7,046 research outputs found

    La dataciĂłn de la ascensiĂłn al trono de Esparta de Agesilao II y la cronologĂ­a de la dinastĂ­a XXX egipcia

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    This paper tries to date the ascension to the Spartan throne of Agesilaus II, one of the most famous and important kings of the Lacedaemonian State, as well as the length of its reign based on both Greek and Latin ancient writers and, specifically, through the Egyptian sources and on what we already know on the chronology of the Egyptian Pharaons of the 30th dynasty. The date on which Agesilaus became king in the Julian Year 399, the Spartan Year 400/399, likewise permits us to establish a more precise chronology of the events that took place in Greece and in the East Mediterranean between 403 and 396 B.C.Este trabajo trata de fijar la fecha de la ascensión al trono de Esparta de Agesilao II, uno de los más célebres e importantes reyes que tuviera el Estado lacedemonio, así como la extensión total de su reinado sobre la base de las noticias recogidas en los autores grecolatinos y, especialmente, a través de las fuentes egipcias y de lo que conocemos de la cronología de la XXX dinastía de faraones egipcios. La fecha de su ascenso al trono, que fijamos en 399, año espartano 400/399, nos permite asimismo establecer de una manera más precisa la cronología de los acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar en Grecia y en el Mediterráneo oriental entre los años 403 y 396

    Port Said y Alejandría a través de los expedicionarios de la fragata blindada la Arapiles (septiembre de 1871)

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    Este trabajo analiza la visita que los expedicionarios españoles de la fragata blindada La Arapiles efectuaron a la costa egipcia en septiembre de 1871. Gracias a sus relatos, podemos aproximarnos a los momentos incipientes del tráfico marítimo y comercial a través del Canal de Suez, y a una ciudad novísima, como era a la sazón Port Said, inaugurada en 1869, mientras que su estancia en Alejandría, largo tiempo poblada, nos permite observar la urbe tal y como era poco años antes de que fuera bombardeada y ocupada por los ingleses y aproximarnos al conocimiento que entonces se tenía de la ciudad antigua. Asimismo, podemos intuir la mentalidad con la que los viajeros occidentales se acercaban al Oriente, mediante toda una galería de personajes que protagonizaron la expedición como, por ejemplo, Rada, el erudito y especialista en el mundo antiguo; Moreno de la Tejera, el escritor y periodista y los militares, García de Tudela y Estrada Catoira, inmersos en el cumplimiento de una misiónThis paper analyses the visit of the members of the expedition of the Spanish ironclad frigate The Arapiles to the Egyptian coast in September of 1871. Thanks to his stories we can approach the first stages of the commercial and maritime traffic through the Suez Canal as well as to the brand new city of Port Said, inaugurated in 1869, while its stay at Alexandria, populated from long time ago, allows to see the city such as it was some years before it was bombed and occupied by the British and to come close to the knowledgeof what in that period, was the old city. Likewise, we can have a feeling of the mentality of the travellers that where reaching the Orient through a list of celebrities that starred the expedition as in example, Rada, the erudite and specialist in Ancient World; Moreno de la Tejera, writer and journalist, and the military García de Tudela and Estrada Catoira, deeply immersed in the fulfilment of a missio

    Very large stochastic resonance gains in finite sets of interacting identical subsystems driven by subthreshold rectangular pulses

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    We study the phenomenon of nonlinear stochastic resonance (SR) in a complex noisy system formed by a finite number of interacting subunits driven by rectangular pulsed time periodic forces. We find that very large SR gains are obtained for subthreshold driving forces with frequencies much larger than the values observed in simpler one-dimensional systems. These effects are explained using simple considerations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev.

    A graph-semantics of business configurations

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    In this paper we give graph-semantics to a fundamental part of the semantics of the service modeling language SRML. To achieve this goal we develop a new graph transformation system for what we call 2-level symbolic graphs. These kind of graphs extend symbolic graphs with a simple 2-level hierarchy that can be generalized to arbitrary hierarchies. We formalize the semantics using this new graph transformation system using a simple example of a trip booking agent.Postprint (published version

    Income Inequality Rankings for Different Equivalence Scales and Population Health

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    This paper is divided in two parts. The first one is dedicated to analyse the inequality of the income distribution in Spain during the convergence process to the European Monetary Union. To carry out this task, we propose two robust models based on the quantile functions. Specifically, we use the Gamma and Beta quantile functions. The income inequality in Spain and the sensitivity of the results for different equivalence scales are analysed using the data corresponding to the first five waves (1994-1998) of the European Community Household Panel (ECHP). This survey contains data on individuals and households and the information is homogeneous across European countries. The second part of the paper is dedicated to study the correlation between income inequality and one of the most important health indicators such as life expectancy. We will try to add new perspectives to conventional studies of health inequalities. With this aim we will focus on relations between socio-economic factors and health of the individuals. In conclusion, this analysis seems to confirm the results obtained in previous researches. Income distribution has significant effects on health indicators. Although we can not confirm that the social capital is highly related with health, at least it is an important factor which helps to explain it. Key words: Inequality, social capital, health, European Community Household Panel

    José Luis Pensado (Negreira 1924 - Salamanca 2000)

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