech and Disfluencies for Automatic Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    Alzheimer's disease is characterized by a progressive and irreversible cognitive deterioration. In a previous stage, the so-called Mild Cognitive Impairment or cognitive loss appears. Nevertheless, this previous stage does not seem sufficiently severe to interfere in independent abilities of daily life, so it is usually diagnosed inappropriately. Thus, its detection is a crucial challenge to be addressed by medical specialists. This paper presents a novel proposal for such early diagnosis based on automatic analysis of speech and disfluencies, and Deep Learning methodologies. The proposed tools could be useful for supporting Mild Cognitive Impairment diagnosis. The Deep Learning approach includes Convolutional Neural Networks and nonlinear multifeature modeling. Additionally, an automatic hybrid methodology is used in order to select the most relevant features by means of nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test and Support Vector Machine Attribute evaluation.This work has been supported by FEDER and MICINN, TEC2016-77,791-C4-2-R, and UPV/EHU-Basque Research Groups IT11156 and Basque Country EleKin Research Grou


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    La salud bucodental, en específico de la caries, es de excepcional importancia entre los especialistas y autoridades de salud de diferentes países, dado que es la patología más común en la sociedad, esencialmente entre los niños en edad escolar. En México, la salud bucodental ha sufrido una considerable mejoría, sin embargo, la caries dental es la enfermedad dental más prevalente durante la niñez y se prorroga como la causa primordial de pérdidas de dientes enadultos. El presente estudio es observacional, transversal y analítico, en el cual se considera a escolares de 8 a 12 años de un estrato social bajo del Municipio de San Pedro Garza García (Nuevo León, México). El número de escolares ascendió a 53, que fue una muestra por conveniencia. El estudio se realizo de septiembre a diciembre del 2003. El número de promedio de dientes permanentes cariados, perdidos y obturados por caries en la población estudiada es de 3.9. Advirtiendo que el promedio del índice de CPO va aumentando con la edad, mientras que a los6 años es de 2.7 a los 12 años es de 6. También se encontró que el promedio del índice de higiene oral simplificado es de 1.09 para la población estudiada, observándose adicionalmente entre los grupos etéreos una tendencia disminuir este índice con la edad. A pesar de estos datos desfavorables, no se debe restar importancia a la eficacia de las medidas preventivas correctamente aplicadas, hasta ahora, sino potenciar, como coadyuvantes a las acciones ya emprendidas, la aplicación de selladores en las consultas de odontología de atención primaria, así como ampliar la asistencia actualmente proporcionada, a grupos sociales vulnerables o con menores recursos económicos, como se evidencia, y no acceden a las ventajas de la aplicación de estas métodos protectores de salud bucodental.Palabras claves: salud bucodental, caries, índice CPObucodental health, caries, CPO inde

    The ribotoxin α-sarcin can cleave the sarcin/ricin loop on late 60S pre-ribosomes

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    The ribotoxin α-sarcin belongs to a family of ribonucleases that cleave the sarcin/ricin loop (SRL), a critical functional rRNA element within the large ribosomal subunit (60S), thereby abolishing translation. Whether α-sarcin targets the SRL only in mature 60S subunits remains unresolved. Here, we show that, in yeast, α-sarcin can cleave SRLs within late 60S pre-ribosomes containing mature 25S rRNA but not nucleolar/nuclear 60S pre-ribosomes containing 27S pre-rRNA in vivo. Conditional expression of α-sarcin is lethal, but does not impede early pre-rRNA processing, nuclear export and the cytoplasmic maturation of 60S pre-ribosomes. Thus, SRL-cleaved containing late 60S pre-ribosomes seem to escape cytoplasmic proofreading steps. Polysome analyses revealed that SRL-cleaved 60S ribosomal subunits form 80S initiation complexes, but fail to progress to the step of translation elongation. We suggest that the functional integrity of a α-sarcin cleaved SRL might be assessed only during translation.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO and the European Union ERFD program [BFU2012-32404] to A.M.P., [BFU2016-75352-P

    FSSCat Mission description and first scientific results of the FMPL-2 onboard 3CAT-5/A

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    FSSCat, the “Federated Satellite Systems/ 3 Cat-5” mission was the winner of the 2017 ESA S^3 (Sentinel Small Satellite) Challenge and overall winner of the Copernicus Masters competition. FSSCat consists of two 6 unit cubesats carrying on board UPC's Flexible Microwave Payload - 2 (FMPL-2), an L-band microwave radiometer and GNSS-Reflectometer implemented in a software defined radio, and Cosine's HyperScout-2 visible and near infrared + thermal infrared hyperspectral imager, enhanced with PhiSat-1, a on board Artificial intelligence experiment for cloud detection. Both spacecrafts include optical and UHF inter-satellite links technology demonstrators, provided by Golbriak Space and UPC, respectively. This paper describes the mission, and the main scientific results of the FMPL-2 obtained during the first three months of the mission, notably the sea ice concentration and thickness, and the downscaled soil moisture products over the Northern hemisphere.This work was supported by 2017 ESA S 3 challenge and Copernicus Masters overall winner award (“FSSCat” project) and ESA project “FSSCat Validation Experiment in MOSAIC”, by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, "Sensing with Pioneering Opportunistic Techniques" SPOT, grant RTI2018-099008- BC21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and by the Unidad de Excelencia Maria de Maeztu MDM-2016-0600.Peer ReviewedArticle signat per 25 autors/es: A. Camps 1,2; J.F. Munoz‐Martin 1; J.A. Ruiz‐de‐Azua 1,2; L. Fernandez 1; A. Perez-Portero 1; D. Llavería 1; C. Herbert 1; M. Pablos 3; A. Golkar 4,1; A. Gutiérrrez 5; C. António 5; J. Bandeiras 5; J. Andrade 5; D. Cordeiro 5; S. Briatore 4,6; N. Garzaniti 4,6; F. Nichele 7; R. Mozzillo 7; A. Piumatti 7; M. Cardi 7; M. Esposito 8; B. Carnicero Dominguez 9; M. Pastena 9; G. Filippazzo 10; A. Reagan 10 // 1. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain; 2. Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain; 3. Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) & Barcelona Expert Center (BEC) on Remote Sensing, Barcelona, Spain; 4. Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia; 5. Deimos Eng., Lisbon, Portugal; 6. Golbriak Space, Tallin, Estonia; 7. Tyvak International, Torino, Italy; 8. Cosine, Oosteinde, The Netherlands; 9. ESA ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands; 10. ESA ESRIN, Frascati, ItalyPostprint (author's final draft

    Assessing aids for the elaboration of argumentative synthesis in the University: Guide or Rubric?

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    Although most of the interventions to foster the integration of multiple pieces of information has focused on teaching “how” to integrate (Barzilai et al., 2018) providing different kinds of instruction on the processes implied, instruction focusing on the criteria to evaluate integration are scarce and mainly centered on integrating complementary, but not contradictory, sources. In this work we designed and contrasted the effectiveness of two aids to improve the quality of the syntheses written by undergraduates from texts that defended opposing views on a topic: a Guide to the process of preparing a synthesis vs a Rubric with the evaluation criteria of written products. The number of arguments and the degree of integration were examined. Also, the students' perception was assessed regarding the usefulness of the aids to plan, to write and to review their synthesis. Seen that we found that offering a guide accompanied by explicit instruction is more effective than providing it without explicit instruction Mateos et al. (2018), the two aids were offered here under two conditions: Explicit Instruction vs. Traditional Instruction. Thus, we carried out an experimental study with 122 Psychology students, distributed randomly into four intervention programs. In the first and fourth session they performed a synthesis task without support. In the second session, after receiving the instruction (explicit vs. traditional), each student made a new synthesis using the specific aid provided (practice 1, with Guide/Rubric). In the third session the participants carried out another synthesis under analogous conditions (practice 2, with aids). Our results pointed out that, regardless the instruction, both aids (Guide and Rubric) improved the degree of integration of the students’ syntheses. However, the guide contributed better to improve the selection of arguments. Students who received Explicit Instruction found both aids to be equally useful for planning and writing their syntheses. In contrast, after Traditional Instruction the Guide was perceived as more useful for planning and writing syntheses. The Guide was more useful for reviewing their texts. We will discuss the implications of these findings for synthesis writing training and conclude with recommendations and suggestions for future studies.2021-2