13 research outputs found

    Fresa y chocolate

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    Prokaryotic and viral community of the sulfate‐rich crust from Peñahueca ephemeral lake, an astrobiology analogue

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    Peñahueca is an athalassohaline hypersaline inland ephemeral lake originated under semiarid conditions in the central Iberian Peninsula (Spain). Its chemical composition makes it extreme for microbial life as well as a terrestrial analogue of other planetary environments. To investigate the persistence of microbial life associated with sulfate‐rich crusts, we applied cultivation‐independent methods (optical and electron microscopy, 16S rRNA gene profiling and metagenomics) to describe the prokaryotic community and its associated viruses. The diversity for Bacteria was very low and was vastly dominated by endospore formers related to Pontibacillus marinus of the Firmicutes phylum. The archaeal assemblage was more diverse and included taxa related to those normally found in hypersaline environments. Several ‘metagenome assembled genomes’ were recovered, corresponding to new species of Pontibacillus, several species from the Halobacteria and one new member of the Nanohaloarchaeota. The viral assemblage, although composed of the morphotypes typical of high salt systems, showed little similarity to previously isolated/reconstructed halophages. Several putative prophages of Pontibacillus and haloarchaeal hosts were identified. Remarkably, the Peñahueca sulfate‐rich metagenome contained CRISPR‐associated proteins and repetitions which were over 10‐fold higher than in most hypersaline systems analysed so far.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy projects CLG2015_66686-C3-1 (to RRM) CLG2015_66686-C3-3 (to JA), CGL2015-66455-R (to MAGC, MESM, JPRA), AYA2011-24803 and ESP2015-69540-R (to VP) which were also supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the MDM-2017-0737 Unidad de Excelencia “María de Maeztu”- Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC)

    Um encontro com a cultura cubana

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    Fresa y chocolate

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    El lobo, el bosque y el hombre nuevo

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    Um encontro com a cultura cubana

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    Mosaico insulare, Verbi e modi contemporanei del racconto cubano

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    Mosaico insulare vuole essere un punto di incontro tra la cultura cubana e i lettori italiani, che possono riconoscere in queste pagine come propri certi conflitti, nonostante la distanza geografica e le differenze culturali: l’antologia vuole però anche mostrare le tracce di un’identità sempre mutevole, testimoniata dalla pluralità degli autori selezionati, e lontana dagli stereotipi costruiti su modelli politici, folcloristici, storici, utopici, nostalgici. La progettazione del volume ha richiesto dei precisi criteri selettivi: la relativa sincronia dei testi, la molteplicità degli sguardi, la presenza di autori e autrici, le differenti visioni e scelte di vita, l’inclusione di autori abitanti nell’isola e quelli emigrati, i vari stili di scrittura. Tutto questo in una struttura coerente con dei temi dominanti nella narrativa cubana contemporanea, organizzati in quattro sezioni: Amar, Comer, Partir, Verbos irregulares. Insomma, verbi e modi contemporanei del racconto cubano con cui propiziare, e non è un proposito minore, il piacere della lettura

    O operário e a histérica: dois sujeitos modernos The worker and the hysteric: two modern subjects

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    Relaciona-se pensamento marxista e psicanálise, os quais se tende, hoje, a considerar superados, ainda que nada comparável seja posto em seu lugar. Para esse diálogo entre as duas teorias, são referência primordial os Manuscritos de 1844, obra em que o jovem Marx desenvolve uma espécie de 'teoria do sujeito'. O artigo inicia-se com as primeiras cenas de um filme cubano que situa magnificamente o conflito entre as exigências subjetivas e o pacto social comunista. Em seguida relacionam-se as idéias de Marx sobre o sujeito humano e sua dimensão desejante e o pensamento de Freud. Perante as insuspeitadas possibilidades discursivas desses dois gigantes do pensamento moderno, concluímos que o 'operário' e a 'histérica' - os dois sujeitos que Marx e Freud, respectivamente, trouxeram ao mundo - encontram as vias de uma interlocução.<br>In this article, the author sets up a dialogue between Marxist thinking and psychoanalysis, both of which currently tend to be considered outdated, despite the fact that nothing remotely comparable has been proposed to take their place. Thus, the primary reference is Marx's Manuscripts of 1844, an early work in which he develops what we could call a 'theory of the subject', which is why it is chosen as a reference text for this dialogue with Freudian thinking. The article begins with an account of the first scenes of a Cuban film that masterfully poses the conflict between subjective needs and the communist social pact. It continues by searching for a dimension of desire in Marx's ideas on the human subject, which could provide a link with Freud's thinking. This dialogue ultimately reveals that the discursive potential of these two giants of modern thinking go beyond what most thinkers would effectively see as an insurmountable barrier: the 'worker' and the 'hysteric' - both names of subjects that Marx and Freud, respectively, launched to the world - find the ways forward for a possible dialogue

    Amperometric Biosensor Based on Galactose Oxidase Immobilized in Clay Matrix.

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    International audienceAn amperometric galactose biosensor was developed by immobilizing galactose oxidase (GAOx) within a laponite clay film coated on a Pt electrode surface. The electrochemical assays were performed by potentiostating the GAOx/laponite bioelectrodes at +0.6 V vs. Ag/AgCl in order to oxidize the enzymatically generated hydrogen peroxide. The bioelectrochemical responses of the biosensors were optimized with regard to the buffer nature, the pH, and the GAOx/laponite ratios. Laponite provides a favorable environment to GAOx activity, since the optimized biosensor GAOx/laponite (50:25; mg:mg) shows a great sensitivity and maximum current (85 mA M 1 cm 2 and 232 mA cm 2, respectively) over a linear galactose concentration range of 1.0 10 6-1.6 10 3 M. It is also stable at least for four weeks at 48C