448 research outputs found

    Quantitative indices of student social media engagement in tertiary education: a systematic review and a taxonomy

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    Recent studies have evaluated the use of social media as learning aids in tertiary education. Emerging research in this area has focused primarily on non-quantitative approaches to student social media engagement. However, quantitative engagement outcomes may be extracted from student posts, comments, likes, and views. The goal of the present review was to provide a research-informed taxonomy of quantitative and behavior-based metrics of student social media engagement. We selected 75 empirical studies comprising a pooled sample of 11,605 tertiary education students. Included studies used social media for educational purposes and reported student social media engagement outcomes (source databases: PsycInfo and ERIC). We used independent raters and stringent interrater agreement and data extraction processes to mitigate bias during the screening of references. Over half of the studies (52%, n =39) utilized ad hoc interviews and surveys to estimate student social media engagement, whereas thirty-three studies (44%) used some form of quantitative analysis of engagement. Based on this literature, we present a selection of countbased, time-based, and text-analysis metrics. The proposed taxonomy of engagement metrics resulting provides the methodological basis for the analysis of social media behavior in educational settings, particularly, for human operant and behavioral education studies. Implications for future research are discussedFunding Open Access funding enabled and organized by Council of Australian University Libraries and its member The University of Auckland. The frst author received a one-year research contract funded through a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain) awarded to second author (reference no. RYC-2016-20706). This work was supported by a research contract between ABA España (Madrid, Spain) and The University of Auckland (Auckland, New Zealand) (project no. CON02739

    Third molar autotransplant planning with a tooth replica. A year of follow-up case report

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    The advantages of dental autotransplantation and its high level of clinical success mean that it should be considered as a therapeutic option when replacing a lost tooth. In order to achieve optimum results, it is necessary to know the technique of denta

    La formación en alfabetización en información en las aulas universitarias: el caso de la UC3M

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    The course "Information skills" (Searching and using information) is part of the curriculum of the whole graduate students at the University Carlos III of Madrid since the academic year 2008-2009. This was the first year when the university adapted all grades to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The aim of the course is to promote the information literacy among students and to provide them with the basic skills for searching, selecting, evaluate, use and communicate information in a digital environment. The teaching of the course is carry out by the Library and Information Science Departament with the close collaboration of the Library Service of the University. The Library is in charge of several of the practical sessions. After three years, we present a balance with the evolution of the course, academics results and the impact on the use of services and library resources.La asignatura de “Técnicas de búsqueda y uso de la información” forma parte del curriculum académico de todos los estudiantes que cursan un Grado en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid desde que se pusieron en marcha las titulaciones adaptadas al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Se trata de una asignatura que tiene por objetivo potenciar la alfabetización informacional de los estudiantes y la adquisición de las competencias básicas como buscar, seleccionar, evaluar, usar y comunicar información. La docencia de esta asignatura la lleva a cabo el Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación con la colaboración del Servicio de Biblioteca que se ocupa de las sesiones prácticas. Después de tres cursos académicos se presenta un balance con la evolución de la asignatura, los resultados académicos y las repercusiones en el uso de los servicios y recursos de la biblioteca

    Disparate miRNA expression in serum and plasma of patients with acute myocardial infarction: a systematic and paired comparative analysis

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    Despite the promising value of miRNAs in the diagnostic and prognostic of cardiovascular disease (CVD), recent meta-analyses did not support their potential. Methodological variances in studies may interfere with miRNA profle and afect their results. This study determines if the blood starting material is a source of variance in miRNA profle by performing a paired comparison in plasma and serum of the expression of primary miRNAs associated with CVD. Circulating miRNA yield was similar in both plasma and serum, although a signifcant increase was observed in patients with Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) compared to control volunteers. When normalized by the expression of miR-484, diferent patterns of miRNA expression between serum and plasma. Although NSTEMI modifed the expression of miR-1 and miR-208 in both serum and plasma, plasma displayed a higher variance than serum (Levene's test p<0.01). For miR-133a and miR-26a, diferences were only detected in serum (p=0.0240), and conversely, miR-499a showed diferences only in plasma of NSTEMI (p=0.001). Interestingly, miR-21 showed an opposite pattern of expression, being increased in serum (2−ΔΔCt : 5.7, p=0.0221) and decreased in plasma (2−ΔΔCt : 0.5, p=0.0107). Plasma and serum exhibit diferent patterns of circulating miRNA expression in NSTEMI and suggest that results from studies with diferent starting material could not be comparable

    In Cellulo Bioorthogonal Catalysis by Encapsulated AuPd Nanoalloys. Overcoming Intracellular Deactivation

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    Bioorthogonal metallocatalysis has opened up a xenobiotic route to perform nonenzymatic catalytic transformations in living settings. Despite their promising features, most metals are deactivated inside cells by a myriad of reactive biomolecules, including biogenic thiols, thereby limiting the catalytic functioning of these abiotic reagents. Here we report the development of cytocompatible alloyed AuPd nanoparticles with the capacity to elicit bioorthogonal depropargylations with high efficiency in biological media. We also show that the intracellular catalytic performance of these nanoalloys is significantly enhanced by protecting them following two different encapsulation methods. Encapsulation in mesoporous silica nanorods resulted in augmented catalyst reactivity, whereas the use of a biodegradable PLGA matrix increased nanoalloy delivery across the cell membrane. The functional potential of encapsulated AuPd was demonstrated by releasing the potent chemotherapy drug paclitaxel inside cancer cells. Nanoalloy encapsulation provides a novel methodology to develop nanoreactors capable of mediating new-to-life reactions in cell

    Subtipado molecular del cáncer de mama masculino con PAM50: Correlación con el subtipaje inmunohistoquímico y estudio de supervivencia.

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    Introducción: El cáncer de mama masculino es una enfermedad rara aún poco conocida, que principalmente corresponde a subtipo luminal usando la clasificación molecular subrogada a inmunohistoquímica. En este estudio, se evalúa por primera vez la correlación entre los subtipos moleculares basados en un panel inmunohistoquímico de seis marcadores y el obtenido mediante la firma PAM50 en el cáncer de mama masculino, así como la evolución clínica de los diferentes subtipos encontrados. Material y métodos: Se recogieron 67 muestras quirúrgicas de cáncer de mama masculino invasivo de cuatro diferentes Servicios de Anatomía Patológica. La tinción inmunohistoquímica se realizó sobre tissue-microarrays, con un panel de seis marcadores (RE, RP, Her2, Ki67, CK 5-6 y EGFR). Los subtipos de PAM50 se determinaron mediante nCounter Analysis System. Se estudió la asociación entre los subtipos obtenidos mediante inmunohistoquímica y los determinados por PAM50, así como la supervivencia global y la supervivencia libre de enfermedad en los diferentes subtipos de cada clasificación. Resultados: La distribución de los subtipos moleculares tumorales según PAM50 fue: 60% luminal B, 30% luminal A y 10% Her2-enriched. Sólo uno de los tumores Her2-enriched también fue detectado por inmunohistoquímica y tratado con trastuzumab. No se obtuvo ningún tumor de subtipo basal-like. Utilizando la clasificación inmunohistoquímica, 51% de los tumores fueron luminal B, 43% luminal A, 3,5% triple negativo y 1,5% Her2-positivo. Las características clínico-patológicas no difirieron significativamente entre los subtipos inmunohistoquímicos y PAM50. Se observó una supervivencia global menor en los tumores Her2-enriched comparados con los luminales. Conclusión: El cáncer de mama masculino es principalmente una enfermedad genómica luminal con un predominio del subtipo luminal B. Además, se observaron casos de pacientes Her2-negativos por inmunohistoquímica, pero de perfil Her2-enriched por PAM50, con peor evolución clínica comparado con el subtipo luminal, que podrían haberse beneficiado de terapia anti-Her2.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The Low Incidence of Viral Hepatitis Reactivation Among Subjects on Immunotherapy Reduces the Impact of Suboptimal Screening Rate

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    Cancer; Checkpoint inhibitors; Hepatitis BCáncer; Inhibidores del punto de control; Hepatitis BCàncer; Inhibidors del punt de control; Hepatitis BBackground and Aims: Immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) is a pillar of many advanced tumors. However, there is scarce data concerning the rate of viral hepatitis screening in this population or the risk of viral reactivation. Methods: Retrospective–prospective study that includes all patients who began ICIs between January/2019 and December/2020 in a University Hospital. Data on viral hepatitis screening prior to the beginning of ICIs were collected. In subjects lacking information, serological tests were requested prospectively. Among HBsAg, anti-HBc, or anti-HCV positive subjects, reactivation was prospectively assessed. Results: During the 2-year period of study, 595 subjects received ICIs (61.2% male, mean age 63 years). The most prevalent cancers found were 35.5% lung cancer, 12.1% melanoma, and 8.2% head and neck; ICIs schemes were mainly anti-PD1 (65.7%), followed by anti-PD-L1 (19.2%), and combined therapy (13.6%). Prior to immunotherapy, anti-HCV screening was performed in 462 (77.6%) subjects, HBsAg in 462 (77.6%), anti-HBc in 335 (56.3%), and the complete screening in 328 (55.1%). The anti-HBc screening was more frequently ordered among patients treated with concomitant systemic therapy (p = 0.003), especially in the case of chemotherapy (p = 0.015), though HCV screening was more commonly performed in concomitant therapies different from chemotherapy (p = 0.001). Serological tests were completed prospectively in those alive, leading to an overall prevalence for anti-HCV of 3.5%, HBsAg at 1.3%, and anti-HBc of 15.2%. HCV-RNA was detected in 2/19 (both patients with hepatocellular carcinoma), HBV-DNA in 4/7 HBsAg positive, and in 1/75 anti-HBc positive subject. Five out of the 7 HBsAg carriers and 1/75 anti-HBc+ subjects (due to concomitant antiretroviral therapy) received antiviral prophylaxis. Neither cases of HBV reactivation nor changes in HCV viral load were observed. Discussion: HBV and HCV screening prior to immunotherapy is suboptimal. Though the rate of viral hepatitis reactivation seems extremely low, efforts should be made to optimize viral hepatitis screening prior to immunotherapy for the selection of candidates for either antiviral prophylaxis or periodical follow-up

    Development of a Novel NGS Methodology for Ultrasensitive Circulating Tumor DNA Detection as a Tool for Early-Stage Breast Cancer Diagnosis

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    Breast cancer (BC) is the most prevalent cancer in women. While usually detected when localized, invasive procedures are still required for diagnosis. Herein, we developed a novel ultrasensitive pipeline to detect circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in a series of 75 plasma samples from localized BC patients prior to any medical intervention. We first performed a tumor-informed analysis to correlate the mutations found in tumor tissue and plasma. Disregarding the tumor data next, we developed an approach to detect tumor mutations in plasma. We observed a mutation concordance between the tumor and plasma of 29.50% with a sensitivity down to 0.03% in mutant variant allele frequency (VAF). We detected mutations in 33.78% of the samples, identifying eight patients with plasma-only mutations. Altogether, we determined a specificity of 86.36% and a positive predictive value of 88.46% for BC detection. We demonstrated an association between higher ctDNA median VAF and higher tumor grade, multiple plasma mutations with a likelihood of relapse and more frequent TP53 plasma mutations in hormone receptor-negative tumors. Overall, we have developed a unique ultra-sensitive sequencing workflow with a technology not previously employed in early BC, paving the way for its application in BC screening.Comino-Mendez’s contract is funded by the Spanish Association Against Cancer Scientific Foundation (AECC). This study was supported by the “Consejería de Salud y Familias—Junta de Andalucía” (PI-0291-2019), “Fundación Unicaja” is funding Alba-Bernal’s contract and the Andalusia-Roche Network in Precision Medical Oncology Quirós-Ortega’s contract. Carbajosa-Antona’s contract is funded by the “Ayudas María Zambrano para la atracción de talento internacional—Universidad de Málaga”. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Updating the Food-Based Dietary Guidelines for the Spanish Population: The Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC) Proposal

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    Diet-related risk factors and physical inactivity are among the leading risk factors for disability and are responsible for a large proportion of the burden of chronic non-communicable diseases. Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) are useful tools for nutrition policies and public health strategies to promote healthier eating and physical activity. In this paper, we discuss the process followed in developing the dietary guidelines for the Spanish population by the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC) and further explain the collaboration with primary healthcare practitioners as presented in the context of the NUTRIMAD 2018 international congress of SENC. From a health in all policies approach, SENC convened a group of experts in nutrition and public health to review the evidence on diet-health, nutrient intake and food consumption in the Spanish population, as well as food preparation, determinants and impact of diet on environmental sustainability. The collaborative group drafted the document and designed the graphic icon, which was then subject to a consultation process, discussion, and qualitative evaluation. Next, a collaborative group was established to plan a dissemination strategy, involving delegates from all the primary healthcare scientific societies in Spain. A product of this collaboration was the release of an attractive, easy-to-understand publication