41 research outputs found

    School gardens in teaching nature and science

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    Školski vrtovi imaju značajnu pedagošku i didaktičko-metodičku funkciju u praksi rada osnovnih škola. Kao primarni izvor znanja najčešće se koriste u nastavi prirode i društva. U teorijskom djelu rada prikazat će se povijest, funkcija i razvoj školskih vrtova, primjeri dobre prakse i prepreke na koje učitelji najčešće nailaze prilikom rada u školskome vrtu. Istraživanjem prakse rada učitelja želi se ispitati funkcije, učestalost, sadržaje prirode i društva te oblike nastave kojima se realizira nastava prirode i društva u školskim vrtovima. Za potrebe istraživanja konstruiran je anketni upitnik kojeg su ispitanici ispunjavali anonimno. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 41 učitelj s područja Istarske i Primorsko-goranske županije. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju kako učitelji koriste školski vrt u nastavi prirode i društva povremeno, odnosno katkad i to najčešće kada vremenski ili drugi uvjeti to dopuste. Drugim riječima, nastava prirode i društva u školskome vrtu provodi se spontano, kada učitelji smatraju da su određeni uvjeti zadovoljeni.Istraživale su se i prepreke na koje učitelji razredne nastave najčešće nailaze prilikom rada u školskome vrtu. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da su najčešće prepreke razvoju i održavanju školskoga vrta nedostatak materijala i financija, nedostatak vremena i potpore od strane roditelja i lokalne zajednice te nedostatak motivacije i znanja učitelja o radu u školskome vrtu. Ispitivali su se i sadržaji nastave prirode i društva koji se najčešće realiziraju u školskome vrtu. Rezultati ukazuju kako se ekološki, zdravstveni i prirodoslovni sadržaji predmeta prirode i društvo najčešće realiziraju u školskome vrtu. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata zaključuje se kako ispitanici smatraju da su ključne funkcije školskoga vrta to što pruža istraživački ustrojenu nastavu, da omogućava iskustva u otkrivanju sadržaja iz prve ruke te da omogućuje provođenje slobodnog vremena u zdravom okružju. Dobivena je statistički značajna povezanost između pojedinih oblika nastave i sadržaja predmeta prirode i društva. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja predlažu se smjernice za unaprjeđenje i promicanje školskoga vrta kao važnog i korisnog odgojno-obrazovnog alata.School gardens have a significant pedagogical and didactic-methodical function in the practice of elementary schools. As the primary source of knowledge, they are most often used in the teaching of nature and society. In the theoretical part of the paper, the history, function and development of school gardens, examples of good practices and obstacles that teachers most often encounter when working in a school garden will be displayed. By researching the practice of teacher work, it is to examine the functions, frequency, nature and society contents, and the forms of teaching that are carried out by nature and society classes in school gardens. For the purpose of research, a survey questionnaire was prepared which the respondents filled out anonymously. The study was attended by 41 teachers from Istria and Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. The research results indicate that teachers use a school garden in nature and society classes occasionally, or sometimes sometimes most often when weather or other conditions permit. In other words, teaching nature and society in a school garden is spontaneous, when teachers feel that certain conditions are met. The barriers to which classroom teachers most often encounter when working in a school garden are also explored. Research findings suggest that the main obstacles to the development and maintenance of a school garden are the lack of material and finance, lack of time and support from parents and the local community, and lack of motivation and knowledge of the workforce in the school garden. The nature and society teaching activities were also studied, which are usually realized in the school garden. The results indicate that the ecological, health and natural contents of the objects of nature and society are most often realized in the school garden. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that respondents believe that the key functions of a school garden are provided by research-based teaching, that it provides experience in discovering first-hand content and that it allows for free time in a healthy environment. There was a statistically significant correlation between individual forms of teaching and content of objects of nature and society. Based on the results of the research, the guidelines for the improvement and promotion of the school garden are proposed as an important and useful educational tool

    School gardens in teaching nature and science

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    Školski vrtovi imaju značajnu pedagošku i didaktičko-metodičku funkciju u praksi rada osnovnih škola. Kao primarni izvor znanja najčešće se koriste u nastavi prirode i društva. U teorijskom djelu rada prikazat će se povijest, funkcija i razvoj školskih vrtova, primjeri dobre prakse i prepreke na koje učitelji najčešće nailaze prilikom rada u školskome vrtu. Istraživanjem prakse rada učitelja želi se ispitati funkcije, učestalost, sadržaje prirode i društva te oblike nastave kojima se realizira nastava prirode i društva u školskim vrtovima. Za potrebe istraživanja konstruiran je anketni upitnik kojeg su ispitanici ispunjavali anonimno. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 41 učitelj s područja Istarske i Primorsko-goranske županije. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju kako učitelji koriste školski vrt u nastavi prirode i društva povremeno, odnosno katkad i to najčešće kada vremenski ili drugi uvjeti to dopuste. Drugim riječima, nastava prirode i društva u školskome vrtu provodi se spontano, kada učitelji smatraju da su određeni uvjeti zadovoljeni.Istraživale su se i prepreke na koje učitelji razredne nastave najčešće nailaze prilikom rada u školskome vrtu. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da su najčešće prepreke razvoju i održavanju školskoga vrta nedostatak materijala i financija, nedostatak vremena i potpore od strane roditelja i lokalne zajednice te nedostatak motivacije i znanja učitelja o radu u školskome vrtu. Ispitivali su se i sadržaji nastave prirode i društva koji se najčešće realiziraju u školskome vrtu. Rezultati ukazuju kako se ekološki, zdravstveni i prirodoslovni sadržaji predmeta prirode i društvo najčešće realiziraju u školskome vrtu. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata zaključuje se kako ispitanici smatraju da su ključne funkcije školskoga vrta to što pruža istraživački ustrojenu nastavu, da omogućava iskustva u otkrivanju sadržaja iz prve ruke te da omogućuje provođenje slobodnog vremena u zdravom okružju. Dobivena je statistički značajna povezanost između pojedinih oblika nastave i sadržaja predmeta prirode i društva. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja predlažu se smjernice za unaprjeđenje i promicanje školskoga vrta kao važnog i korisnog odgojno-obrazovnog alata.School gardens have a significant pedagogical and didactic-methodical function in the practice of elementary schools. As the primary source of knowledge, they are most often used in the teaching of nature and society. In the theoretical part of the paper, the history, function and development of school gardens, examples of good practices and obstacles that teachers most often encounter when working in a school garden will be displayed. By researching the practice of teacher work, it is to examine the functions, frequency, nature and society contents, and the forms of teaching that are carried out by nature and society classes in school gardens. For the purpose of research, a survey questionnaire was prepared which the respondents filled out anonymously. The study was attended by 41 teachers from Istria and Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. The research results indicate that teachers use a school garden in nature and society classes occasionally, or sometimes sometimes most often when weather or other conditions permit. In other words, teaching nature and society in a school garden is spontaneous, when teachers feel that certain conditions are met. The barriers to which classroom teachers most often encounter when working in a school garden are also explored. Research findings suggest that the main obstacles to the development and maintenance of a school garden are the lack of material and finance, lack of time and support from parents and the local community, and lack of motivation and knowledge of the workforce in the school garden. The nature and society teaching activities were also studied, which are usually realized in the school garden. The results indicate that the ecological, health and natural contents of the objects of nature and society are most often realized in the school garden. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that respondents believe that the key functions of a school garden are provided by research-based teaching, that it provides experience in discovering first-hand content and that it allows for free time in a healthy environment. There was a statistically significant correlation between individual forms of teaching and content of objects of nature and society. Based on the results of the research, the guidelines for the improvement and promotion of the school garden are proposed as an important and useful educational tool

    Generalizirana ateroskleroza, metabolički sindrom i rezistentna hipertenzija - uzroci i posljedice

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    e components of metabolic syndrome lead to generalized atherosclerotic changes and micro- and macrovascular complications with damage to systems and organs. Consequently, patients’ treatment with the resulting changes in the target organs is costly, complicated, and unpredictable. We present a 65-year-old patient with diabetes diagnosed with hyperlipidemia, unregulated arterial hypertension in the presence of other metabolic syndrome components and who consequently developed complications of generalized atherosclerosis. Despite detailed, individually tailored therapy, in line with current recommendations, we suggest that treatment success is very closely related and dependent on dietary measures, healthy living habits, and patient cooperation.Komponente metaboličkog sindroma dovode do generaliziranih aterosklerotskih promjena te mikro i makrovaskularnih komplikacija s oštećenjem sustava i organa. Slijedom toga, liječenje bolesnika s posljedicama promjena na ciljnim organima vrlo je skupo, složeno i nepredvidljivo. Predstavljamo 65-godišnjeg pacijenta, dijabetičara, kojem je dijagnosticirana hiperlipidemija, neregulirana arterijska hipertenzija u prisutnosti drugih komponenata metaboličkog sindroma i posljedično razvijene komplikacije generalizirane ateroskleroze. Unatoč detaljnoj, individualno prilagođenoj terapiji, u skladu s trenutnim preporukama, smatramo da je uspjeh liječenja vrlo usko povezan i ovisi o prehrambenim mjerama, zdravim životnim navikama i suradnji pacijenta

    Prikaz slučaja kasnog tipa primarnog limfedema – od dijagnoze do uspješne terapije

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    We present a case report of a 46-year-old nurse with lower limb, late onset, second degree primary lymphedema diagnosed thirty years after symptoms onset. Lack of specialised lymphedema clinics, lymphedema specialists, lymphedema management guidelines and lymphedema registry are main causes for prolonged diagnosis in Croatia. Primary lymphedema treatment was con-ducted through 45-minutes sessions three times a week in total 7 sessions. Treatment sessions consisted of limb circumference mea-surements and manual lymph drainage followed by Partsch compression therapy protocol and education. Instructions for physical activity were made likewise. Significant volume reduction was successful despite long primary lymphedema duration. Changes in quality of life and physical activity were noted by self-administered questionnaires. Compression garment specialist made measures for flat knitted stockings compression class III. that are indicated for lymphedema and have important role in the maintenance phase of limb volume. Despite the fact that primary lymphedema is chronic condition, and it has been left untreated for over thirty years in our patient. With proper lymphedema therapy management and teamwork it is possible to achieve and maintain satisfying treatment results especially if you have motivated and properly educated patientPrikaz slučaja 46 godišnje medicinske sestre koja ima drugi stupanj kasnog primarnog limfedema donjih ekstremiteta koji je dijagnosticiran 30 godina nakon pojave prvih simptoma. Nepostojanje ambulante za limfedem, liječnika specijalista koji se bavi limfedemom, smjernica za zbrinjavanje limfedema niti registra za limfedem glavni su uzroci kašnjenja postavljanja dijagnoze limfedema u Hrvatskoj. Terapija limfedema provedena je kroz sedam tretmana u trajanju od 45 minuta, tri puta tjedno. Korišteni su fizioterapijski postupci: ručna limfna drenaža u kombinaciji s kompresivnom terapijom po dr. Partch i edukacija. Dane su upute o provođenju tjelesne aktivnosti. Postignuto je smanjenje volumena unatoč dugotrajnom trajanju limfedema. Promjene u kvaliteti života i razini tjelesne aktivnosti zabilježili smo uz pomoć upitnika. Po završetku terapije pacijentica je upućena ortotičarki radi uzimanja mjera za ravno tkanu kompresivnu odjeću kompresijske klase III. koja je prikladna za fazu održavanja volumena limfedema. Unatoč činjenici da je primarni limfedem kronično stanje, koje je u slučaju naše pacijentice bilo neliječeno preko trideset godina, uz pomoć timskog rada i sveobuhvatnog terapijskog pristupa zbrinjavanju primarnog limfedema moguće je dobiti zadovoljavajuće rezultate terapije te iste održati, posebno ukoliko imate motiviranog i dobro educiranog pacijenta

    The patterns of melanoma presentation

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    There is a global rising incidence of melanoma. For different reasons patterns of incidence, appearance, gender, anatomical distribution and outcome vary in different geographic area. Screening programs leaded to better early detection of melanoma in Australia and some world areas. National Cancer registry and practice data show incidence in Croatia is constantly rising. Despite public education programs about early discovery, in clinics we still see many new advanced stage melanoma.We analyzed data from 157 patients, cured and followed for 10 years for T1b-T4aN0 skin melanoma. There was a difference in anatomical distribution of melanoma lesions in correlation with patients age (ANOVA test, F=3.51, p=0,009). A higher prevalence of shoulder melanoma in young people was found, and head/neck in old (post-hoc Sheffe test, p=0.038).The T4 lesions were more found in men, and T1 mainly in women (Pearson c2 test, c2 =12.08, p=0.016). There was no difference in Clark level, but significantly higher Breslow stage was found in men (t=-2.52, p=0.013). Men were much prone to have head and neck, body, and shoulder melanoma; women had more melanoma on their legs and arms. Clark and Breslow level were strongly correlated in leg melanoma; head localization had no correlation at all. As conclusion, more attention should be devoted to improve results in melanoma detection in men, especially with the prevalence of body (back), head/neck localization, sometimes not prone to visual detection. Pattern of distribution show also the need for more attention to shoulder melanoma in younger people.</p

    Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy-Related Inflammation (CAA-rI): Three Heterogeneous Case Reports and a Focused Literature Review

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    Cerebral amyloid angiopathy-related inflammation (CAA-rI) is a largely reversible, subacute encephalopathy, which is considered as a rare variant of cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). Although the diagnosis of this inflammatory vasculopathy is generally clinico-pathologic, a probable or possible diagnosis can often be established based on current clinico-radiological diagnostic criteria. This is important since CAA-rI is considered as a treatable disorder, which most commonly occurs in the elderly population. Behavioral changes and cognitive deterioration are highlighted as the most common clinical signs of CAA-rI, followed by a heterogeneous spectrum of typical and atypical clinical presentations. However, despite the well-established clinical and radiological features incorporated in the current diagnostic criteria for this CAA variant, this rare disorder is still insufficiently recognized and treated. Here, we have shown three patients diagnosed with probable CAA-rI, with significant heterogeneity in the clinical and neuroradiological presentations, followed by different disease courses and outcomes after the introduction of immunosuppressive treatment. Moreover, we have also summarized up-to-date literature data about this rare, yet underdiagnosed, immune-mediated vasculopathy

    Severe Periprocedural Complications After Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation: An International Collaborative Individual Patient Data Registry.

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    BACKGROUND Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation (AF) including pulmonary vein isolation and possibly further substrate ablation is the most common electrophysiological procedure. Severe complications are uncommon, but their detailed assessment in a large worldwide cohort is lacking. OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of periprocedural severe complications and to provide a detailed characterization of the diagnostic evaluation and management of these complications in patients undergoing AF ablation. METHODS Individual patient data were collected from 23 centers worldwide. Limited data were collected for all patients who underwent catheter ablation, and an expanded series of data points were collected for patients who experienced severe complications during periprocedural follow-up. Incidence, predictors, patient characteristics, management details, and overall outcomes of patients who experienced ablation-related complications were investigated. RESULTS Data were collected from 23 participating centers at which 33,879 procedures were performed (median age 63 years, 30% women, 71% radiofrequency ablations). The incidence of severe complications (n = 271) was low (tamponade 6.8‰, stroke 0.97‰, cardiac arrest 0.41‰, esophageal fistula 0.21‰, and death 0.21‰). Age, female sex, a dilated left atrium, procedure duration, and the use of radiofrequency energy were independently associated with the composite endpoint of all severe complications. Among patients experiencing tamponade, 13% required cardiac surgery. Ninety-three percent of patients with complications were discharged directly home after a median length of stay of 5 days (Q1-Q3: 3-7 days). CONCLUSIONS This large worldwide collaborative study highlighted that tamponade, stroke, cardiac arrest, esophageal fistula, and death are rare after AF ablation. Older age, female sex, procedure duration, a dilated left atrium, and the use of radiofrequency energy were associated with severe complications in this multinational cohort. One in 8 patients with tamponade required cardiac surgery

    A Worldwide Test of the Predictive Validity of Ideal Partner Preference-Matching

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    ©American Psychological Association, [2024]. This paper is not the copy of record and may not exactly replicate the authoritative document published in the APA journal. The final article is available, upon publication, at: [ARTICLE DOI]”Ideal partner preferences (i.e., ratings of the desirability of attributes like attractiveness or intelligence) are the source of numerous foundational findings in the interdisciplinary literature on human mating. Recently, research on the predictive validity of ideal partner preference-matching (i.e., do people positively evaluate partners who match versus mismatch their ideals?) has become mired in several problems. First, articles exhibit discrepant analytic and reporting practices. Second, different findings emerge across laboratories worldwide, perhaps because they sample different relationship contexts and/or populations. This registered report—partnered with the Psychological Science Accelerator—uses a highly powered design (N=10,358) across 43 countries and 22 languages to estimate preference-matching effect sizes. The most rigorous tests revealed significant preference-matching effects in the whole sample and for partnered and single participants separately. The “corrected pattern metric” that collapses across 35 traits revealed a zero-order effect of β=.19 and an effect of β=.11 when included alongside a normative preference-matching metric. Specific traits in the “level metric” (interaction) tests revealed very small (average β=.04) effects. Effect sizes were similar for partnered participants who reported ideals before entering a relationship, and there was no consistent evidence that individual differences moderated any effects. Comparisons between stated and revealed preferences shed light on gender differences and similarities: For attractiveness, men’s and (especially) women’s stated preferences underestimated revealed preferences (i.e., they thought attractiveness was less important than it actually was). For earning potential, men’s stated preferences underestimated—and women’s stated preferences overestimated—revealed preferences. Implications for the literature on human mating are discussed.Unfunde