35 research outputs found

    Edad y crecimiento de Spondyliosoma cantharus (Sparidae) en el Golfo de TĂșnez

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    Age and the growth of the black seabream Spondyliosoma cantharus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Gulf of Tunis were investigated using scales and otoliths. The length-weight relationship showed that the growth rates were isometric for females whereas males and the whole sample present a positive allometry. The monthly evolution in marginal increment data of scales and otoliths revealed that only one annulus is formed per year in April. Fish length and radii of the scales or otoliths were closely correlated. The von Bertalanffy growth equation was fitted on mean back-calculated length-at-age data, resulting in the parameter values L∞=35.4 cm, k=0.15 y–1 and t0=–0.19 y for scales and L∞=38.6 cm, k=0.10 y–1 and t0=–0.14 y for otoliths. Parameters estimated from scale and otoliths were significantly similar. However, taking into consideration the lower standard deviations of means for estimates based on otolith readings and the higher variance explained by the regression line fitted to otoliths, the latter seem to be more appropriate for ageing S. cantharus. The maximum age of the black seabream of the Gulf of Tunis is 10 years. Large discrepancies in growth parameters between geographic areas are the result of different growth patterns.Se han investigado la edad y el crecimiento de la cĂĄntara Spondyliosoma cantharus (Linnaeus, 1758) del Golfo de TĂșnez a partir de la lectura de las escamas y los otolitos. La relaciĂłn talla-peso revela que las tasas de crecimiento son isomĂ©tricas en las hembras, mientras que los machos y en toda la muestra existe una alometrĂ­a positiva. La evoluciĂłn mensual de los incrementos marginales de las escamas y los otolitos muestra que se forma un solo anillo anual en abril. La correlaciĂłn entre la longitud de los peces y el radio de las escamas o los otolitos es muy elevada. La ecuaciĂłn de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy se ha ajustado a la media talla-edad retrocalculada resultando en los siguientes valores para los parĂĄmetros de las escamas (L∞=35.4 cm, k=0.15 año–1, t0=–0.19 año) y los otolitos (L∞=38.6 cm, k=0.10 año–1, t0=–0.14 año). Los parĂĄmetros estimados a partir de las escamas y los otolitos resultaron significativamente similares. Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta que las desviaciones estĂĄndar de las medias en las estimas son mĂĄs bajas, y que la varianza explicada es mayor en la regresiĂłn ajustada a los otolitos, la lectura de los otolitos parece ser la mĂĄs apropiada para datar la edad de S. cantharus. La edad mĂĄxima de la cĂĄntara del Golfo de TĂșnez es de 10 años. Las grandes diferencias en los parĂĄmetros de crecimiento entre ĂĄreas geogrĂĄficas se deben a diferentes pautas de crecimiento

    Functioning of the dimeric GABA(B) receptor extracellular domain revealed by glycan wedge scanning

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    The G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) activated by the neurotransmitter GABA is made up of two subunits, GABA(B1) and GABA(B2). GABA(B1) binds agonists, whereas GABA(B2) is required for trafficking GABA(B1) to the cell surface, increasing agonist affinity to GABA(B1), and activating associated G proteins. These subunits each comprise two domains, a Venus flytrap domain (VFT) and a heptahelical transmembrane domain (7TM). How agonist binding to the GABA(B1) VFT leads to GABA(B2) 7TM activation remains unknown. Here, we used a glycan wedge scanning approach to investigate how the GABA(B) VFT dimer controls receptor activity. We first identified the dimerization interface using a bioinformatics approach and then showed that introducing an N-glycan at this interface prevents the association of the two subunits and abolishes all activities of GABA(B2), including agonist activation of the G protein. We also identified a second region in the VFT where insertion of an N-glycan does not prevent dimerization, but blocks agonist activation of the receptor. These data provide new insight into the function of this prototypical GPCR and demonstrate that a change in the dimerization interface is required for receptor activation

    Conception and optimization of an extrapolated process to purify hyaluronic acids by microbial culture

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    L’acide hyaluronique (AH) est un polymĂšre osidique aux propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques et biologiques d’intĂ©rĂȘt pour le secteur de la santĂ© et des cosmĂ©tiques. L’AH est produit Ă  l’échelle industrielle par mise en oeuvre de souches de streptocoques groupe C et D. A l’issue de la production, une part de l’AH est libre dans le milieu de culture complexe, l’autre est associĂ©e Ă  la capsule des cellules. La purification de l’AH est dĂ©licate en raison, d’une part, de la complexitĂ© des milieux de production et, d’autre part, des exigences de la pharmacopĂ©e europĂ©enne. L’objectif de cette thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© de proposer un enchaĂźnement d’opĂ©rations et de conditions opĂ©ratoires permettant une purification de l’AH Ă  partir d’un milieu de production. Au dĂ©part, deux mĂ©thodes analytiques originales de quantification et d’évaluation de la taille de l’AH en milieux complexes ont Ă©tĂ© mises au point afin de pouvoir Ă©valuer les critĂšres de performance des procĂ©dĂ©s de sĂ©paration. Ensuite, quatre opĂ©rations permettant, premiĂšrement l’extraction, deuxiĂšmement l’élimination des cellules productrices d’AH, troisiĂšmement la purification, et enfin, le sĂ©chage d’AH ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablies. L’étude de l’extraction de la capsule d’AH assistĂ©e par SDS ou au TCA a permis d’établir que l’AH liĂ© aux cellules ne reprĂ©sente que 7 % de l’AH produit. Il en a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©duit que cette Ă©tape n’est pas nĂ©cessaire. L’étude de la sĂ©paration des cellules du milieu de culture a montrĂ© que la microfiltration tangentielle n’est pas adaptĂ©e en raison, d’une part, d’une rĂ©tention trop Ă©levĂ©e de l’AH (mĂȘme avec des diamĂštres de pores supĂ©rieurs Ă  0,22 ”m) et d’autre part, d’un colmatage trop rapide des membranes. Cette Ă©tape doit ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©e par filtration frontale sur adjuvant de filtration (CĂ©lite). La purification de l’AH a Ă©tĂ© envisagĂ©e par diafiltration (DF) avec des membranes d’ultrafiltration. L’étude des conditions opĂ©ratoires (PTM, dĂ©bit d’alimentation, concentration en AH et seuil de coupure), par plan d’expĂ©riences, a permis de sĂ©lectionner des conditions qui maximisent le flux de permĂ©at ainsi que la rĂ©tention d’AH. Ces conditions ont Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©es en diafiltration au cours de laquelle les performances de sĂ©paration (rendement, puretĂ©, productivitĂ©) ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es. Une mĂ©thodologie, basĂ©e sur les Ă©quations classiques de bilans de matiĂšre et de flux de permĂ©at en DF, a alors Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©e. Cette dĂ©marche avait tout d’abord pour but de prĂ©dire lesdites performances en prenant en compte la composition complexe du milieu, de culture bactĂ©rienne mais aussi de faciliter l’agencement des Ă©tapes du procĂ©dĂ© de purification. La diafiltration permet de satisfaire les exigences de puretĂ© de la pharmacopĂ©e, mais pas les niveaux de certaines molĂ©cules (protĂ©ines et acides nuclĂ©iques). L’étude de l’adsorption de ces molĂ©cules sur charbon actif, en fonction de la tempĂ©rature, de la force ionique, du pH et du type de charbon actif, a permis d’établir les conditions les plus favorables de l’élimination de ces molĂ©cules. Les Ă©quations classiques de modĂ©lisation des isothermes correspondant le mieux aux rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©es et utilisĂ©es avec les Ă©quations de performance en DF, afin d’associer au mieux ces deux Ă©tapes. Enfin, concernant le sĂ©chage de l’AH, deux mĂ©thodes, l’une par lyophilisation et l’autre par prĂ©cipitation en solvant organique, ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es. Ces derniĂšres permettent d’obtenir moins de 20 % d’humiditĂ© et de conserver les propriĂ©tĂ©s des molĂ©cules d’AHHyaluronic acid (HA) is a biopolymer with mechanical and biological properties interesting the health and cosmetic areas. The industrial HA production is realized by implementation of streptococcus strains (group C or D). At the end of the production phase, a part of HA is free in a complex culture medium while the other remains associated to the cells in a capsule. The two main difficulties of the purification of HA lie, firstly, on the complexity of the production medium and, secondly, on the high requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia for such an application. The aim of this thesis was to provide an appropriate sequence of separation processes and a set of operating conditions for HA purification from a complex production medium which complies with the Pharmacopea. Initially, two original analytical methods for quantifying and evaluating the size of HA in complex environments have been developed in order to evaluate the performance criteria of the separation processes. Then, the HA extraction from the capsule, the elimination of cells, the purification and drying of HA were using classical separation processes and studied. The HA extraction by SDS or TCA showed that the HA bound to cells corresponds to 7 % of HA production. As a consequence, it was concluded that this step was not necessary. The cell separations from the culture medium by tangential microfiltration was unsuitable because of an excessive retention of HA (even at pore diameters higher than 0.22 ”m) and a too fast membrane clogging. Good performances were observed with dead-end filtration using Celite. Then, the purification of HA by diafiltration (DF) with ultrafiltration membranes was considered. The operating conditions (PTM, feed rate, HA concentration and cutoff) allowing to maximize the permeate flow rate and the HA retention were selected from design of experiments methodology. The performances of purification by diafiltration (DF) in these conditions (yield, purity and productivity) were monitored. A method for predicting the performances according to the complex medium composition, based on the conventional mass balance equations and the DF permeate flow rate, was then proposed. This was done in order to facilitate the arrangement of the purification steps. In DF, the requirement of the pharmacopoeia in term of overall purity was obtained (> 95 %) but the proteins and nucleic acids levels were still above the threshold. This is why the adsorption of these molecules on activated carbon was studied as a function of temperature, ionic strength, pH and the type of activated carbon. The isotherm equations that better fitted the experimental data were selected and used combined to the equations of DF performances in order to find an appropriate chaining. Finally, the AH lyophilization and precipitation in organic solvent were compared. Both drying methods present less than 20 % moisture and preserve the properties of the molecul

    Conception et optimisation d'un procédé extrapolable de purification d'acides hyaluroniques produits par culture microbienne

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    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a biopolymer with mechanical and biological properties interesting the health and cosmetic areas. The industrial HA production is realized by implementation of streptococcus strains (group C or D). At the end of the production phase, a part of HA is free in a complex culture medium while the other remains associated to the cells in a capsule. The two main difficulties of the purification of HA lie, firstly, on the complexity of the production medium and, secondly, on the high requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia for such an application. The aim of this thesis was to provide an appropriate sequence of separation processes and a set of operating conditions for HA purification from a complex production medium which complies with the Pharmacopea. Initially, two original analytical methods for quantifying and evaluating the size of HA in complex environments have been developed in order to evaluate the performance criteria of the separation processes. Then, the HA extraction from the capsule, the elimination of cells, the purification and drying of HA were using classical separation processes and studied. The HA extraction by SDS or TCA showed that the HA bound to cells corresponds to 7 % of HA production. As a consequence, it was concluded that this step was not necessary. The cell separations from the culture medium by tangential microfiltration was unsuitable because of an excessive retention of HA (even at pore diameters higher than 0.22 ”m) and a too fast membrane clogging. Good performances were observed with dead-end filtration using Celite. Then, the purification of HA by diafiltration (DF) with ultrafiltration membranes was considered. The operating conditions (PTM, feed rate, HA concentration and cutoff) allowing to maximize the permeate flow rate and the HA retention were selected from design of experiments methodology. The performances of purification by diafiltration (DF) in these conditions (yield, purity and productivity) were monitored. A method for predicting the performances according to the complex medium composition, based on the conventional mass balance equations and the DF permeate flow rate, was then proposed. This was done in order to facilitate the arrangement of the purification steps. In DF, the requirement of the pharmacopoeia in term of overall purity was obtained (> 95 %) but the proteins and nucleic acids levels were still above the threshold. This is why the adsorption of these molecules on activated carbon was studied as a function of temperature, ionic strength, pH and the type of activated carbon. The isotherm equations that better fitted the experimental data were selected and used combined to the equations of DF performances in order to find an appropriate chaining. Finally, the AH lyophilization and precipitation in organic solvent were compared. Both drying methods present less than 20 % moisture and preserve the properties of the moleculeL’acide hyaluronique (AH) est un polymĂšre osidique aux propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques et biologiques d’intĂ©rĂȘt pour le secteur de la santĂ© et des cosmĂ©tiques. L’AH est produit Ă  l’échelle industrielle par mise en oeuvre de souches de streptocoques groupe C et D. A l’issue de la production, une part de l’AH est libre dans le milieu de culture complexe, l’autre est associĂ©e Ă  la capsule des cellules. La purification de l’AH est dĂ©licate en raison, d’une part, de la complexitĂ© des milieux de production et, d’autre part, des exigences de la pharmacopĂ©e europĂ©enne. L’objectif de cette thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© de proposer un enchaĂźnement d’opĂ©rations et de conditions opĂ©ratoires permettant une purification de l’AH Ă  partir d’un milieu de production. Au dĂ©part, deux mĂ©thodes analytiques originales de quantification et d’évaluation de la taille de l’AH en milieux complexes ont Ă©tĂ© mises au point afin de pouvoir Ă©valuer les critĂšres de performance des procĂ©dĂ©s de sĂ©paration. Ensuite, quatre opĂ©rations permettant, premiĂšrement l’extraction, deuxiĂšmement l’élimination des cellules productrices d’AH, troisiĂšmement la purification, et enfin, le sĂ©chage d’AH ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablies. L’étude de l’extraction de la capsule d’AH assistĂ©e par SDS ou au TCA a permis d’établir que l’AH liĂ© aux cellules ne reprĂ©sente que 7 % de l’AH produit. Il en a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©duit que cette Ă©tape n’est pas nĂ©cessaire. L’étude de la sĂ©paration des cellules du milieu de culture a montrĂ© que la microfiltration tangentielle n’est pas adaptĂ©e en raison, d’une part, d’une rĂ©tention trop Ă©levĂ©e de l’AH (mĂȘme avec des diamĂštres de pores supĂ©rieurs Ă  0,22 ”m) et d’autre part, d’un colmatage trop rapide des membranes. Cette Ă©tape doit ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©e par filtration frontale sur adjuvant de filtration (CĂ©lite). La purification de l’AH a Ă©tĂ© envisagĂ©e par diafiltration (DF) avec des membranes d’ultrafiltration. L’étude des conditions opĂ©ratoires (PTM, dĂ©bit d’alimentation, concentration en AH et seuil de coupure), par plan d’expĂ©riences, a permis de sĂ©lectionner des conditions qui maximisent le flux de permĂ©at ainsi que la rĂ©tention d’AH. Ces conditions ont Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©es en diafiltration au cours de laquelle les performances de sĂ©paration (rendement, puretĂ©, productivitĂ©) ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es. Une mĂ©thodologie, basĂ©e sur les Ă©quations classiques de bilans de matiĂšre et de flux de permĂ©at en DF, a alors Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©e. Cette dĂ©marche avait tout d’abord pour but de prĂ©dire lesdites performances en prenant en compte la composition complexe du milieu, de culture bactĂ©rienne mais aussi de faciliter l’agencement des Ă©tapes du procĂ©dĂ© de purification. La diafiltration permet de satisfaire les exigences de puretĂ© de la pharmacopĂ©e, mais pas les niveaux de certaines molĂ©cules (protĂ©ines et acides nuclĂ©iques). L’étude de l’adsorption de ces molĂ©cules sur charbon actif, en fonction de la tempĂ©rature, de la force ionique, du pH et du type de charbon actif, a permis d’établir les conditions les plus favorables de l’élimination de ces molĂ©cules. Les Ă©quations classiques de modĂ©lisation des isothermes correspondant le mieux aux rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©es et utilisĂ©es avec les Ă©quations de performance en DF, afin d’associer au mieux ces deux Ă©tapes. Enfin, concernant le sĂ©chage de l’AH, deux mĂ©thodes, l’une par lyophilisation et l’autre par prĂ©cipitation en solvant organique, ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es. Ces derniĂšres permettent d’obtenir moins de 20 % d’humiditĂ© et de conserver les propriĂ©tĂ©s des molĂ©cules d’A

    Erosion Infiltration in the Management of Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) Defects

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    White spot lesions caused by enamel demineralization are frequently encountered in dental practice. Their management has always been an important issue in modern dentistry. However, the real dilemma was treating aesthetic demands with noninvasive or minimally invasive techniques preserving the natural tissues. The introduction of resin infiltration technique seems to provide an intermediary treatment modality between prevention and restorative therapy. This case report is aimed at reporting the management of MIH opacities in anterior teeth with resin infiltration technique

    L-(+)-2-Amino-4-thiophosphonobutyric acid (L-thioAP4), a new potent agonist of group III metabotropic glutamate receptors: increased distal acidity affords enhanced potency.

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    International audienceL-2-Amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (l-AP4), l-2-amino-4-thiophosphonobutyric acid (l-thioAP4), and l-2-amino-4-(hydroxy)phosphinylbutyric acid (desmethylphosphinothricin, DMPT) were synthesized from protected vinylglycine. They were tested as agonists at group III metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR) along with phosphinothricin (PT). DMPT and PT display a much lower potency at mGlu4 receptor (EC50 = 4.0 and 1100 microM, respectively) in comparison to l-AP4 (EC50 = 0.08 microM), whereas l-thioAP4 has a 2-fold higher potency (EC50 = 0.039 microM). Similar rank orders of potency were observed at mGlu6,7 and mGlu8 receptors. The higher potency of l-thioAP4 is due to its stronger second acidity compared to l-AP4. These pKa values of 5.56 and 6.88, respectively, were determined using 31P NMR chemical shift variations. The second distal negative charge of l-AP4/l-thioAP4 probably provides stronger binding to specific basic residues of the binding sites of group III mGluRs, which stabilizes the active conformation of the receptor

    Activation of a Dimeric Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor by Inter-Subunit Rearrangement

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    International audienceAlthough many G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) can form dimers, a possible role of this phenomenon in their activation remains elusive. A recent and exciting proposal is that a dynamic inter-subunit interplay may contribute to GPCR activation. Here we examined this possibility using a dimeric metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR). We first developed a system to perfectly control their subunit composition, and show that mGluR dimers do not form larger oligomers. We then examined an mGluR dimer containing one subunit in which the extracellular agonist binding domain is uncoupled from the G protein-activating transmembrane domain (TMD). Despite this uncoupling in one protomer, agonist stimulation resulted in symmetric activation of either TMD in the dimer with the same efficiency. This, plus other data, can only be explained by an inter-subunit rearrangement as the activation mechanism. Although well established for other types of receptors such as tyrosine kinase or guanylate cyclase receptors, this is the first clear demonstration that such a mechanism may also apply to GPCRs

    Fabrication and characterization of ZnO:Sb/n-ZnO homojunctions

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    International audienceAntimony-doped ZnO layers have been grown by metalorganic vapour-phase epitaxy on sapphire and ZnO substrates at high-temperature (950 °C) and low-pressure conditions (50 torr). Nitrous oxide and diethyl-zinc have been used as oxygen and zinc precursors, respectively. The incorporation of antimony has been obtained from the decomposition of triethylantimony doping molecules added in the gas phase. High Sb concentrations were measured from 1019 to 1021 at/cm−3 using secondary ion mass spectroscopy and depend on the nature and the orientation on the substrate. Low-temperature photoluminescence spectra of Sb-doped layers exhibit donor–acceptor pair transitions at 3.253 eV. Unlike Raman spectra of nitrogen-doped ZnO layers which show several local vibrational modes related to nitrogen incorporation, these modes were found to be absent in the antimony-doped ZnO layers. Transmission electron microscopy suggests that the incorporation of Sb is partly related to dislocations and other structural defects. All together, the characterizations suggest the formation of acceptor dopant–defect complexes, such as SbZn-2VZn. Finally, ZnO:Sb/n-ZnO homojunction diodes have been successfully elaborated on ZnO substrate. The current–voltage characteristics of the device exhibit a rectifying behaviour with a turn-on voltage of 3 V

    Factors associated with knowledge level in adult type 1 diabetic patients

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    Background: The objective of the study is to determine the factors associated with the level of knowledge of Tunisian type 1 diabetic (T1D) patients in adulthood. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study including 93 T1D patients over 18 years old. The knowledge assessment was carried out by a questionnaire rated out of 20 points. The subjects with an „unsatisfactory” level of knowledge (score < 10/20) were compared with subjects whose level of knowledge was „satisfactory” according to their socio-demographic, clinical, and paraclinical characteristics. Results: The mean age of the patients was 37.2 ± 12.4 years. The level of knowledge was „unsatisfactory” in 21 patients (23%). After univariate analysis, an „unsatisfactory” level of knowledge was associated with a low level of education (p = 0.001), a poor socioeconomic level (p = 0.03), a poor glycemic control (p = 0.003) and the absence of self-monitoring (p = 0.002). After multivariate analysis, only a low level of education and a lack of practice of self-monitoring were associated with an „unsatisfactory” level of knowledge (respectively p = 0.03 and 0.03; adjusted OR [95% confidence interval] = 7.3 [1.2–43.5] and 13.7 [1.3–143.3]). Conclusions: The factors independently associated with the level of knowledge in adult T1D patients are the level of education and the practice of self-monitoring. This encourages better tailoring of educational messages to patients with low levels of education and suggests that a better level of knowledge ensures better self-management of diabetes. However, the relationship with the quality of glycemic control remains uncertain