143 research outputs found

    A reforma trabalhista como negação do direito ao acesso à justiça: um estudo de caso da cidade de Paracatu-MG

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    Resumo: O presente artigo tem por objeto os impactos da Reforma Trabalhista no campo do direito do trabalhador, utilizando referencial bibliográfico na análise das principais mudanças na nova lei e no concernente às consequências da referida reforma para o trabalhador. Apresenta, ainda, estudo de caso com levantamento de dados na Vara do Trabalho de Paracatu-MG, com intuito de verificar a frequência de ações demandadas do referido órgão, antes e pós-reforma. Palavras-chave: Reforma Trabalhista. Direito do Trabalho. Trabalhador. Justiça do Trabalho. Justiça Trabalhista

    Cutoff points for the 1-RM test and their association with mortality in COPD

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    Introduction: There is no available cutoff for the 1-repetition maximum (1RM) test of knee extensor muscles associated with prognosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Aims: To determine 1RM cutoffs for the knee extensors and to verify their association with mortality in COPD. Methods: In a preliminary analysis of a multicenter study, 170 patients performed the 1RM test of knee extensors (52%♂; 66±8yrs; FEV1 46±15%pred). Cutoffs for 1RM and 1RM/Body Weight ratio (1RM/BW) were identified by ROC curve analysis in a subgroup of patients (n=114; 68 from Brazil; 46 from Portugal). They were classified as either normal (≥80%pred) or low (<80%pred) strength by their maximum voluntary isometric contraction of knee extensors. Vital status was retrospectively ascertained for four years in the remaining sample (n=56). Results: The best discriminative cutoffs (1RM♀: 22kg; 1RM♂: 34kg; 1RM/BW♀: 25%; 1RM/BW♂: 48%) were tested in Kaplan-Meier analysis (Figure 1). Respectively, 40% and 41% of patients classified as ‘low strength’ according to 1RM and 1RM/BW cut-offs died in 4 years, in comparison to 0% and 20% in those with normal strength (P>0.05). Cox regression adjusted for confounders was not statistically significant. Conclusion: New gender-based knee extensors 1RM cutoffs adjusted or not for body weight were provided, although they were not yet statistically associated with mortality in this preliminary analysis.publishe

    New genes of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri involved in pathogenesis and adaptation revealed by a transposon-based mutant library

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Citrus canker is a disease caused by the phytopathogens <it>Xanthomonas citri </it>subsp. <it>citri</it>, <it>Xanthomonas fuscans </it>subsp. <it>aurantifolli </it>and <it>Xanthomonas alfalfae </it>subsp. <it>citrumelonis</it>. The first of the three species, which causes citrus bacterial canker type A, is the most widely spread and severe, attacking all citrus species. In Brazil, this species is the most important, being found in practically all areas where citrus canker has been detected. Like most phytobacterioses, there is no efficient way to control citrus canker. Considering the importance of the disease worldwide, investigation is needed to accurately detect which genes are related to the pathogen-host adaptation process and which are associated with pathogenesis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Through transposon insertion mutagenesis, 10,000 mutants of <it>Xanthomonas citri </it>subsp. <it>citri </it>strain 306 (Xcc) were obtained, and 3,300 were inoculated in Rangpur lime (<it>Citrus limonia</it>) leaves. Their ability to cause citrus canker was analyzed every 3 days until 21 days after inoculation; a set of 44 mutants showed altered virulence, with 8 presenting a complete loss of causing citrus canker symptoms. Sequencing of the insertion site in all 44 mutants revealed that 35 different ORFs were hit, since some ORFs were hit in more than one mutant, with mutants for the same ORF presenting the same phenotype. An analysis of these ORFs showed that some encoded genes were previously known as related to pathogenicity in phytobacteria and, more interestingly, revealed new genes never implicated with <it>Xanthomonas </it>pathogenicity before, including hypothetical ORFs. Among the 8 mutants with no canker symptoms are the <it>hrpB4 </it>and <it>hrpX </it>genes, two genes that belong to type III secretion system (TTSS), two hypothetical ORFS and, surprisingly, the <it>htrA </it>gene, a gene reported as involved with the virulence process in animal-pathogenic bacteria but not described as involved in phytobacteria virulence. Nucleic acid hybridization using labeled cDNA probes showed that some of the mutated genes are differentially expressed when the bacterium is grown in citrus leaves. Finally, comparative genomic analysis revealed that 5 mutated ORFs are in new putative pathogenicity islands.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The identification of these new genes related with Xcc infection and virulence is a great step towards the understanding of plant-pathogen interactions and could allow the development of strategies to control citrus canker.</p

    Caracterização ambiental, respostas fisiológicas e tolerância ao calor de caprinos e ovinos alojados em parque de exposição

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    Objetivou-se caracterizar o ambiente do Parque de Exposição Aristófanes Fernandes e avaliar a resposta fisiológica de 12 fêmeas caprinas (Boer e Anglonubiano) e 12 fêmeas ovinas (Santa Inês e Dorper) alojadas no parque durante o período de exposição. Os parâmetros ambientais coletados foram Temperatura ambiental, Umidade relativa do ar, Luminosidade, Velocidade dos ventos e Ruídos, enquanto as respostas fisiológicas analisadas nos animais foram Frequência Respiratória, Frequência Cardíaca, Temperatura Retal e Temperatura Superficial. Os parâmetros ambientais avaliados permaneceram dentro dos limiares especificados pela literatura para o equilíbrio homeotérmico animal. A luminosidade foi maior no turno matutino, no entanto, foi identificada eficiência significativa na ativação dos mecanismos de termorregulação animal, expressada nas variáveis fisiológicas. O genótipo Dorper manifestou elevação na FR e FC, representando a necessidade de maior dissipação de energia e maior sensibilidade ao ambiente de exposição. Não houve diferença significativa no ITC e todos os genótipos se apresentaram como tolerantes ao calor

    Identification of novel soybean microRNAs involved in abiotic and biotic stresses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Small RNAs (19-24 nt) are key regulators of gene expression that guide both transcriptional and post-transcriptional silencing mechanisms in eukaryotes. Current studies have demonstrated that microRNAs (miRNAs) act in several plant pathways associated with tissue proliferation, differentiation, and development and in response to abiotic and biotic stresses. In order to identify new miRNAs in soybean and to verify those that are possibly water deficit and rust-stress regulated, eight libraries of small RNAs were constructed and submitted to Solexa sequencing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The libraries were developed from drought-sensitive and tolerant seedlings and rust-susceptible and resistant soybeans with or without stressors. Sequencing the library and subsequent analyses detected 256 miRNAs. From this total, we identified 24 families of novel miRNAs that had not been reported before, six families of conserved miRNAs that exist in other plants species, and 22 families previously reported in soybean. We also observed the presence of several isomiRNAs during our analyses. To validate novel miRNAs, we performed RT-qPCR across the eight different libraries. Among the 11 miRNAs analyzed, all showed different expression profiles during biotic and abiotic stresses to soybean. The majority of miRNAs were up-regulated during water deficit stress in the sensitive plants. However, for the tolerant genotype, most of the miRNAs were down regulated. The pattern of miRNAs expression was also different for the distinct genotypes submitted to the pathogen stress. Most miRNAs were down regulated during the fungus infection in the susceptible genotype; however, in the resistant genotype, most miRNAs did not vary during rust attack. A prediction of the putative targets was carried out for conserved and novel miRNAs families.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Validation of our results with quantitative RT-qPCR revealed that Solexa sequencing is a powerful tool for miRNA discovery. The identification of differentially expressed plant miRNAs provides molecular evidence for the possible involvement of miRNAs in the process of water deficit- and rust-stress responses.</p

    Relação entre os achados da inspeção visual e o exame citológico do colo do útero*

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    Introduction: The main strategy for the control and screening of cervical cancer (CCU) is cytopathological examination. Objective: To describe the cytological result, relating it to the information of the visual inspection of the cervix. Methodology: Cytological samples collected from women attended at the Primary Health Care were analyzed by the Papanicolaou method. Results: 34 women, aged 19-67 years, participated in the study. Of these, 8.28% were representative of JEC cells; 7.14% presented pathogenic agents and reactive inflammatory changes. One woman, whose cervix was identified as “altered” in the exam requisition, presented a suggestive result of ASC-US. For another woman, with a LSIL cytologic result, the cervix was identified as “normal” in the examination request. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that observation of the visual aspects of the cervix during visual inspection of the pap smear is an important tool for screening the CCU.Introdução: A principal estratégia para o controle e rastreamento do câncer do colo do útero (CCU) é o exame citopatológico. Objetivo: Descrever o resultado citológico, relacionando-o com as informações da inspeção visual do colo do útero. Metodologia: Amostras citológicas coletadas de mulheres atendidas na Atenção Básica de Saúde foram analisadas pelo método de Papanicolaou. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 34 mulheres, com idade entre 19 e 67 anos. Destas, 8,28% tiveram representatividade de células da JEC; 7,14% apresentaram agentes patogênicos e alterações reativas inflamatórias. Uma mulher, cujo colo foi identificado como “alterado” na requisição do exame, apresentou resultado sugestivo de ASC-US. Para outra mulher, com resultado citológico de LSIL, o colo foi identificado como “normal” na requisição do exame. Conclusão: Este estudo demonstra que a observação dos aspectos visuais do colo do útero durante inspeção visual do exame de Papanicolaou é uma importante ferramenta para o rastreamento do CCU

    Evaluation of immunization with purine salvation pathway recombinant enzymes in Schistosoma mansoni worms and eggs in murine schistosomiasis

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    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), on tropical and subtropical areas, schistosomiasis is the second parasitic disease of greater prevalence, in terms of morbidity and mortality, surpassed only by malaria. The Praziquantel (PZQ) is used for the treatment of this disease. However, reports of resistant strains reinforce the need to develop a new schistosomicidal drug. The infection by the parasite induces an inflammatory reaction of long duration due to the presence of adult worms living in the mesenteric venous system. The parasite lays eggs in small vessels of the submucosa of the intestines. These eggs are transported by the blood flow to the liver and they cause a granulomatous inflammatory reaction. A new approach can be held by the study of the following Schistosoma mansoni enzymes: purine nucleoside phosphorilase 1 (PNP), hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) and adenylate kinase (ADK). The parasite, incapable of synthetizing purine nucleotides through the de novo pathway, has multiple mechanisms to incorporate purine bases through the purine salvage pathway. In our results, we suggest that the immunization in Balb/c mice with the mentioned recombinant enzymes was capable of inducing a specific immune response, favoring the reduction of both the parasite load and number of eggs per gram of feces. The acquired data show that these enzymes can be considered as new targets to immunotherapy against schistosomiasis mansoni.CNPqFAPES

    Restrição alimentar de glúten e caseína em pacientes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista

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    O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é enquadrado nos transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento, e cursa com sintomas centrais no comprometimento de, principalmente, três áreas: comunicativa, social e comportamental. Trata-se de um transtorno mais prevalente no sexo masculino e geralmente manifestado até o terceiro ano de vida. O objetivo desse estudo foi abordar os aspectos da restrição alimentar de glúten e caseína em pacientes com o transtorno, tendo em vista a complexidade de manejo terapêutico do TEA desde seu diagnóstico. Foi realizada revisão de literatura, a partir da busca por artigos nas bases de dados: Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), Scientific Eletronic Online (Scielo) e PubMed, por meio dos descritores: “Transtorno do Espectro Autista”, “Caseína”, “Glúten”, “Restrição”, e 8 artigos foram utilizados para o desenvolvimento do trabalho. Os resultados evidenciaram a falta de dados comprobatórios para a eficácia da restrição alimentar de glúten e caseína na melhora dos sintomas em pacientes com TEA. Ademais, foi visto que tal restrição só deve ser considerada em casos de intolerância ou alergia, pois as restrições alimentares sem indicação efetiva podem estar relacionadas a rejeição social, estigmatização e dificuldades de socialização e integração e potencializar efeitos do transtorno. Conclui-se, portanto, a necessidade de novos estudos com metodologia eficaz e organizada para, então, considerar tal prática como medida terapêutica