82 research outputs found

    Modelo de asignación y ruteo para la Planeación de la Operación de Suministro de Alimentos al sur de Bogotá, caso de Frutas y Verduras

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    Introduction: This article is the product of the research Design of the logistics operation of food distribution in different locations south of Bogotá based on a multistage model, carried out during 2014 in the city of Bogotá.Problem: Bogota City has a big problem in its food supply framed by the inefficiency in the capillary distribution, raising costs to households, which generates difficulties in accessing food mainly to strata 1 and 2.Objective: Define a strategy for the planning of the efficient supply operation of fruits and vegetables to the south of the city.Method: An analysis of the behavior of the system proposed by the the Master Plan for Supply and Food Security of Bogotá was carried out, using a correlational descriptive method for the analysis of the variables, from the characterization of food in 4 locations, and other secondary sources.Results: In the first phase of this model, it was determined the allocations of the load to be distributed from three (3) logistic platforms towards 4 localities based on mixed integer mathematical programming. In the second phase, a basic VRP model was developed that allowed to determine the routing of vehicles with the remaining fruit and vegetables loads to be delivered.Conclusions: The work is relevant as a contribution to the optimal management of food supply through the use of mathematical models, given that it covers fixed costs both for deposits and for the use of vehicles, with a two-phase model. This can contribute to food security through greater access to food with reduced prices and timely availability in the target areas of study.Originality: Staged models that complement each other to define the complete food supply operation.Limitations: The models must be used with a minimum of knowledge on the subject.Introducción: Este artículo es producto de la investigación Diseño de la operación logística de distribución de alimentos en diferentes localidades al sur de Bogotá basado en un modelo multietapas, realizada durante el 2014 en Bogotá.Problema: La ciudad tiene una problemática frente al abastecimiento de alimentos enmarcada por la ineficiencia en la distribución capilar, elevando los costos a los hogares, lo que genera dificultades de acceso de alimentos principalmente a los estratos 1 y 2.Objetivo: Definir una estrategia de planeación de la operación de abastecimiento de fruver al sur de la ciudad.Método: Se realizó un análisis del comportamiento del sistema planteado por el Plan Maestro de Abastecimiento y Seguridad Alimentaria de Bogotá, utilizando un método descriptivo correlacional para el análisis de las variables a partir de la caracterización de alimentos en 4 localidades, y otras fuentes secundarias.Resultados: En la primera fase de este modelo, se determinó las asignaciones de la carga a distribuir desde tres (3) plataformas logísticas hacia 4 localidades basada en programación matemática entera mixta. En la segunda fase se desarrolló un modelo de VRP básico que permitió determinar el ruteo de vehículos con las cargas restantes por entregar de frutas y verduras.Conclusiones: El trabajo es relevante como aporte a la gestión óptima de abastecimiento de alimentos mediante el uso de modelos matemáticos, dado que abarca costos fijos tanto para los depósitos como para el uso de los vehículos, con un modelo de dos fases. Este puede contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria a través de un mayor acceso a los alimentos con reducción de precios y disponibilidad oportuna en las localidades objeto de estudio.Originalidad: modelos por etapas que se complementan para definir la operación completa de abastecimiento de alimentos.Limitaciones: los modelos deben ser utilizados con un mínimo de conocimientos en el tema

    Agricultural supply chain mango inventory model

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    The globalization has generated changes in world food consumption, demand for healthy foods as fresh fruits and vegetables have increased. The losses in the perishable fruit supply chains can reach up to 40%, the post-harvest loss in Colombia is mainly due to the inadequate planning and execution of the inventory processes. The problem is due to the high perishability of the fruit and its variabil-ity in terms of quality levels, which even under optimal conditions ofstorage tend to decrease. After reviewing publications in the field of inventory management of perishable goods, there is no research regarding fruit supply chain. Additionally, some models do not cover the entire supply chain, and they only focus in studying one or two actors involved in the chain. This article presents a management mod-el of multi-level inventory for fruit mango chain includes functions decay and own losses of highly perishable fruit, a model nonlinear programming, formulated and evaluated in GAMS, which minimizes the total cost of inventory in the chain formed by a farmer, an agro-industrial company, a wholesaler, a hypermarket, a reseller and a retailer allowing calculate the order quantity and time of optimal re-placement of fruit for each echelon

    Retos y Tendencias de la Logística 4.0

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    Context:  Owing to the technological breakthrough in the worldwide productive systems, generated by the 4.0 revolution, it is compulsory to make sweeping changes to logistics both nationally and internationally to allow supply chains to enhance their performance and their response time. Hence, the concept of Logistics 4.0 was born. Although many developed countries have implemented the principles of Logistics 4.0, there is still a breach in its study and application worldwide. This article explores the challenges and tendencies in the implementation of Logistics 4.0. Method: Articles published from 2015 to 2021 in the databases of Scopus, Science Direct, Taylor and Francis and Google Scholar, were analyzed by a systematic literature review. The explored publications were found using the search terms: (("logistics 4.0") OR ("supply chain 4.0") OR ("industry 4.0" AND ("logistics" OR "supply chain"))) and ((“blockchain” OR “IoT” OR “Cyber Physical Systems” OR “Big Data”) AND “logistics”) in title, abstract and keywords. Results: It was proposed a conceptualization of Logistics 4.0 including definition, objectives, characteristics, and most representative technologies in its implementation. Likewise, the main challenges and trends that industries could face in the implementation of Logistics 4.0 within logistics systems, and supply chains were identified. Conclusions: Logistics 4.0 is a novelty term that has aroused the interest of researchers, governments, and companies worldwide, due to its promising benefits in reducing response times and increasing flexibility and collaboration in supply chains. However, the lack of a common framework for its study and adoption has hindered its integration in companies and supply chains, specially in those located in developing countries, which must face technical, social, economic, and legal barriers for the implementation of logistics 4.0.Contexto:  Debido a los avances tecnológicos en los sistemas productivos globales generados por la revolución 4.0, se ha vuelto necesario hacer cambios profundos a la logística para que las cadenas de suministro puedan mejorar su desempeño y tiempos de respuesta. De ahí nace el concepto de Logística 4.0. Aunque muchos países desarrollados han implementado los principios de la Logística 4.0, aún hay brechas en su estudio y aplicación alrededor del mundo. Este artículo explora los retos y tendencias de la implementación de la Logística 4.0. Métodos: Se analizaron artículos publicados entre 2015 y 2021 en las bases de datos Scopus, Science Direct, Taylor and Francis y Google Scholar, mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Resultados: Se propuso una conceptualización de la Logística 4.0, que incluye una definición, objetivos, características y las tecnologías más representativas en su implementación. Asimismo, se identificaron los retos y tendencias principales que afrontan las industrias en la implementación de la Logística 4.0 en el ámbito de las cadenas de suministro. Conclusiones: Logística 4.0 es un término novedoso que ha despertado el interés de los investigadores, los gobiernos y las compañías alrededor del mundo. Esto, debido a sus prometedores beneficios en la reducción de tiempos de respuesta y el incremento de la flexibilidad y la colaboración en las cadenas de suministro. Sin embargo, la falta de un marco común para su estudio y adopción ha limitado su integración en las compañías y las cadenas de suministro, especialmente en aquellas que enfrentan barreras técnicas, sociales, económicas y legales para la implementación de la Logística 4.0

    Supply Chain Network Design of Perishable Food in Surplus Periods

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    Research on the design of the perishable food supply chain network has increased in recent years. However, little attention has been given to those seasonal foods that generate periods of oversupply and, particularly, to their impact on the sustainability of small producers in developing countries. This research proposes and develops a multi-objective mixed linear programming model for perishable fruits in a south American country at oversupply periods. It minimizes losses and transportation costs and maximizes the inclusion of farmers. It considers four echelons of the supply chain: farms, collection centers, distribution centers and the demand, which is represented by the agroindustry, wholesalers, shopkeepers, and hypermarkets. The Epsilon constraint method is used to solve the multi-objective model. A set of Pareto optimal solutions helped evaluate tradeoffs between the three objectives and find the location of collection and distribution centers. The proposed generic mathematical model is applicable to any food supply chain, as it allows for the improvement of the established performance measures and the distribution flows for the different echelons. The model considers the losses in perishable food from the impacts caused by changes in temperature (T0) and humidity level (RH) at different thermal floors of mountain ranges

    Last mile logistics in mega-cities for perishable fruits

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    Purpose: A common problem in mega cities is congestion, due to the size of the automotive park, this makes that the perishable foods decreasing their organoleptic characteristics or increases their losses, which requires considering the effect of time on routing problems. The state of the art demonstrates the need to formulate new routing models that include the specific characteristics of perishable foods in order to reduce their losses. Design/methodology/approach: A mathematical model was formulated based on two classical models: the three-index vehicle flow model proposed by (Golden, Assad, Levy & Gheysens, 1984) and the time window model proposed by (Cordeau, Desaulniers, Desrosiers, Solomon & Soumis, 1999). We proposed a novel VRP Model that permits reductions loss due to the perishable. Findings: The optimum cost is found with AMP® for twenty nodes, six vehicles and six fruits. For more nodes, a two-phase strategy is proposed, first a clustering based on a modified p-median model and then a VRP for each cluster. Research limitations/implications: The results showed the need to investigate multi-objective models, since the performance measures can be efficiency, quality and response capacity; the model can be applied in other supply chains of perishable foods. Social implications: According to FAO in Logistics practices in the last mile generate between 10-30% of the perishable food loss in developing countries’ mega-cities. Originality/value: A last-mile logistics strategy is proposed to manage delivery routes for fresh fruits in mega-cities, considering the effect of congestion through travel time in the perishability function. The new model it uses the flow variable to control the amount of each fruit arriving to each node and the time variable to define fruit waste or loss depending on the time and type of fruit.Peer Reviewe

    Inventory Routing Problem in Perishable Supply Chains: A Literature Review

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    Context: This paper presents a literature review of the Inventories Routing Problem (IRP) applied to supply chains of perishable products. Different approaches to solve this problem are identified and described in terms of structures, models and solution methods.  Method: A systematic literature review is conducted searching in different bibliographic databases and selecting the most relevant studies within the period 2004 to 2017. The results are analyzed so as to propose a taxonomy to classify and compare the different approaches proposed to address this problem. Results: We identified that the majority of studies consider heuristic-based algorithms to solve the problem. Because of its computational complexity the methods resort to metaheuristics and mateheuristics combined with exact methods. Regarding the application to specific supply chains of perishable products, they refer mostly to processed foods, medicines, and human blood. The constraints that differentiate this problem from other types of IRP are useful life and deterioration. Conclusions: The conditions and particularities of the supply chain of perishables products imply the need to consider new variables, parameters, constraints and objective functions; in the reviewed studies it is not clearly defined the differences involved when considering the perishability of the products in the supply chain. Future research should take into account the multiple ways in which deterioration is carried out with factors such as temperature, light, oxygen, humidity and in some cases microorganisms. Also include in the models the cold chain, hygiene standards, air pollution, emissions of greenhouse gases, generation of waste, occupation of roads and other aspects related to City Logistics and Green Logistics

    El Problema de Ruteo e Inventarios en Cadenas de Suministro de Perecederos: Revisión de Literatura

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    Context: This paper presents a literature review of the Inventories Routing Problem (IRP) applied to supply chains of perishable products. Different approaches to solve this problem are identified and described in terms of structures, models and solution methods. Method: A systematic literature review is conducted searching in different bibliographic databases and selecting the most relevant studies within the period 2004 to 2017. The results are analyzed so as to propose a taxonomy to classify and compare the different approaches proposed to address this problem.Results: We identified that the majority of studies consider heuristic-based algorithms to solve the problem. Because of its computational complexity the methods resort to metaheuristics and mateheuristics combined with exact methods. Regarding the application to specific supply chains of perishable products, they refer mostly to processed foods, medicines, and human blood. The constraints that differentiate this problem from other types of IRP are useful life and deterioration.Conclusions: The conditions and particularities of the supply chain of perishables products imply the need to consider new variables, parameters, constraints and objective functions; in the reviewed studies it is not clearly defined the differences involved when considering the perishability of the products in the supply chain. Future research should take into account the multiple ways in which deterioration is carried out with factors such as temperature, light, oxygen, humidity and in some cases microorganisms. Also include in the models the cold chain, hygiene standards, air pollution, emissions of greenhouse gases, generation of waste, occupation of roads and other aspects related to City Logistics and Green Logistics. Contexto: Revisión de literatura del problema de ruteo e inventarios (IRP) aplicado a las cadenas de suministro de productos perecederos. Se identifican y describen los diferentes enfoques en cuanto a estructuras, modelos y métodos de solución.Método: Se realiza una revisión sistemática de la literatura en diferentes bases de datos bibliográficas y se plantea una taxonomía que clasifica las características de los estudios, lo anterior durante el período comprendido entre 2004 y 2017Resultados: Se encuentra que la mayoría de algoritmos propuestos son de carácter heurístico. Debido a complejidad computacional inherente al problema, se usan metaheurísticas y mateheurísticas combinadas con métodos exactos. Se aplican principalmente en alimentos, medicamentos y sangre humana. Las restricciones que diferencian de otros tipos de IRP son las de periodo de vida útil y deterioro.Conclusiones: Las condiciones y particularidades de la cadena de suministro de perecederos hace necesario que se planteen nuevas variables, parámetros, restricciones y funciones objetivo; por otro lado, en los estudios revisados no se establecen diferencias claras al involucrar la perecibilidad de los productos en los modelos. Las futuras investigaciones deberán tener en cuenta las múltiples maneras en las cuales se lleva a cabo el deterioro con factores como la temperatura, la luz, el oxígeno, la humedad y en algunos casos los microorganismos; asimismo, incluir en los modelos la cadena de frío, normas de higiene, contaminación del aire, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, generación de residuos, ocupación de vías y demás aspectos relacionados con city logistics y green logistics.

    Optimización Multiobjetivo en la Gestión de Cadenas de Suministro de Biocombustibles. Una Revisión de la Literatura

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    Biofuel production has had constant growth in recent years and is expected it keepsgrowing in the medium and long term, mainly driven by the environmental benefits theycould bring compared to fossil fuel, such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions,positive energy balance and economic development for producer countries. However,despite its benefits, there are concerns about the environmental and social impacts that itsproduction and distribution may generate. The multi-objective or multi-criteria decisiontheory has been used in recent years as a framework for integrating the various objectivesin decision-making on biofuel supply chains. This article aims to present a review ofthe main concepts and multi-objective optimization methods as well as their applicationin the design and planning of biofuel supply chains. The study shows that cost is themost frequent economic objective, greenhouse emissions are the most frequently usedenvironmental objective and the number of created jobs is the most considered socialcriterion, leaving out important aspects such as food safety.La producción de biocombustibles ha tenido un crecimiento constante durante los últimos años y se espera siga creciendo en el mediano y largo plazo. Este crecimiento ha sido impulsado principalmente por las ventajas ambientales que podrían traer en comparación con el combustible fósil, como reducción en las emisiones de gases efecto invernadero, balance energético positivo y desarrollo económico para los países productores. Sin embargo, a pesar de sus beneficios, existen preocupaciones por los impactos ambientales y sociales que pueden generar su producción y distribución. La teoría de la decisión multi-criterio se ha utilizado en los últimos años como marco para integrar los diferentes objetivos en la toma de decisiones en las cadenas de suministro de biocombustibles.El propósito de este artículo es presentar una revisión de los conceptos y métodos principales de la optimización multi-objetivo, así como la aplicación de éstos en el diseño y planificación de cadenas de suministro de biocombustibles. El estudio muestra que el costo es el objetivo económico más frecuente, las emisiones de efecto invernadero son el objetivo ambiental más utilizado y el número de empleos creados es el criterio social más considerado, dejando de lado aspectos relevantes como la seguridad alimentaria.  

    Gestión de la cadena de abastecimiento del biodiésel: una revisión de la literatura

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    The benefi ts of biofuels have been refl ected in an increasing number of countries that are introducing (or planning to introduce) policies to increase the proportion of biofuels in their energy mix. Currently, only small quantities of biofuels are traded on international markets because most of these fuels are consumed domestically. However, a rapid expansion of bio-fuel trade is expected since many countries have no domestic capacity to supply their own demand.Based on the expected-growth trend of the bio-fuels business, both globally and locally, it seems appropriate to have the technical tools to support decision making in agribusiness management so as to make better use of a so-far nascent market; yet knowing that in the medium and long term, such a market may become a large manufacturing sector that brings development to its productive regions. This paper attempts to present a comprehensive survey of the bio-diesel supply chain together with mathematical models intended to support decision-making in supply chain management.Los beneficios asociados a los biocombustibles se ven reflejados en un creciente número de países, introduciendo o planeando introducir, políticas para incrementar la proporción de su producción dentro de su matriz energética. Actualmente, sólo peque-ñas cantidades de biocombustibles se transan en los mercados internacionales ya que la mayoría se consume domésticamente. Sin embargo, se espera que el comercio de bio-combustibles se expanda rápidamente dado que numerosos países no tendrán la capa-cidad doméstica para abastecer sus mercados internos.Con base en el tendiente crecimiento del negocio de los biocombustibles, tanto a ni-vel mundial como local, resulta pertinente contar con herramientas técnicas que apoyen la toma de decisiones en la gestión agroindustrial para aprovechar de mejor manera un mercado por ahora naciente, pero que a mediano y largo plazo se escenifica como un gran sector productivo que podrá generar desarrollo a las regiones productivas. Este trabajo tiene el fin de presentar un estado del arte sobre la cadena de abastecimiento-del biodiésel y los modelos matemáticos desarrollados para apoyar la toma de decisio-nes en la gestión de la cadena de suministro