2,245 research outputs found

    A Reading of Alexander Motyl’s Fall River Through the Lenses of Bordermemories

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    This paper examines the concepts of borderlands, borderscapes, and bordermemories as cultural discursive practices that have been extensively presented and analyzed in an increasing number of theoretical works in Border Studies. Contemporary American Ukrainian writers have made attempts to introduce their hybrid experience and include it into American culture. One of them is Alexander J. Motyl, whose novel Fall River (2014) is analyzed as an example of border writing. The novel is based on the author’s narrative memory, rooted in his mother’s stories about Ukraine and their family members’ crossings of borders in the interwar period and belonging to two cultures, Ukrainian and American, that shaped their identities

    The Autopoietic City – how to create a city that can create itself (and why it matters)

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    This major research paper (MRP) argues how a simple process that is self-sustaining can create a more balanced, thoughtful and livable framework for cities. How? By analyzing the history of cities, their challenges and the range of solutions proposed over time, we can uncover a set of simple rules that govern how individual cities work within their environmental and structural context. We can then use these rules to help communities create the spaces and places they want to live in. We can also see how breaking these rules can cause a cascade of solutions that invariably fail. The rules are mechanisms which create an internally-consistent system. This MRP aims to integrate these rules into a coherent framework for the system. We want to turn many little, individual transactions into a cohesive force that creates a livable, thriving city, without prescribing that people should act a certain way. We view humans realistically with all our flaws, not idealistically as perfectly rational beings. We view people as participants in their own vision of the city. By doing so, we achieve cities that are functional without having to wish them into being through top-down governance processes. With this approach, we enable cities that create themselves naturally, following simple patterns and relationships. This MRP tests this system of rules using three methods from the strategic foresight and innovation toolkit; using 1) systemic leverage points, 2) foresight scenario building and 3) strategic windtunnelling. We make the case that these rules are both necessary and sufficient to enact paradigm-shifting change. The first part of this MRP is gathering data from the past in the form of case studies, research, lived experience and statistics. The second part attempts to gather ‘data from the future’ in the form of scenarios, strategies and thought experiments. Together we will have an idea that balances reliability and validity. The outcome of this MRP will be a business case to support further investment of resources to prototype these rules in a variety of applications for those who want to make a lasting impact on the next century of human progress

    What are the economic consequences of the migration and remittances for the Ukraine?

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    Background: Economic integration activities in modern globalized world increasingly involve international movements of labor. Inthe case of the Ukraine, the country is one of the top ten donors of the labor force, where both, temporary and permanent migrant workers account for about 10% of the Ukraine’s total population. Considering that remittances received in Ukraine from its migrants workers are estimated to be about 4% of the Gross Domestic Product, there are grounds to claim that high flow of labor and workers remittance flows have been influencing the country's economic development in resent years. Purpose: The purposeof this paper is to analyze the impact of migration and remittances, and examine their consequences on the Ukraine's economy. Practical Approach: Different forms of secondary empirical material of both qualitative and quantitative character have been used. Furthermore, to complement the analysis, a survey among Ukrainian migrants working in Portugal has been conducted. Results: Ithas been determined that labor migration and remittances haveadual effect on the Ukraine'seconomy.First, remittances do have a strong short -term boost to domestic demand that positively affected GDP growth in recent years. Second, however, is that large financial inflows do not contribute to the business sector but instead generate dependence on remittances as they are a source of a supplemental income for many thousands of Ukrainian households; moreover,strong migration trends do not seem to generate more opportunities for those remaining in the Ukraine.Contexto: As actividades de integração económica domundo globalizado moderno implicam cada vez mais deslocações internacionais de trabalhadores. No caso da Ucrânia, o país é um dos 10 maiores a enviarforça laboral para o exterior, onde tanto os trabalhadores emigrantes temporários, como os permanentes representam cerca de10% do total da população ucraniana. Tendo em consideração as remessas recebidas na Ucrânia, oriundas dos seus trabalhadores emigrantes e estimadasem cerca de 4% do Produto Interno Bruto, existe fundamento para preconizar que o elevado fluxo de trabalho e remessas de trabalhadores têm influenciado o desenvolvimento da economia do país nos últimos anos. Objectivo: O objetivodeste relatório é analisar o impacto da emigração e o das respetivas remessas e examinar as suas consequências na economia da Ucrânia. Metodologia: Foram utilizadas diferentes formas de materialempírico secundáriode características tanto quantitativas como qualitativas. Além disso, para complementar a análise, foi realizado um estudo entre emigrantes ucranianos a trabalhar actualmente em Portugal. Resultados: Determinou-se que a migração laboral e as remissas desencadeiamum efeito duplo na economia ucraniana. Numa primeira instância, as remissas potenciam fortemente o poder de compra doméstico a curto prazo, o que afectou positivamente o crescimento de PIB nos últimos anos. No entanto, numa segunda fase encontram -se os vastos fluxos financeiros internos que não contribuem para o sector de negócios, mas que, em vez disso , provocam dependências das remissas como uma fonte de rendimento suplementar para muitos milhares de lares ucranianos; mais ainda, as fortes tendências migratórias não parecem proporcionar mais oportunidades para os que permanecem na Ucrânia

    Motives of love and family’s duty in S. Zheromsky’s Novel – Epic “Ashes” and in the L. Tolstoy's Novel – Epic “War and Peace”

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    У статті розглядаються й порівнюються сцени кохання та родинного обов’язку в романах-епопеях Л. Толстого “Война и мир” та С. Жеромського “Popioły”, визначається їх роль у структурі романів. The article are considered and compared scenes of love and family’s duty in S. Zheromsky’s Novel – Epic “Ashes” and in the L. Tolstoy's Novel – Epic “War and Peace”. It definites their role in the structure of both novels

    The Period of Napoleon in the Novels of F. Stendal “Parma Monasteru», L. Tolstoi «War and Peace», S. Zheromskii «Ashes»: Problem of Literaru Communication

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    У статті через поетику охарактеризовано збіги й розбіжності в зображенні наполеонівської епохи Ф. Стендалем, Л. Толстим і С. Жеромським; з урахуванням антропологічного виміру висвітлено функціону¬вання комунікативних засобів у художній системі романів «Пармський монастир», «Война и мир» і «Popioły» («Попіл»). The similarities and discrepancies of napoleon’s period described by F. Stendal, L. Tolstoi, S. Zheromskii are characterized in this article through poetry, including anthropological dimension, the functioning of comunicative means is highlighted in the art system of novels such as the function of communication in the art system novels – «Parma monastery», «War and Peace» and «Ashes»