55 research outputs found

    Los grupos de trabajo como estrategia de mejora del Centro del Profesorado de La Laguna

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    Entre las actividades de formación permanente del profesorado, el grupo de trabajo es considerada la más autónoma de todas, ya que sus componentes se reúnen en torno a un proyecto propio diseñado por ellos mismos. En el presente artículo abordaremos diferentes acciones desarrolladas por el Equipo pedagógico del Centro del Profesorado La Laguna (Tenerife) con el propósito de impulsar las agrupaciones de profesoras y profesores. Entendemos que suponen una modalidad de perfeccionamiento muy cercana a su realidad, que reconoce la autonomía del profesorado en su proceso de formación y un referente en la gestión de problemas de enseñanza y aprendizaje

    The work groups as strategy of improvement of the Teacher´s Centre

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    Entre las actividades de formación permanente del profesorado, el grupo de trabajo es considerada la más autónoma de todas, ya que sus componentes se reúnen en torno a un proyecto propio diseñado por ellos mismos. En el presente artículo abordaremos diferentes acciones desarrolladas por el Equipo pedagógico del Centro del Profesorado La Laguna (Tenerife) con el propósito de impulsar las agrupaciones de profesoras y profesores. Entendemos que suponen una modalidad de perfeccionamiento muy cercana a su realidad, que reconoce la autonomía del profesorado en su proceso de formación y un referente en la gestión de problemas de enseñanza y aprendizaje.This article examines several methods of action developed by the Educational Advisory team at La Laguna Teachers' Centre (Tenerife). The aim of these is to encourage and direct teachers' work groups. In our view they are realistic ways of perfecting and improving which take into account teachers' autonomy in their in-service training and also serve as a reference point when dealing with teaching and learning problems.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granada

    Análisis de la precisión del software 3d-Slicer en la identificación de variaciones volumétricas y de espesor en muestras óseas bovinas in-vitro según intensidad de radiación

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    86 p.La tomografía computarizada de haz Conico es la técnica más ampliamente utilizada en el área odontológica para la obtención de imágenes en 3D. El análisis de dichas imágenes requiere del uso de softwares específicos que permitan al clínico la posibilidad de utilizar distintas herramientas de edición de imagen o bien, realizar reconstrucciones 3D de la misma. Si bien existen variados estudios que evalúan la precisión de esta última alternativa, existe poca claridad en la influencia que tienen las distintas variables de la adquisición volumétrica en la precisión final de las reconstrucciones 3D de una muestra. Es precisamente este último hecho el que sugiere su análisis y estudio en profundidad, a fin de aportar a la evidencia disponible los datos necesarios para complementar el conocimiento acerca de estas herramientas digitales.Objetivos: Analizar la precisión con la que un software de licencia gratuita, logra identificar variaciones de espesor y volumen utilizando superposición de modelos 3D de 4 muestras óseas bovinas in-vitro según la variable intensidad de radiación. Conclusiones: Se pudo establecer en base a los resultados obtenidos en el análisis de espesor de las muestras, que la configuración del equipo tomográfico al momento de realizar la adquisición volumétrica influye en la precisión final de la superposición 3D basada en vóxel. Se estableció que existe una correlación Excelente para todas las mediciones de espesor de ambas perforaciones, a excepción de una correlación Moderada para la medición de la perforación 1 a 7mA (0,677). La medición con mejores resultados estadísticos fue para la intensidad a 6mA con una correlación de 0,918 para la perforación 1 y 0,979 para la perforación 2. En cuanto a la evaluación de correlación de las medidas de volumen calculadas en mm3, es posible concluir que en base a los resultados obtenidos (ICC 0,712) existe una Buena correlación entre las mediciones manuales y las obtenidas por software, por lo que el cálculo de volúmenes totales de una muestra o paciente con el software 3D-Slicer es un método confiable y seguro

    The Energetic Particle Detector: Energetic particle instrument suite for the Solar Orbiter mission

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    After decades of observations of solar energetic particles from space-based observatories, relevant questions on particle injection, transport, and acceleration remain open. To address these scientific topics, accurate measurements of the particle properties in the inner heliosphere are needed. In this paper we describe the Energetic Particle Detector (EPD), an instrument suite that is part of the scientific payload aboard the Solar Orbiter mission. Solar Orbiter will approach the Sun as close as 0.28 au and will provide extra-ecliptic measurements beyond ∼30° heliographic latitude during the later stages of the mission. The EPD will measure electrons, protons, and heavy ions with high temporal resolution over a wide energy range, from suprathermal energies up to several hundreds of megaelectronvolts/nucleons. For this purpose, EPD is composed of four units: the SupraThermal Electrons and Protons (STEP), the Electron Proton Telescope (EPT), the Suprathermal Ion Spectrograph (SIS), and the High-Energy Telescope (HET) plus the Instrument Control Unit that serves as power and data interface with the spacecraft. The low-energy population of electrons and ions will be covered by STEP and EPT, while the high-energy range will be measured by HET. Elemental and isotopic ion composition measurements will be performed by SIS and HET, allowing full particle identification from a few kiloelectronvolts up to several hundreds of megaelectronvolts/nucleons. Angular information will be provided by the separate look directions from different sensor heads, on the ecliptic plane along the Parker spiral magnetic field both forward and backwards, and out of the ecliptic plane observing both northern and southern hemispheres. The unparalleled observations of EPD will provide key insights into long-open and crucial questions about the processes that govern energetic particles in the inner heliosphere.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadAgencia Estatal de Investigació

    Dynamic reconfiguration to optimize energy production on moving photovoltaic panels.

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    Urban transport systems play a major role in the development of today’s societies, but they require technological changes to reduce their environmental impact. The problem lies in their level of autonomy, which is why electrical energy production systems are proposed for self-consumption, efficiently feeding their accumulators. As the energy provided by photovoltaic installations has lower recharge speeds, conventional systems with high transfer amperage and higher voltage are required. For this reason, solar installations are used for additional services and to support their autonomy. The present work tries to find the best solution for both constant voltage and peak current systems. Once found, these solutions will be applied in real time for the dynamic recharging of battery packs, trying to achieve vehicles that are progressively more energetically autonomous. To solve these situations, a new computational method for calculating voltage and amperage has been developed in this work, based on Dijkstra’s minimum path search algorithm on graph theory, adapted to electrical circuits. Once this algorithm has been established, the panel performance analysis sensors, developed at the University of Malaga, are combined with different electronic solutions described in this article (Wi-Fi relay devices using esp8266 chips or feeding these relays through panels and establishing the voltage drop to switch the connection), achieving precise and sufficiently fast solutions at very low cost. Both series and parallel transitions are possible, depending on the type of energy generation required. The theoretical solutions using Minkowski paths, analyzed in the past, have been simulated and subsequently constructed in this paper, indicating the diagrams necessary for their realization.: This paper is supported from University of Malaga and CBUA (funding for open access 373 charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA). 10 % Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Scalable method for administration of resource technologies under stochastic procedures

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    During the development of the S3Unica project (Smart Specialisation University Campus) and its application in the ASSET project (Advanced Systems Studies for Energy Transition), both within the European Commission, the resolution of the distributed energy generation model was proposed through the creation of an algorithm that would allow the shared market between producers and consumers. From this premise arose the need to create a replicable system to resolve this situation in the new shared generation environment, using low-cost technologies. This work develops the scalable method for resource management technologies (SMART), based on stochastic procedures, which generates microgrids with an integrated energy market. The interest of this work is based on the incorporation of real-time analysis, applying stochastic methods, and its fusion with probabilistic predictive methods that evolve and harmonise the results. The fact that the process is self-learning also enables the use of metadomotic as a tool for both comfort improvement and energy sharing. The most important results developed were the design of the internal scheme of the low-cost SMART control device together with the developments of both individual and collective resolution algorithms. By achieving the incorporation of internal and external producers in the same numerical procedure, the distributed and hybrid generation models are solved simultaneously.We thank the support of this paper from University of Malaga and CBUA (funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA) and we thank also the anonymous reviewers whose suggestions helped improve and clarify this manuscript. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors

    First near-relativistic solar electron events observed by EPD onboard Solar Orbiter

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    Context. Solar Orbiter, launched in February 2020, started its cruise phase in June 2020, in coincidence with its first perihelion at 0.51 au from the Sun. The in situ instruments onboard, including the Energetic Particle Detector (EPD), operate continuously during the cruise phase enabling the observation of solar energetic particles. Aims. In situ measurements of the first near-relativistic solar electron events observed in July 2020 by EPD are analyzed and the solar origins and the conditions for the interplanetary transport of these particles investigated. Methods. Electron observations from keV energies to the near-relativistic range were combined with the detection of type III radio bursts and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) observations from multiple spacecraft in order to identify the solar origin of the electron events. Electron anisotropies and timing as well as the plasma and magnetic field environment were evaluated to characterize the interplanetary transport conditions. Results. All electron events were clearly associated with type III radio bursts. EUV jets were also found in association with all of them except one. A diversity of time profiles and pitch-angle distributions was observed. Different source locations and different magnetic connectivity and transport conditions were likely involved. The July 11 event was also detected by Wind, separated 107 degrees in longitude from Solar Orbiter. For the July 22 event, the Suprathermal Electron and Proton sensor of EPD allowed for us to not only resolve multiple electron injections at low energies, but it also provided an exceptionally high pitch-angle resolution of a very anisotropic beam. This, together with radio observations of local Langmuir waves suggest a very good magnetic connection during the July 22 event. This scenario is challenged by a high-frequency occultation of the type III radio burst and a nominally non-direct connection to the source; therefore, magnetic connectivity requires further investigation.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    BIM en la construcción

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    244 páginas.En la actualidad, con la metodología BIM (Building Information Modeling), todos los sistemas de información de los procesos productivos en la obra se han integrado, la información se puede compartir a distancia y en tiempo real con todos los actores involucrados en el proyecto. En estas condiciones, las instituciones generadoras de obras y las empresas prestadoras de servicios se están rediseñando con nuevos modelos de negocios enfocados en satisfacer las actuales demandas y experiencias de los clientes. El libro que aquí se presenta reúne el trabajo de investigación referente a BIM de la Red Académica de Diseño Construcción integrada por académicos de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, México (UADY), el Worcester Polytechnical Institute (WPI) de Massachusetts, Estados Unidos y del Área de Administración y Tecnología para el Diseño de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco (UAM). También han colaborado con la Red investigadores de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), España y, dentro de la UAM, académicos de la División de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería, Departamento de Materiales, del Área de Construcción. Cabe mencionar que los artículos ya han sido publicados con anterioridad en los Anuarios de Administración y Tecnología para el Diseño y las Compilaciones de Artículos de Investigación en Administración y Tecnología para la Arquitectura, Diseño e Ingeniería, productos del trabajo de investigación del Área que edita anualmente desde 1999, como se indica en el índice del presente libro

    Additional file 6 of Higher plasma levels of thymosin-α1 are associated with a lower waning of humoral response after COVID-19 vaccination: an eight months follow-up study in a nursing home

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    Additional file 6: Supplementary Fig. 3. Correlations among Log of anti-S antibody titers at all different study points.Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades Instituto de Salud Carlos III Consejería de Salud y Familias, Junta de AndalucíaPeer reviewe