25 research outputs found

    Hippocampal Adaptations to Continuous Aerobic Training: A Functional and Ultrastructural Evaluation in a Young Murine Model

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    Aerobic training is known to influence cognitive processes, such as memory and learning, both in animal models and in humans. Particularly, in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that aerobic exercise can increase neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus, improve hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP), and reduce age-related decline in mnemonic function. However, the underlying mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Based on this evidence, the aim of our study was to verify whether the application of two aerobic training protocols, different in terms of speed and speed variation, could modulate synaptic plasticity in a young murine model. Therefore, we assessed the presence of any functional changes by extracellular recordings in vitro in mouse hippocampal slices and structural alterations by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Our results showed that an aerobic training protocol, well designed in terms of speed and speed variation, significantly contributes to improving synaptic plasticity and hippocampal ultrastructure, optimizing its benefits in the brain. Future studies will aim to clarify the underlying biological mechanisms involved in the modulation of synaptic plasticity induced by aerobic training

    Effects of short-term aerobic exercise in a mouse model of Niemann-Pick type C Disease on synaptic and muscle plasticity

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    Background. Physical exercise can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases andslow the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. Since it has not been assessed which kindof training protocol might positively modulate both synaptic and muscular plasticity inneurodegenerative diseases, we studied in a mouse model of Niemann Pick type C disease,a model of minimal Alzheimer’s Disease, the effect of a short term protocol.Methods. We evaluated the effect of a short term, aerobic uniform exercise training onsynaptic and muscle plasticity in three different mice groups: WT controls, NPC1+/-and NPC1-/- animals. The results were compared with those obtained in the sedentaryrespective groups. We analyzed the effects on synaptic plasticity by in vitro extracellularrecordings in hippocampal mouse slices; moreover hippocampal and muscle tissuemorphological structure have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy, tohighlight any structural and functional changes due to training.Results. The results indicate a rescue of long-term potentiation in homozygous but notin heterozygous mice slices and an induction of neuronal plasticity, observed by morphologicalanalysis, both in homozygous and in heterozygous trained mice.Conclusions. Hence this protocol is adequate to improve long term potent

    Effects of Different Continuous Aerobic Training Protocols in a Heterozygous Mouse Model of Niemann-Pick Type C Disease

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    The positive effects of physical activity on cognitive functions are widely known. Aerobic training is known to promote the expression of neurotrophins, thus inducing an increase in the development and survival of neurons, as well as enhancing synaptic plasticity. Based on this evidence, in the present study, we analyze the effects of two different types of aerobic training, progressive continuous (PC) and varying continuous (VC), on synaptic and muscular plasticity in heterozygous mice carrying the genetic mutation for Niemann-Pick type C disease. We also analyze the effects on synaptic plasticity by extracellular recordings in vitro in mouse hippocampal slices, while the morphological structure of muscle tissue was studied by transmission electron microscopy. Our results show a modulation of synaptic plasticity that varies according to the type of training protocol used, and only the VC protocol administered twice a week, has a significantly positive effect on long-term potentiation. On the contrary, ultrastructural analysis of muscle tissue shows an improvement in cellular conditions in all trained mice. These results confirm the beneficial effects of exercise on quality of life, supporting the hypothesis that physical activity could represent an alternative therapeutic strategy for patients with Niemann-Pick type C disease

    Effects of short-term aerobic exercise in a mouse model of Niemann-Pick type C disease on synaptic and muscle plasticity

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    Background. Physical exercise can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and slow the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. Since it has not been assessed which kind of training protocol might positively modulate both synaptic and muscular plasticity in neurodegenerative diseases, we studied in a mouse model of Niemann Pick type C disease, a model of minimal Alzheimer's Disease, the effect of a short term protocol.Methods. We evaluated the effect of a short term, aerobic uniform exercise training on synaptic and muscle plasticity in three different mice groups: WT controls, NPC1+/- and NPC1-/- animals. The results were compared with those obtained in the sedentary respective groups. We analyzed the effects on synaptic plasticity by in vitro extracellular recordings in hippocampal mouse slices; moreover hippocampal and muscle tissue morphological structure have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy, to highlight any structural and functional changes due to training.Results. The results indicate a rescue of long-term potentiation in homozygous but not in heterozygous mice slices and an induction of neuronal plasticity, observed by morphological analysis, both in homozygous and in heterozygous trained mice.Conclusions. Hence this protocol is adequate to improve long term potentiation (LTP) impairment and counteract muscular deterioration in homozygous mice

    Conhecimento, aceitabilidade e uso do método billings de planejamento familiar natural El conocimiento, la aceptación y el uso del método Billings de planificación familiar natural Knowledge, acceptability and use of the Billings natural family planning method

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    Estudo observacional, quantitativo analítico que objetivou verificar o conhecimento, a aceitabilidade e o uso do planejamento familiar natural (PFN) pelos pacientes em um hospital universitário no período de julho a novembro de 2008. Os dados foram coletados utilizando questionário estruturado e analisados através dos Programas Excel e Statistica 8.0. Das 113 mulheres entrevistadas, 70 (62%) aceitavam o método e 1 (0,9%) fazia o uso rotineiro. A aceitação foi maior entre as que desejavam engravidar no futuro quando comparadas aquelas que não desejavam engravidar. A aceitabilidade foi estatisticamente significativa (p=0,0147) entre as 28 (80%) não usuárias de métodos contraceptivos comparadas a 42 (53,8%) com algum método contraceptivo. Fatores como idade, escolaridade, número de filhos vivos e religião não apresentaram associação estatística com a aceitabilidade do PFN. A aceitabilidade do método de ovulação Billings é adequada, porém com pouco uso na prática por falta de informação pelos profissionais da saúde da verdadeira eficácia e aplicabilidade.<br>Estudio observacional, cuantitativo y analítico para verificar el conocimiento, la aceptación y el uso de la planificación familiar natural (PFN) en un hospital universitario en el periodo de julio a noviembre de 2008. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de cuestionario estructurado y analizados mediante los programas Excel e Statistica 8.0. De las 113 mujeres entrevistadas, 70 (62,0%) aceptaron el método y 1 (0,9%) tenían uso rutinario. Aceptación fue mayor entre las que deseaban futuros embarazos en comparación con aquellos que no desean quedar embarazadas. Aceptabilidad fue estadísticamente significativa (p=0,0147) entre 28 (80,0%) no usuarias de anticonceptivos en comparación con 42 (53,8%) con el método anticonceptivo. Factores como edad, escolaridad, número de hijos vivos y religión no se asoció estadísticamente con la aceptación de PFN. Aceptabilidad del método Billings es adecuada, pero con poca utilidad en la práctica por falta de información por parte de profesionales de salud de la efectividad y aplicabilidad.<br>This is an observational, quantitative and analytical study aimed at verifying the knowledge, acceptability and use of natural family planning (NFP) by patients in a university hospital from July to November, 2008. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed with the softwares Excel and Statistica 8.0. Of the 113 women interviewed, 70 (62%) accepted the method and 1 (0.9%) used it routinely. Acceptance was higher among those who wished to become pregnant in the future compared to those who did not wish it. Acceptability was statistically significant (p = 0.0147) among the 28 (80%) non-contraceptive users compared to 42 (53.8%) who used some contraceptive method. Factors such as age, education, number of living children and religion were not statiscally associated with the acceptability of NFP. The Billings ovulation method has an adequate acceptability, but has a low actual use because of the lack of information by health professionals of its real effectiveness and applicability