63 research outputs found

    Actualisatie van de hydrologie voor STONE 2.0

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    Er is een nieuwe landsdekkende hydrologische gegevensset berekend voor het nutriëntenemissiemodel STONE. Met het model SWAP is voor een reeks van 30 jaar de hydrologie gesimuleerd voor 6405 rekeneenheden. Dit rapport beschrijft de schematisering, de parametrisatie en de plausibiliteit van de resultaten van de berekeningen met het model SWAP. De resultaten worden in het algemeen als plausibel beoordeeld. Voor de verdamping geldt dat de berekeningswijze wordt gezien als state of the art. Voor grasland is een zeer plausibele verdamping berekend; voor bouwland behoeft de bodemverdamping meer aandacht. Drainagefluxen zijn voor meerdere oppervlaktewatersystemen berekend. Relatief ondiepe systemen blijken de grootste bijdrage te leveren aan de waterafvoer vanuit de bodem naar het oppervlaktewatersysteem, waarbij de aanwezigheid van buisdrainage van groot belang is. De berekende neerslagoverschotten en grondwatertrappen zijn plausibel. Aanbevelingen voor verbetering betreffen met name de schematiserings enenkele hydrologische aspecten, zoals beregening en de interactie met de regionale hydrologie

    Discard Atlas of North Sea fisheries

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    The results presented in this discard atlas are based on landings and discards data from the official database of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) of the European Union. Quantities of landings are derived from the national fisheries statistics which are recorded according to the control regulation (Council Regulation 1224/2009). These include logbook or sales slip records of the volume of landing by species and size grade per management area. Under the European Data Collection Framework, detailed biological data of the biomass, length, age, and species compositions of discards from the most important commercial fisheries are collected via national observer- or self-sampling programmes

    Onderzoek naar de grondwaterstandsdynamiek in NHI v2.1 : hoofdrapport

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    Op 1 november 2010 is NHI versie 2.1 (Nationaal Hydrologisch Instrumentarium, versie 2.1) opgeleverd. In de rapportage is aangegeven dat de grondwaterstanden onvoldoende aansluiten bij de grondwaterstandsmetingen. Naast significante afwijkingen in het absolute niveau (GLG en GHG) vertonen de gesimuleerde grondwaterstanden in voor zoetwateraanvoer relevante gebieden te weinig dynamiek, mede volgens de regionale analyses die in 2010 door STOWA zijn gehouden (STOWA rapport 2011-06). Om dit nader te onderzoeken is door de NHI projectgroep een Task Force Grondwaterstandsdynamiek opgericht met specialisten van binnen en buiten NHI die als taak heeft om de grondwaterstandsdynamiek in NHI te analyseren en waar nodig en mogelijk voorstellen tot verbetering te doen

    Development and Internal Validation of a Multivariable Prediction Model for Adrenocortical-Carcinoma-Specific Mortality

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    Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) has an incidence of about 1.0 per million per year. In general, survival of patients with ACC is limited. Predicting survival outcome at time of diagnosis is a clinical challenge. The aim of this study was to develop and internally validate a clinical prediction model for ACC-specific mortality. Data for this retrospective cohort study were obtained from the nine centers of the Dutch Adrenal Network (DAN). Patients who presented with ACC between 1 January 2004 and 31 October 2013 were included. We used multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression to compute the coefficients for the prediction model. Backward stepwise elimination was performed to derive a more parsimonious model. The performance of the initial prediction model was quantified by measures of model fit, discriminative ability, and calibration. We undertook an internal validation step to counteract the possible overfitting of our model. A total of 160 patients were included in the cohort. The median survival time was 35 months, and interquartile range (IQR) 50.7 months. The multivariable modeling yielded a prediction model that included age, modified European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors (mENSAT) stage, and radical resection. The c-statistic was 0.77 (95% Confidence Interval: 0.72, 0.81), indicating good predictive performance. We developed a clinical prediction model for ACC-specific mortality. ACC mortality can be estimated using a relatively simple clinical prediction model with good discriminative ability and calibration

    A new era for science-industry research collaboration – a view towards the future

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    Direct engagement of the fishing industry in the provision and co-creation of knowledge and data for research and management is increasingly prevalent. In both the North Atlantic and North Pacific, enhanced and targeted engagement is evident. More is needed. Science-Industry collaborative approaches to developing questions, collecting data, interpreting data, and sharing knowledge create opportunities for information transfer and improved understanding of ecosystem interactions, stock dynamics, economic incentives, and response to management. These collaborations require clear communication and awareness of objectives and outcomes. These initiatives also require careful attention to conditions and interactions that foster respect, trust, and communication. Respect is critical and entails acknowledging the respective skills and expertise of both scientists and fishers. Trust is needed to build confidence in the information developed and its use. Communication is essential to maintain relationships and leverage shared insights. To assess current trends and future opportunities related to this type of engagement, we convened a networking session of research scientists, industry scientists, industry leaders, and fishers at the Annual Science Meeting of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) to address the following questions: (1) What are scientific needs that could be addressed with industry-collected data or knowledge? And (2) How can science-industry collaboration be made sustainable? Here we identify opportunities and acknowledge challenges, outline necessary conditions for respectful and sustainable collaborative research, and highlight ways to promote stakeholder involvement in developing science. We address industry concerns and solicit industry advice. We also address challenges to scientists in ensuring standards for scientific data, conflict of interest, and applying information to advise management. The discussions in this session and subsequent correspondence have led to a set of guidelines and best practices that provide a framework to advance further collaboration between industry and research science. We identify opportunities for directed engagement. We also detail potential approaches to clarify expectations and develop avenues for iterative communication and engagement to sustain collaborative efforts over time. The intent is to improve and expand data streams and contextual understanding of ecosystem processes, stock assessment, and socio-economic dynamics to the benefits of science and industry alike

    Report of Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE).

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    As a consequence of the impact of the COVID pandemic on international travel which prevented the traditional meeting from taking place, the Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE) met online via WebEx hosted by ICES. Prior to the 2020 meeting, the generic ToRs for species and regional working groups were re-prioritised by ACOM to allow the WG to focus primarily on those ToRs most applicable to the provision of advice. WGWIDE reports on the status and considerations for management of Northeast Atlantic mackerel, blue whiting, Western and North Sea horse mackerel, Northeast Atlantic boarfish, Norwegian springspawning herring, striped red mullet (Subareas 6, 8 and Divisions 7.a-c, e-k and 9.a), and red gurnard (Subareas 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) stocks. Northeast Atlantic (NEA) Mackerel. This stock is highly migratory and widely distributed throughout the Northeast Atlantic with significant fisheries is most ICES subareas. A diverse range of fleets from smaller artisanal, handline vessels to large (100m+) factory freezer vessels and modern RSW trawlers and purse seiners take part in what is one of the most valuable European fisheries. The assessment conducted in 2020 is an update assessment, based on the configuration agreed during the most recent inter-benchmark exercise in 2019 and incorporates the most recent data available from sampling of the commercial catch in 2019, the final 2019 egg survey SSB estimate, an updated recruitment index and tagging time series along with 2020 survey data from the IESSNS swept area survey. Advice is given based on stock reference points which were updated during a management strategy evaluation carried out in 2020. Following a strong increase from 2007 to 2014, SSB has been declining although it remains well above MSY Btrigger. Fishing mortality has been below FMSY since 2016. There have been a number of large year classes since 2001 with above average recruitment over much of the most recent decade. Blue Whiting. This pelagic gadoid is widely distributed in the eastern part of the North Atlantic. The 2020 update assessment followed the protocol from the most recent inter-benchmark in 2016 and used preliminary catch data from 2020. Due to the cancellation of the 2020 acoustic survey, this data was not available. The effect on the assessment was minimal and limited to increases in uncertainty of the terminal year estimates. The SSB continues to decrease from the most recent maximum in 2017 mainly due to below average recruitment since 2017, although it remains above MSY Btrigger. Fishing mortality has been above FMSY since 2014. Norwegian Spring Spawning Herring. This is one of the largest herring stocks in the world. It is highly migratory, spawning along the Norwegian coast and feeding throughout much of the Norwegian Sea. The 2020 assessment is based on an implementation of the XSAM assessment model introduced at the benchmark in 2016. This years’ assessment indicates that the stock is continuing to decline from the peak in 2008 of 7Mt to just above MSY Btrigger due to successive years of average or below average recruitment. Catch advice for 2021 is given on the basis of the agreed management plan and represents a substantial increase over the 2020 advice due to an upward revision in the estimate of the 2016 year-class which is considered to be the most significant year-class since 2004

    Ichnological and archaeological evidence from Gombore II OAM, Melka Kunture, Ethiopia: An integrated approach to reconstruct local environments and biological presences between 1.2 and 0.85 Ma

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    New ichnological data are available at the prehistoric site of Melka Kunture, Upper Awash Valley in Ethiopia. Excavation of new test pits enabled us to explore the volcanic and fluvio-lacustrine sequence at the Gombore II Open Air Museum archaeological site (ca. 0.85 Ma). This has allowed a detailed reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment and of the fauna present in the time interval between 1.2 and 0.85 Ma. Various-sized mammals, birds, molluscs as well as hominins left tracks throughout the sequence, and document a varied fauna and associated behaviours. Most of the hominin tracks were made by young individuals on the basis of size and are some of the earlier child tracks to be reported. The mollusc traces document the presence and orientation of water streams which, according to the associated vertebrate traces, were visited by hominins, mammals and birds. Most of these traces were found within levels traditionally considered barren for archaeology, yet they all document life activity and are always in situ. This confirms the potential of the ichnological research as an important complementary tool for archaeological investigations
