430 research outputs found

    A technological solution for everywhere energy supply

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    The hydrogen economy is still at the beginning, but society innovation, and the market push inexorably toward hydrogen, inspiring the idea to build an energy-integrated system that can satisfy, in an independent way, the energy needs of small-sized consumers. The technologies used for the system design are already available in the market and, at least for the standard Solutions, sufficiently mature. The innovation consists of an integration, optimization, and industrialization of this modular system, which is an electric zero-emissions generator giving 3.5 kW(p) as an output power This is the only system able to produce its own fuel, guaranteeing renewable and clean energy., available where and when you want. This system is constituted by a polymer membrane electrolyzer, a metal hydrides tank (which absorbs and desorbs hydrogen), and a polymer fuel cell (PEM). The system modularity can also satisfy higher energy requirements, and the low-pressure hydrogen storage system through metal hydrides guarantees the system safety. (ASME Transactions

    The concept of energy traceability: Application to EV electricity charging by Res

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    The energy sustainability, in the era of sources diversification , can be guaranteed by an energy resources utilization most correct, foreseeing no predominance of one source over the others in any area of the world but a proper energy mix, based on locally available resources and needs. In this scenario, manageable with a smart grid system, a virtuous use of RES must be visible, recognizable and quantifiable, in one word traceable. The innovation of the traceability concept consists in the possibility of having information concerning the exact origin of the electricity used for a specific end use, in this case EV charging . The traceability, in a context of increasingly sustainability and smartness city, is an important develop tool because only in this way it is possible to quantify the real emissions produced by EVs and to ensure the real foresight of grid load. This paper wants investigate the real ways to introduce this kind of real energy accounting, through the traceabilit

    Drive-style emission testing on the latest two Honda hybrid technologies

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    Introduction Hybrid technology is seen by many as a potential solution to reduce vehicle emissions in cities. However type approval tests of hybrid vehicles measure emission levels comparable to those of conventional cars in the same market segment. It has been argued that type approval tests do not represent the reality of emission in cities therefore, to quantify the real emission of hybrids and to compare them with those of conventional vehicles in the same conditions, an emission measurement campaign was organised. Acquisition campaign Three Honda cars, one conventional (the Civic 2.0) and two hybrids (the Civic IMA and the Civic Hybrid), equipped to collect emissions as well as the engine and vehicle working parameters were driven three times by twenty drivers on the same urban route. Drivers were asked to drive normally and not requested to do anything special but to scrupulously follow the given itinerary. Results Two main results were obtained: average and maximum emission levels for the three cars are quantified; the effects of the drivers on such levels assessed. The conventional car (with two people and 250 kg of measurement tools onboard) consumes an average of 12.6 l/100 km, its CO2 emissions range between 200 g/km and 300 g/km with an average of 260 g/km. CO emissions range between 0.25 g/km and 6.25 g/km (Euro IV limit is 1 g/km) with an average of 2 g/km. The most recent of the two tested hybrids consume in average 8.23 l/100 km and emits between 150 and 230 g/km of CO2 with an average of about 180 g/km; it emits virtually no CO in the majority of cases but can reach up to 1.8 g/km and average CO emissions are about 0.2 g/km. The hybrid performs always better than the conventional; in terms of CO2 and consumption it can have up to a 30% reduction and in terms of CO up to 90% reduction. Conclusions The wideness of the measured ranges depends mostly on the drivers. Women tend to consume and emit less than men. The reason for this is the different way they use the accelerator pedal; they push it less and keep it steadier. In other word the standard deviation of the accelerator position (or throttle) is lower. It is here shown how a correlation exist between the throttle standard deviation and the emissions which justify using such parameter as the indicator of drive-style

    Towards inkjet-printed low cost passive UHF RFID skin mounted tattoo paper tags based on silver nanoparticle inks

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    The present work describes the inkjet printing and low temperature sintering of silver nanoparticle inks onto transfer tattoo paper. Our approach results in silver features of excellent resolution and conductivity and, subsequently the first passive UHF RFID transfer tattoo tags functional mounted on human skin of improved performance when compared to screen printed passive UHF RFID transfer tattoo paper tags. Moreover, inkjet printed passive UHF RFID transfer tattoo tags show similar performance to copper etched passive UHF RFID tags on plastic substrates. This study compares the image quality (resolution) and electrical performance of two commercial silver nanoparticle inks inkjet printed on transfer tattoo paper. The optimal printing and sintering parameters to obtain high resolution features of resistivities 20 to 57 times the resistivity of bulk silver (1.59 × 10?6 ohm cm) are described. We demonstrate how, by selectively depositing ink in specific areas of the antenna, read distance of passive UHF RFID tags can be increased from 54 to 68 cm whilst decreasing the amount of ink used by 33%. Furthermore, this approach results in inkjet printed passive UHF RFID tattoo tags with larger read distance than silver screen printed passive UHF RFID tattoo tags, 45 cm, and similar to copper etched passive UHF RFID plastic tags, 75 cm. Moreover, inkjet printed passive UHF RFID tattoo tags in this work are considerably thinner (1–5 ?m) than screen and etched passive UHF RFID tags (tens of micrometers) hence, making the former more appealing to the end user. In addition to this, inkjet printing is compatible with large area manufacturing techniques and has the potential to evolve as one of the most promising RFID mass-production techniques. Therefore, this work represents a step towards the commercialization of on-body transfer tattoo paper passive UHF RFID tags

    Autonomous Sensors: Existing and Prospective Applications

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    Diseases & disorder

    Progress towards Bell-type polarization experiment with thermal neutrons

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    Experimental tests of Bell-type inequalities distinguishing between quantum mechanics and local realistic theories remain of considerable interest if performed on massive particles, for which no conclusive result has yet been obtained. Only two-particle experiments may specifically test the concept of spatial nonlocality in quantum theory, whereas single-particle experiments may generally test the concept of quantum noncontextuality. Here we have performed the first Bell-type experiment with a beam of thermal-neutron pairs in the singlet state of spin, as originally suggested by J. S. Bell. These measurements confirm the quantum-theoretical predictions, in agreement with the results of the well-known polarization experiments carried out on optical photons years ago

    Chapter Autonomous Sensors: Existing and Prospective Applications

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    Diseases & disorder

    Sustainability Science: Sustainable Energy for Mobility and Its Use in Policy Making

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    Since the 1980s sustainability has clearly become the challenge of the 21st century. In a process toward a sustainable society it is crucial that different stakeholders start collaboration and exchange ideas with technicians and academics. To finalize the policy decisions on important issues such as energy sustainability, collaboration between policy makers, academia and the private sector is important. This work intends to give Italian policy makers concrete advice and solutions to develop energy systems for mobility. The analysis proceeds from the context of Sustainability Science, a new science, which has emerged as one of the most important disciplines of international scientific research. Using a new approach, trans-disciplinary and integrated, this research is oriented to study and understand the complexity of the interactions between economy, society and nature. This broad approach permits proposing concrete solutions to complex problems locally and globally. We propose a scheme of definition of Sustainability Energy, defining five pillars of reference, and we redefine the energy systems for mobility in the context of Sustainability Science. In this paper, we start from the idea that we are living in a crucial passage, we are moving from the era of petroleum to the era of energy vectors. Energy systems, including mobility, should be redefined within this new approach

    Evidence of a low-temperature dynamical transition in concentrated microgels

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    A low-temperature dynamical transition has been reported in several proteins. We provide the first observation of a `protein-like' dynamical transition in nonbiological aqueous environments. To this aim we exploit the popular colloidal system of poly-N-isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAM) microgels, extending their investigation to unprecedentedly high concentrations. Owing to the heterogeneous architecture of the microgels, water crystallization is avoided in concentrated samples, allowing us to monitor atomic dynamics at low temperatures. By elastic incoherent neutron scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, we find that a dynamical transition occurs at a temperature Td250T_d\sim250~K, independently from PNIPAM mass fraction. However, the transition is smeared out on approaching dry conditions. The quantitative agreement between experiments and simulations provides evidence that the transition occurs simultaneously for PNIPAM and water dynamics. The similarity of these results with hydrated protein powders suggests that the dynamical transition is a generic feature in complex macromolecular systems, independently from their biological function