393 research outputs found

    Cesare Beccaria y el index librorum prohibitorum

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    [ES] Publicado inicialmente con el nombre oculto de su autor durante un cierto tiempo, la obra Dei delitti e delle pene, cuya circulación fue prohibida ya en 1764 por los Inquisidores del Estado de la República Veneciana, suscitó enseguida el interés de la Congregación del Índice, encargada de la compilación y gestión del Index librorum prohibitorum. No incluida en la edición de 1764 de este último, su registro en el mismo aparece en los diversos suplementos del Index, hasta que en 1786 se recoge en la lista general. Pues bien, la fórmula adoptada para la inclusión en el Índice no ha dejado de suscitar equívocos –como por lo que respecta a la conexión con Voltaire y su propia motivación- que siguen requiriendo un esfuerzo de clarificación.[EU] Hasiera-hasieran, denbora batez, egilearen ezkutuko izenarekin argitaratu zen Dei delitti e delle pene obra. 1764. urtean, Veneziako Errepublikako Inkisidoreek debekatu egin zuten haren zirkulazioa; eta ondorioz, berehala piztu zen Aurkibidearen Biltzarraren interesa, Index librorum prohibitorum biltzeaz eta kudeatzeaz arduratzen zen taldearena. Biltzar honek ez zuen, ordea, bere 1764. urteko edizioan gehitu, baina Indexen hainbat gehigarritan ageri da bere erregistroa. 1786an, berriz, zerrenda orokorrean sartu zuten. Aurkibidean gehitzeko erabilitako formulak, haatik, gaizki ulertuak sortu besterik ez du egin –Voltairerekin duen loturari eta berezko motibazioari buruzkoa–, eta oraindik ere ahalegin handia egin beharko da kontua argitzeko.[FR] Initialement publié avec le nom de l’auteur caché pendant quelque temps, l’ouvrage Dei delitti e delle pene, dont la circulation a été déjà interdite en 1764 par les inquisiteurs de l’état de la République de Venise, a immédiatement soulevé l’intérêt de la Congrégation de l’index, responsable de la compilation et la gestion de l’Index librorum prohibitorum. Dei delitti e delle pene n’a pas été inclus dans l’édition de 1764, mais son inscription apparaît dans divers suppléments de l’Index jusqu’en 1786, moment dans lequel cette ouvrage est incluse dans la liste générale. Mais, la formule adoptée pour leur inclusion dans l’Index a suscité des équivoques –comme, par exemple, en ce qui concerne la connexion avec Voltaire et sa propre motivationtoujours exigeant un effort de clarification.[EN] First published under the author’s secret name, Dei delitti e delle pene was banned as early as 1764 by the Inquisitors of the Venetian Republic and immediately attracted the interest of the Sacred Congregation of the Index, who were responsible for compiling and divulging the Index librorum prohibitorum. It was not included in the 1764 edition, but it was registered in the many supplements of the Index, before it offi cially featured in the general list in 1786. The formula devised to secure its inclusion in the Index has been the subject of much speculation –as have Voltaire’s possible connection and motivation–. In this regard there are still many areas of doubt that require clarification


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    Delio Tessa (1886-1939), the writer and dialect poet of Milan has accomplished his studies at the University of Pavia, attending the Faculty of Law. His career as a student was not particularly brilliant and, as it results from his prose writings, published after his death, his recollections of that town remained only sentimental and a source of poetic inspiration

    Cesare Beccaria y el index librorum prohibitorum

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    [ES] Publicado inicialmente con el nombre oculto de su autor durante un cierto tiempo, la obra Dei delitti e delle pene, cuya circulación fue prohibida ya en 1764 por los Inquisidores del Estado de la República Veneciana, suscitó enseguida el interés de la Congregación del Índice, encargada de la compilación y gestión del Index librorum prohibitorum. No incluida en la edición de 1764 de este último, su registro en el mismo aparece en los diversos suplementos del Index, hasta que en 1786 se recoge en la lista general. Pues bien, la fórmula adoptada para la inclusión en el Índice no ha dejado de suscitar equívocos –como por lo que respecta a la conexión con Voltaire y su propia motivación- que siguen requiriendo un esfuerzo de clarificación.[EU] Hasiera-hasieran, denbora batez, egilearen ezkutuko izenarekin argitaratu zen Dei delitti e delle pene obra. 1764. urtean, Veneziako Errepublikako Inkisidoreek debekatu egin zuten haren zirkulazioa; eta ondorioz, berehala piztu zen Aurkibidearen Biltzarraren interesa, Index librorum prohibitorum biltzeaz eta kudeatzeaz arduratzen zen taldearena. Biltzar honek ez zuen, ordea, bere 1764. urteko edizioan gehitu, baina Indexen hainbat gehigarritan ageri da bere erregistroa. 1786an, berriz, zerrenda orokorrean sartu zuten. Aurkibidean gehitzeko erabilitako formulak, haatik, gaizki ulertuak sortu besterik ez du egin –Voltairerekin duen loturari eta berezko motibazioari buruzkoa–, eta oraindik ere ahalegin handia egin beharko da kontua argitzeko.[FR] Initialement publié avec le nom de l’auteur caché pendant quelque temps, l’ouvrage Dei delitti e delle pene, dont la circulation a été déjà interdite en 1764 par les inquisiteurs de l’état de la République de Venise, a immédiatement soulevé l’intérêt de la Congrégation de l’index, responsable de la compilation et la gestion de l’Index librorum prohibitorum. Dei delitti e delle pene n’a pas été inclus dans l’édition de 1764, mais son inscription apparaît dans divers suppléments de l’Index jusqu’en 1786, moment dans lequel cette ouvrage est incluse dans la liste générale. Mais, la formule adoptée pour leur inclusion dans l’Index a suscité des équivoques –comme, par exemple, en ce qui concerne la connexion avec Voltaire et sa propre motivationtoujours exigeant un effort de clarification.[EN] First published under the author’s secret name, Dei delitti e delle pene was banned as early as 1764 by the Inquisitors of the Venetian Republic and immediately attracted the interest of the Sacred Congregation of the Index, who were responsible for compiling and divulging the Index librorum prohibitorum. It was not included in the 1764 edition, but it was registered in the many supplements of the Index, before it offi cially featured in the general list in 1786. The formula devised to secure its inclusion in the Index has been the subject of much speculation –as have Voltaire’s possible connection and motivation–. In this regard there are still many areas of doubt that require clarification

    Un segno tra design e architettura capace di parlare del nostro tempo: L’intervento di Kengo Kuma per le ceramiche della Casalgrande

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    On the assumption of a monument, built as a sign to evoke the memory of the territory. In this case, one that illustrates the merits of a production structure that is stated on its merits. This is the motivation which prompted to commission Kengo Kuma to do it. The most interesting element of this work, between architecture and design, is the transformation of a ceramic tile in an architectural element, thus avoiding its conventional use.Sull’ipotesi di un monumento, come un segno costruito in grado di evocare il territorio della memoria. In questo caso quella che illustra i meriti di una struttura produttiva che si afferma per i suoi meriti. Queste é le motivazioni che hanno indotto a commissionare a Kengo Kuma per farlo. L’elemento più interessante di questa opera, tra l’architettura e il design, consiste nella trasformazione di una piastrella ceramica in un elemento architettonico, evitando quindi il suo impiego convenzionale

    Algunas notas sobre las categorías espaciales y usos tradicionales del espacio en la región de Laguna Blanca, Catamarca (Argentina)

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    The main goal of this work is to analyze the spatial categories and traditional uses of space, ethnographically recorded in Laguna Blanca region (Belén department, Catamarca province), an analysis made taking into account the Marxist social theory and epistemology, observing a double process: on the one hand, the process of decomposition of the latifundium and, on the other, the process of re-ethnicization and indigenous community organization. This implies thinking in terms of the contradictions between what could be defined as two spatial logics or rationalities: first, the old communal uses and customs now claimed in a communal spatial logic, and second, an individual spatial logic, drawn on the relations of domination and the old segmentations inside the great property of the large state, in which the spatial categories of the leasing system are still preserved. Then, the spatial categories reflect contradictions of space that return us not only to two property rights but, at a deeper level, to two opposing legal systems, common and private law, which are reflected precisely in the conflict between indigenous community members and landowners.El objetivo del presente trabajo es el de analizar las categorías espaciales y los usos tradicionales del espacio registrados etnográficamente en la región de Laguna Blanca (departamento Belén, provincia de Catamarca), análisis que tendrá lugar desde una epistemología y teoría social marxistas, y observando un doble proceso: el proceso de descomposición de la hacienda o latifundio y el proceso de reetnización y organización comunitaria indígenas. Lo cual, supone pensar en términos de las contradicciones existentes en el espacio, entre lo que podría definirse como dos lógicas o racionalidades espaciales: por un lado, los antiguos usos y costumbres comunales ahora reivindicados en una lógica espacial comunitaria y, por otro, una lógica espacial individual, calcada sobre las relaciones de dominación y las antiguas segmentaciones establecidas al interior de la gran propiedad de la hacienda, en la que se conservan aún las categorías espaciales del sistema de arriendo. Con lo que las categorías espaciales reflejan contradicciones del espacio que nos regresan, no sólo a dos derechos de propiedad sino, en un nivel más profundo, a dos sistemas jurídicos contrapuestos, el derecho común y el derecho privado, y que se encarnan justamente en el conflicto territorial entre comuneros indígenas y terratenientes

    Territorialidad y economía campesina andina en las periferias del capitalismo

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es el de, desde una epistemología y teoría social marxista, desplegar una reflexión histórico-geográfica entorno a las posibilidades de una economía campesina andina en los espacios periféricos del capitalismo, economía en abierta contradicción con una razón estatal colonizada que concibe estos espacios geográficos desde la lógica económica del sistema global capitalista y sobre la base de la estructura colonial del mundo. En este sentido, de lo que se trata, más específicamente, es de analizar las relaciones sociales concretas con el espacio presupuestas tanto en la concepción occidental moderna de la Naturaleza como en la territorialidad campesina andina en clave de derecho y economía política.Fil: Pisani, Mario Gustavo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Escuela de Arqueología; Argentin

    Epilepsy Phenotypes of Vitamin B6-Dependent Diseases: An Updated Systematic Review

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    Background: Vitamin B6-dependent epilepsies include treatable diseases responding to pyridoxine or pyridoxal-5Iphosphate (ALDH7A1 deficiency, PNPO deficiency, PLP binding protein deficiency, hyperprolinemia type II and hypophosphatasia and glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor synthesis defects). Patients and methods: We conducted a systematic review of published pediatric cases with a confirmed molecular genetic diagnosis of vitamin B6-dependent epilepsy according to PRISMA guidelines. Data on demographic features, seizure semiology, EEG patterns, neuroimaging, treatment, and developmental outcomes were collected. Results: 497 published patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Seizure onset manifested at 59.8 ± 291.6 days (67.8% of cases in the first month of life). Clonic, tonic-clonic, and myoclonic seizures accounted for two-thirds of the cases, while epileptic spasms were observed in 7.6%. Burst-suppression/suppression-burst represented the most frequently reported specific EEG pattern (14.4%), mainly in PLPB, ALDH7A1, and PNPO deficiency. Pyridoxine was administered to 312 patients (18.5% intravenously, 76.9% orally, 4.6% not specified), and 180 also received antiseizure medications. Pyridoxine dosage ranged between 1 and 55 mg/kg/die. Complete seizure freedom was achieved in 160 patients, while a significant seizure reduction occurred in 38. PLP, lysine-restricted diet, and arginine supplementation were used in a small proportion of patients with variable efficacy. Global developmental delay was established in 30.5% of a few patients in whom neurocognitive tests were performed. Conclusions: Despite the wide variability, the most frequent hallmarks of the epilepsy phenotype in patients with vitamin B6-dependent seizures include generalized or focal motor seizure semiology and a burst suppression/suppression burst pattern in EEG

    The impact of a newly established specialized pediatric epilepsy center in Tanzania: An observational study

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    Purpose: This study evaluated the impact of a newly established clinic for the diagnosis of pediatric epilepsy in a resource-limited center (Ifakara, Tanzania). Methods: Patients aged 0-18 years referred to the Pediatric Epilepsy Unit of Saint Francis Referral Hospital were recruited. Demographic and clinical data were collected through Kobo Toolbox and analyzed through a descriptive analysis.. Results: 143 patients were evaluated, and for 48 of them an EEG was recorded (abnormalities were detected in 80.85% of the cases). The diagnosis of epilepsy was confirmed in 87 patients. Focal epilepsy was diagnosed in 57 patients, generalized epilepsy in 24 patients, and forms of unknown onset in 6 patients. Epilepsy was excluded for 9 children. Etiologies included hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (39%), central nervous system infections (3.4%), and genetic diseases (3.4%). A specific epilepsy syndrome was diagnosed in 16 patients. 74 patients were under treatment; the most used antiseizure medication (ASM) was phenobarbital (43.36%), followed by carbamazepine (16.08%), sodium valproate (11.19%), phenytoin (2.8%), and lamotrigine (0.7%). Therapeutic changes were proposed to 95 patients, more frequently consisting of withdrawing phenobarbital (39.16%), switching to sodium valproate (27.97%), switching to or adjusting carbamazepine dosage (27.27%), and starting prednisone (2.8%). 76% of the patients with confirmed epilepsy achieved complete seizure freedom at the fourth follow-up consultation. Conclusions: Our data depicted the epilepsy spectrum and highlighted the prognostic implications of improving the availability of ASMs such as sodium valproate and second- and third-generation ones in resource-limited countries

    Reduced intracranial volume in Fabry Disease: Evidence of abnormal neurodevelopment?

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    Introduction: Lysosomal storage disorders (LSD) are often characterized by abnormal brain development, reflected by a reduction of intracranial volume (ICV). The aim of our study was to perform a volumetric analysis of intracranial tissues in Fabry Disease (FD), investigating possible reductions of ICV as a potential expression of abnormal brain development in this condition. Materials and Methods: Forty-two FD patients (15males,mean age 43.3±13.0 years) were enrolled along with 38 healthy controls (HC) of comparable age and sex. Volumetric MRI data were segmented using SPM12 to obtain intracranial tissue volumes, from which ICV values were derived. Results: Mean ICV of FD patients was 8.1% smaller compared to the control group (p<5·10−5). Unlike what typically happens in neurodegenerative disorders, no significant differences emerged when comparing between the two groups the fractional volumes of gray matter, white matter and CSF (i.e., normalized by ICV), consistent with a harmonious volumetric reduction of intracranial structures. Discussion: The present results suggest that in FD patients an abnormality of brain development is present, expanding the current knowledge about central nervous system involvement in FD, further emphasizing the importance of an early diagnosis

    Tnehid ta’ ltim

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    Ġabra ta’ poeżiji u proża li tinkludi: Minn fuq il-Barrakka ta’ K. Xuereb – Triqat Mitlufa ta’ Ġorġ Pisani – Għall-mewt ta’ G. K. Chesterton ta’ Karmenu Vassallo – Imħabba u mibegħda ta’ Ġużè Chetcuti – Mill-mewt għall-ħajja! ta’ R. M. B. – Tnehid ta’ ltim ta’ Mario Agius.N/