303 research outputs found
Pathomorphological changes in the structure of intervertebral disc after seven and fourteen days of experimental opioid use
We aimed to study the pathomorphological changes in the structure of intervertebral disc in the early stages of the experimental opioid use. This goal was achieved by the use of histological visualization of the intervertebral disc’s structures. Histological specimens were prepared according to the typical methods using such specimens as hematoxylin, eosin, azan and due to Heidenhain method, McManus PAS-reaction and Steedman alcian blue method.The results of this study will let form a pathomorphological basis that could be used for comparative characterization of the growth dynamics of pathomorphological changes in the intervertebral disc’s structures in the early stages and compare these changes to pathomorphological signs in the late stages of experimental opioid use. These findings will provide an opportunity to establish the most appropriate time limits when these pathomorphological changes in the structure of the intervertebral disc develop and to observe the dynamics of these changes in the long term experimental opioid use
Експериментальні дослідження процесу різання головок коренеплодів цикорію
Reducing the energy consumption of the technological process of harvesting the main mass of chicory root buds is provided by developing, justifying the parameters and the use of advanced hooking modules. According to the results of field planned factor experiments, a regression equation is obtained, which characterizes the change in the cutting length of root heads from the initial speed of the knife, which is mounted rigidly on the pendulum of the copra at an angle to the direction of knife movement. The results of the study are the prerequisites for the development and improvement of methodology and methods of calculation and justification of rational structural and kinematic parameters of the working bodies of hook-harvesting modules of root-harvesting machines.Kеу wоrds: pendulum copier, hard knife, cutting length, knife speed, knife mounting angle, regression equation.Зниження енергоємності технологічного процесу збирання основного масиву гички коренеплодів цикорію забезпечується шляхом розробки, обгрунтування параметрів і застосування удосконалених гичкозбиральних модулів. За результатами реалізації польових планованих факторних експериментів отримано рівняння регресії, яке характеризують зміну довжини різання головок коренеплодів від початкової швидкості руху ножа, який встановленого жорстко на маятнику копра під кутом до напрямку переміщення ножа. Результати дослідження є передумовами розробки та удосконалення методології та методики розрахунку та обгрунтування раціональних конструктивно-кінематичних параметрів робочих органів гичкозбиральних модулів коренезбиральних машин.Ключові слова: маятниковий копір, жорсткий ніж, довжина різання, швидкість ножа, кут установки ножа, рівняння регресії
Radiofrequency ablation for treatment of varicose veins of lower limbs
Catedra chirurgie 1, Universitatea Naţională de Medicină „N.Pirogov”, Vinniţa, Ucraina, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Venele varicoase ale extremităţilor inferioare sunt frecvent întîlnite în populaţia ţărilor occidentale industrial
dezvoltate afectînd 10-15% de bărbaţi şi 20-25% de femei. Această prevalenţă înaltă este responsabilă pentru costuri sociale şi
medicale majore.
Scopul studiului a fost evaluarea rezultatului clinic al tratamentului chirurgical prin ablaţie cu radiofrecvenţă (RFA) la bolnavii
cu varice ale membrelor inferioare.
Material şi metode: O sută patruzeci şi doi de bolnavi cu vene varicoase au fost supuşi RFA al segmentului proximal de venă
safenă magna cu ajutorul dispozitivului “VNUS Closure”™. Diametrul venei a variat între 5 şi 20 mm. Cateterul pentru RFA a
fost introdus prin puncţie percutană sau o incizie cutanată minimă. Toate intervenţiile au fost realizate sub anestezia locală
infiltrativă cu ghidaj ultrasonor. Au fost studiate schimbările morfologice la nivelul peretelui venei safene magna supuse
tratamentului prin RFA.Rezultate: Profunzimea necrozei a fost determinată la nivelul stratului endotelial şi subendotelial cu detaşarea caracteristică a
acestora, cu colabarea şi îngustarea lumenului vascular. Specificul particular reprezintă lipsa fenomenului de neoangiogeneză
la nivelul joncţiunii safenofemurale şi safenopopliteale. Aşa complicaţii ca parestezii sau echimoze au fost observate doar în 5
cazuri. Merită de subliniat absenţa sindromului dolor semnificativ în grupul pacienţilor studiaţi. Toţi bolnavii au fost externaţi
peste 2 ore după intervenţie.
Concluzii: Metoda are următoarele avantaje: durata scurtă a incapacităţii de muncă, utilizarea anesteziei locale, rezultatul
estetic bun, durata redusă a intervenţiei, rezultatele precoce şi la distanţă favorabile, posibilitatea de obliterare a venelor cu
diametrul mare şi lipsa necesităţii în analgezie postoperatorie.Introduction: Varicose veins of the lower limbs are a common condition affecting 10-15% of men and 20-25% of women in the
developed countries of western world. This high prevalence is responsible for high medical and social costs.
The aim was to study the clinical results of surgical treatment of patients with varicose veins of lower limbs using radiofrequency
ablation (RFA).
Material and methods: One hundred forty two patients with varicose veins underwent RFA of the above knee great saphenous
vein by “VNUS Closure”™ procedure. The vein diameters were from 5 to 20 mm. The RF catheter was inserted via
percutaneous puncture or through a small skin incision. All operations were performed under local, tumescent anesthesia, with
ultrasound guidance. We studied morphological changes of the wall of great saphenous vein in patients who underwent
treatment with RFA.
Results: The depth of necrosis was within endothelial and subendothelial layer, but detachment of endothelial and
subendothelial layers was characteristic with collapse and narrowing of vessel lumen. The special feature was lack of
neoangiogenesis at the level of saphenofemoral and safenopopliteal junction. Such complications as paresthesia or ecchymosis
were observed only in 5 cases. It should be noted that the studied patients had no significant pain syndrome. All patients were
discharged 2 h after operation.
Conclusions: Advantages of the method are shorter sick leave, using of local tumescent anesthesia, good cosmetic result,
shorter duration of surgery, good immediate and late results, possibility to close the veins with a large diameter and no use of
postoperative analgesics
Structural components of the normal thoracic and lumbar vertebrae in rats
The relevance of this topic is determined by the fact that laboratory animals are widely used in experimental morphology. The most widely used ones are rats [1 - 7]. There are a number of studies in which the authors cover in detail the normal morphological state of various organs of rats and its changes under experimentally simulated pathological conditions [8 - 12]. The available studies on the rats’ musculoskeletal system and spine highlight this topic insufficiently. Aim. We aimed to study the structure of the normal thoracic and lumbar vertebrae in the rats. Materials and methods of research. The objects of our study were 15 sexually mature outbred male rats, weight 80 g, age 4,5 months. All animals were kept in a vivarium. Keeping, care, labeling, and all other manipulations were carried out in accordance with with ‘the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes’ [Strasbourg, 1985], ‘Ethical principles of animal experiments’, approved by the First National Congress on Bioethics [Kyiv, 2001], Law of Ukraine № 3447 - IV ‘On protection of animals from cruel treatment’. The study was approved by the Commission on Bioethics of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University which declared that the study met the ethical requirements according to the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 231 of November 1, 2000 (protocol № 10 of December 26, 2011), (protocol №2 of February 20, 2012 year). Before sampling, the animals were sedated with dibutyl ether. Skeletalized rat bones were used as material for the macroanatomical study of the structural components of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. The spines were dissected after euthanasia, and then the vertebrae of the thoracic and lumbar spine were boiled for four hours, followed by careful separation of the remained soft tissues. The obtained bones were treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide with the following photography in different projections in order to identify all anatomical structures involved in the formation of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Photography was made using a digital camera Nikon D 3100. Results. The study of 15 spinal column preparations of white, outbred male rats weighing 80 g, aged 4.5 months made by the use of a set of morphological methods revealed a lot of aspects of the normal structural components of the vertebrae of the lower thoracic and lumbar spine of rats. The spinal column of the rat consists of a set of vertebrae that form its divisions. There are 57 vertebrae in the rat spine. The cervical division is represented by 7 vertebrae, thoracic - 13, lumbar - 6, sacral - 4 and caudal - 27 vertebrae. Conclusions: As a result of our study, we identified the morphology of normal vertebrae of the thoracic and lumbar spine in rats. We studied a set of morphological components of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae of the normal spinal column in rats
Investigation of pitting - like operating defects
This report details my work at the endpoint of the internship I spent within the Composite Manufacturing Unit of Airbus Defence & Space in Les Mureaux, France. It is as well the conclusion of the master’s program in aerospace engineering that I attended at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.This document gives an overview of the cost reduction key drivers within a small batch aerospace manufacturing line. Some of the suggested leads developed in the paper have been set up in the past on the composite production lines and are proving their value. Some others are currently being deployed within the scope of a large cost reduction program called "Cap Composite". Finally some of them are my own responsibility since I have been in charge of developing them or taking them a few steps further.The internship took place within the ULR (ultra-light reflector) manufacturing line. As mentioned in the problematic, it is a small batch manufacturing line and most of the mentioned points of the report are applied on it.On the one hand, cost reduction drivers have been investigated to finally come up with a few guidelines to efficiently organize the production. The importance of management, the benefits of smart design and industrialization of the products, but also the workshop-oriented lean approach will be explained.On the other hand, the second part of the report will propose extended information about my missions within the manufacturing unit and the results that were engendered. I will also give my personal opinion and feedback about my different assignments and more generally my internship
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