1,431 research outputs found

    Análisis de la formación y consolidación del espacio social del área metropolitana de Madrid a través del estudio de las promociones desarrolladas por el sector inmobiliario entre 1957 y 1970

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    El presente trabajo de investigación aborda el proceso de formación y consolidación del espacio social del área metropolitana de Madrid a partir del análisis la actuación del sector inmobiliario desde los últimos años de la década de los cincuenta hasta finales de los 60, periodo donde se produjo un crecimiento del parque residencial madrileño sin precedentes que todavía hoy tiene una importante presencia en el conjunto de la edificación de Madrid. El periodo en el que se va estudiar la actuación del sector inmobiliario comienza con el inicio del primer gran ciclo de crecimiento de la promoción privada de viviendas en Madrid (Roch 1999), coincidente más o menos en el tiempo con la aprobación del Plan de Urgencia Social (1957-59) y con una de las épocas de mayor concentración de construcción de vivienda social (1954-59) (Sambricio1999), y acaba al final de la década de los años sesenta, momento en el cual ya se habían desarrollado, o estaban en fase de desarrollo, buena parte de las grandes operaciones inmobiliarias realizadas por el sector privado en ese ciclo (Bataller et al. 2004)

    La huella social del desarrollo inmobiliario de los sesenta. Análisis de la formación y consolidación del espacio social del área metropolitana de madrid a través del estudio de la actuación del sector inmobiliario entre 1957 y 1970 de Madrid a través del estudio de la actuación del sector inmobiliario entre 1957 y 1970

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    Si se quiere contemplar la cohesión social como una cuestión básica dentro de las políticas de sostenibilidad, como parecen impulsar todas las directivas europeas que abordan esta cuestión, adquiere vital relevancia el estudio de la forma en que se ha desarrollado a lo largo del tiempo la segregación económica de la población en las áreas urbanas. En este sentido la presente comunicación proviene de una extensa investigación que abordaba el papel que jugaron las promociones privadas de viviendas que se desarrollaron desde mediados de los cincuenta hasta finales de los sesenta en la formación del actual mapa de rentas del área metropolitana de Madrid

    The palmitic acid binding properties of cytosolic proteins located in the villus and crypt zones of bovine intestinal mucosa

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    The palmitic acid binding capacity of cytosolic proteins in three preparations obtained by differential scraping of bovine intestinal mucosa were compared. The data indicated that the palmitic acid binding activities depended on the position that the cells occupied along the crypt-villus axis, as shown from the level of alkaline phosphatase activity. Proteins with palmitate binding properties in the high- and low-molecular-weight cytosolic proteins in the villus zone bound 1.24±0.41 and 1.54±0.16 pmol palminate/μg protein respectively. The binding decreased to 0.50±0.25 and 1.10±0.23 pmol palmitate/μg for the proteins in the crypt zone. Ammonium sulphate fractionation and gel filtration chromatography indicated that the low-molecular-weight cytosolic proteins obtained from light mucosal scrapings contained the highest palmitate binding activity. These results suggest that the cytosolic proteins located in the villus zone may play a role in the absorption of fatty acids.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Modelling of gas hydrates in sedimentary systems : Methane hydrates impact on flow through porous media

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    In nature, gas hydrates exist in areas of permafrost and in shallow subsurface sediments at ocean depths of more than 300-500 metres. In terms of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations, better understanding of hydrates in nature can play a role in achieving energy security (SDG7), tackling climate change (SDG13) and increasing sustainability in the use of oceans (SDG14). Hydrates represent a potential energy resource as one litre of methane hydrate contains 180 litres of methane. However, if heat stress is induced by either artificial or natural causes, its destabilisation can result in the addition of more methane to the ocean-atmosphere system. At the same time, they can trigger geohazards in their natural environments. The knowledge of the gas hydrate dynamics when changes are imposed either naturally or artificially by drilling and gas exploitation is not sufficiently understood. To contribute to the understanding of gas hydrate dynamics in nature, we used a numerical simulator of hydrates in porous media to reproduce and study hydrate-related processes at different scales. The TOUGH+HYDRATE (T+H) code was the main tool used in this study. It simulates the behaviour of methane hydrate in sediments and handles both multiphase and multicomponent flow and couples heat and mass flow through porous and fractured media. To streamline the use of T+H, it was necessary to build versatile pre- and post-processing tools. These tools were written in Python and mainly process the input and output data so that the candidate could streamline access to the data, perform analysis, and prepare visualisations. The use of these tools was essential to produce the bulk of the results and accompanying figures presented in this thesis. The scientific output of this thesis consists of three scientific papers that present numerical modelling of hydrates in porous media in different scenarios. Paper 1 and paper 2 focus on modelling laboratory experiments of hydrate-bearing porous media. Paper 1 focusses on modelling previously acquired measurements of methane relative permeability in hydrate bearing sandstone. Simulations show that the experimental values are difficult to predict by using a homogeneous distribution of hydrates throughout the sample. The experimental magnetic resonance imaging data also showed that the hydrate distribution can be heterogeneous, meaning that the hydrates create patches. Initialising the model with a heterogeneous distribution yielded better results. These results show the impact of heterogeneity on the distribution of hydrate saturation and suggest that small amounts of hydrate can have a disproportionately large effect on the permeability. Therefore, in those cases, the use of simple models will give erroneous results because of the too high permeability. Paper 2 studies the effect of kaolin clay on the growth of hydrates. Clay minerals are common in subsurface sediments. This study presents both experimental and modelled results. The experiments consist of the growth of methane hydrate in sand mixtures with different amounts of kaolin clay. Experimental results suggest that both clay content and initial fluid phase saturation have a large impact on the hydrate growth rate and final hydrate saturation, respectively. The experiments are simulated using particle size as a proxy for the clay content. The simulations confirm the main two effects inferred from the experiments. However, the discrepancies between the two suggest that additional mechanisms are hindering fluid flow. Paper 3 switches to mechanisms that occur on a larger temporal and spatial scale. The dynamics of gas hydrates over longer time scales (between 100 and 600 thousand years) were simulated during different sedimentation rates and permeabilities. The results clearly show the connections between all of the detailed physical mechanisms that work during the melting and reforming of the hydrates. Hydrate melting and reformation occur in a stepwise manner, following the continuous sedimentation. The pattern of change is the result of a combination of factors, including the sedimentation rate (heating) and the intrinsic transport properties of the sediments. The work has been fully theoretical and consisted of careful planning of simulations and the collection of experimental data from both laboratory and field. Cooperation with other research fellows and staff at the Institute for Physics and Technology at the University of Bergen has been important. The results of this work are relevant for the understanding of natural gas hydrates in the subsurface. They are applicable to the role of hydrates as energy resources and geohazards. They may also be applicable to the ongoing research on the role of hydrates in climate. Real data from nature are hard to collect, and observations other than seismic are also difficult to obtain. There is no evidence that methane in the atmosphere originates from hydrates, but we cannot confirm its fate if the heating of permafrost and oceans continues. What we can tell is that the melting and freezing of the hydrates will probably be very slow processes. This work may provide a tool to calculate the time it will take for melting hydrates to reach the atmosphere. Then, hydrates can be entered into the climate gas budget of the planet.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Toward Efficient Organic Photovoltaics: From Formulation and Novel Materials to Device Architectures

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    Organic photovoltaic (OPV) offer unique advantages such as molecular engineering, flexibility and roll-to-roll manufacturing that can significantly reduce production costs. However, their efficiencies still lag behind inorganic PVs. It has been demonstrated that morphology control and recombination mechanisms play a key role in the efficiency. In this way, methods to enhance the performance by enabling morphology tuneability to further optimise OPVs are needed. To this end, this thesis introduces three novel approaches that can be utilised to improve the efficiency in OPVs. In the first part of this work, a formulation approach is investigated by examining OPVs in which the morphology is optimised by ternary blends. Particularly, donor polymers P3HT, PTB7 and fullerene acceptors PC71BM and ICBA were systematically characterised. It is shown that different combinations of ternary blends outperformed binary controls. Results demonstrated that depending on the donor material used, the molecular intermixing of the constituents was different, yielding varied impacts on the performance and thus determining whether ternary blends offer a benefit or not. The second approach reviewed consisted in the study of charge transport in novel materials, specifically non-fullerenes (NFA), hybrid fullerenes and fullerenes. For the first time, electron mobility was probed, which can be a limiting factor of the efficiency. It was demonstrated that NFA realised higher electron mobilities (closer to benchmark PCBM) in contrast to hybrid fullerenes, which yielded low mobilities. It was shown that the synthetic approach utilised to fabricate these compounds and its resulting morphology had a profound impact in their capability to mediate electron transport. For the third method, device architectures were simulated in the form of multi junction OPVs termed as tandems. In such devices, a current matching between photoactive layers is generally required to maximise the performance. Through advanced modelling, it was shown that devices with unbalanced current matching are dominated by recombination losses of charges in the layer doing most of the absorption. It was demonstrated that changing the transport properties of the layer performing least of the absorption could assist alleviating these losses. It is also shown that different illumination conditions can further reduce the performance in tandem OPVs and that one can mitigate these reductions by suitable materials selection

    Nueva Metodología Para Clasificar Datos de Series Temporales usando el Algoritmo Biclustering

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    En este trabajo se propone una metodología de clasificación de series temporales usando la técnica de extracción de características y el algoritmo de clasificación Biclustering, la cual permite trabajar con series temporales de distintas longitudes y con datos faltantes. Los resultados obtenidos con esta metodología son mejores al ser comparados con los obtenidos por medio del método tradicional K-medias usando datos experimentales

    Equine Erythrocyte Lysed Exposed to T-Butyl Hydroperoxide as a Model to Study the Oxidative Stress Caused by Exercise Using a Chemiluminescence Assay

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    The present investigation was carried out to determine the presence of oxidative alterations in the horses erythrocyte membrane during a high intensity exercise test. The degree of peroxidation was estimated by chemiluminescence using a suspension of lysed erythrocytes incubated with t-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP). Differences were observed in the total values of chemiluminescence throughout the exercise routine, with higher values of light emission obtained with the animal at rest in relation to those observed during and after exercise.The conclusions of this study are the existence of changes in the erythrocyte membranes of the horses exposed to physical exertion, probably associated with the release of ROS caused by the exercise and that the determination of chemiluminescence in suspension of lysates erythrocyte is a sensitive assay applied to detect the existence of oxidative stress associated to physical exercise.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Equine Erythrocyte Lysed Exposed to T-Butyl Hydroperoxide as a Model to Study the Oxidative Stress Caused by Exercise Using a Chemiluminescence Assay

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    The present investigation was carried out to determine the presence of oxidative alterations in the horses erythrocyte membrane during a high intensity exercise test. The degree of peroxidation was estimated by chemiluminescence using a suspension of lysed erythrocytes incubated with t-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP). Differences were observed in the total values of chemiluminescence throughout the exercise routine, with higher values of light emission obtained with the animal at rest in relation to those observed during and after exercise.The conclusions of this study are the existence of changes in the erythrocyte membranes of the horses exposed to physical exertion, probably associated with the release of ROS caused by the exercise and that the determination of chemiluminescence in suspension of lysates erythrocyte is a sensitive assay applied to detect the existence of oxidative stress associated to physical exercise.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Efecto del ácido linoleico conjugado en un sistema de peroxidación lipídica no enzimática de mitocondrias obtenidas de diferentes tejidos de ratas

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    The polyunsaturated fatty acid composition, chemiluminescence and peroxidizability index of mitochondria obtained from rat liver, kidney, lung and heart, were studied after oral administration of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). After incubation of mitochondria in an ascorbate Fe++ system (120 min at 37°C), it was observed that the total counts per min/mg protein originated from light emission: chemiluminescence, was lower in liver and kidney mitochondria in the CLA group than in the control group. When peroxidized mitochondrias were compared to natives, in CLA and control groups it was observed that 18:2 n–6 decreased in all tissues used in this work. In the control group, it also decrease C20:4 n–6 and C22:6 n–6 in kidney and liver, while in lung it was affected C22:6 n–3. In CLA group, C20:4 n–6 decreased in liver and kidney, whereas in liver it also decreased C22:6 n–3. As a consequence, the peroxidizability index –a parameter based on the maximal rate of oxidation of fatty acids– showed significant changes in liver and kidney mitochondria. These changes were less pronounced in membranes derived from rats receiving CLA per os. Our results confirm and extend previous observations that indicated that CLA may act as an antioxidant, protecting membranes from deleterious effects.La composición de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados, quimioluminiscencia y el índice de peroxidabilidad de las mitocondrias obtenidas de hígado, riñón, pulmón y corazón de ratas, fueron estudiados luego de la administración oral de ácido linoleico conjugado (ALC). Luego de la incubación de las mitocondrias en un sistema ascorbato–Fe++ (120 min a 37°C) se observó que el total de cuentas por minuto/mg de proteína originados por emisión lumínica: quimioluminiscencia fue menor en las mitocondrias de hígado y riñón del grupo ALC con respecto al grupo control. En las mitocondrias obtenidas del grupo control, los ácidos grasos más sensibles a la peroxidación fueron el ácido linoleico C18:2 n–6, el ácido araquidónico C20:4 n–6 y el ácido docosahexaenoico C22:6 n–3 en hígado y riñón. Cuando se compararon las mitocondrias peroxidadas con las nativas, se observó que tanto para el grupo control como para ALC el C18:2 n–6 fue afectado en todos los tejidos utilizados en este estudio. En el grupo control disminuyeron el C20:4 n–6 y C22:6 n–3 en hígado y riñón, mientras que en pulmón lo hizo el C22:6 n–3. En el grupo ALC disminuyó el C20:4 n–6 en hígado y riñón, además en hígado disminuyó el C22:6 n–3. Como una consecuencia del índice de peroxidabilidad –parámetro utilizado para medir la máxima capacidad de oxidación de los ácidos grasos– se hallaron cambios significativos en las mitocondrias obtenidas de hígado y riñón. Estos cambios fueron menos pronunciados en los animales que recibieron ALC por vía oral. Nuestros resultados concuerdan con observaciones previas en las que se menciona al ALC como un posible antioxidante que protege a las membranas.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria