498 research outputs found

    Country report - Finland

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    Spatiotemporal Convergence of Semantic Processing in Reading and Speech Perception

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    Retrieval of word meaning from the semantic system and its integration with context are often assumed to be shared by spoken and written words. How is modality-independent semantic processing manifested in the brain, spatially and temporally? Time-sensitive neuroimaging allows tracking of neural activation sequences. Use of semantically related versus unrelated word pairs or sentences ending with a semantically highly or less plausible word, in separate studies of the auditory and visual modality, has associated lexical-semantic analysis with sustained activation at ∼200–800 ms. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) studies have further identified the superior temporal cortex as a main locus of the semantic effect. Nevertheless, a direct comparison of the spatiotemporal neural correlates of visual and auditory word comprehension in the same brain is lacking. We used MEG to compare lexical-semantic analysis in the visual and auditory domain in the same individuals, and contrasted it with phonological analysis that, according to models of language perception, should occur at a different time with respect to semantic analysis in reading and speech perception. The stimuli were lists of four words that were either semantically or phonologically related, or with the final word unrelated to the preceding context. Superior temporal activation reflecting semantic processing occurred similarly in the two modalities, left-lateralized at 300–450 ms and thereafter bilaterally, generated in close-by areas. Effect of phonology preceded the semantic effect in speech perception but not in reading. The present data indicate involvement of the middle superior temporal cortex in semantic processing from ∼300 ms onwards, regardless of input modality.Peer reviewe

    Transition metal triflate catalyzed conversion of alcohols, ethers and esters to olefins

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    Herein, we report an efficient transition metal triflate catalyzed approach to convert biomass-based compounds, such as monoterpene alcohols, sugar alcohols, octyl acetate and tea tree oil, to their corresponding olefins in high yields. The reaction proceeds through C-O bond cleavage under solvent-free conditions, where the catalytic activity is determined by the oxophilicity and the Lewis acidity of the metal catalyst. In addition, we demonstrate how the oxygen containing functionality affects the formation of the olefins. Furthermore, the robustness of the used metal triflate catalysts, Fe(OTf)(3) and Hf(OTf)(4), is highlighted by their ability to convert an over 2400-fold excess of 2-octanol to octenes in high isolated yields.Peer reviewe

    Orgaanisten elektroninluovuttajamateriaalien sulautuneet rengasrakenteet ja niiden synteesit

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    Tiivistelmä. Aurinkoenergia on globaalisti potentiaalisin uusiutuva energianlähde. Auringon säteilyenergiaa on mahdollista valjastaa käyttöön esimerkiksi aurinkokennoilla, joissa fotoaktiiviset materiaalit muuttavat säteilyenergian sähkövirraksi. Kaupallisesti yleisin aurinkokennomateriaali on epäorgaaninen pii, mutta myös orgaanisia aurinkokennoja tunnetaan. Orgaaniseksi aurinkokennoksi nimitetään aurinkokennoa, jonka auringonvaloa absorboiva materiaali koostuu hiilipohjaisista puolijohdeyhdisteistä. Tällaisilla aurinkokennoilla on luontaisesti monia houkuttelevia ominaisuuksia verrattuna perinteisiin aurinkokennoihin, kuten suhteellinen halpuus, helppo valmistettavuus, tehokkaammat absorptio-ominaisuudet sekä mahdollisuus työstää aurinkokennot erittäin ohueksi, jopa taipuisaksi kalvoksi. Näistä syistä johtuen orgaaniset aurinkokennot ovat olleet viime vuosina lisääntyvissä määrin tutkimuksen kohteena. Tutkielmassa perehdytään pienimolekyylisten elektroninluovuttajamateriaalien bulk heterojunction -aurinkokennoissa tuottamiin kennoparametreihin, sekä käsitellään elektroninluovuttajien sulautuneiden keskusyksikkörakenteiden synteesimenetelmiä. Tutkielmassa käsitellään kahdeksaatoista erilaista sulautuneen rengasrakenteen omaavaa keskusyksikköä, sekä näihin pohjautuvia elektroninluovuttajamateriaaleja

    Säteilyturvallisuus ja laatu röntgendiagnostiikassa 2001

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    Säteilyturvallisuus ja laatu röntgendiagnostiikassa 2000

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    Corticomuscular Coherence Is Tuned to the Spontaneous Rhythmicity of Speech at 2-3 Hz

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    Human speech features rhythmicity that frames distinctive, fine-grained speech patterns. Speech can thus be counted among rhythmic motor behaviors that generally manifest characteristic spontaneous rates. However, the critical neural evidence for tuning of articulatory control to a spontaneous rate of speech has not been uncovered. The present study examined the spontaneous rhythmicity in speech production and its relationship to cortex–muscle neurocommunication, which is essential for speech control. Our MEG results show that, during articulation, coherent oscillatory coupling between the mouth sensorimotor cortex and the mouth muscles is strongest at the frequency of spontaneous rhythmicity of speech at 2–3 Hz, which is also the typical rate of word production. Corticomuscular coherence, a measure of efficient cortex–muscle neurocommunication, thus reveals behaviorally relevant oscillatory tuning for spoken language.Peer reviewe

    Strict Forest Reserve Research in the Margin of the Carpathians, the Vár-hegy Case-Study

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    Sixteen forest reserves are situated in the northern part of Hungary which belongs to the Carpathian region according to EURAC delimitation (Ruffini et al. 2006). These Hungarian forest reserves expand the natural forest remnant/forest reserve net of the Carpathians towards the lower hilly region, representing the deciduous beech and oak forest belts near their lower (xeric) distribution limits. This paper outlines the Hungarian forest reserves belonging to the Carpathian region and the preliminary results of current projects in the Vár-hegy Forest Reserve (Bükk Mts., Hungary) as a case study. The alteration of tree species composition was investigated here based on the reconstruction of forest history in the previous 130 years (management period) and analyses of forest stand inventory. In another project CO2 sequestration changes of these forest stands were modeled since the clear-cutting in the 1880th and carbon stored in the forest ecosystem compartments was estimated. Our results show that the forest reserve stands are presently in a transition state from the managed forest towards a more natural mixed forest with several age-classes

    Kepler423b: a half-Jupiter mass planet transiting a very old solar-like star

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    We report the spectroscopic confirmation of the Kepler object of interest KOI-183.01 (Kepler-423b), a half-Jupiter mass planet transiting an old solar-like star every 2.7 days. Our analysis is the first to combine the full Kepler photometry (quarters 1-17) with high-precision radial velocity measurements taken with the FIES spectrograph at the Nordic Optical Telescope. We simultaneously modelled the photometric and spectroscopic data-sets using Bayesian approach coupled with Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. We found that the Kepler pre-search data conditioned (PDC) light curve of KOI-183 exhibits quarter-to-quarter systematic variations of the transit depth, with a peak-to-peak amplitude of about 4.3 % and seasonal trends reoccurring every four quarters. We attributed these systematics to an incorrect assessment of the quarterly variation of the crowding metric. The host star KOI-183 is a G4 dwarf with M=0.85±0.04M_\star=0.85\pm0.04 M_\rm{Sun}, R=0.95±0.04R_\star=0.95\pm0.04 R_\rm{Sun}, Teff=5560±80T_\mathrm{eff}=5560\pm80 K, [M/H]=0.10±0.05[M/H]=-0.10\pm0.05 dex, and with an age of 11±211\pm2 Gyr. The planet KOI-183b has a mass of Mp=0.595±0.081M_\mathrm{p}=0.595\pm0.081 MJup_\mathrm{Jup} and a radius of Rp=1.192±0.052R_\mathrm{p}=1.192\pm0.052 RJup_\mathrm{Jup}, yielding a planetary bulk density of ρp=0.459±0.083\rho_\mathrm{p}=0.459\pm0.083 g/cm3^{3}. The radius of KOI-183b is consistent with both theoretical models for irradiated coreless giant planets and expectations based on empirical laws. The inclination of the stellar spin axis suggests that the system is aligned along the line of sight. We detected a tentative secondary eclipse of the planet at a 2-σ\sigma confidence level (ΔFec=14.2±6.6\Delta F_{\mathrm{ec}}=14.2\pm6.6 ppm) and found that the orbit might have a small non-zero eccentricity of e=0.0190.014+0.028e=0.019^{+0.028}_{-0.014}. With a Bond albedo of AB=0.037±0.019A_\mathrm{B}=0.037\pm0.019, KOI-183b is one of the gas-giant planets with the lowest albedo known so far.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A. Planet designation changed from KOI-183b to Kepler-423

    Diagnosis, natural course and treatment outcomes of groove pancreatitis

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    Background: Groove pancreatitis (GP) is a rare form of chronic pancreatitis with limited data on its diagnostics and treatment outcomes. The aim of this study was to assess its diagnostics, natural course, and treatment options. Methods: The study is a retrospective population-based study from Southern Finland, including all patients with suspected GP between January 2005 and December 2015. Two certified gastrointestinal radiologists re-reviewed the imaging studies. The radiological re-review, clinical judgment, and final histopathology confirmed the GP diagnoses. Results: Out of 67 patients with possible GP, 39 patients were considered to have high radiological certainty of GP. Out of these 39, five patients had cancer instead. Thirty-three patients with confirmed GP formed the final study cohort. Patients with GP were mostly middle-aged (median 55 years) men. All had at least moderate alcohol consumption. No intervention was needed in 14 patients. In five-year follow-up all conservatively treated patients became asymptomatic, while 10 out of 16 patients undergoing at least one intervention were asymptomatic at five years. Conclusion: The radiological diagnosis of GP is difficult, and a low threshold for cancer suspicion should be kept. Symptoms of GP decrease with time and suggest conservative treatment as the first-line option.Peer reviewe