10 research outputs found

    Chromosome-scale genome assemblies of aphids reveal extensively rearranged autosomes and long-term conservation of the X chromosome

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    Chromosome rearrangements are arguably the most dramatic type of mutations, often leading to rapid evolution and speciation. However, chromosome dynamics have only been studied at the sequence level in a small number of model systems. In insects, Diptera and Lepidoptera have conserved genome structure at the scale of whole chromosomes or chromosome arms. Whether this reflects the diversity of insect genome evolution is questionable given that many species exhibit rapid karyotype evolution. Here, we investigate chromosome evolution in aphids-an important group of hemipteran plant pests-using newly generated chromosome-scale genome assemblies of the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) and the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum), and a previously published assembly of the corn-leaf aphid (Rhopalosiphum maidis). We find that aphid autosomes have undergone dramatic reorganization over the last 30 My, to the extent that chromosome homology cannot be determined between aphids from the tribes Macrosiphini (Myzus persicae and Acyrthosiphon pisum) and Aphidini (Rhopalosiphum maidis). In contrast, gene content of the aphid sex (X) chromosome remained unchanged despite rapid sequence evolution, low gene expression, and high transposable element load. To test whether rapid evolution of genome structure is a hallmark of Hemiptera, we compared our aphid assemblies with chromosome-scale assemblies of two blood-feeding Hemiptera (Rhodnius prolixus and Triatoma rubrofasciata). Despite being more diverged, the blood-feeding hemipterans have conserved synteny. The exceptional rate of structural evolution of aphid autosomes renders them an important emerging model system for studying the role of large-scale genome rearrangements in evolution

    An aphid RNA transcript migrates systemically within plants and is a virulence factor

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    Aphids are sap-feeding insects that colonize a broad range of plant species and often cause feeding damage and transmit plant pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and viroids. These insects feed from the plant vascular tissue, predominantly the phloem. However, it remains largely unknown how aphids, and other sap-feeding insects, establish intimate long-term interactions with plants. To identify aphid virulence factors, we took advantage of the ability of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae to colonize divergent plant species. We found that a M. persicae clone of near-identical females established stable colonies on nine plant species of five representative plant eudicot and monocot families that span the angiosperm phylogeny. Members of the novel aphid gene family Ya are differentially expressed in aphids on the nine plant species and are coregulated and organized as tandem repeats in aphid genomes. Aphids translocate Ya transcripts into plants, and some transcripts migrate to distal leaves within several plant species. RNAi-mediated knockdown of Ya genes reduces M. persicae fecundity, and M. persicae produces more progeny on transgenic plants that heterologously produce one of the systemically migrating Ya transcripts as a long noncoding (lnc) RNA. Taken together, our findings show that beyond a range of pathogens, M. persicae aphids translocate their own transcripts into plants, including a Ya lncRNA that migrates to distal locations within plants, promotes aphid fecundity, and is a member of a previously undescribed host-responsive aphid gene family that operate as virulence factors

    Hybridisation has shaped a recent radiation of grass-feeding aphids

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    Background: Aphids are common crop pests. These insects reproduce by facultative parthenogenesis involving several rounds of clonal reproduction interspersed with an occasional sexual cycle. Furthermore, clonal aphids give birth to live young that are already pregnant. These qualities enable rapid population growth and have facilitated the colonisation of crops globally. In several cases, so-called “super clones” have come to dominate agricultural systems. However, the extent to which the sexual stage of the aphid life cycle has shaped global pest populations has remained unclear, as have the origins of successful lineages. Here, we used chromosome-scale genome assemblies to disentangle the evolution of two global pests of cereals—the English (Sitobion avenae) and Indian (Sitobion miscanthi) grain aphids.   Results: Genome-wide divergence between S. avenae and S. miscanthi is low. Moreover, comparison of haplotype-resolved assemblies revealed that the S. miscanthi isolate used for genome sequencing is likely a hybrid, with one of its diploid genome copies closely related to S. avenae (~ 0.5% divergence) and the other substantially more divergent (> 1%). Population genomics analyses of UK and China grain aphids showed that S. avenae and S. miscanthi are part of a cryptic species complex with many highly differentiated lineages that predate the origins of agriculture. The complex consists of hybrid lineages that display a tangled history of hybridisation and genetic introgression.   Conclusions: Our analyses reveal that hybridisation has substantially contributed to grain aphid diversity, and hence, to the evolutionary potential of this important pest species. Furthermore, we propose that aphids are particularly well placed to exploit hybridisation events via the rapid propagation of live-born “frozen hybrids” via asexual reproduction, increasing the likelihood of hybrid lineage formation

    Sex-specific changes in the aphid DNA methylation landscape

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    Aphids present an ideal system to study epigenetics as they can produce diverse, but genetically identical, morphs in response to environmental stimuli. Here, using whole genome bisulphite sequencing and transcriptome sequencing of the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), we present the first detailed analysis of cytosine methylation in an aphid and investigate differences in the methylation and transcriptional landscapes of male and asexual female morphs. We find that methylation primarily occurs in a CG dinucleotide (CpG) context and that exons are highly enriched for methylated CpGs, particularly at the 3' end of genes. Methylation is positively associated with gene expression, and methylated genes are more stably expressed than un-methylated genes. Male and asexual female morphs have distinct methylation profiles. Strikingly, these profiles are divergent between the sex chromosome and the autosomes; autosomal genes are hypo-methylated in males compared to asexual females, whereas genes belonging to the sex chromosome, which is haploid in males, are hyper-methylated. Overall, we find correlated changes in methylation and gene expression between males and asexual females, and this correlation is particularly strong for genes located on the sex chromosome. Our results suggest that differential methylation of sex-biased genes plays a role in aphid sexual differentiation

    Rapid transcriptional plasticity of duplicated gene clusters enables a clonally reproducing aphid to colonise diverse plant species

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    Background: The prevailing paradigm of host-parasite evolution is that arms races lead to increasing specialisation via genetic adaptation. Insect herbivores are no exception and the majority have evolved to colonise a small number of closely related host species. Remarkably, the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, colonises plant species across 40 families and single M. persicae clonal lineages can colonise distantly related plants. This remarkable ability makes M. persicae a highly destructive pest of many important crop species. Results: To investigate the exceptional phenotypic plasticity of M. persicae, we sequenced the M. persicae genome and assessed how one clonal lineage responds to host plant species of different families. We show that genetically identical individuals are able to colonise distantly related host species through the differential regulation of genes belonging to aphid-expanded gene families. Multigene clusters collectively upregulate in single aphids within two days upon host switch. Furthermore, we demonstrate the functional significance of this rapid transcriptional change using RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knock-down of genes belonging to the cathepsin B gene family. Knock-down of cathepsin B genes reduced aphid fitness, but only on the host that induced upregulation of these genes. Conclusions: Previous research has focused on the role of genetic adaptation of parasites to their hosts. Here we show that the generalist aphid pest M. persicae is able to colonise diverse host plant species in the absence of genetic specialisation. This is achieved through rapid transcriptional plasticity of genes that have duplicated during aphid evolution

    The Business Exchange Experience Programme (BEEP) : an evaluation for the Royal Norwegian Society for Development (SNV)

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    This Noragric Report was commissioned by the Royal Norwegian Society for Development (SNV) to Noragric and published in March 200

    A clonally reproducing generalist aphid pest colonises diverse host plants by rapid transcriptional plasticity of duplicated gene clusters

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    Background The prevailing paradigm of host-parasite evolution is that arms races lead to increasing specialisation via genetic adaptation. Insect herbivores are no exception, and the majority have evolved to colonise a small number of closely related host species. Remarkably, the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae , colonises plant species across 40 families and single M. persicae clonal lineages can colonise distantly related plants. This remarkable ability makes M. persicae a highly destructive pest of many important crop species. Results To investigate the exceptional phenotypic plasticity of M. persicae , we sequenced the M. persicae genome and assessed how one clonal lineage responds to host plant species of different families. We show that genetically identical individuals are able to colonise distantly related host species through the differential regulation of genes belonging to aphid-expanded gene families. Multigene clusters collectively up-regulate in single aphids within two days upon host switch. Furthermore, we demonstrate the functional significance of this rapid transcriptional change using RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knock-down of genes belonging to the cathepsin B gene family. Knock-down of cathepsin B genes reduced aphid fitness, but only on the host that induced up-regulation of these genes. Conclusions Previous research has focused on the role of genetic adaptation of parasites to their hosts. Here we show that the generalist aphid pest M. persicae is able to colonise diverse host plant species in the absence of genetic specialisation. This is achieved through rapid transcriptional plasticity of genes that have duplicated during aphid evolution