39 research outputs found

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    Der Amerikanische Bürgerkrieg (1861–65) war ein Konflikt von transatlantischen Ausmaßen. Auch für Mitteleuropa hatte er spürbare, bis jetzt nur wenig erforschte Konsequenzen. Patrick Gaul widmet sich den grenzüberschreitenden Auswirkungen dieses Krieges aus wirtschafts- und kulturhistorischen Blickwinkeln, untersucht bisher unberücksichtigte Quellen und fördert dadurch neue Facetten zu Tage. Anhand von Schlaglichtern auf die Städte Hamburg, Bremen und Frankfurt zeigt Gaul unter anderem, wie Mitteleuropäerinnen und Mitteleuropäer durch Kredite, Schmuggel, humanitäre Hilfe und Waffenlieferungen in den Bürgerkrieg verwickelt waren und dass US-amerikanische Agenten und Konsuln vor Ort eifrig für die Interessen der Union beziehungsweise der sklavenhaltenden Südstaaten warben. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird deutlich, dass längst nicht alle deutschsprachigen Beteiligten vorbehaltlose Unterstützer der Nordstaaten oder Befürworter der Sklavenemanzipation waren. Gaul geht zudem den Fragen nach, wie der Civil War auf den Deutschen "Bürgerkrieg" von 1866 wirkte und welche Folgen die Emanzipation der Afroamerikanerinnen und Afroamerikaner auf mitteleuropäische Diskurse über Arbeit, Freiheit und den Umgang mit Minderheiten provozierte

    Nationalismus in den Konföderierten Staaten von Amerika

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das nationale Selbstverständnis der gesamten Konföderation und behandelt insbesondere Aspekte der Innenpolitik sowie bestimmte soziokulturelle und sozioökonomische Charakteristika, aus denen sich die nationalistische Ideologie der Konföderierten konstituierte. Es bleibt zu betonen, dass sich der Fokus der hiesigen Untersuchungen auf innerstaatliche Ereignisse und Phänomene während des Bürgerkrieges richtet und somit vom großen Feld der konföderierten Außenpolitik beinahe vollständig absieht. Die Außenpolitik bildet zweifelsohne ein ebenso spannendes Forschungsgebiet, sie wird hier aber zu Gunsten einer expliziteren Betrachtung des innerstaatlichen Kontexts außen vor gelassen, da die inneren Umstände für die Genese des konföderierten Nationalismus unmittelbarer und somit von größerer Tragweite waren

    Molecular Characterization of Recent and Archived Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Isolates

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    Cases of erysipelas have increased considerably in 2001–2002. Diagnosis of erysipelas is typically confirmed by culture and in a limited number of cases the isolates are serotyped. Reagents for serotyping are limited and are available only at National Veterinary Service Laboratory (NVSL). In this study, we utilize pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to differentiate genotypes and compare archived and recent isolates. Seventy-three erysipelas field isolates (58 recent, 15 historical) and four live vaccine strains were genetically characterized. Fortysix isolates were found to belong to genotype 1A(I), three were genotype 1A(III), each one was genotype 1A(IV), 1A(V), 1A(VI), and two isolates were designated as 1A(VII). Nine different genotypes were identified among the serotype 1b isolates [1B(I-IX)]. Within serotype 2, three genotypes were identified: 2A, 2B, and 2C. The four vaccine strains tested in this study belong to the genotype group 1A(II), closely related to genotype 1A. The vaccine strains and the most common field isolates genotype 1A(I) shared 78.6% identity based on PFGE pattern

    Modulation of Drosophila Retinal Epithelial Integrity by the Adhesion Proteins Capricious and Tartan

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    Background The development of the Drosophila eye imaginal disc requires complex epithelial rearrangements. Cells of the morphogenetic furrow are apically constricted and this leads to a physical indentation in the epithelium. Posterior to the furrow, cells start to rearrange into distinct clusters and eventually form a precisely patterned array of ommatidia. These morphogenetic processes include regulated changes of adhesion between cells. Methodology/Principal Findings Here, we show that two transmembrane adhesion proteins, Capricious and Tartan, have dynamic and complementary expression patterns in the eye imaginal disc. We also describe novel null mutations in capricious and double null mutations in capricious and tartan. We report that they have redundant functions in regulating the architecture of the morphogenetic furrow and ommatidial spacing. Conclusions/Significance We conclude that Capricious and Tartan contribute to the adhesive properties of the cells in the morphogenetic furrow and that this regulated adhesion participates in the control of spacing ommatidial clusters

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    Der Amerikanische Bürgerkrieg (1861–65) war ein Konflikt von transatlantischen Ausmaßen. Auch für Mitteleuropa hatte er spürbare, bis jetzt nur wenig erforschte Konsequenzen. Patrick Gaul widmet sich den grenzüberschreitenden Auswirkungen dieses Krieges aus wirtschafts- und kulturhistorischen Blickwinkeln, untersucht bisher unberücksichtigte Quellen und fördert dadurch neue Facetten zu Tage. Anhand von Schlaglichtern auf die Städte Hamburg, Bremen und Frankfurt zeigt Gaul unter anderem, wie Mitteleuropäerinnen und Mitteleuropäer durch Kredite, Schmuggel, humanitäre Hilfe und Waffenlieferungen in den Bürgerkrieg verwickelt waren und dass US-amerikanische Agenten und Konsuln vor Ort eifrig für die Interessen der Union beziehungsweise der sklavenhaltenden Südstaaten warben. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird deutlich, dass längst nicht alle deutschsprachigen Beteiligten vorbehaltlose Unterstützer der Nordstaaten oder Befürworter der Sklavenemanzipation waren. Gaul geht zudem den Fragen nach, wie der Civil War auf den Deutschen "Bürgerkrieg" von 1866 wirkte und welche Folgen die Emanzipation der Afroamerikanerinnen und Afroamerikaner auf mitteleuropäische Diskurse über Arbeit, Freiheit und den Umgang mit Minderheiten provozierte

    Molecular Characterization of Recent and Archived Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Isolates

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    Cases of erysipelas have increased considerably in 2001–2002. Diagnosis of erysipelas is typically confirmed by culture and in a limited number of cases the isolates are serotyped. Reagents for serotyping are limited and are available only at National Veterinary Service Laboratory (NVSL). In this study, we utilize pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to differentiate genotypes and compare archived and recent isolates. Seventy-three erysipelas field isolates (58 recent, 15 historical) and four live vaccine strains were genetically characterized. Fortysix isolates were found to belong to genotype 1A(I), three were genotype 1A(III), each one was genotype 1A(IV), 1A(V), 1A(VI), and two isolates were designated as 1A(VII). Nine different genotypes were identified among the serotype 1b isolates [1B(I-IX)]. Within serotype 2, three genotypes were identified: 2A, 2B, and 2C. The four vaccine strains tested in this study belong to the genotype group 1A(II), closely related to genotype 1A. The vaccine strains and the most common field isolates genotype 1A(I) shared 78.6% identity based on PFGE pattern.</p

    The headache registry of the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG): baseline data of the first 1,351 patients

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    Background Although good treatment options exist for many headache disorders, not all patients benefit and disability continues to be large. To design strategies for improving headache care, real-world data observing standard care is necessary. Therefore, the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG) has established the DMKG Headache Registry. Here we present methods and baseline data. Methods Accredited German headache centers (clinic-based or private practice) can offer participation to their patients. Patients provide headache history, current headache load (including a mobile headache diary), medication and comorbidities and answer validated questionnaires, prior to their physician appointment. Physicians use these data as the base of their history taking, and add, change or confirm some central information. Before the next visit, patients are asked to update their data. Patients will continuously be included over the next years. Results The present analysis is based on the first 1,351 patients (1110 females, 39.6 ± 12.9 years) with a completed first visit. Most participants had a migraine diagnosis. Participants had 14.4 ± 8.5 headache days and 7.7 ± 6.1 acute medication days per month and 63.9% had a migraine disability assessment (MIDAS) grade 4 (severe disability). 93.6% used at least one acute headache medication, most frequently a triptan (60.0%) or non-opioid analgesic (58.3%). 45.0% used at least one headache preventive medication, most frequently an antidepressant (11.4%, mostly amitriptyline 8.4%) or a CGRP(receptor) antibody (9.8%). Most common causes for discontinuation of preventive medication were lack of effect (54.2%) and side effects (43.3%). Conclusion The DMKG Headache Registry allows to continuously monitor headache care at German headache centers in both a cross-sectional and a longitudinal approach

    History of Brain Injury Alters Cerebral Haemodynamic Oscillations with Cardiac Influence

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    (1) Background: Cerebral autoregulation is altered during acute mild traumatic brain injury, or concussion. However, it is unknown how a history of concussion can impact cerebral haemodynamic activity during a task that elicits an autoregulatory response. (2) Methods: We assessed cerebral haemodynamic activity in those with a history of three or more concussions. The study included 44 retired athletes with concussion history and 25 control participants. We recorded participants&rsquo; relative changes in right and left pre-frontal cortex oxygenation collected by near-infrared spectroscopy and continuous beat-to-beat blood pressure measured by finger photoplethysmography. Participants completed a 5-min seated rest followed by a 5-min repeated squat (10-s) stand (10-s) maneuver (0.05 Hz) to elicit a cerebral autoregulatory response. Wavelet transformation was applied to the collected signals, allowing separation into cardiac interval I (0.6 to 2 Hz), respiratory interval II (0.145 to 0.6 Hz), and smooth muscle cell interval III (0.052 to 0.145 Hz). (3) Results: Significant increases at cardiac interval I were found for the wavelet amplitude of oxy-haemoglobin and haemoglobin difference at the right pre-frontal cortex. No significant difference was found at the left pre-frontal cortex or the blood pressure wavelet amplitudes. (4) Conclusions: Contributions from cardiac activity to the pre-frontal cortex oxygenation are elevated when eliciting dynamic cerebral autoregulation in those with a history of three or more concussions