1,258 research outputs found

    Desarrollo y validación de la escala de relajación-mindfulness para adolescentes (EREMIND-A)

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    Indexación: Scopus.Background: The aim of this investigation was to validate the Relaxation- Mindfulness Scale for Adolescents (EREMIND-A), consisting of 18 items and three factors (Attention-Concentration in the present moment; Relaxation (abilities and attitudes); and Sensory awareness/Contemplation/ Interiority). Method: The validation was done with a sample of Secondary Education and Baccalaureate students from four different centres in Spain (n = 1.120). EFA and CFA of the EREMIND-A were performed and construct and incremental validities calculated. Results: Initial results confi rm the validity and reliability of the scale. Conclusions: There is a need for a broader conceptualization of mindfulness, as well as the inclusion and analysis of other related and cross-cutting concepts. The research in this sense will propitiate the adaptation of the Mindfulness- Based Interventions to the reality of the adolescents in the educational centers, where relaxation and the interiority are aspects to be taken into consideration. © 2018 Psicothema.Antecedentes: el objetivo de esta investigación fue validar la Escala de relajación-Mindfulness para Adolescentes (EREMIND-A), que contiene 18 ítems y tres factores (Atención-Concentración en el momento presente; Relajación (habilidades y actitudes); Consciencia Sensorial/Contemplación/Interioridad. Método: la validación se realizó con una muestra de estudiantes de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato de cuatro centros diferentes en España (n = 1.120). Se realizaron análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios de la escala y se calcularon la validez de constructo e incremental. Resultados: los resultados iniciales confirman la fiabilidad y validez de la escala. Conclusiones: es necesaria una conceptualización más amplia de la atención plena, así como la inclusión y análisis de otros conceptos relacionados y transversales. La investigación en este sentido propiciará la adaptación de las intervenciones basadas en mindfulness a la realidad de los adolescentes en los centros educativos, donde la relajación y la interioridad son aspectos a tener en consideración.http://www.psicothema.com/pdf/4475.pd

    Analyses of long-term measurements (2005-2012) of 7Be concentrations in surface air aerosols

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    Studies of radionuclide activities in aerosol particles provide a mean for evaluating the integrated effects of transport and meteorology on the atmospheric loadings of substances with different sources. The aim of the present study is to explain the behaviour of aerosols associated with 7Be (T1/2=53.3 days) in the surface atmosphere using exploratory data analysis to obtain information on their possible mechanisms of transport and deposition. This naturally occurring radionuclide is an important isotope in studying atmospheric processes because of its convenient half-life and sufficiently detectable -radiation (E = 0.477 MeV), which has served for studying precipitation scavenging, vertical and horizontal removal of air masses, aerosol transit and residence times in the troposphere [1]

    Variations of PM10 and its relationship with 7Be and 210Pb measurements at Malaga (Southeastern coast of Spain)

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    INTRODUCTION Levels of particulate matter fraction PM10 were monitored between 2009 and 2011 in Malaga (Spain) in one of the Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring network managed by the Environmental Health Service of the Andalusian Government. Long-term measurements of cosmogenic radionuclides such as 7Be provide important data in studying global atmospheric processes and comparing environmental impact of radioactivity from man-made sources to natural ones. 7Be is a natural radionuclide tracer of aerosols originated over a range of high altitudes in the atmosphere. On the other hand, 210Pb is produced by radioactive decay from its progenitor, 222Rn, which emanates primarily from land surface. Therefore, 210Pb in the air is an effective tracer of the continental surface air mass. The variation of the data with time was studied by time series analyses and seasonal patterns were identified. The study of air back-trajectories were computed by means of the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectories (HYSPLIT) trajectory model (Draxler, 1994) using meteorological data supplied by the US National Climatic Data Centr

    Atmospheric fluxes of radionuclides on monthly time-scale in Málaga (Spain)

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    ABSTRACT.- Bulk atmospheric deposition of gamma radionuclides ( 7Be, 210Pb and 40K ) has been measured at Málaga (4º 28´80′′ W; 36º 43′ 40′N) at a coastal Mediterranean station in the south of Spain, from January 2005 through December 2012 for monthly period

    Long-term atmospheric fluxes of radionuclides at a coastal Mediterranean station

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    7Be is one of the radionuclide produced by spallation reactions of cosmic rays with light atmospheric nuclei. 7Be rapidly associates primarily with submicron-sized aerosol particles. Gravitational settling and precipitation processes largely accomplish transfer to the earth’s surface. 210Pb which is one of the natural radionuclide of the 238U series is widely used as a tracer. 210Pb depositional pattern gave us information on continental aerosols in lower troposphere. These two radionuclides with their different sources and therefore are useful to understand the mechanisms of aerosol removal from the atmosphere. These radionuclides have measured routinely in many places in order to study the description of environmental processes such as aerosol transit and residence times in the troposphere , aerosol deposition velocities and aerosol trapping by ground vegetation.40K has been associated with the arrival of coarse re-suspended material from the Africa continent. The bulk atmospheric deposition of 7Be , 210Pb and 40K has been measured at Málaga , south-eastern Spain, from January 2005 to December 2012 for monthly periods.CS

    The reintroduction of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) into the Netherlands: hidden life revealed by noninvasive genetic monitoring

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    The last recorded presence of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in the Netherlands dates from 1989 and concerned a dead individual. In 2002 a reintroduction programme was started, and between June 2002 and April 2008 a total of 30 individuals (10 males and 20 females) were released into a lowland peat marsh in the north of the Netherlands. Noninvasive genetic monitoring based on the genetic profiles obtained from DNA extracted from otter faeces (spraints) was chosen for the post-release monitoring of the population. To this end, the founding individuals were genotyped before release and spraints were collected in the release area each winter from 2002 to 2008. From June 2002 to April 2008 we analysed the genetic profile of 1,265 spraints on the basis of 7–15 microsatellite loci, 582 of which (46%) were successfully assigned to either released or newly identified genotypes. We identified 54 offspring (23 females and 31 males): the females started to reproduce after 2 years and the males after 4 years. The mating and reproductive success among males was strongly skewed, with a few dominant males fathering two-thirds of the offspring, but the females had a more even distribution. The effective population size (Ne) was only about 30% of the observed density (N), mainly because of the large variance in reproductive success among males. Most juvenile males dispersed to surrounding areas on maturity, whereas juvenile females stayed inside the area next to the mother’s territory. The main cause of mortality was traffic accidents. Males had a higher mortality rate (22 out of 41 males (54%) vs. 9 out of 43 females (21%)). During winter 2007/08 we identified 47 individuals, 41 of which originated from mating within the release area. This study demonstrates that noninvasive molecular methods can be used efficiently in post-release monitoring studies of elusive species to reveal a comprehensive picture of the state of the populatio

    Narco Messages, Insecurity and violence: Heuristic Analysis about Mexican Reality

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    El incremento en los índices de violencia y los crímenes relacionados con la delincuencia organizada han provocado en México, la muerte de más 60 mil ciudadanos entre los años 2006-2012. El aumento de delitos y la multiplicación de homicidios efectuados por las diversas mafias a lo largo del territorio nacional trajeron cambios forma y fondo en la manera a través de la cual se difunde y organiza la información emitida por la prensa. En la realidad mexicana, los narco mensajes representan hoy una forma a través de la cual, el crimen organizado divulga e infunde pánico entre la población al patentizar su poder y proyectos territoriales; calumnia y amenaza el Estado, soberanamente Constituido y, de paso, aterroriza a los grupos contrarios con textos redactados por ellos y legados sobre decenas de cuerpos de hombres y mujeres asesinados. En este trabajo se analizan las noticias relacionadas con temas de seguridad pública en los diarios de mayor circulación en el Estado de Nuevo León, México, entre los cuales, los narco-mensajes forman parte de ellos.The increase in rates of violence and crimes related to organized crime in Mexico has caused the death of more than 60 000 citizens between the years 2006-2012. The increase in crime and homicide multiplication performed by the various mafias throughout the country brought changes in the form and manner through which diffuses and organizes the information issued by the press. In the Mexican reality, the “narco messages” today represent a form through which organized crime reports and instills panic among the population at patenting their power and territorial projects, slander and threatens the state, sovereign Constituted and, incidentally, terrifies opposing groups with texts written by them and legacies of dozens of bodies of men and women killed. This paper analyzes the news about public safety issues in major newspapers in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, among which , the “narco – messages” are part of the