286 research outputs found

    ABP integral en histología (teoria i pràctiques), una experiència amb èxit a la Facultat de Medicina

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    A la nostra Unitat tenim la responsabilitat de dues assignatures de la Llicenciatura de Medicina: (1) Histologia Mèdica (HM), semestral, troncal de 1r curs de 4,5 crèdits (3 crèdits teòrics i 1,5 crèdits pràctics). Al curs 2006-07 es varen matricular 387 estudiants. (2) Estructura Microscòpica d'Aparells I Sistemes Humans (EMASH), anyal, troncal de 2n curs de 9 crèdits (4,5 crèdits teòrics i 4,5 crèdits pràctics. Al curs 2006-07 es varen matricular 298 estudiants.En els darrers anys el nostre objectiu ha sigut migrar des de un mètode docent tradicional de classes magistrals fins a un mètode tipus ABP (Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes) integral (teoria i pràctiques), que a més a més seguís les directius del Protocol de Bolònia per tal d'integrar aquestes assignatures a un nou programa docent de la Llicenciatura a l' EEES (Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior)

    Tratamiento jurídico de un binomio cohesionado en la nueva ley orgánica de protección de seguridad ciudadana; identificación y documentoscopia

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    La nueva regulación de la Ley Orgánica 4/2015, de 30 de marzo, de Protección de Seguridad Ciudadana, constituye, para la ciencia de la documentoscopia, una antesala jurídico-legal que facilitará a los funcionarios policiales examinar las medidas de seguridad de un documento identificativo, con el propósito de evitar, o más bien detectar, un fraude en el tráfico jurídico fiduciario. Por todo lo cual, el presente artículo, va a centrar su atención en la cohesión de la disciplina de la documentoscopia con los aspectos más controvertidos que contiene esta nueva Ley Orgánica concernientes a la práctica de la identificación, al traslado a efectos de identificación, y a la exhibición de un documento. En este sentido, el propósito esencial de este estudio no es otro sino para que las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad una vez requieran la identificación a un ciudadano, consigan, de forma eficaz e inequívoca, conocer la verdadera identidad del sometido a dicha práctica, guardando el justo equilibrio conque garantizar la protección de sus derechos fundamentales.The new regulation of Organic Law 4/2015, of 30 March, on the Protection of Citizen Security, constitutes, for the science of the documents, a prior legal step that will facilitate the police officers to examine the security measures of an identification document, with the purpose of avoiding, or rather detecting, a fraud in the fiduciary legal traffic. Therefore, the present paper will focus on the cohesion of the discipline of document examination with the most controversial aspects contained in this new Organic Law concerning the practice of identification, the transfer for identification purposes, and the documentary exhibition. In this sense, the essential purpose of this study is none other than for the Security Forces and Bodies once they require the identification of a citizen, to obtain, in an effective and unequivocal way, to know the true identity of the subject to that practice, keeping the right balance to ensure the protection of their fundamental rights

    Cytosolic phospholipase A2: a member of the signalling pathway of a new G protein α subunit in Sporothrix schenckii

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Sporothrix schenckii </it>is a pathogenic dimorphic fungus, the etiological agent of sporotrichosis, a lymphocutaneous disease that can remain localized or can disseminate, involving joints, lungs, and the central nervous system. Pathogenic fungi use signal transduction pathways to rapidly adapt to changing environmental conditions and <it>S. schenckii </it>is no exception. <it>S. schenckii </it>yeast cells, either proliferate (yeast cell cycle) or engage in a developmental program that includes proliferation accompanied by morphogenesis (yeast to mycelium transition) depending on the environmental conditions. The principal intracellular receptors of environmental signals are the heterotrimeric G proteins, suggesting their involvement in fungal dimorphism and pathogenicity. Identifying these G proteins in fungi and their involvement in protein-protein interactions will help determine their role in signal transduction pathways.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this work we describe a new G protein α subunit gene in <it>S. schenckii</it>, <it>ssg-2</it>. The cDNA sequence of <it>ssg-2 </it>revealed a predicted open reading frame of 1,065 nucleotides encoding a 355 amino acids protein with a molecular weight of 40.9 kDa. When used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid assay, a cytoplasmic phospholipase A<sub>2 </sub>catalytic subunit was identified as interacting with SSG-2. The <it>sspla</it><sub><it>2 </it></sub>gene, revealed an open reading frame of 2538 bp and encoded an 846 amino acid protein with a calculated molecular weight of 92.62 kDa. The principal features that characterize cPLA<sub>2 </sub>were identified in this enzyme such as a phospholipase catalytic domain and the characteristic invariable arginine and serine residues. A role for SSPLA<sub>2 </sub>in the control of dimorphism in <it>S. schenckii </it>is suggested by observing the effects of inhibitors of the enzyme on the yeast cell cycle and the yeast to mycelium transition in this fungus. Phospholipase A<sub>2 </sub>inhibitors such as AACOCF3 (an analogue of archidonic acid) and isotetrandrine (an inhibitor of G protein PLA<sub>2 </sub>interactions) were found to inhibit budding by yeasts induced to re-enter the yeast cell cycle and to stimulate the yeast to mycelium transition showing that this enzyme is necessary for the yeast cell cycle.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A new G protein α subunit gene was characterized in <it>S. schenckii </it>and protein-protein interactions studies revealed this G protein alpha subunit interacts with a cPLA<sub>2 </sub>homologue. The PLA<sub>2 </sub>homologue reported here is the first phospholipase identified in <it>S. schenckii </it>and the first time a PLA<sub>2 </sub>homologue is identified as interacting with a G protein α subunit in a pathogenic dimorphic fungus, establishing a relationship between these G proteins and the pathogenic potential of fungi. This cPLA<sub>2 </sub>homologue is known to play a role in signal transduction and fungal pathogenesis. Using cPLA<sub>2 </sub>inhibitors, this enzyme was found to affect dimorphism in <it>S. schenckii </it>and was found to be necessary for the development of the yeast or pathogenic form of the fungus.</p


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    FACTORES ANSIÓGENOS EN LA ESCUELA Y VÍAS DE SOLUCIÓN: una mirada desde los alumnos y sus profesores

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    Resumen: Al tiempo que se busca identificar vías de solución para los cada vez más altos niveles de ansiedad infantil,se hace necesario estudiar más a fondo los factores que participan en este fenómeno. El propósito de nuestroestudio fue indagar cuáles son los principales condicionantes que a nivel personal, escolar y familiar se relacionancon niveles de ansiedad muy altos o muy bajos. Se entrevistó a 42 alumnos de 5º y 6º de primaria de 4 diferentesescuelas (2 públicas y 2 privadas), seleccionados a partir de sus puntajes en dos pruebas estandarizadas. Seentrevistó también a 21 profesores que imparten clase en dichos grados, dentro de las mismas instituciones. Losresultados reflejan los múltiples factores que, desde la mirada de escolares y maestros, favorecen la ansiedad enel alumnado preadolescente, al tiempo que se evidencia que son pocas las acciones que se realizan en la escuelapara ayudar a los alumnos a mantener su ansiedad en niveles adaptativos; y que los recursos que los propios niñosestán utilizando para reducir sus niveles de ansiedad no son suficientes, por lo que se propone la adopción coordinadade medidas pedagógicas que en el marco de la educación emocional posibiliten la prevención de la ansiedad.Palabras clave: Factores ansiógenos. Profesores. Alumnos. Prevención. ANXIETY FACTORS IN SCHOOL AND SOLUTION PATHS: a students and teachersperspectiveAbstract: In the same time in that need ways to identify paths to the increasingly high levels of child anxiety, itis necessary to further study the factors involved in this phenomenon. The main purpose of this study was to investigatewhat are the main personal, academic and family factors that relate to high or low anxiety levels. 42 studentsfrom 5th and 6th grade of 4 different schools (two public and two private) were interviewed; they were selected basedon their scores on two standardized tests. 21 teachers who teach in those grades, within the same institutions,were also interviewed. Results reflect the multiple factors that, from the perspective of students and teachers, favoranxiety in pre-adolescent students, while it is shown that there are few actions that are taken in the schools to helpstudents maintain their anxiety down to adaptive levels; and that the personal resources that students themselvesare using to reduce their anxiety levels are not enough. Therefore, the coordinated adoption of educational measuresthat enable the prevention of anxiety, within the framework of emotional education, are proposed.Keywords: Anxiety factors. Students. Teachers. Prevention. FATORES DE ANSIEDADE NA ESCOLA E VIAS DE SOLUÇÃO: uma olhada apartir dos alunos e seus professores Resumo: Ao mesmo tempo em que se procura identificar vias de solução para cada vez mais altos níveis de ansiedade infantil, faz-se necessário estudar mais a fundo os fatores que participam deste fenômeno. O propósitode nosso estudo foi indagar quais são os principais condicionantes que ao nível pessoal, escolar e familiar se relacionamcom níveis de ansiedade muito alta ou muito baixa. Entrevistou-se 42(quarenta e dois) alunos de 5º e 6ºprimárias de quatro diferentes escolas (duas públicas e duas privadas), selecionados a partir de suas pontuaçõesem duas provas padronizadas. Entrevistou-se, também, 21(vinte e um) professores que dão aulas nos citados graus,dentro das mesmas instituições. Os resultados refletem os múltiplos fatores que, a partir do olhar de educadores eprofessores, favorecem a ansiedade no alunado pré-adolescente, ao mesmo tempo, em que se evidência que sãopoucas as ações que se realizam na escola para ajudar os alunos a manter sua ansiedade em níveis adaptativos; e,que os recursos que os próprios meninos utilizam para reduzir seus níveis de ansiedade não são suficientes, peloque se propõe a adoção coordenada de medidas pedagógicas que no marco da educação emocional possibilitema prevenção da ansiedade.Palavras-chave: Fatores de ansiedade. Professores. Alunos. Prevençã

    La ansiedad en alumnos mexicanos de primaria: variables personales, escolares y familiares

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    El interés por la ansiedad infantil ha aumentado en los últimos años, pues con anterioridad se negaba la posibilidad: la infancia era, por fuerza, una «etapa feliz». No obstante, no existe acuerdo teórico respecto a la ansiedad y no resulta fácil hacer un diagnóstico, pues cuanto menor es el niño, más se diferencian sus síntomas de ansiedad de los que presentan los adultos. El fin de este estudio es el de analizar algunas variables de tipo personal, escolar y familiar relacionadas con los niveles de ansiedad en los niños. Participaron de la investigación 808 escolares mexicanos de 5.º y 6.º grado de educación primaria, pertenecientes a seis instituciones educativas. Los resultados muestran significativos niveles de ansiedad en los alumnos, principalmente en las niñas. Variables como el grado académico, tipo de institución (pública o privada), el estado civil de los padres y la escolaridad inciden en los niveles de ansiedad. A partir del trabajo realizado se revisan cuestiones teóricas relevantes sobre las causas y las consecuencias de la ansiedad en la niñez, al tiempo que se brinda

    Co-modification of Ni-based type Raney electrodeposits for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline media

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    [EN] In this work, high performance Ni and Ni-Co porous electrodes are prepared using the Raney strategy by galvanic co-deposition for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in alkaline solution (KOH 30 wt.%). The incorporation of Co into the Raney Ni matrix causes a surface morphology modification, from cracked to "cauliflower-like", which dominates the superficial structure of the Co-richest obtained material. The evaluation of these electrodes as H-2-evolving cathodes is done through pseudo-steady-state polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Ni Raney electrode (without Co) manifests the highest apparent catalytic activity per unit of geometric surface area, which is attributed to the higher surface roughness factor, determined by EIS. HER on the investigated electrocatalysts proceeds via the Volmer-Heyrovsky mechanism, with Heyrovsky as the rate-determining step (rds). From the kinetic parameters it is derived that Co presence, in a composition range of 5-22 at.%, increases the intrinsic catalytic activity of the developed cathodes per unit of true surface area, as a consequence of the synergism between the properties of Ni and of Co. Nevertheless, this improvement does not compensate the lower surface roughness factor, originated by the surface morphology modification as the Co content increases, reporting lower apparent catalytic activities. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Isaac Herraiz-Cardona is grateful to Fundacion Iberdrola for the economical support by means of the Project: "Desarrollo y caracterizacion de materiales electrodicos porosos estables para la produccion de hidrogeno a partir de la electrolisis alcalina del agua" - II Convocatoria de Ayudas a la Investigacion en Energia y Medio Ambiente. The authors would like to thank the financial support from Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2010/023) and Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (PAID-06-10-2227).Herraiz Cardona, I.; González Buch, C.; Valero Vidal, C.; Ortega Navarro, EM.; Pérez-Herranz, V. (2013). Co-modification of Ni-based type Raney electrodeposits for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline media. Journal of Power Sources. 240:698-704. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.05.041S69870424

    Voluntary or forced assignment to work groups in university students: effects on team roles

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    Póster 14.º Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental. Universidade de Évora (Portugal), 3-4 mayo 2019[EN]The productivity of future professionals is usually conditioned by their ability to work in groups. Therefore, the EHEA has promoted various forms of teaching methodologies that require group activities by the university student. However, the consequences of a voluntary or forced assignment of students to such activities are still not well known. In addition to the type of assignment to the group, various variables intervene conditioning the proper functioning and didactic effectiveness of these activities. These variables can be of individual or collective type. The variables of individual type used in this study are: peer attachment, characterized by the person's way of bonding (Bowlby, 1969; Leiter, Day and Price, 2015); the expectation of self-efficacy, considered as confidence in one's ability to achieve the intended results (Ormrod, 2006); and the attitude toward collaborative learning, understood as the attitude towards working in small groups based on participation and positive interdependence. The collective variables selected are the team roles that make up the different work groups (Belbin, 2015). Each student can play several roles depending on the needs of the team and, also, according to their own interests. A team role is the commitment that the individual acquires to perform a certain function, adjusting their skills to the needs of the team. OBJETIVE Analyze the relationships between attachment, self-efficacy, attitude toward collaborative learning and team role, as well as the effect of voluntary or random training of work groups on team roles.Funded in the Call for Aid for Innovation Projects and Teacher Improvement 2018/19 (USAL

    Endogenous transplacental transmission of Neospora caninum during successive pregnancies across three generations of naturally infected sheep

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    [EN] Endogenous transplacental transmission, which occurs during pregnancy as the result of reactivation of a latent infection in the dam, is the main mechanism of propagation of Neospora caninum within cattle herds. However, the importance of this propagation mechanism has not yet been evaluated in relation to ovine neosporosis. In this study, involving three generations of ewes naturally infected by N. caninum, we demonstrated that endogenous transplacental transmission may also be highly efficient in the ovine host since transmission of infection occurred in 96.6% of gestations and the congenital infection rate ranged between 66.7 and 93%. Nevertheless, parasite burdens decreased gradually in consecutive generations. Reactivation of latent infections had a strong impact on the pregnancy outcome, with high mortality rates recorded in the offspring of the two first generations of ewes (21.4-46.1%). Histological examination of the brain revealed that all aborted foetuses had characteristic lesions of neosporosis (necrotic glial foci) and a few parasite cysts, whereas most stillborn and newborn lambs that died shortly after birth had non-specific lesions (mild glial foci without necrosis) and parasite cysts were more frequent. Microsatellite analysis revealed scarce genetic variability in the N. caninum population, in accordance with a scenario in which infections were of a single origin and were exclusively maintained by clonal propagation through endogenous transplacental transmissionSIThe present study was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain (INIA project RTA2014-00013