2,807 research outputs found


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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on tehty selventämään kuluttaja-asiakkaille mahdollisimman selkeästi mitä auton kolarikorjaus on. Työssä on käytetty paljon omakohtaista työkokemusta apuna ja asiaan kuuluvia lähteitä. Työssä käsitellään korikorjauksen erilaiset menetelmät mahdollisimman laajasti mutta samalla yksinkertaisesti sekä lyhyesti ja ytimekkäästi, jotta työn tekstimäärä ei kasva suureksi aiheuttaen lukemiskynnyksen kasvamisen. Samalla on esitetty työnantajayrityksen korjaamoa, sen laitteistoa sekä laskelmia sisältäviä kehitysideoita, jotka tullaan esittämään yrityksen johdolle realistisina kehityskohteina.This thesis is designed to clarify as clearly as possible to the consumer customer what car crash correction is. A lot of personal work experience and resources are used in the thesis. The work deals with the different methods of car repairing as broadly as possible, but at the same time in a simple and concise manner so that the number of texts in the work does not increase, causing a reading threshold to increase. At the same time listening to the wishes, the employer's workshop, its hardware and development ideas, where one includes calculations, will be presented as a realistic development object to the company's leadership

    The Beginning of Visual Grammar Learning : Analysis on the Use of Graphical Content in 18th Century English Grammars

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    This thesis examines the usage of graphical content in 18th-century English grammars. This century saw the rise of more inclusive grammar-writing, which resulted into more experimental approaches in teaching the language. These included the usage of different forms of graphical content, such as tables, lists, and illustrations, which came to exist in their modern form from 1750’s onwards. Using different forms of graphics were the new and improved way to convey information to the masses, even in grammar-writing. I gathered 34 grammars from the Eighteenth Century Grammars Online (ECEG) and Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) databases and chose 12 grammars based on their target audiences (i.e., women, children, and men) to include into my in-depth analysis. With this material, I answer the questions: How much graphical content is used within each target audience? What grammatical features are presented most often graphically? How is the graphical content used in the grammars? Are there situations where graphical content is the only tool to explain a grammatical feature? Through close reading, I conclude that the grammars with the most graphical content were women’s grammars, and the least amount was in children’s grammars. The grammatical features shown graphically the most were pronouns, verbs, and nouns alongside etymology and orthography. The graphical content was often referred to within the ongoing text by including them to the text grammatically, similarly to present day writing. Personal pronouns were always presented with graphical content, but textual information was never completely replaced by graphics. The target audience and the gender of the grammarians were a huge influence on the contents of the grammars and the utilisation of graphical content, making each grammar group slightly different from each other

    Metallikontaktien kehitys mustalle piille

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    Black silicon (b-Si) surfaces have exceptionally good optical properties for applications like solar cells with their reflectivities as low as only ~1%. Conventional contact fabrication methods developed originally for flat silicon surfaces have been shown to result in nonconformal contacts and high contact resistance values on b-Si surfaces, which has led to increased total resistance and decreased solar cell efficiency. This thesis aimed to find optimized sputtering parameters for Ti/Pt/Ag stack to fabricate conformal and good ohmic contacts on b-Si surface, without holes and with contact and line resistance as low as possible. Two different patterning methods, a simple steel shadow mask and lift-off process, were used to produce the desired front metal contacts. Two sputtering parameters, time and power, were varied and the results characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope and Transfer Length Method. The hypothesis was that with lower sputtering power and thus lower sputtering yield, the resulting metal layer would be more conformal on the b-Si structure. The measured values for contact resistance Rc (~450-620 mOmega) and specific contact resistivity rhoc (~1.27-2.48 mOmega*cm2 were in range as compared to planar surfaces reported in literature, which is promising for the b-Si samples that have much higher aspect ratio. Line resistance values were higher as compared to planar surfaces reported in the literature due to the much lower thickness of contacts. By further optimizing the sputtering parameters and thickening the finger structures, it could be possible to achieve conformal, good ohmic contacts and thus, to increase the efficiency of b-Si solar cells.Mustan piin hyvät optiset ominaisuudet ja alhainen, jopa ~1% heijastuvuus, ovat erityisen hyviä erilaisia sovelluksia kuten aurinkokennoja varten. Tavanomaiset tasaiselle piille tarkoitetut metallointimenetelmät aiheuttavat mustan piin pinnalle epätasaisia metallikontakteja, joilla on korkea kontaktiresistanssi ja sen myötä korkea kokonaisresistanssi, joka johtaa heikompaan aurinkokennon tehokkuuteen. Diplomityön tarkoitus oli löytää optimoidut sputterointiparametrit Ti/Pt/Ag-metalloinnille tasaisen ja hyvän ohmisen kontaktin valmistukseen mustan piin pinnalle niin, että kontakti- ja johdinresistanssi ovat mahdollisimman alhaiset. Mustan piin rakenteet muodostettiin ICP-RIE-kuivaetsauksella. Metallikontaktien muodostukseen käytettiin kahta eri menetelmää, teräksistä shadow maskia sekä optista litografiaa. Sputteroinnissa muokattiin kahta eri parametria, aikaa ja tehoa. Tulokset mitattiin pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopilla ja Transfer Length Method -mittauksella. Hypoteesin mukaan matala sputterointiteho johtaisi tasaisempaan metallikerrokseen mustan piin pinnalle. Mitatut arvot kontaktiresistanssille Rc (~450-620 mOmega) ja kontaktiresistiivisyydelle rhoc (~1.27-2.48 mOmega*cm2) olivat linjassa kirjallisuuden kanssa, mikä on lupaavaa mustapiinäytteille, joiden pinta on voimakkaasti kuvioitu verrattuna tasaiseen piihin. Johdinresistanssitulokset olivat korkeampia pienemmän johdinpaksuuden takia. Optimoimalla sputterointiparametreja enemmän ja paksuntamalla metallikontakteja on mahdollista saavuttaa tasaiset, hyvät metallikontaktit ja siten kasvattaa mustapiiaurinkokennojen tehokkuutta

    Linear and non-linear flow modes of charged and identified particles in Pb--Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=5.02 TeV with ALICE

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    The higher order harmonic flow observables vnv_n (n>3n > 3) and their non-linear responses to the initial state anisotropy have the strong potential to constrain shear and bulk viscosity to entropy ratios because of different sensitivities for various stages of heavy-ion collisions. The measurements of the flow coefficients and the non-linear coefficients up to the ninth and fifth harmonic, respectively, are presented in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02TeV\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=5.02\,\mathrm{TeV} for charged hadrons. In addition, the results of pTp_\mathrm{T}-differential non-linear flow modes for π±\pi^\pm, K±\mathrm{K}^\pm, p+pˉ\mathrm{p}+\mathrm{\bar{p}}, Ks0\mathrm{K}_s^0, Λ+Λˉs0\Lambda+\bar{\Lambda}_s^0 and ϕ\phi are presented. The results are compared to the same measurements at 2.76 TeV and calculations from state of the art hydrodynamic models.Comment: Proceedings of Quark Matter 2019, November 201

    Ventilaattorisyntyinen pneumonia ja sen ennaltaehkäisy : Simulaatiokoulutus

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    Teimme opinnäytetyönämme simulaatiokoulutuksen Oulun ammattikorkeakoululle opetuskäyttöön. Aiheemme oli ventilaattorisyntyinen pneumonia ja sen ennaltaehkäisy. Idea koulutuksen aiheesta tuli alun perin Oulun Yliopistollisesta sairaalasta, jonka yhteyshenkilö kertoi valmistuvien hoitajien osaamispuutteista aihetta koskien. Ventilaattorisyntyinen pneumonia on yleisin tehohoidossa syntyvä infektio. Ennaltaehkäisyssä tärkeintä ovat aseptiset työtavat, mahdollisimman lyhyt hengityslaitehoitoaika, kohoasento sekä eritteiden tehokas poisto. Opinnäytetyössämme perehdyimme paremmin oikeaoppiseen intubaatioon sekä hengitysteiden imuun, sillä ne ovat merkittävimmässä asemassa pneumonian ennaltaehkäisyssä. Tavoitteenamme oli tuottaa asianmukainen ja laadukas simulaatiokoulutus hoitotyön koulutusohjelmaan vapaasti valittavalle kurssille, Hoitotekniikka kriittisesti sairaan hoidossa. Lyhyen aikavälin tavoitteena oli saada koulutus opetuskäyttöön, opiskelijoiden kädentaitojen parantuminen ja tiedon lisääminen hengityskonehoidosta. Pidemmän aikavälin tavoitteena oli simulaation pysyvä käyttö hoitotyön koulutuksessa sekä opiskelijat vievät oppimansa työelämään, jolloin potilaiden hoito ja turvallisuus parantuvat. Valmis tuote sisälsi kirjallisen ohjeen simulaation etenemisestä, joka tuotettiin Oamk:n simulaatiokoulutuspohjan mukaisesti. Koulutus saatiin testattua keväällä 2016. Simulaatioon osallistuneilta opiskelijoilta saamamme palautteen mukaan koulutus oli onnistunut ja hyödyllinen heidän tulevaisuutta ajatellen. Kommentit olivat pääosin positiivisia. Opinnäytetyön koulutuksen välittöminä hyödynsaajina olivat Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun sairaanhoitajaopiskelijat, jotka osallistuivat simulaatioon sekä opinnäytetyön tekijät itse. Välillisinä hyödynsaajina olivat Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun sosiaali- ja terveysalan yksikkö ja sen opettajat, sillä koulutus on tarkoitettu heidän käyttöönsä. Lopullisina hyödynsaajina tulevat olemaan opiskelijoiden työpaikat tulevaisuudessa sekä heidän hoitamansa potilaat.The need to improve in preventing ventilator associated pneumonia had been recognized in Oulu University Hospital. This was the main reason why we chose to make our thesis creating a simulation training about ventilator associated pneumonia. This simulation will be used in the School of Health and Social Care of Oulu University of Applied Sciences educating new nurses. Nurse training programme includes compulsory and optional courses. This simulation can be used as a teaching method in optional course: Technology in Critical Care. The most common infection during mechanical ventilation treatment is ventilator associated pneumonia. Previously has been recognised that aseptic methods, short time mechanical ventilator treatment, slightly upright position and removal of secretions from the respiratory tract are good ways to prevent this infection. The main theoretical focus in our thesis is in intubation and suction of respiratory tract. When these processes are done right ventilator associated pneumonia can be avoided. We had two types of goals: short term and long term goals. First we wanted to get the simulation pretested by the students, improve manual skills of students and increase knowledge about mechanical ventilator treatment processes. After reaching these short term goals, students have improved ability to treat patients safely. Also we wish that this simulation will remain as a part of the course further on and therefore the manual for the simulation has been provided to the school. The test simulation was successfully conducted in spring 2016. The feedback was gathered from the participating students and it was mainly positive. They felt that the training was profitable for nursing skills. This simulation benefits the students involved and most of all, the patients who are treated by the well trained nurses of School of Health and Social Care of Oulu University of Applied Sciences and the hospitals and other employers who hire them in the future

    Partitioning of Catechol Derivatives in Lipid Membranes : Implications for Substrate Specificity to Catechol-O-methyltransferase

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    We have utilized multiparametric surface plasmon resonance and impendance-based quartz crystal microbalance instruments to study the distribution coefficients of catechol derivatives in cell model membranes. Our findings verify that the octanol-water partitioning coefficient is a poor descriptor of the total lipid affinity for small molecules which show limited lipophilicity in the octanol-water system. Notably, 3-methoxytyramine, the methylated derivative of the neurotransmitter dopamine, showed substantial affinity to the lipids despite its nonlipophilic nature predicted by octanol-water partitioning. The average ratio of distribution coefficients between 3-methoxytyramine and dopamine was 8.0. We also found that the interactions between the catechols and the membranes modeling the cell membrane outer leaflet are very weak, suggesting a mechanism other than the membrane-mediated mechanism of action for the neurotransmitters at the postsynaptic site. The average distribution coefficient for these membranes was one-third of the average value for pure phosphatidylcholine membranes, calculated using all compounds. In the context of our previous work, we further theorize that membrane-bound enzymes can utilize membrane headgroup partitioning to find their substrates. This could explain the differences in enzyme affinity between soluble and membrane-bound isoforms of catechol-O-methyltransferase, an essential enzyme in catechol metabolism.Peer reviewe

    Offloading for Mobile Device Performance Improvement

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    Mobile devices are increasingly becoming part of everyday life. These include smart phones, tablets, wearable devices etc. Due to their mobility aspect, they are always constrained in their size and weight, which limits their resource capacity, e.g. processing power, and battery life. One possible solution for augmentation of such resource-constrained devices is through efficient usage of their surrounding resources, i.e. using some offloading technique. This paper studies how offloading of tasks to the surrounding resources affects on both the performance of task execution as well as the battery life of the mobile device. Two mobile phones and two tablets (from two different manufacturers) are studied in the experiments to find out the impact of the device characteristics. Two computationally demanding tasks, namely image processing and encryption/decryption, are used in these experiments. These results are compared to our earlier results on mobile devices of previous generations. We assumed that the increased computing power of new devices would make offloading obsolete. Our results show gains both in energy saving and in computational performance with these mobile devices. The comparison to our earlier results show that the performance increase of newer mobile device generations has not diminished the benefits of offloading. These results are in line with results presented in literature and they show that the offloading could offer a viable approach for resource augmentation of mobile devices towards edge/fog resources emphasized by the new 5G technology


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    Motivated by recent critique toward partial least squares path modeling (PLS), we present a research question if the PLS method, as used currently, is at all an appropriate tool for theory testing. We briefly summarize some of the recent critique of the use of PLS in IS as a theory testing tool. Then we analyze the results of 12 PLS analyzes published in leading IS journals testing if these models would have been rejected in the case that the data used for model testing had very little correspondence with the theorized models. Our Monte Carlo simulation shows that PLS will often provide results that support the tested hypotheses even if the model was not appropriate for the data. We conclude that the current practices of PLS studies have likely resulted in publishing research where the results are likely false and suggest that more attention should be paid on the assumptions of the PLS model or that alternative approached like summed scales and regression or structural equation modeling with estimators that have known statistical properties should be used instead

    Phylogeny and expression of carbonic anhydrase-related proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are found in many organisms, in which they contribute to several important biological processes. The vertebrate α-CA family consists of 16 subfamilies, three of which (VIII, X and XI) consist of acatalytic proteins. These are named carbonic anhydrase related proteins (CARPs), and their inactivity is due to absence of one or more Zn-binding histidine residues. In this study, we analyzed and evaluated the distribution of genes encoding CARPs in different organisms using bioinformatic methods, and studied their expression in mouse tissues using immunohistochemistry and real-time quantitative PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We collected 84 sequences, of which 22 came from novel or improved gene models which we created from genome data. The distribution of CARP VIII covers vertebrates and deuterostomes, and CARP X appears to be universal in the animal kingdom. <it>CA10</it>-like genes have had a separate history of duplications in the tetrapod and fish lineages. Our phylogenetic analysis showed that duplication of <it>CA10 </it>into <it>CA11 </it>has occurred only in tetrapods (found in mammals, frogs, and lizards), whereas an independent duplication of <it>CA10 </it>was found in fishes. We suggest the name <it>CA10b </it>for the second fish isoform. Immunohistochemical analysis showed a high expression level of CARP VIII in the mouse cerebellum, cerebrum, and also moderate expression in the lung, liver, salivary gland, and stomach. These results also demonstrated low expression in the colon, kidney, and Langerhans islets. CARP X was moderately expressed in the cerebral capillaries and the lung and very weakly in the stomach and heart. Positive signals for CARP XI were observed in the cerebellum, cerebrum, liver, stomach, small intestine, colon, kidney, and testis. In addition, the results of real-time quantitative PCR confirmed a wide distribution for the <it>Car8 </it>and <it>Car11 </it>mRNAs, whereas the expression of the <it>Car10 </it>mRNA was restricted to the frontal cortex, parietal cortex, cerebellum, midbrain, and eye.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>CARP sequences have been strongly conserved between different species, and all three CARPs show high expression in the mouse brain and CARP VIII is also expressed in several other tissues. These findings suggest an important functional role for these proteins in mammals.</p